Prophetic Word: God Is Moving Quickly, Strangely And Strongly

Happy cheerful young woman jumping in the air in the middle of golden meadow with high grass. Conceptual of enjoying life happiness and life spirit. ** Note: Soft Focus at 100%, best at smaller sizes

This is a turning point and things are going to start happening at a fast pace. Watch as a new door will appear for you after June 13th. This is the end of the Jewish Feast of Weeks, also known as First Fruits, Leviticus 23:15. It occurs 7 weeks after Passover.

Seven is the number of completion—so 7 weeks ago God released something powerfully new from Heaven and it is now coming into your life.

If you did not see my Prophetic Word yet from last month, Why It’s Safe For You to Hope Again!, please go read that.

Passover this year was so strategic. I have been having divine encounters nonstop since then.

Now, 7 weeks after Passover is June 13, and God is going to jumpstart these new things in your life. God spoke to me Isaiah 60 … you can pull prophetic promises out of Isaiah 60 and watch for them to come about quickly. I am seeing this happen in my life already. I grabbed ahold of five verses from Isaiah 60 and I have been praying them in. Suddenly things are shifting!

God is moving quickly

“The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly. Isaiah 60:22 NIV

God is raising up the smallest to become mighty. For those who have walked through a time of pruning and purging this year, you will be raised up into new levels of authority. And He is doing it swiftly, starting in June.

“’The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills,’” Amos 9:13 NIV

Things are going to shift in order to bring about the new wine from God. The new harvest that is coming is going to look so different than previous times. Many will be tempted to reject or judge it. In many ways, it might even appear as evil.

But God is doing these new things for the sake of the harvest. For the sake of souls, God is looking for people who are willing to “leave the ninety-nine to go after the one” like Jesus did in Luke 15:4.

God is moving strangely

Expect to see your answer come, but be open to it looking different than you might have originally envisioned or requested it. God is going to take things that have been against you and turn them into a blessing in the end. But, you will need to battle for it.

Genesis 50:20 tells us that God will turn things that were intended for evil into good. This is happening starting in June, and for the next few months through September.

It is important to get “the eyes to see” and trust the Lord to work all these things out. They will indeed work out if you do not give up.

God is moving strongly

I have been experiencing radical moments of God’s power. I just got healed of a nearly 4-year affliction that had nearly taken me out. I have had terrible reactions to my environment that would cause me to have panic, anxiety and even hysterical episodes. After being carried off a cruise ship where I was supposed to minister, having to leave meetings, and being literally, tormented—I finally got to a place last January where I was no longer able to travel.

I have been in isolation for the past 5 months, not able to be around people because of cross-contamination. God has been using me strongly on the Internet, so most people may not have realized that I was suffering this badly. I heard the Lord tell me to get to the Fresh Fire USA and Canada Glory Awakening meeting with Todd Bentley last weekend in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.

I got healed my first night there (May 27) and my energy returned; anxiety and fatigue left, and after 4 nights of continual prayer, I got totally set free! I got off all medications and am starting to recover my life again. I highly recommend going there if you can, or at least catch the live stream of the meetings here. (Or you can watch the video archive here.)

The power of God there is greater than what I have seen since the 2008 Lakeland Outpourings. This is the 8th year since Lakeland. Todd Bentley is restored, and God is using him to ignite a fire that is going to take the world. You can read the word God gave me about Hamilton here.

I came home to California this week healed and seeing God move in my life quickly, strangely and strongly!

This is a time to crossover to all that God has promised you. A key to this will be letting go of perceived ideas and judgments.


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Wise T
    • June 23, 2016

    Thank you so much brother Doug for the wonderful message of hope and restoration from our Father. I have been going through a lot lately and so is my family. God has promised us so much and I know and believe that He is going to deliver as He promised. He is a faithful, loving and mercyful Father. I love your Ministry and I pray that Jesus will continue to use you and bless you during this times. God bless!!

