You Are Creative: A Door to Fulfillment

The word Creativity in colorful 3d letters on a background of whYou Are Creative: A Door to Fulfillment

Doug Addison

Creativity can easily get lost in our busy multimedia-stimulated lives. Finding ways to express ourselves is important because it fills a longing we all have to convey more of who we are and why we were created.

Ever notice that people want you to know what they value? They have custom “ringtones” with their favorite song on their cell phones. Some plaster their cars with bumper stickers. Others broadcast messages on their t-shirts or ball caps, while many people now have tattoos that tell all. It is part of our need to express who we are and what we value.

Often these small ways of expressing ourselves could be hints about what our true destiny really is. Our life’s purpose is like buried treasure within us. We continually receive clues that point to our divinely given gifts and talents. Sadly, few people discover these gifts and fail to find their greater purpose in life.

If we are not careful, creativity can get stifled and dreams can die. We end up settling for less and get caught in the current of making a living, or in the turbulent waters of past pain and loss. Many people are not even aware that they stay busy in order to numb the pain of boredom and lack of challenge in their lives. Deep inside, we all want to know more about why we are here. We want to contribute to something that is greater than ourselves. We really want to know that our lives on earth could somehow make a difference in the world.

Creativity and expressing ourselves are major doorways to fulfillment. Igniting passion for who we are and what we like to do will radically change the quality of our lives and the lives of those around us. Creativity is the creation and expression of ideas, thoughts and inspirations. We were all created in God’s image and because God is a creator, we all have an integrated desire to create as well. In reality, we are all creative beings with an inherent ability and need to co-create with our creator and one another.

Creativity is often misunderstood. When you tell someone they are creative, they often deflect the idea because most people equate creativity with artists, musicians, and designers. Though these are legitimate means of creativity, it actually goes much deeper than this. Creativity can flow through every aspect of life.

My desire is to help you ignite passion and find the clues that may be hidden in your life that will help to unlock the doors to creativity and lifelong fulfillment. I want to help you discover your gifts and talents, and to find a life of true fulfillment. It is never too late.

If you would like to learn more, please check out my online store for material on destiny and creativity under Personal Development by clicking here.







Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.


Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Pingback: creativity is so valuable!

    • Misty
    • January 12, 2015

    This sounds so good! I clicked on the link to get more information and it didn’t work! Please help! I want to continue reading and hearing what God is trying to say to me!
    Thank you so very much.

    • Evg. Esther
    • January 10, 2015

    Thank you so much for always hitting the nail straight on its head. Your shared divine gifts are quite a blessing. May God continue to shower His blessings upon you & your ministry.

    • Anna
    • January 10, 2015

    Yes I believe God wants us to be ourselves and express who we are by being true to what He placed within you. Just its not easy to express yourself and be true to your own if you do not ve resources to allow you to express. I also do believe that it can identify callings and passions and dreams which is pinpoints to who you are and you need to be able to follow it to be all you can be. I for instance always had excitement stirring when i would see a landrover defender cause it made me think…someday we will ve one just like that and go into africa and evangelise and bring medical help…but it never happen because i never had the resources and encouragement to buy one and receive medical trianing and got a team together to go evangelise africa….still when i see a 4×4 bakkie with stickers all over it, i will get excited cause i still can see us driving in convoy doing compaign to help and do a project as a team somewhere…reaching out…agh i have so many dreams and interests and hopes and hearts desires! But no resources or support teams to help. Tent revivals….worship….fashion sewing, radio ministries, campaigns and projects and singing in band and church planting and travel overseas even just a nice real holiday as the ones you see on tv and magazines….etc ect etc….one cant express oneself without money as one has to always settle for that you can afford and be content. But still i do believe in miracles and that God knows and there will always be hope.

    • Beverly
    • January 9, 2015

    Thanks Doug! I love your thoughts and encouragement. I love your insights. There is so much warfare over creating. It seems like every arena of our lives is saying, “No.” No time, no money to create. Too much other stuff to do. Too much pain. Fear of what others will say when I create. Yet, when I actually ignore all or push it out of the way and create, which to me is paint, there is joy. These messages are really needed. Thank you!

  2. Reply

    Hi Doug, thanks again for your inspiring words. I love creating! Like Denise, I feel I am filled with so much creativity inside, I don’t know how or where to let it all out! I have recently discovered that I am an artist (at 61) and am having so much fun using melted wax (encaustics) and mixed media as well as tempered glass mosaics. I ask Holy Spirit to anoint my hands and eyes and to be released in creating each art work and I am amazed at what pours forth from my hands! Many of my encaustic works are of galaxies, nebula, constellations etc. “The Heavens declare His Glory”! I am believing for God to take me to the heavens in dreams and visions so I can paint what I see.

