Prophetic Word: Time for a Sudden Turnaround!

design-17 copyProphetic Word: Time for a Sudden Turnaround!
Doug Addison
December 2014

God is releasing something powerfully new starting in December. He is revealing the assignments that are coming to you in 2015. Watch for prophetic dreams and words of confirmation that will give greater insight into the promotions you received recently. You will find yourself getting deeper, better results with less effort as you enter into God’s rest. It’s a time to pull back and look at what happened in 2014, as there are clues that will give you more understanding. Strategic new alliances are coming to you that will help you get to a new level.

11/11 turnaround
I release Daily Prophetic Words that I get a month in advance and I often do not remember them once we load them onto my website and social media. My Daily Prophetic Word on 11/11 was, “Expect to see repayment in all types of ways as God is giving new recognition and favor to your efforts.”

We are entering into a time of extended repayment for the extreme losses we have experienced over the past seven years (since 2008). It will take effort, and in some cases a battle, to get it. So don’t back down.

My ministry has taken some financial losses, and I also lost many key relationships and favor over the past few years. We are now seeing a rapid repayment coming through many different streams.

Proverbs 13:12 The Message
Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.

This is a time of “sudden good breaks” and life-turning events, in other words, rapid turn around!

East and West connection
I woke up from 1:00–3:00 a.m. on November 11 (11/11). God showed me that there was a changing of the guard over us. Angels are being reassigned right now based on your new assignments. There are angels who have been assigned to you and your family. Some will be assigned for the rest of your life, while others are those who are on assignment only for a season.

Hebrews 1:14 NIV
Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

God is also assigning angels to bring unity in the spiritual realm to the United States. At 1:00 a.m. on 11/11, I saw a new angel now assigned to the West Coast of the US. The angel was sitting in a chair, facing east, not saying a word, but watching. I knew this angel was a watcher (Daniel 4). This angel has been assigned to watch and call things in for us from the East.

Psalm 103:12 NIV
“as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”

Some people in the East have looked at the West Coast with words of judgment. Cities like Hollywood, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Seattle might seem like the least likely places for God to move but that is exactly what He has in mind. God is releasing the West Coast to be a birthing place of another revival greater than the Jesus People Movement of the 1970s (the last major revival in the US).

Spiritual constipation
I was speaking at the East Coast Elijah List Prophetic Conference in Maryland with Jane Hamon and Steve Schultz. As prophet Jane Hamon was speaking, the Holy Spirit spoke to me that many people are suffering from spiritual constipation.

There are things that are backed up and a release is desperately needed. This includes things like unanswered prayers, unfulfilled prophecies, healings, and financial breakthroughs, to name a few.

In my case, the Holy Spirit told me that I was prophetically constipated. If you follow my ministry and blog you will see that I release a lot of prophetic words: daily, weekly, and monthly, usually too much to articulate. So how could I be prophetically backlogged?

Then I remembered there were a handful of words and dreams that I got for certain people that I had not shared. I stood up immediately at the conference and went to the back to “relieve myself,” so to speak. I texted as many as I could and posted some on the Internet. Notice that it was only a few areas where I was urged to make adjustments. Small steps done in obedience release greater blessing than we may realize!

When I returned to my seat Jane Hamon had me stand up while she gave me a life-changing prophetic word unlike anything I have gotten in decades! This is a prophetic word for others as well. What have you not completed or shared that God has spoken to you to do? No matter how small it may seem to you, do it or release it and see what happens!

Treasures hidden in darkness
While at the conference I got several prophetic words that further confirm the new time we are in.

Isaiah 45:3 NIV
I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

I have heard this verse so many times as people have prayed it but I am declaring it right now. God is giving insight for “secret place” riches of wisdom and revelation.

The Vault of Heaven is now open
In December of 2011 I had a spiritual experience in which I heard a tumbler lock, like the kind from a big bank vault, click into place.

I heard God say that the vault door is not just unlocked but “It is now open.” Watch as wisdom, revelation, strategies, and finances for the Kingdom open at a greater level, including finances for new media and creative business projects. This is a direct result of God reallocating resources and finances from people who are not currently sharing them with the Kingdom.