    • Robin
    • June 9, 2016

    Amen! I have been being hit hard the last 4.5 years, since my husband and I got married in 12/2012. (He is a preacher). One thing after another with my health and our finances. (even a car accident in there…6 mos ago. I’m in pain and can’t take meds, and they SAY I have permanent damage. I say I am going to be healed.) I have been a bit isolated because I have food sensitivities and can’t eat out, and am sensitive to heat, and can’t go anywhere war,. I have had digestive issues and other ailments that have kept me from going places. It’s been REALLY bad lately….mold in the basement that is making me sick because I have a severe allergy to mold. We have no money to fix it. We have a full basement that we use for many things….it’s full of workout equipment, hobbies, storage, etc. They SAY all is contaminated. God gave us this house, so I am stepping out in faith….He will fix it. Somehow, someway. I was listening to John Paul’s CD today….Storms, Faith & Miracles. It was confirmation for me. I have to stay in the storm to get the miracles HE WANTS to perform, not bail out like I have done many times. (I’m not the only one…JP did it, too! LOL) THIS blog was also another confirmation to what I was talking about with my Pastor…about a mighty movement of God. John Paul spoke of it years ago when making the 1st Dreams course. (I finished the online course yesterday). JP’s wife had dreams about these mighty movements of God years ago. All but 2 have come to pass. He said the last ones will occur in MULTIPLE locations during her lifetime. God always moves mightily for my husband in June. This Father’s Day is June 19th. 5 yrs ago on June 19th (also Father’s Day) I walked into my current church and my life changed. The Pastor preached on purpose and I looked up and said, “Thank you”, with tears in my eyes. I was seeking my purpose and God was letting me know I was on track. I picked THAT church out of the blue…but He already knew I would! I was born on 5/5, and I have been at this church 5 yrs. Grace, grace everywhere!!! I said to my Pastor the other day,” Wouldn’t it be great if we would be a part of the mighty movement of God (that JP talked about) THIS Father’s Day 2016?” I read this blog with my jaw dropped. GOD IS MOVING!!!!

      • Thobeka
      • June 13, 2016

      Lord I repent for all the judgments and unforgiving that came out of my mouth… And release all the hurt that inside of my heart.. fill my heart with more of your love..Amen..thank you ? Father in heaven

    • Trish
    • June 8, 2016

    Same things for me Doug… 3 years isolated

    • M. Smith
    • June 8, 2016

    I agree with Karen Yoder and Maria. I thought you were completely healed August 27, 2015 (Germany clinic).

    If possible could explain the difference between then and now.

    I do believe God healed you both times.

    I have been experiencing God’s presence by soaking in his presence. Just focusing on different parts of the body I want healed or just focusing on my hands.

    • Zoe
    • June 8, 2016

    You are such a blessing Doug. May you receive more abundance in the spirit. Bless the Lord for your healing!

    • lynn Scott
    • June 8, 2016

    Praise God! God adores YOU and it is your TIME!
    Thank you for your faithfulness and your servants heart to all of us.
    Prosperous blessings to you and your family

    • Mrs.B
    • June 8, 2016

    Thank you again for transparency VERY MUCH NEEDED!!! Thank you for sharing about Aslan’s Place in Apple Valley. I’ve been walking actively with the Lord for many years and experiencing things that many Holy Spirit filled churches couldn’t help me with. I’ve attended Sozo and deliverance for many years and many places. I received ministry through Aslans Place after you mentioned them at a meeting and I’m being encouraged by your website ministry as I’m finding my way back to “HOPE again”

    • lori
    • June 7, 2016

    Awesome! Praise God for healings!

    • Anonymous
    • June 7, 2016

    I have suffered so much loss and experienced so much disappointment by putting my hope and faith into prophetic words.

    This time, is it actually this time? I have to ask myself and God…It feels like YES IT IS!!!

  1. Reply

    I can only say amen to the words of shift and strange movings. The Lord had been preparing me for a shift and acceleration. When it came He had said He would carry me through it initially. The first phase is past and the result was exposure of areas in relationships where He would move us to a new level. Personally, while visiting places of visitation can be valuable, He has kept me in one place here in Frederick, MD. That is where I encountered Doug sometime last year. I have been especially ministered to by Kari Jobe and company’s “Majestic” CD and DVD. Also Kristene Demarco’s “it Is Well”. I thank God for the worshippers and intercessors. I must also mention I went through some intense but thankfully brief mental breakdown. It was associated with new experience in the Spirit. All things, including us, are held together by Him.

