Why Am I Not Getting Healed or Financially Blessed?

Blessing, Curse Green Road Sign Over Dramatic Blue Sky and CloudWhy Am I Not Getting Healed or Financially Blessed?
Doug Addison

Have you noticed that there are a lot of prayers for healing and yet there is not an abundance of miracles happening at the level we need. A lot of giving is happening but the financial reaping has not come up to the level of the giving. It is not because of lack of faith or the need for a certain formula.

God spoke to me recently, giving me some insight into things that hold people back from receiving healing and financial breakthrough. I want to share this much-needed revelation with you. It is what helped me get healed of Lyme disease and brought a radical financial turnaround for my ministry.

Surprising revelation
Have you noticed a spirit of accusation dominating our media and even the Church for the past few years? Christians are accusing other people (Christian and non-Christian alike) of lots of things, with theological and political differences adding even more fuel to fire. Listen, it is okay to disagree but when anger or hatred is involved, we are agreeing with darkness and not God’s higher will for people.

Overall many people have fallen into judging others to the point that we have lost effectiveness in sharing God’s love and authority in prayer. We have become so used to judging, we do not even realize when we are doing it.

Jesus said,Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:37-38 NIV

Give grace
Most people associate these verses in Luke with giving money, and the principle does apply. But more importantly, the context is about extending grace and forgiveness to others. I was shocked when I read this in context and realized that forgiveness and judgment play a huge part in receiving “…a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over… into your lap.” Luke 6:38

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23-24

Bless by speaking good
As we move from judging into blessing, we open the Heavens over us to receive a full measure of revelation. This lifestyle opens the Heavens over you to hear God accurately and consistently. This is a strategy that God has given me and over the years I have lived this lifestyle of blessing and love. It has opened the Heavens over me to hear God.

Bless and not curse
You do not have to agree with someone to love and forgive them. God is releasing a spirit of reconciliation to offset the strong negative spirit of accusation. “Bless and do not curse.” Romans 12:14 NIV. We MUST break this negative spirit of accusation. As we do, it will bring more breakthrough and healing.

How do we bless and not curse?
Here are some things I have done to make sure I am blessing someone in my own heart:

·      Check your own words as you go about your day. If you mess up, recognize it quickly and move on. We get lots of chances to start over and do it right the next time.

·      Notice when you might be listening or saying something which empowers the enemy.

·      Try a seven-day fast from all negative thoughts and talk.

·      Ask God to bless your mouth to help you speak only life-giving words.

·      Declare that your own mouth will bless and not curse.

Here’s a prayer that I use: “If my tongue has cursed me, knowingly or unknowingly, I ask forgiveness.”

If you need a breakthrough for healing or finances, ask God to reveal to you if any of these areas apply, then respond. Watch as new revelation and strategies from Heaven start flowing to you.







Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Renee Roberson
    • September 4, 2019

    Hello Doug,
    I’m a prophet and speak always according to God’s word and the spirit leading.My personal financial struggle and breakthrough is so far from me.Why is this.As a prophet will struggle ,lack and oppression always be my portion.I started a church in August of 2016 ,since that time struggle, financial disperity,no church growth has been my portion.I pray for God to send laborers and all that come are those who want a word from the Lord.Those that come don’t want to grow and my prophetic messages go in one ear and out the other.I ‘ve lost buildings because they don’t tithe or give.My church is Rhema Ministries Int
    ..I’m so tired and feel like giving up often.Please pray and if God gives you insight please share.Blessings to you and yours.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 5, 2019

      Agreeing with you for a radical miracle in your life and in your ministry! God is with you through all of this. Bless you!

    • Silas Richard
    • September 24, 2015

    Be blessed man of God for open my heart indeed, and now i realized that God blessing is for those who doing His will and from today i will change my attitude.Halleluyer.

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    • Harriet
    • December 19, 2014

    Doug I’m new at this and don’t know if this is the place. but I want to ask you about his dream. i dreamed I was a doctor and with another doctor in white. we had rented space to do surgery. There were others in another space divided by a curtain. but in the other space the persons were talking about the church, and pastors very negatively. The doctor i was with ,didn’t see his face but he said nothing while kept listening. I asked him why they were not doing surgery. they continued to berate the people of God and Pastors. then they mention Tisrah Tower. I ask my doctor friend , Isn’t that in Israel? I tried to peak thru the curtains but I could only hear their voices. upon wakening I tried to find Tisrah Towers. Is it a real place? Please help me understand this dream.

