Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Spirit Connection podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

More about Doug Over the past twenty years, Doug Addison has been a cutting-edge prophetic leader, dream interpreter, entrepreneur, life coach, consultant and trainer. He is also a leading authority in the area of destiny achievement to educational institutions, professional associations and religious organizations.

As a leading expert, Doug has studied, interpreted and instructed many on dreams, visions and the supernatural, bringing deep insight to countless people worldwide. Knowing what makes people successful, Doug is a compassionate and practical instructor who has helped thousands of individuals achieve their dreams with an accelerated learning process.
He has developed specific methods and results-oriented activities to help people take on challenges for breakthrough results.

Undefeated by the death of many in his family from a rare and terminal genetic disease called Huntington’s (HD) and then his own diagnosis a year later, Doug learned to overcome the obstacles in life, find success and even happiness. Even while dealing with such losses, Doug firmly held on to his strong belief in God while keeping his endearing nature, charismatic personality and quick wit.

He was healed by God of all symptoms of HD in 2001, and has been feeling healthy ever since. Today in the entertainment industry, Doug Addison, without brandishing any ink, impacts those with tattoos and piercings by demonstrating God’s love and power.

Spiritual Covering of Doug Addison and InLight Connection

We are part of Harvest International Ministries (HIM) under Apostle Ché Ahn and their Apostolic Council.

Doug was commissioned as an HIM prophet in 2015 and is accountable to their Apostolic Leadership Team. Doug is also in close accountable relationships with other leaders and prophets that include James Goll, Wesley and Stacy Campbell and Patricia King.

Doug’s ordination is with John Paul Jackson of Streams Ministries in 2003 and was ordained as a Vineyard Ministries International pastor in 1999.

Doug's Promotional Bio

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Spirit Connection podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California, where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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