      • Faustina Owusu
      • July 15, 2016

      I would like to encourage you that the word of God for your life is always yea and amen. Prophetic words given by the Holy Spirit cannot be untrue. What you do not understand is you must enter in battle over the words spoken over your life to see their manifestation. That’s your responsibility. Also, seek the face of God about the timing of words spoken to you. That way you would understand the season of their fulfillment. Waiting is not always fun but trust me it is so worthwhile. There are many prophetic words that have come to pass over my life. Yet there are so much more to come. Be blessed as you press in!!!

    • Zandra Crump
    • June 7, 2016

    Prophet Doug, I thank God for healing your body & I thank you for sharing your testimony! I receive the prophetic word you delivered. My son & I have been talking about there is a divine change & shifting in the atmosphere! He would say, “mom can you feel it?” Praise God we have received confirmation thru you!!! I am excited & expecting to receive! May God Continue to Bless You & Your Family! ??❤️

    • Karen Yoder
    • June 7, 2016

    I am really puzzled. this sounds like the same thing you went through awhile back and then went to some kind of clinic and came back healed. So it came back?

    • Ruth Hadle
    • June 7, 2016

    I didn’t make it to the conference, but my experience of being healed is similar. Sitting in my home and suddenly so sick I told God to take me and after a cleansing of my body and the next day came I am healed, a new creature in Christ and continuing my level and above of service. Thank God who is all Sufficient.

    • Steve Noel
    • June 7, 2016

    Amen Doug! How interesting that just a few weeks ago I found you on the web and know God Spirit had me connect to you for such a time as this……I was just being obedient and its much easier when we allow Him to lead. What I found so interesting is how you were connected shortly after I found you on the web to Todd Bently – partly because of who God connected me to in Hawaii almost two years ago and how God has kept me connected to those moving in the prophetic anointing / Todd n’ Jeremy Nelson, Todd white, Heidi Baker…..etc.
    I just watched Stephen Powells 5/25 YouTube from Canada – WOW!
    God’s speed as we receive for the coming HARVEST / PTL!!!

    • Amanda Miller
    • June 7, 2016

    I love this confirmation! Just yesterday afternoon, the Lord touched me with His presence and I saw some doors in front of me that were shut. They were beautiful ornate wood, and reminded me of my parents’ front door.

    He told me, “I am about to open what has been previously shut,” that I don’t even know what’s behind them all, because they’ve been shut. He said, “I really am about to bless you,” and He honored the hard work of obedience and following Him I’ve done in this season.

    I felt more of His presence and He said these doors required some intercession though, that He wanted my heart invested, that I wouldn’t take anything for granted. He said, “To approach and cross the threshold with the anointing of powerful intercession is important.”

    And He asked me to spend an hour a day this week interceding for these doors.

    So I write this on behalf of any who need encouragement. Take heart if you’ve been going through a hard season. Keep obeying and following Him. And take up a mantle of intercession for your own open doors. Be blessed in the Lord!

    • June 7, 2016

    Doug, I have been confessing your prophetic words and believing for a Miracle also…….if not I am looking at a bone marrow transplant……everything from your ministry is so uplifting……The daily word is so on target for me on any given day…..Thank You for being obedient to the Lord and passing it on to us……I rejoice in your healing! I have sown a First Fruit offering to this ministry……Blessings!

    • Abrielle
    • June 7, 2016

    Amazing. You are completely honest. May the Lord keep blessing u. The answer I have been waiting for.

    • Bridget welch
    • June 7, 2016

    Thank God for your healing dough.may he continue to use you in a deeper level than you have ever experience .I am so thankful for the prophecy you send to me daily it truly makes a different in my life.I will expect and believe God for the great and awesome things that is coming into to my life this month of June.God said it we believe it and be it done in Jesus name.amen.

    • Glory
    • June 7, 2016

    I am so very encouraged by your testimony because I’m battling with panic and anxiety attacks and have fear sometimes of leaving the house, so God did it for you and I’m believing in faith that He’ll do it for me also.. thank you for remembering me in prayer and God richly bless you.