Hoarding the wood dream
I had a prophetic dream in November that I was on a beach with a group of people who had gathered there to wait for something new. We needed to build a fire so we gathered a small amount of wood and lit it. I blew on it and a long deep prophetic wind came out of me that ignited the wood into a small fire. We got the “new fire” going but needed more wood. We asked other groups who had an abundance of wood—even extra lying around—but no one would give us any. These groups represent individuals, churches, and businesses that have the calling to help start new Kingdom projects but are hoarding the wood for themselves out of fear.

This is a prophetic word right now: there are groups starting new things and need Kingdom resources.

There are people and groups that really need to give into something new. This may be a comparatively small investment for them, yet it will ignite many and even release promises to the givers as well. God is igniting a flame on Kingdom projects for new media, businesses, and radical new churches.

Get ready for 2015 to bring a major shift. God is bringing fulfillment to the promises we thought were lost. Getting a clear vision is a key to major turnaround and will help you see the breakthrough that you need. God is releasing a new way to do things for you that will help maximize your impact with less effort.

Unity is so important right now! We need to agree together for change! Bless and do not judge. Talk to God about what offends you and release it to Him. Ask Him for His perspective about the conflicts you face. I agree with Heaven over the breakthrough that you need in your life!




Doug Addison is the founder and President of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Pingback: December 10-11, 2014 – Don’t Lose Hope in the Waiting | Captivating Freedom

    • michael
    • March 9, 2015

    How about a Russian invasion that’s what I saw back in December?

    • James E
    • December 17, 2014

    prayer requests:

    been expecting since March ’14 a substantial an dsignficant “inheritance” [simplest explanation] that has the means to chnag emy life for eth better… ever since losing everything 7-10 years ago and by HIS Grace not homeless -juts in deep debts, way behind on rents, and no incomes… only HIS Grace has kept me…

    anyway, the agencies involved have delayed teh release of teh funds… I am still waiting… it has become a hope deferred thing a carrot teaser even…

    want to know: Father God Will these funds be release and for me to use well before Christmas so I ca have best Christmas ever and be able to share your goodness with family and friends as well… in time to buy my vehicles, debts, and rents and gifts… I want to know its for real and not another teasing carrot…

    anyone out there?

    • Lissett Vitale
    • December 16, 2014

    I am thank God for your life. Every morning as I open my eyes I am eager to see what God has to say to me through you. Thank you for allowing God to use you in the ways that he does. Your words of encouragement, truth and revelation help me as I am left wanting more of God and seeking his word and his presence in a deeper way.

    • James E
    • December 15, 2014

    THX for the sharing…

    been in a ‘fight’ for teh release of long promised funds… funds that would restore me of all i lost due to ’07-’08 [business efforts, stuff worth having and keeping, inheritance from my dad, lands, tools, resources, supplies, employment and incomes]… still unemployed, still no turn around in circumstances, still no real substantive change of progress to a real significant long lasting break through… sowed and sowed what I could over the years… still do not know what my course of action towards calling destiny purpose ditraction is to be… all I know is that the monies long rpomised and held up by powers I can’t fight without losing what is promised -to be released for me to use well before Christmas…

    I want to know… will this released of long promised funds finally suddenly occur,,well before Christmas to get things done, debts paid, vehicles purchased, find house and properties, etc

    and then, find wise help to wealth management team to help me manage so the funds so taxes and expenses do not rob me of it beyond what is reasonable… and in this process learn what my calling destiny vocation is…

    THX for hearing me out

    peace and blessings with the grandest bestest Christmases ever…

    merry Christmas

  2. Reply

    I have appreciated your daily quotes and prophetic words, many have been right on for us.We need a huge breakthrough right now in finances and business, and health
    God Bless you

    • Beatrice Kinsey
    • December 15, 2014

    With all the negative and heart breaking that I’ve heard on Youtube, this is so refreshing, uplifting and inspiring. Its doing what prophecy should do, Thank. You!

