Get Ready for Radical Changes

The words Are You Ready in 3D blue and white lettersGet Ready for Radical Changes
Doug Addison
May 14, 2015

Do you feel like you have a greater or higher calling in life? Do you want to break out of the routine you are in now and make a difference? Maybe you would like to help others and redeem the pain you have experienced?

Passion or dissatisfaction
I have a passion to help people transform their lives and discover their destiny in God. But for over half my life I was dissatisfied. Some people have found a passion in life that they want to fulfill. But the majority of the people I talk with are dissatisfied with where they are right now.

Dissatisfaction is not always bad. It can motivate you to take steps to change. Whether you are motivated by passion or dissatisfaction, you can get a breakthrough in your life. I did, and I want to share with you some things I learned that will help you.

God is limitless
Your current life situation is a direct result of what you believe and the decisions you make on a daily basis. I am talking about what you believe about God and yourself. So radical change starts by renewing your beliefs.

God created the Heavens and the Earth and you were created in His image. That makes you creative as well. There are no limits to how God can help you. That means that what you can do through His love, power and His strength also has no limits.

God is calling us to co-create with Him a better spiritual life, career, relationships, physical health, and emotional stability. You can fast track into your life’s purpose much more quickly than you ever dreamed possible.

Connecting the dots
Your life purpose and destiny are like a connect-the-dots drawing. It might not be clear now but trust that God will guide you through the process. I have seen so many breakthroughs! People are losing weight, getting new jobs, finding their spiritual gifts, writing books, starting businesses and ministries, even producing new art and music, to name just a few.

So what does all this have to do with finding your destiny? If you can do the smaller things in life, then it will prepare you for the bigger life callings. Most people live a life of avoidance and procrastination, waiting for God to speak to them and drop a sign from Heaven. In reality all you need to do is recognize where you are in your process and get to the next dot.

In most cases, God has already given you all that you need to move forward in your destiny. Even if things do not seem clear right now, taking practical steps will help bring the clarity or confirmation you need.

You are unique
You are uniquely called and created by God to do something great! No one else can do what you can do.

“ … For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

All things are possible for those who believe! You have a destiny to fulfill and we all have the potential for a high destiny calling. It always requires time and effort to develop. Did you know that most people give up during the training and testing process?

It is not automatic but this is a season of change. You will need to:
• Believe it
• Work hand-in-hand with God
• Take practical steps

How to get started
When you change the quality of your daily life, you feel better and you are more likely to love people and connect with God on a deeper level. When you change your own life, you cannot help but change the lives of those around you. We must start with ourselves, because we cannot give away what we do not have within us.

I recommend taking a practical step towards positive change. Read a book, take a class, do some research, find someone doing what you want to do and ask them questions. Small steps done consistently are powerful and the hardest part is getting started. Once you get going, then momentum will kick in. I call this the Breakthrough Lifestyle.

I want to personally invite you to take a step towards your destiny. Saturday, May 16, 2015, I am offering a Discover Your Destiny Online Boot Camp. Check it out here:



Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Mae Winkler
    • May 15, 2015

    I pray that the plans God made for me before the foundations of the world come to pass now
    Your Kingdom come your will be done. Then I
    Start journaling dialoging to get a vision of what
    His dream is for me. I am dreaming BIG dreams
    releasing my faith for all things to be possible.

    • Janice Reed
    • May 14, 2015

    Thank you Doug , you sharing your story of the battle you have gone through recently and are still working towards complete healing, is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so very much for the last couple blogs you’ve written outlining a strategy of what to do when it appears as if all those around you are being used to keep your mind in such a crisis state it blocks you from logic and thinking things through, reasoning, I just started doing what you had outlined and God revealed to me how the enemy was using people to threaten, intimidate, manipulate by using anger, and that it was keeping me in that fright or flight, CRISIS moment constantly. I am 55 and I am going to push through to finish the race God has put before me, and break this garbage off of my son and daughter. Addictions, rebellion, control, rage, etc…I have to make it this time, taking the class on the 16th.
    God Bless you and yours,

    • Jane Gatfield
    • May 14, 2015

    Hello Doug. On reading your article and similar to the “joining the dots” you speak of, the Lord described to me that His plan for me now and in the past and future has been like a puzzle. The pieces on their own do not make sense but as I go through my life, follow Him, place Him first and be obedient, these pieces are being placed together bit by bit. I still don’t see the final picture but there are some parts of His plan that are starting to form part of this picture, this plan, and it is He who is putting these individual pieces together. I don’t need to know how this puzzle was made. I don’t even need to know what pieces go where. I just sit back, let the Lord put this puzzle together, let Him do it without me trying to fit one piece to another, because I can’t. It’s very interesting for me to see the Lord doing this. It brings new understanding, new revelation, a closeness to Him that gets stronger. Its a wonderful thing to see and know that His hand is on my life, and how His plan is appearing piece by piece before me.
    Thank you Doug. Sometimes I forget this and your blog has brought it back into my mind.
    With love

    • Kate
    • May 14, 2015

    Please pray complete healing and life over my spouse. I just learned he has cancer. They did emergency surgery. I need the Holy Spirit to show me a sign will he ever come home. I am believing. Amen. Kate

      • Lisamarie
      • May 15, 2017

      I went through the season as well 3 things that saved my life with 15 min to live
      I prayed from charles Capps
      Creative healing 7 scriptures (mine was of 28 growths and tumors )
      Powerful little book 2.00 I hand them out now as my ministry and so many healings to list
      2 ) MP3 player with all healing scriptures by John Hagee . Played during treatments and hospital and all night again handed those out and amazing results cancers healed preemie babies healed and home 3 days it’s a must to keep hearing the word
      3) Andrew Wommack God wants you well series and go on line to his website build your faith with all the healing testimonies . He taught me the bible vs to call tjose things that not be as they are ! Make a declaring stand on it DO NOT WAVER as I did in the last so they said 15 min to live I believed Jesus’s report not theirs . 105 fever no immune system no white blood cells haha I went home 10 days later the tumor came out and I went right back to work 6 massages in a row even with a wig on and super tiny but my faith made me stronger than I left my office ! As Joyce Meyers says The word works when we work the word. It is each persons choice who and what you are going to believe but I chose the one WHO NEVER FAILS AND WAS SOLD OUT to TRUST AND RELY IT WAS MY RIGHT AS A BELIEVER TO HAVE THE HEALING HE TOOK CARE OF BY THE CROSS . He bore all on that day sickness poverty Etc nothing left out !!IT WAS WAS WAS FINISHED !!! It’s yours for the taking and believing Don’t believe the enemy’s lies and all will be well .
      4) Sid Roth is another great life source to build your faith for the supernatural healing I found him later so I pass that on as well HUGE IN WELLNESS MINISTRY!!!

        • Admin Nikki
        • May 15, 2017

        Thanks for sharing and encouraging others Lisa!

        -Nikki, InLight Connection

      • Danay007
      • May 19, 2015

      Dear Kate, I decree life to your the Name of Jesus!!! I decree that He Shall take up his bed and walk. Isaiah 53:5 is the legal agreement and the ‘true’ report in Heaven that Healing belongs to him… now. May the Glory Of the Lord rest upon you and your family. Love you Sis

      • LauraLea
      • May 15, 2015

      Dear Kate – I saw your prayer request this morning and I just wanted you to know that God sees you and your husband – and that you are directly inscribed in the palm of His hand meaning we are ever before His eyes and therefore near and dear to the Lord. Sometimes it helps to know when you are in a challenging place and it seems hard to see. I am praying for you and your husband. I will put you on our church prayer list too. Sending Love from a sister in Jesus!

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