Spirit Connection Podcast

Spirit Connection podcast goes live each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. on our Streaming website, YouTube, and Facebook. Tune in each week for weekly prophetic words! Check out recently released words below.

How to Flip Your Situation [Episode 230]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, I’m going to help you flip your situation, no matter what it is.

Your Guide to the Next 50 Days [Episode 229]

I give you a guide to help you over the next 50 days as God is moving. Get ready to cross over into your new season!

New Authority for Prayer and Healing Is Here [Episode 228]

This is the start of a powerful week ... and in this episode of Spirit Connection, I share practical steps and encouragement to help you get to the next level. It’s a time to get strategies like Moses did to get set free!

Freedom in Your Health and Finances [Episode 227]

I have some exciting news for you. In this season right now, God is aligning you with His will and His timing—He’s shifting the atmosphere over you to set you free. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I talk in more detail about how you can prepare for a breakthrough,…

Prophetic Word: An Outpouring of the Lord Is Here! [Episode 226]

I share an exciting prophetic word for April and beyond. It will help prepare you for now and what’s ahead. God is going to do a quick work in you!

Removing Obstacles to Hearing God [Episode 225]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, I go further into how to identify and remove obstacles that might be in the way of you receiving the full blessing God has for you.

Release of Glory, Power and Peace [Episode 224]

I go deeper in helping you break any limitations and release power, glory and peace. At the end, I release a powerful prayer over you that will break off fear and impart hope!

How to Prepare for the Change of Season [Episode 223]

This is indeed the time and the season for those who are watching and waiting on the Lord ... to get revelation on how to advance.

Prophetic Word: Get Ready for Strategies from Heaven [Episode 222]

Who needs some good news? With all the things going on in the world, it can be hard to remember all the amazing things God has promised us.

Getting Out of the Valleys of Discouragement [Episode 221]

The Lord is not only bringing us out of these valleys but taking us into a time of refreshment. Get ready for a fresh drink of the Holy Spirit!

How to Open the Storehouses of Heaven [Episode 220]

I have been getting some amazing revelation and have had extra sweet times with the Lord. Yes, even in the midst of the troubled times, the Lord is our anchor and hope.

Seven-Year Strategy of Breakthrough Revealed [Episode 219]

I just released a very strategic prophetic word for the month of February. It is going to set the course for your life over the next few months.
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