    • Leah Thompson
    • December 12, 2014

    Thank You, I’m SO Ready!!!!!!

  3. Pingback: Prophetic Word Roundup: Spiritual Snipers and Sudden Turnarounds

  4. Reply

    Love it. Thank You, Jesus. And thank you, Doug, for your faithfulness to prophesy. This is an awesome word and so encouraging. I can’t wait to see how God does these things in my life and the lives of those I love. It’s exciting, this King we live for and this Kingdom we live in!

    • Barbara DeBets
    • December 11, 2014

    Thank you ! Believing for miracles in our pregnancy and in our family

    • Juanica
    • December 11, 2014

    Thank you for this on time word Doug. Since Nov 25 I had been seeing the number 1111 and 444 repeatedly either on clocks or in documents etc. I knew that God was sharing a message with me. I had come to the conclusion that he was letting me know that he had not forgotten about me nor the promises He had spoken to me since 2011. This has been a phenomenal confirmation of what I received as revelation. Thank God for using you and you being obedient and having a listening ear and seeing eyes to what the Father is sharing. I pray you continue to grow and walk in your calling. You are a blessing to so many of us.

    • Viv
    • December 11, 2014

    Hi Doug
    Thanks for all the strong and courageous work that you do. May God mightily reward your steadfast tenacity.
    Not sure if you realize but the new background photo on ur Twitter account is a freemason symbol. (No t Necessary to publish this commment)

    • Chelsea
    • December 11, 2014

    Thank you for sharing this!! I have been believing for funding for a new theatre company I felt called to found. I am believing that 2015 is the year we’ll be funded and start producing regularly and excellently! Thank YOU, Father!

    • Denise
    • December 11, 2014

    Thanks again Doug for another right on word! Wow! Like so many others…… It is always what I need to hear! Breakthrough is coming. I have been pressing in like never before. Today was one of those days that I had to really do just that. I need all and everything you stated. I want my destiny fulfilled! Thanks again Doug for always reporting such uplifting messages! Blessings to you and yours!

    • Tim O (Australia)
    • December 10, 2014

    This last year have been without work and drastically reduced household income but the Lord has been drawing me deeper and has released amazing revelation and encouragement. Just yesterday he said that “The winds of change are blowing and to PREPARE FOR THE SUDDENLIES”. He will prove himself Faithful and True. Thanks Doug for your ministry, for you and everyone he is bringing rewards to our faithfulness and perseverance.

    • Valerie
    • December 10, 2014

    Watch Hollywood- especially Angelina Jolie. God is doing something very, very powerful in that woman. The movie “Unbroken” opening on Christmas day will have a profound influence for the Kingdom’s advancement out your way 🙂

    • Kathy
    • December 10, 2014

    Your insights encourage me like no other. God Bless You& Yours. Sincerely Enlightened

    • Ruth Ann
    • December 10, 2014

    Hello Doug,
    your prophetic word touched me to tears. For so long I felt alone, not knowing exactly what to do. I know, I´m pregnant with a big finandial vision. Some days ago I had a dream.

    I think it has to do with finances, but I´m not sure, Could I send you the dream?

    Blessings Ruth Ann

    • tshidi
    • December 10, 2014

    Grace and peace to you.
    You just confirmed what I have been hearing in my Spirit since Nov that its the season for things to turn around!
    This past Sunday I was sitting closer to our church prophet,after intercession..she just kept saying over and over..its a Turn around season.
    I can’t wait to see what God will do soon but I know it will be great!

    • Johannes
    • December 10, 2014

    Yes! For years I experienced ‘holy hare coursing’ seems like Moses and I’m standing at the Red sea now. I stand in faith. I believe His promises that led my life!

    • Andy
    • December 10, 2014

    Dear Dougie,

    I recall you speaking over me in Dudley Uk,the words you spoke came from the Fathers heart,your daily prophetic words are inspired!

    Bless you bro!


