Daily Prophetic Words Can Change Your Life

Flat design style modern vector illustration set concept of hand holding digital tablet and mobile phone with blank screen. Isolated on stylish colored backgroundDaily Prophetic Words Can Change Your Life
Doug Addison

Thousands of people are now following my Daily Prophetic Words. I wrote this blog to answer questions and help people understand them better.

Have you wanted to hear God on a daily basis? Most people already are but might not be aware of it. Sometimes it is good to know what God is saying so that you can make more confident decisions and understand His timing.

A few years ago God spoke to me to begin to write short, encouraging prophetic words that I release on various social media sites each day. I write what God shows me and call them Daily Prophetic Words. For the most part these prophetic words are what I would call confirming words.

In other words, people have already sensed God speaking the same message to them before they read the encouraging word. So there is a sort of echo to the prophetic word where God is repeating Himself to reassure people that they have heard Him accurately.

They are not for every person on every day. But more times than not, God will use the Daily Prophetic Words to speak to people and give them encouragement. You will find them on my website Dougaddison.com as well as on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Most are words of knowledge, you will find these gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. These prophetic words are usually about the present or the past and some are a bit about the future.

Why do they sound like fortune cookies?
The Daily Prophetic Words are very short because I release them on Twitter and social media sites that have a limit on the number of characters you can use. I like to communicate them in nonreligious language since this is a value that I have. I believe that too much Christianese language, or insider talk, can alienate or even confuse people without a religious background.

Is this like a horoscope?
Not at all. Horoscopes and fortunes are not derived from the Holy Spirit. Because I am communicating them differently they do not sound like some of the prophetic words that we might be used to hearing. It is important to understand that the source of the revelation is what matters. These words are by faith from God through the Holy Spirit.

Why no Bible verses?
The Daily Prophetic Words are done in a short format. I do not have the space to list supporting Bible verses. However, they do not violate biblical principles. In the same way, I am usually not able to mention the name Jesus in them because of space, time and the style in which God instructed me to do them.

How I receive them
I generally get them a month or more in advance, one for each day of the month. They come to me through the Holy Spirit and normally all at once. Often I cannot remember them afterwards, so when I read them myself each day I am often surprised at their accuracy and how they apply to my life situation!

There are many references in the Bible showing the various ways God can speak to us. Daily Prophetic Words are from the Holy Spirit and are designed to bring encouragement and confirmation.

“But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.” 1 Corinthians 14:3 NIV

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Ephesians 1:17 NIV

“Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.” Proverbs 8:34 NIV

Going beyond the daily
I also release weekly and monthly prophetic words through my Internet blog on my website. These are actually much more prophetic in nature (that is, about the future as well as encouraging). God has gifted me to understand the times and seasons that we are living in. So my weekly and monthly prophetic articles often contain specific dates and periods of times. I basically report what God speaks to me about the specific season that we are in as a Church or people at large.

Again, it might not apply to every person but I get a lot of feedback that it is exactly what masses of people are experiencing.

I invite you to read some of my prophetic articles on my blog. Read some of my prophetic articles too, because it will help you understand the process I go through. I do try to explain as much as I can about how these words came to me. I try to let people know that it is not always so mystical to hear God.

It actually becomes naturally supernatural when you grab hold of the ability to hear God on a daily basis. I try to demystify it and to really activate people into recognizing the fact that God is speaking all the time and most of us are missing it.

If you are interested in receiving Daily Prophetic Words in your email box each day simply sign up here.

Be sure to share them with your friends!


Doug Addison


Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Reply

    When a prophet of God like Brian Carn speaks a word into your life, the course of your life can be changed. And that is my earnest prayer for you today.

    • dddrsuysey
    • June 30, 2015

    są zdolne przedstawić pełnia scen weselnych, wspólnie z sekretnymi, skoro ogarniają że zacięcie się na nie da im zarysowaną
    przewagę. Istnieją niebywale trzeźwe także skoro właściwie to mogę namówić – bezwyjątkowe.
    W 4 przypadkach na 5 samemu czujne prowadzeniem stwierdzaj do skupionego majątku.