    • Jules
    • June 7, 2016

    I just wanted to share with you what JUST happened. I’m at a pool with my 8 year old. I was checking email and found your Word for June. As I read YOUR testimony I received a powerful touch from the Lord! Crazy powerful anointing has slammed me and I am still buzzing! I know God has healed me of 43 year ailments that came into my life when I was abused at 5. He has already delivered me of demonic strongholds and powers and I have experienced much physical healing already but something new and powerful just hit me! I have had constant pain for over 20 years. That is already fading as I type. I’ve had constant digestive problems for much longer than 20 years. I am claiming that is healed now in Jesus Name. I’ve suffered from PTSD since I was 5 and that has been healing over the last 16 years but I’m claiming its complete demise TODAY!! Amen and amen!! It is done! Thank you for sharing your testimony. The same power and anointing has come to me through reading it on your blog! I didn’t even have to hear it spoken. Praise God!! I’m so excited and I wanted you to know as well.
    God bless you greatly! He truly had great things in store for us and has already been doing great things as you stated. (I have also been experiencing those powerful shifts and supernatural experiences the last 7 weeks!).
    Praise His Name! We are moving forward! Thank you again!!

    • James Harris
    • June 7, 2016

    Thank you for you openness

    • Cheryl
    • June 7, 2016

    God bless you Doug!!! Your testimony of what you were dealing with and the healing really touched me deeply, as something similar happened to me around 1999. I was in ministry and I had a similar experience while I was leading worship at a women’s retreat. Turned out it was a reaction to medication coupled with a very strong demonic attack on my mind, to this day, it has left others I was ministering with still in a bit of doubt on my santiy, to be honest. I am getting ready to go back home there this fall, for the call on my and my husband’s life, and it is a giant that I am praying down, to go and minister around and with those who were with me many years ago. Thank you so much for being so open, and praise God for His healing! AMEN!

    • Stephen Kolawole
    • June 7, 2016

    Wow!satan had finally lost the battle.Surelly,affliction shall not rise the second time in your life&family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.Your testimony has actually ‘invigorated’ me this hour-most especially your faith/hope amidst the affliction time. I rejoice with you.Cheers!!!

    • Victoria Taylor
    • June 7, 2016

    Doug thank you so much for sharing your personal testimony amidst this awesome prophetic word. I feel like you are fresh new prophetic voice here in this season and I really appreciate receiving your encouragement and your timely words. Again thank you for sharing your personal testimony. I’ve come from the background of healing myself and worked closely in 12-step celebrate recovery programs starting at Saddleback where was able to share music and help lead women’s groups coming from a place of sharing my own Brokenness to help bring healing to others. It’s been a struggle to even begin to use my music again after the economy collapse but God has been doubling restoration for me this year. May the God of all power strength and Glory continue to bring healing and rest to you as you Minister this season blessings to you and your family.! Again thank you.

    • Ronnie Collinsr
    • June 7, 2016

    What a wonderful testimony Doug, of you being in alignment with God’s appointed time for your restoration.
    I’m so glad for your personal miracle. Though witnessing God pour out his favor and salvation to meet our needs your no stranger to. But I sure whether your a prophet or a beliver when ones live is put on hold, and everything he belives in his hearts is shaken . Personal breakthrough reminds us we truly serve a mighty God of peace, protection and provision .
    Thanks for sharing your testimony of resent healing mircale and the prophetic word for the this season.

    Blessing my friend,
    Ronnie Collins

    • Jean Minty
    • June 7, 2016

    Thank you for sharing, I have always enjoyed your words, I’m so glad you are in full health again and wil go from strength to strength. Bless you, jean minty

    • Daniel
    • June 7, 2016

    Thanks Doug. What an encouraging word. Your recent past mirrors my life situation almost perfectly. I too have received a release of fresh anointing over my life. Hope is been restored. God bless you friend.

    • Marie Fasone
    • June 7, 2016

    Doug, That is awesome news about your healing and what God is doing!!! He is SO good! Thanks for all you do & for moving forward In transparent honesty through seemingly insurmountable odds! My husband has been battling Parkinsons and your testimonies are life giving & spirit lifting!

    Wish I could have tuned in for the live broadcast.

    Blessings dear one,
    Marie Fasone

    • Pamela
    • June 7, 2016

    Please touch and agree with me concerning employment. I have been unemployed for 6 months, beginning to get behind on bills, etc. I fill that the heavens are closed for me. I been praying, watching and waiting. Don’t know what else to do. I am in a desperate place now.