    • Lori Kaiser
    • January 8, 2015

    Doug I appreciate your writings,insights and heart. Don’t listen to the negative voices that try to discourage you. HE never discourages us but affirms us and our giftings. I pray more anointing for you and more wisdom and more hearing and seeing into the prophetic realm for the coming days. Blessings to you and your family.

    • Richard Wolford
    • January 8, 2015

    My creativity is learning to appropriate all God has for me in spirit, soul, and body, and being used for His glory! For unless you have harmony then it is difficult if not impossible to flow in the gifts and callings of God.

    • Jan
    • January 8, 2015

    I feel about the same as Denise.

    • Marcia Antoine
    • January 8, 2015

    Hello Doug Thank you for always encouraging us and giving us more ways at looking at our lives. It really helps me and propels me to stay in this race. God Bless

    • DR. Fannie Finney
    • January 8, 2015

    Thank you for these kind words. I know what my destiny is, however i am interested in knowing more, concerning creativity,

    • Pamela
    • January 8, 2015

    Thanks for your encouragement all I want is to be all god wants me to be I am so desprate for more of him I feel like all I want is to be with him and help him get his full inheritance for the sacrifice he made for all of us but I find myself feeling steel waiting and waiting I am not sure for what but waiting

    • debbie
    • January 8, 2015

    I would like to know more. I want to know Gods calling for me.

    • Dave Wilson
    • January 8, 2015

    Creativity is an expression of the life within us. I have an unending supply of life available to me. That said, my destiny hinges on accepting my identity. My struggle is that I lack the vocabulary and the ability to express what I am experiencing. The impact is much like the Saul to Paul experience at Damascus. I am blind and must rely on a man of Grace for a short season until I begin to see again.

    • Steve
    • January 8, 2015

    Thanks for your words of encouragement I feel I’ve been in the wilderness of wandering this past two years after 30 years of working .now in my early sixties searching for my destiny

  3. Reply

    Hi Doug – Thank you for this post. I, too, teach people about creativity. This New Year I have been reflecting on my own creativity. I realize I am quite content with blogging, writing, posting, – thoughts and photography. I have an obsession with taking photos of God’s beauty in creation. I want people to learn to notice and experience God’s goodness through my writing and photos. I take thousands of pictures every year. I keep praying for a way I can share them in a way people will want to use them and even buy them. We all have so many photos – how can I do something different? Meanwhile, I love sharing through my blogs and Facebook. But I keep thinking I should be doing more. What avenue could I take? Should I take a job again on a newspaper? Or just wait and watch what He is doing? I think the latter. Thanks for all you do to inspire me!!!!

    • Demetra
    • January 8, 2015

    I love this article as I have experienced different areas that I am very creative with. For example, I do not drink coffee and yet when I ran a coffee shop I was told I made the best coffee. I was also told my whole life that I wasnt good to work with kids and believed that even though I have a passion to work with kids/teens. I moved in with a friend and her 7yr old son and that lil boy challenged what I thought was a truth about me and forced the love and gift I had for little ones out of me. I absolutely love working/playing with the kiddos and am now recommended to do so which makes me laugh. And there are many more stories about poetry, rapping, writting, cooking etc. My dad always says “you see things in images, Gods images.” Just bc someone says or u believe u are not epuipped to do something I would say step out on Faith with God and allow the friction to wear off you to let the beauty of that shine through. Like a piece of coal that has a hidden diamond. Thanks Brother Doug. I needed this today.

    • debb castro
    • January 8, 2015

    This is encouraging, I am an older student at Cuesta here in SLO getting my AA in studio art still wondering why and what about income and the very difficult marriage I have. But I’ll just keep going forward thank you being faithful

    • Celine Bennett
    • January 8, 2015

    Thank you, this is refreshing and I think that creativity can be healing! however I am in this category where I’m turning 50, my husband left me for another woman after 23 years of marriage, 3 kids, a business and who has the time? Well I do right now Praise God! This is timely! I want to take this time for “flipping it” as the prophet calls it! Thank you for the opportunity, God Bless you!

    • Carol Price
    • January 8, 2015

    Doug, that was a great post (as usual! ). I have worked in Human Resources almost all of my career and I find most people get so working they stop creating! They do not take the time that is needed daily to just sit quietly and let God talk to you about what’s next in life or how to solve a problem. But in HR what I see more is the shear boredom in working because we do not take time to communicate with the Father who created everything!
    Great posts and always looking forward to hear and see what God is speaking through you!
    Blessings friend!

    • Sharon Schmidt
    • January 8, 2015

    While reading your blog, my heart began to fill wildly. My ears tingled and pressed each beat. As my spirit is jumping the answer of -YES!