    • Anita
    • December 7, 2014

    We seem to feel accusation, judging, cursing, unforgiveness etc. only apply on an individual level. We tend to judge etc. entire groups of people we disagree and think it’s ok because we don’t see them, know them.

    • Mirna
    • November 28, 2014

    Wow thank u verry much this morning i had a nightmare and i woke up unhappy iasked God what do’s it mean and i felt God told me i have pride in me i asked Him to forgive me and to help me with this problem and not to be a hiprocate any more and u’r words here made me realize a lot off things i still need to work on but i thank God i’m not where i used to be and He is still working within me thank u.

    • Mark Solomon
    • November 26, 2014

    This is so good. I just felt burdens in my heart released by considering these issues Doug presented. With children at home I realized I have a blind spot to them when accusing and judging them. This is tough for me because I don’t know when I’m being too harsh or being firm but fair–it’s quite troubling. But this message helped me make at least one positive decision:

    One of my boys gets in trouble a lot at the dinner table, not listening, not obeying, and generally getting into trouble. Rather raise my voice in constant correction (and giving my other children a perceived excuse to use him as a punching bag) I’m going to sit next to him and honor him by silently correcting him.

    Take note: a Christian can have dirty garments (uncleanness in their lives). This message is from Jesus after he was risen from the dead.

    Revelation 3:3
    Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. 4Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes.

    • arie
    • November 23, 2014

    Lately I keep hearing from the Spirit
    “Speak evil of no one”

    I too have been struggling for breakthrough in finances and healing.

    This could well be a key……

    • Rachel
    • November 20, 2014

    Before you speak THINK; is it:
    If it qualifies the above, then speak it out.
    If not, then shut up.
    I am encouraged by this confirmation and every other blog that comes from you Doug. I honor the gift of God in you.
    Beginning this week I spoke concerning someone and although what I said in my mind was true based on the facts at hand I only ended up being the devil’s mouth piece and made them look bad.
    My conscience was struck later and my spirit weighed down by this. I repented only to find myself in the same place a day later with more “facts”! Praying Psalm 141:3-4 and avoiding the triggers.

    • Carol
    • November 20, 2014

    Confirmation for me! I recently decided that I had to stop hating a person in my life. This has made a real difference in my life, I began feeling my joy return & the hate subsided. I’m still struggling with this individual & acknowledge my forgiveness of them does not mean they were right. Forgiveness frees my mind & heart from the enemies clutches. If I understand this word correctly, I’ve also broken the enemies hold on my blessings both spiritual & financial.
    I choose this day to forgive!

    • Joy Wright
    • November 20, 2014

    I have been in so much pain lately and trying everything in the natural to get healed….thank you for this teaching …… I am starting right now. The Lord just showed me this morning as I looked at the commandment “thou shall not kill” that it includes using my tongue for evil rather than good. This was confirmation…..God Bless you Doug!

    • Sandra Clark
    • November 20, 2014

    I so believe and receive this truths! God caught me in that yesterday in a particular thing I was speaking and I was agree with the enemy! No more I will fast from not just negative thinking but from believing & entertaining the lies from satan himself! And will replace em with Gods truths!! Thank you for this great word!! Blessings!! Sandra

    • Christy
    • November 20, 2014

    All of these principles that you teach Doug REALLY works I’ve begun to seriously apply them to my own life and with my kids and it literally causes all of us to get UNSTUCK. literally get out of park and move out of the parking garage of life we live in which can be a dark place and very boring I encourage everyone take Dougs courses listen to what this man of God teaches it will change your life

    • Ella Parana
    • November 20, 2014

    This article caused me to ponder the words that I’ve uttered. God is indeed using you to talk to me and enable to examine myself. I’ve questioned the Lord on what caused the delay to answer the prayer of my heart. I have recited so many promises from the bible but I’m still waiting for so long for His answer. I may not understand today, I know He will reveal it to me. Thank you so much.

    • sandra aguilar
    • November 20, 2014

    posible en español no se ingles gracias

      • ethan
      • December 10, 2014

      puede usar Google Translate, traducir el artículo completo de Inglés a Español . ( he usado Google Translate para traducir este consejo de Inglés a Español a continuación, pegar aquí ) .

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