    • Teresa Keitt
    • June 7, 2016

    Hi, I am over joyed of all God is doing in your life this year. Your healings were a great blessing to many including myself. I want to thank God for you speaking into my life with the prophetic words daily posted. It really is a blessing for me and others. Keep fighting the good fight of faith daily. I love you and thank the Lord for allowing me to connect with your ministry. Take care Doug!!!

    • Reply

      Hi Pamela , try to hold on to the truth ,let your mind and words come into alignment with heavens truths . God gave me a vision last week and in it l went into a big conference there were lots of churches, ministries, and individuals present as l looked around God was revealing to me that some did not have much and did not believe in tithing ,others sowed into the kingdom when they felt like and and God was only able to release to them limited amounts , and others believed in tithing and experienced a flow from heaven . you may not have a lot of funds but maybe bake a cake for a neighbour or give some old clothes to a charity shop it does not take a big thing to touch Gods heart ,remember the widow in the bible who pestered the judge till she got what she needed . bind up doubt and and hold onto Gods truth blessings John.

    • June 7, 2016

    I have seen your comedy and laughed a lot. I am 74 and don’t get around much for several reasons but, we have something in common. I suffer from anxiety attacks as you did. Praise God, He healed you. I suffered from it all my life but wasn’t diagnosed until 2 years ago. It has been a most difficult life trying to raise two boys alone with this condition. Only God gave me the strength. I have been out of God’s work for guite a while and don’t know why because I desire to be used of God. My children have gone their own way and I am alone. Please pray for them because they need God. My prayer for you is that God will take you and the talents given you to new heights reaching millions for Jesus. God bless you.

    • Jimmie and Hattie Booker
    • June 7, 2016

    This is an on time word for today. We will activate these in our lives. Thank you so much.

    • Joyce Brown
    • June 7, 2016

    I thank God for His healing you. His warring angels are covering all the heavens to war and protect His leadership and intercessors.
    What the enemy planned to harm our God is protecting
    and that is you and me. Amen!!!

  2. Reply

    The Lord Jesus has put you into my life to confirm His script for my life ! I believe the Holy Spirit and my call to build God kingdom.This is the time for harvest. I have been in the furnace for 10 plus years PRAISE THE LORD. Why am I so blessed !!! my birthday is 7/7/57 and you know what that means. Soon we will meet. God bless you my brother. Peter Hart

    • Debbie Stevens
    • June 7, 2016

    Doug, can you please tell me what you think of the Medical Medium? I think he has some good ideas for foods and supplements for healing, but I’m not sure about his source, who he calls “Spirit.” Thanks very much!

    • Mary
    • June 7, 2016

    This is very encouraging for me. I have been going through things I cannot even explain but the Lord has also let His presence be known.

  3. Reply

    I want to follow Gods will. I want to hear I try so hard to be silent and wait. I want the supernatural power and love. I want to know my destiny. At this point in my life I have no idea where I am headed. Job….debt are overwhelming. I trust in God. I have no one else.

  4. Reply

    “I have had terrible reactions to my environment that would cause me to have panic, anxiety and even hysterical episodes.” – I totally can relate to this although I don’t get hysterical and it was not so bad that I needed medication. It gives me so much hope to hear about how God healed you. 🙂

  5. Reply

    Dear Prophet Doug,Thank God He restored your life for His Glory?i have are question,I have dreams and after I see what I dream happen.according to the dream I pray for the person or situation.i had stop giveing dreams importance because I have no one to explain them to me but are man of God told me I must pray and ask God for the meaning.sometime in dream I see me flying to different place or countries visiting churches and praying dress in white .i also see like my spirit liveing my body.i don’t know if is because I love spending time with The Lord.Can you please help me.what is this All You All and God Bless and Keep You All

    • jen
    • June 7, 2016

    Your words are powerful and I appreciAte your daily prophetic words. God is with you. Keep on posting to inspire people around the world.

    • Judy
    • June 7, 2016

    Your testimony has blessed me so much, i have been under attack with an affliction for the last 2 years, and i know my deliverance is near. Thank you for your honesty. Praise the lord for your healing and restoration.