    • dolly hearns
    • December 10, 2014

    3mths ago pastor david paul gave me this prophecy Is45v3it will come in every area praise the lord. tI receive tha

    • Audrey
    • December 10, 2014

    There is not a word that comes forth from your voice that does not appear to me to be that which has been slung from the heart of the Father. I am thankful for you and your wife and ministry.
    I have been reading Angel Stories, it really blesses me.
    I lived in Charlotte for a short season and was able to get to Moravian Falls. Both times were way past awesome. The first time I stopped on Moravian Mills Rd. and told the Lord I knew there were angels there. Suddenly the Holy Presence of the Lord was there. I could not see this angel, but this angel was standing right in front of me. This Holy presence lingered with me for weeks.
    The second time was prophetic of things to come…..

    Blessings on you and your family and ministry.
    Standing believing for a return of all that has been taken these last seven years. It has truly been a overplaying on the enemies side.

    • Nancy Atkins
    • December 10, 2014

    I had an extensive dream a couple of weeks ago. I remember waking up and noticing the time and went back into the dream 3 times. 7:00 a.m., 7:17 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. and after the dream it was noted at 7:45 a.m. It was a long complicated dream. I kept asking the Lord what each part meant. I have an inquiring mind for details so I kept asking what this and that was, what it meant. To this day, I don’t know what some of it means. But every day the Lord reveals the answers to me through other people. At least five “revelations” related to that long dream. The Lord has given me the assignment to distribute beautifully made and simple Ten Commandment Bookmarks. He showed me how to distribute them. There is an urgency associated with this ministry. So far people have absolutely loved these Ten Commandment Bookmarks and asking for more. I give them away free. Almost 2000 so far. But, the demand is so great that I’m asking the Lord to have someone help me with the financing for these. Just the supplies I need and now I realize I can’t make them fast enough by myself. I need help making and distributing them. Up to now, the Lord has been adament to give them away free. Thank you for posting your last prophetic message. God Bless You,

    • John 'Rocky' Andrews
    • December 10, 2014

    Doug, the Lord has been showing me a lot of the same things. He began to speak to me the last quarter of 2013 and said that the last quarter of 2014 and the year of 2015 that we would see the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We will also be seeing a supernatural outpouring of His love, His wisdom, His peace and miracles which will be used in ministering to a lost & dying world – we would begin to see the greatest awakening in the history of man in this season as well.

    Thanks for your faithfulness in sharing the word of the Lord.



    • Lizzie M. Johnson
    • December 10, 2014


    • Tim O (Australia)
    • December 10, 2014

    Thanks Doug another encouraging word that is such a confirmation.
    No work and drastically reduced income this year but the Lord has been taking me on an exciting journey, drawing me so deep and bringing huge revelation and encouragement. I know breakthrough is about to come and the Lord will prove himself to be Faithful and True. Just yesterday the Lord said to me”The winds of change are blowing, PREPARE FOR THE SUDDENLIES”.
    Bless you Doug and your ministry, for you and everyone “your faithfulness is being rewarded”

    • Lizzie M. Johnson
    • December 10, 2014

    This is totally prophetic.

    • Sávio
    • December 10, 2014

    Hey Doug, The Lord used this prophetic word to encourage me and also to confirm some
    things He’s been showing me. Last night, before sleeping, I heard “new angels are being assigned to assist you these days, angels that weren’t assigned before”, I must confess I thought it was only my imagination at first, but reading this word you released here made
    me realize the Lord was, indeed, speaking to me!!

    • Mirna khan
    • December 10, 2014

    Wow thank u for the word it really inspired me and gave me hope for the future again God bless u even more and i appreciate all the daily prophecy’s.

    • Kemi Adeniran
    • December 10, 2014

    Thank you for this release. I definitely need an outpouring of His mercy, favor, grace, love and prosperity.

      • Mercy joyce
      • December 16, 2014

      Amen and Thanks Doug! I stay expectant for the sudden turn around in my life and pray that God will continue to use you in teaching me more of the word that always passes me but when i read your explanation it does make sense even more. God Bless you and Merry Christmas to you and your Family!

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