    • June 9, 2015


    • Annie
    • May 31, 2015

    Hi Doug, I love what the Lord is doing through your ministry and I have been receiving the daily words for over a year, but most of the the time, it does not seem to be “for me”. I am trying not to get discouraged, and if anything, I feel like I am in some sort of holding pattern in my life. Do you have any words for those for whom these daily prophetic words do not seem to apply? Could it be due to the season of dryness the Lord has me in? Just grasping for answers. Thanks so much! I still get so encouraged by your messages of love and what God is doing in your life. Annie

    • Mary
    • May 31, 2015

    We need to trust the Holy Spirit. We don’t need scripture to confirm the words from God to a prophet. As you read the words you feel God’s peace saying these words are from me to you.

    Thanks, Doug for the teaching. So many false prophets use scripture.

    • Jan Loesch
    • May 31, 2015

    Hi Doug;
    LOL – I had just completed journaling about a dream I had this morning – centered around “steps” and your Daily Word talked about the next steps to take.
    The dream was very scary. I often have step dreams, but this one took place as I was walking across a grassy, sloping field. The steps had just been put in and they were marble. The first one was wide and easy with hand rails. The 2nd was about 18″ down and was not as wide – still had hand rails. The 3rd step was about 24″ down and was much harder to make. It was also not as wide, but had hand rails. The last step #4 was very narrow and about 3′
    down with no hand rails. I stopped and cried. I could not see any way of getting down to the next step and I was afraid that I would fall. This step had no hand rails. A lady came over from the community and asked why I was crying. I told her – why did they have to make the steps so far apart? It is not right – it is not normal – people will get hurt? The rest is a little hazy – we talked and it seemed like either the step got higher or with help I was able to make it down. I woke up and knew that I needed to journal this. I believe that I am being prepared for the next “step” in my career/purpose/destiny my ministry. I believe that God has been pruning me and preparing me and it feels like the next season of my life will cause me to risk the next step. Please keep me in prayer and help me to understand this dream. Blessings.

    • Reply

      Are you a contractor? That’s a lot of specific details in your dream! Afraid to fall can be fear of failure. I had that dream for years before God healed me. God bless you as you continue to trust him and take steps towards your goal.

  2. Reply

    I have found the daily prophetic words to be very encouraging! And the more specific ones are often spot on! Must mean many people go through the same things… 🙂

    “Daily Prophetic Word May 18, 2015 Watch for unexpected finances to flow and for creative ideas and investment opportunities.”

    All those 3 things happened that day, and we got our breakthrough that we have been praying for for several years!

    The Lord had told us 5 days before that: “I lead you now into the promise land, be ready to slay the giants….”


    • Pamele Uribe
    • May 28, 2015

    I have been beyond blessed by your daily prophetic words! I am a stay at home mom with two young kids, and even in the midst of this very busy season of my life, God has been sharpening my prophetic gift!

    Every single day for 9 months, He would speak to me about something during the busyness of my day, and then after the kids were in bed for the night, I noticed that your prophetic word for the day was always confirmation of what He had spoken to me about that day!!! It really helped to encourage me to be confident and not doubt what I hear from Him.

    Thank You Doug!!!!

    • Michele
    • May 28, 2015

    Thank you for prophetic words (daily, weekly, monthly or whatever). I look forward to reading them everyday. They do minister to me and they don’t have to be laiden with scripture for me to know that they are from God. One of the very reasons that I have been drawn to your ministry is because you do demystify and remove a lot of the red tape that we have been told was needed in order to get anything done for God and therefore missing wonderful opportunities to minister and set those that are captive free.
    Just as an example something significant did occur today and God used it to revealed to me its deeper prophetic message just as today’s daily prophetic word says that it would. It was a very simple occurrence that made such an impact I had to stop and take notice of what was really happening. It pointed out, pointed to and confirmed the direction that God is and has been leading me. I am really excited about it and most of all I have a confidence about it now. I love your ministry and the way that explain things that we would have a better understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you again.