    • Kristi Van Voorst
    • June 7, 2016

    I receive this word. I know that the Holy Spirit has been pruning and training and quickening my whole person. I have been praying for the restoration of the young ones that have been deceived and are trapped under the influence of drugs and lies. My heart hurts when I think on them. Praying that I will have the eyes to see, as God is opening the new door.

    • Vivienne DaCosta
    • June 7, 2016

    I receive every word as thus said God. Thank you man of God. It is my timr and season of harvest.

    • Jeannine Thompson
    • June 7, 2016

    Dear Doug,
    What an awesome word. Thank you for sharing. Your story about what you went through these last four years really touched my heart. On the way to work I thought about it again and cried because of your faithfulness to keep edifying and feeding God’s sheep even though you were suffering. That is SO God’s Grace! He truly keeps us and heals us. So happy for you and THANKS because through this word I learned about what is going on with Todd Bentley, Thank you for posting that link! What great miracles God is doing! Glad you are so blessed! Jeannine in Weston West Virginia

  6. Reply

    Thank you Jesus.Doug my husband and I have been telling people about the move of God,and that God is going to move swiftly,mightily.and for us to stay I thank you for the prophetic word.God bless you.

    • Gustav Goodart
    • June 7, 2016

    All this is so far from my existence. Please pray for me.

    • Rita sommer
    • June 7, 2016

    I have been waiting for the new wine. My finances will be restored this year and I have expectation that all will be returned. Yes we must be concerned with the lost and going after the one you spoke about. The blessings will come from sources we don’t expect; my eyes are open. Thank you Doug and God bless you. You are healed…..

    • Steve meinke
    • June 7, 2016

    Hi, thank you for all the efforts to be a lighthouse to others. After reading this blog I was wondering if you and I are very similar in the oppression against us. I have battled most of my life with anxiety especially around people (55 years old). Like I can sense the united seen world and elements and others live on a different plane. I “feel” my way through situations sensing people and places. Flying is overwhelming because that sensing and feeling is thrown off by speed and over active imagination thinking all that could go wrong. Can’t spen 30 min with people without feeling anxious because I sense Spiritual Malays in them and find it hard to hold it in. Get overwhelmed and like a panic attack. Music is another thing hi stimulus. Can’t watch much tv because of it either. I feel the good and bad in amptosphere. Is this similar to you?? Thank you Doug!

    • maria
    • June 7, 2016

    Aug 27, 2015 you wrote an article you had been totally healed after Germany. Now you have been totally healed again. It might be good if you qualify your statements so it doesn’t look dishonest…such as not use the word totally, fully..just be thankful for a healing. I realize we are taught to speak out what we want as if it were….to help bring it to past. But that needs to be made clear… We are believing for full healing, etc. and thankful for the great healing we had at this location.

  7. Reply

    Thanks so much for your words of encouragement from the valley of Baca. You have been a faithful servant to comfort others with the comfort you have received. Now go forth and share the wellspring of eternity which you have found in the desert. And remember “healing is the childrens (daily) bread.

  8. Reply

    Thank you for this timely word. I have had many dreams of the same thing and I believe that time is short and God is preparing for the Bride. He is searching the earth for the unblemmished and spotless Bride to be. May we are prepare ourselves as individuals and then the church for this next move of God. Amen.

  9. Reply

    Great to hear you are well again! They say Gods anointing can have an effect on our bodies (in a good way, of course , so many are blessed). our bodies are frail in comparison .

  10. Reply

    Thank you Doug! I have already been experiencing this and it has been spoken by others around me!! So excited to be launched into all God has for me so that I can fulfill my destiny in Him!!

    • Helen Munter
    • June 7, 2016

    Thank you Doug, for so much encouragement; but also for such a wonderful testimony of your own trials and God’s faithful healing. Also, thank you for the good report of a “fallen” brother who has been reclaimed and restored to ministry to a God who loves much. Those in Morning Star ministry who came along side Todd and gave him the support and mentoring he needed are an example of love for us all.

