Prophetic Word on Finances and Timing [Episode 243]

Stressed about money? I have a prophetic word over repayment, finances and timing … and some practical instructions on how to bring it into reality.

In this episode of Spirit Connection, I share what the Lord told me about bringing an end to discouragement—and bringing a repayment plan for things that were lost and stolen from you in specific years. You are entering into a strategic season of repayment!

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Find Out

  • What appears to be a delay or setback can actually work in your favor
  • That joy is returning to the house, even if you have to take it by force
  • 3 ways to stay at peace in the middle of a storm
  • How resetting our spiritual clocks to Kairos Time can align you with Heaven

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  1. Reply

    Brother Doug
    I just listened to your podcast all the way through and I enjoyed all and felt confirmation through the pod cast
    As you were ending your comments about God raising up Prophetic ministry types from the Old Testament I began to feel the Holy Spirit very strongly as you were beginning to reintegrate the season of repayment for things from the past that have been done to me and I felt the Holy Spiit take the form of two hands of Jesus touching my shoulders from behind as if to say I got you
    I am not going to let you fall backwards or be destroyed from the devils devices and felt the Holy Spirit praying for me bringing peace from above and confirmation of answered prayers I have been praying for some time now reguarding things taken and things lost or stolen
    I was a little dis courage’s today but I know God is stretching me and teaching me more to trust him
    I asked God to try me 7 times in the fire years ago not knowing that that testing would bring things allowed to come against me much greater than most Christian’s can handl but I am still standing by the Grace of God
    And still being tested and proven in the fire!
    God is bringing much more revelation recently about things just ahead
    About this country about to experience changes and a shifting in this Endtime Dispensation just ahead in the form of coming through the fire!
    I believe that it will begin in the Churches
    Judgement begins in the house of the Lord!
    The Refiners fire is Just ahead to prepare for the Former and the Latter Day Rain outpouring just before the Tump of God is sounded so we can all be ready for a Sunami flow of God in this world and a Harvest like never before!

      • Brandy, InLight Connection Team
      • August 1, 2022

      Thanks for commenting, Rev Daniels! Blessings!

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