    • Carter
    • May 28, 2015

    Doug, my friend, Prophet,
    So much of what you write in the daily prophetic confirms so much about my relationship with God, and how in His grace He connected me to you. From the time we met in Defiance, OH, in June ’11 you have been a blessing to my wife, me and all those connected to us. There are people I know who follow you and read your words of encouragement since God connected us in 2011. We ask each other, “Did you read Doug’s prophetic word today; or did you read his blog”? Love you my friend and praying God continues to use you in supernatural ways!!!

    • Debra
    • May 28, 2015

    Doug I can not begin to tell you how much I enjoy your daily words. My whole life has changed after losing my job in august 2014. I was unable to find work and after months of prayer and your prophetic words I have stepped out to see a new path, a direction in my life that I never thought would or could occur. I have filed for early retirement and have been financially supported by friends around me as I make this transition in my life. I am experiencing new hope, joy, new vision for things that are my passion and hearts desire.

    • joan bliss
    • May 28, 2015

    I watch for it every day, I love it. Thanks for all you do!

    • Pamela
    • May 28, 2015

    You are BEYOND a blessing. Thank you for your love and caring and sensitivity to The Holy Spirit.Thank you for being a TRUE encourager to people. Thank you for showing forth the LOVE of GOD in EVERYTHING you do. May you be STRENGTHENED in your physical body in your inner man in your finances..in EVERY AREA of your life. May GOD ALMIGHTY speak LOUDER AND CLEARER to you as never before. May your family be BLESSED ENCOURAGED AND STRENGTHENED. You are loved and appreciated.

    • Dennis Campbell
    • May 28, 2015

    Bingo, right on the money. In the past few days I have been wrestling the thought that I was using your daily prophetic words like a fortune cookie… (my exact thoughts). Thank you Doug for hearing GOD, and Thank you GOD for putting my mind at ease.

    • Jenna Dawn
    • May 28, 2015

    Doug, your daily prophetic words and ministry as a whole has made a huge impact on my life. I am definitely one of those people who resonates with much of what God downloads into you. It’s really quite incredible, really. Thank you for following the voice of God and sharing your calling with the world.

    • Denise
    • May 28, 2015

    I am one that reads your prophetic words daily and also your monthly blogs! I love them, I wait for them and I share them! I pray over them and thank God for them also! I have had so many that really confirm what God is speaking to me! Thank you Doug for good food! Blessings!

    • Jane Belford
    • May 28, 2015

    In regards to prophetic words, one thing the Lord showed me was that if we look at a child with their father, does the father just listen to their child when his child speaks and not say anything. What sort of a relationship would that be. No. Any father wants to speak to their child and the Lord uses the term father because He wants to speak to us as well as listen. It’s not a one way thing, and He has so much to say. Any of God’s children can hear Him and if they cannot, then ask the Lord to teach you how to hear His voice, and He will. This is why Doug, how the Lord is using you with speaking and writing His words is such an important thing. It’s a special gift because He does use this gift in you to speak through you to others, very much so. Thank you Doug.

    • Rose
    • May 28, 2015

    Dear Pastor Doug,

    Thanks for your daily prophetic words.
    Though it’s not for me everyday, but, mostly it’s really as if written for me, for my encouragement and so my hope will more flourish and my expectation to God.

    May the Lord continue to bless you and your family and your ministry.

    God’s Child,

    • Laura
    • May 28, 2015

    I LOVE Daily Profetic Word <3 It really gives me encourage and comfort! 🙂 Thank you Doug!

    • D Peterson
    • May 28, 2015

    I agree fully with your prophetic words and think its a great way of confirmation and encouragement. The downside is that some Christians I know, only rely on prophetic words given by people and then do not spend time listening to God for their own situation. Then they get totally upset with God not doing what He promised. Any way, I appreciate your ministry, like the way you ‘normalise’ Christianity. 🙂

    • Irene La Palombara
    • May 28, 2015

    Doug, I am most grateful to you for the daily prophetic
    Words. So many times I am amazed at how they seem to be accurate for the time. Bless you & your obedience,
    In gratitude Irene

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