    • Bret Trasamar
    • June 7, 2016

    Thank you for your ministry and godly example of walking through fire. You are a blessing. I sincerely look forward to you daily prophetic emails, and they have been a source of edification, exhortation, and comfort to me.
    Bret Trasamar

    • JT Taylor
    • June 7, 2016

    Sooooo blessed to hear about your healing! Yeah God! We bless you to receive Supernatural Abundance in your body, mind, and finances! Selah

    • Johan Buys
    • June 7, 2016

    Wow so blessed with this word can’t explain it we desperatly need God to do something in South Africa but for myself this is the 3rd time i get a profetic word today that something big is about to happen stand in a great financial termoil no job my business is so to say non existand for more than a year now but today the King said its time for His promises to start working the supernatural power of God trough the Holy Spirit praise Jesus King of Kings

  11. Reply

    Praying for you Doug,
    Always blessed by your ministry

    • Gina clausen
    • June 7, 2016

    Praying for you Doug!
    Alawys blessed by your ministry,Gina

    • Carolyn Uylett
    • June 7, 2016

    I am happy to hesr of your miracle Prophet and i pull on that miracle for my healing as well. I am about to watch it right now. I receive rvery word that you have released into my spitit. I bless what yhe Father is doing in uour life and Ministry

  12. Reply

    Amen and Amen

    • Claudia
    • June 7, 2016

    I thank God that you are healed and for you sharing this message. I am excited to see what God is going to do for all His people.

  13. Reply

    Thanks, Doug. Praise God for your healing!Last week I finished writing my next book, “Only By Grace.” Hope to get it edited and published soon. God does work quickly, strangely and strongly at times.
    Blessings, Anne Grace

    • Ruth A. Silago
    • June 7, 2016

    GM!! Brother in Christ
    Wow! That is powerful..The move of God in our lives is going to start setting things straight in our walk w/God. How very interesting. Father, God is using U mightyly. I Declare healing in both of my eyes, as well. Visions are restored. Scar tissue in my left eye is gone. I speak and declare that over my eyes this morning, in Jesus’ healing name. I pray. Amen!! ? May Father continue to Bless in every way. Praise God for Prophetic Word!!

    • Shirley
    • June 7, 2016

    Thank you Doug for your faithfulness & dedication to God & His people & leading us so powerfully in such a time as this! God bless you exponentially!

    • Richard D Stevens
    • June 7, 2016

    Awesome word I am ready Thank you Jesus

  14. Reply

    Doug Addison I’m overwhelmed with the prophetic word over my life and God will continue blessing you and your ministry Amen

    • Fallon
    • June 7, 2016

    Wow this word confirms a lot of what I’ve been sensing. I rejoice with you Doug in your healing!

    • Carol Clifford
    • June 7, 2016

    So happy you are healed, Doug. God is good. We had no idea what you were going through but all glory to Him that He has delivered you. You are such a blessing to us. Thank you. May God promote you to even greater heights.

    • Anna La Tona
    • June 7, 2016

    Amen thank you for giving us hope again
    Anna from New Jersey

  15. Reply

    Yes this is happening for us!
    I wrote a book you prophacied over me too.
    It’s a study to find out where God wants us in the Revival.
    A group of military men are doing it! It’s so exciting what God is doing in these days!

    • Debra Hunt
    • June 7, 2016

    Praise God Doug!! Will continue to intercede for you and your ministry! Needed to hear this today! Have been hit with thing after thing, and know the best is yet to come! I have a heart for the outcast, the one… The Lord told me this morning He has my answers. I will stand believing for breakthrough in June! Glory to God! My sons need healing from PTSD, one was in Iraq, and the other battling alcohol and in and out of jail for it. Prayed with Joseph yesterday to have all desires removed for the drink. My son Paul isolates from the family and I have not seen him for six months. Thank you for sharing your testimony!! You have given me hope!

    • Lolita Godinho
    • June 7, 2016

    Thanks for ur message of hope they truly boost my spirit.I look forward to receivung ur message s.May God bless u with a mightier anointing.

    • Lois Rush
    • June 7, 2016

    Yay, God!!!! So thankful for your healing, and look forward to what God is doing in this time!!!

    • david gorsuch
    • June 7, 2016

    my aunt sandy smith is in a battle she has a hernia or something going on that is killing the cells in her stomach so she isn’t saved yet so please partner with me as i am a partner for complete restoration and wholeness to body and soul thanks so much
    david gorsuch

      • Sher
      • June 8, 2016

      Just* prayed for your aunt:)

      • Sher
      • June 8, 2016

      Got prayed for your aunt:)

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