    Thank you for taking your time to do what are doing Blessings to your house

    • Rebecca Morris
    • January 8, 2015

    Thank you soo much. I am one that dreams dreams, most have been prophetic and to the letter of what will happen and some symbolism. Dreamed last night that I was looking at myself in the mirror. I continued to look and smile. My smile (teeth) were very bright and perfectly straight. The longer I looked the more I realized their brilliance. When I awoke I went to my bathroom mirror and smiled. I went to bed praying for content for the One Woman Show I need to create, it’s been a lifelong desire as I am an actor/singer. My question to the Father, “Lord what am I to convey to bring you Glory and fullfill my calling/destiny. I will continue to read your blogs with the anticipation of finding my answer. With Love in the Lord Jesus Christ, Rebecca M.

    • Angela
    • January 8, 2015

    I loved this blog. This is EXACTLY how I feel. Very inspirational, thank you.

    • Janis Rorvik
    • January 8, 2015

    A person needs more information. More info in more concise form. I think ALL of us are looking for that destiny right now and it doesn’t even seem as though the Lord is going along with the prophecies that many prophets speak. We need to personally see Him act and hear from Him. Thanks for your help and ministry. I do have trouble getting on your webcast every month though. Didn’t see it yet. When will it be up?

    • Pam
    • January 8, 2015

    Have tried all the resources you have to offer…. Books, training courses, online training, coaching, coaching classes….. Every single one has been very fruitful… The value far surpassed the price paid!! Looking for some new offerings– coaching, going EVEN deeper STILL….. I know you’ve been saddled with low energy from illnesses & other attacks & pray that is BROKEN NOW…… We need your stuff, lol. Plus, care about you & honor you as a wise & godly teacher!! If anyone out there has not tried this material, I highly recommend doing so without delay!!! 🙂

    • Denise
    • January 8, 2015

    Thanks Doug! I have spent alot of time pondering the very question of…….. Who am I and what am I here to do? Through the years I have ministered, traveled, been around Gods generals so to speak, to really feel that I have not really tapped into my potential. I have friends laugh at me and and find it interesting that no matter what happens, I am so desperate for more. I read blogs like this and get excited to think I will now get another part to my destiny and answers to my constant searching. I know God doesn`t hide on us just to exasperate His children, but I do have to say it has been frustrating at times. One friend of mine just said….. It is just how God made you. I used to get frustrated with you, but God just keeps you wanting more. Well, that is true, but not really a fulfilling answer. I still feel greatness locked up and am one that needs breakthrough so bad I can hardly stand it. When I see some one really living out their passion, I love it for them and wish I knew how to get there myself. You and Lance Wallnau speak to the masses about this, and it is great, but Wow, I need more. It is like all of me needs to be unlocked! Thanks for what you do. I will get there! Blessings!

      • cwatson
      • January 8, 2015

      Denise, as I was reading your response my spirit leaped because FINALLY someone understands where I am and word for word, I could relate!! I’ve been in this same place for years and it’s very embarrassing because I feel as though at my age and many years of being in relationship with God, I should be thriving in God’s purpose/calling/giftings for my life! I too desire to know!!

    • Reply

      Yikes, Denise, you sound like my twin–almost word for word.

      • fidella
      • January 8, 2015

      Have you ever heard of sozo? It is a way of hearing from God. Try to have a trained person allow you to be sozoed. Might give you some clarity. Praise GOD for your love and desire for more of HIM! What could be better?

    • Cheryl weso
    • January 8, 2015

    Thank you for your encouragements that are always so timely! I have read a few of your books & bought the dream course. God is certainly speaking & is so utterly awesome! Your type of communication has made it easier to be intimate with our amazing & loving King!!!!!

    • Braiden Banen
    • January 8, 2015

    Hello Doug, I totally agree with everything that is mentioned in the article pertaining to creativity. I have always believed that if we are created in Gods image and God is the great creator and he’s not one to lie,then there must be some truth to it,Amen.
    I would to love for you to help me tap into the vast amount of creativity that God has blessed me with, please!

    • Kristine Egan
    • January 8, 2015

    Doug, your words are always so insightful and encouraging!

    Thank you for being who you are and sharing your gifting with us!

    Many Blessings to you!

    • Kristine Egan
    • January 8, 2015

    Doug, your words are always so insightful and encouraging!

    Thank you for being who you are and sharing your gifting with us!

    Many Blessings to you!

    • Karen Mashak
    • January 8, 2015

    Thanks Doug for this timely word. Appreciate it!
    Really was stoked by the January prophetic message. Looking forward to reading it too.

  4. Reply

    Doug you couldn’t have said it any better!
    If I have any encouragement for you, is to keep repeating this truth as you said, society’s idea of creativity is stemmed in the arts arena only!

    • Debra Sturm
    • January 8, 2015

    As always, I am delighted with your insights…and it explains why I lug around my sewing machine and paint supplies even when I don’t get a chance to use them. I am a nurse and most of my occupational creativity is limited to arranging IV bags on a pole or dressing supplies in an over stuffed bedside cubby.
    I will be paying more attention to my God given creative abilities!
    Thanks, Doug !

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