The Best Dream is the One You Can't Remember!

The Best Dream is the One You Can’t Remember!
By Doug Addison

Maybe you have heard me say, “The best dream you can ever have is a dream you know you had but can’t remember the details of!”

Job 33:14–17 NKJV “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed, and conceal pride from man.”

God will often give us revelation and direction for our life through a dream and seal it away from our memory. Later you may walk into a situation and have a feeling you have been there before. Some people call this déjà vu. I believe that it was God giving us direction in a dream that we cannot remember and when we are living it out later we get that strange feeling that we have experienced this before.

God speaks to us all the time, sometimes through dreams. Though not all dreams are from God, we can receive instructions and guidance through dreams that is essential for our purpose and our destiny. Had He spoken to us more clearly or directly then we would have a higher responsibility for fulfilling what He wants us to do. By sealing it in a dream it can bypass our natural mind and even keep us from being prideful and from doing things in our own strength instead of His.

Another example of how God can use a dream is when you actually remember the dream but He seals away the meaning of it. We can have a dream from God that seems very significant but we do not understand the interpretation or how it applies to our life. This happened in the life of Joseph in the Old Testament. In Genesis 37, Joseph receives two powerful dreams about his destiny. The dreams indicate that his brothers and their parents will all bow down and serve Joseph. Even his father, Jacob, did not understand the meaning of this dream. The result was that Joseph was sold by his brothers and ends up a slave in Egypt. Later, in Genesis 41, God turned Joseph’s mishaps into a huge blessing that helped save the entire world from a famine.

Maybe you have wondered, how did my life end up the way it is? Oftentimes, like Joseph, we end up far from where we started and it may seem that the promises and dreams that God gave us will not come to pass. Just this year, I am seeing dreams and prophetic words in my life beginning to unfold that were given to me over twenty years ago. Had God revealed all the details ahead of time I probably would have tried to make things happen before His timing. God is faithful and we can trust Him as a loving father. Hold on to your dreams and also be open to the element of God surprising you with good things from Heaven.

DOUG ADDISON is the founder of InLight Connection in Santa Maria, California . He travels worldwide helping people transform their lives and discover their purpose. Doug is a stand-up comedian and his training seminars include hearing God, understanding dreams and visions, and experiencing the supernatural.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Reply

    I have had twice a dream or sort of a vision of myself standing at the top of some stairs. I can’t see myself in the vision but I know it’s me. I am looking down at the stairs and there is a darkness in the vision. The first time I had the dream or vision there was water at the bottom of the stairs and there were only three stairs. The second time I saw the stairs they were the stairs that went to the basement of a house I lived in and the house was in Chicago. A little background of myself. I have been a christian for almost forty years. God called me to preach the Gospel but because of family I only served off and on as a teacher of God’s word. In the last 2 years I have moved forward and was on the radio for awhile and now I preach on a regular bases on Friday night in downtown San Diego and God has directed me to find another location in the North part of San Diego. The part of the dream that bothers me is the darkness. Blessings, Kristine

    • Ogujiofor Ndubuisi Samuel
    • July 14, 2011

    This is fascinating but true.God does speaks to us through dreams we can’t remember when we awake.I ‘ve never seen it in this light before.Thank you so much.

    • Formica Sheets
    • January 27, 2011

    -,: I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information .,:

    • Terese
    • June 9, 2009

    Hi Doug,
    THANK YOU for the articles on “Angels from Africa to California” and the one on “Not Remembering your dream”, they both are just what I needed. It is was very encourageing to read. The depth of experiencing this is amazing. Doug, THANK YOU for all that you taught me and continue to teach me as I check in on your site.
    Santa Monica,CA

    • Terese
    • June 9, 2009

    Hi Doug,
    THANK YOU for the articles on “Angels from Africa to California” and the one on “Not Remembering your dream”, they both are just what I needed. It is was very encourageing to read. The depth of experiencing this is amazing. Doug, THANK YOU for all that you taught me and continue to teach me as I check in on your site.
    Santa Monica,CA

  2. Reply

    Hey Doug,
    Great post, I too have many dreams that I can’t remember when I awake. My wife always remembers her dreams and tells me the details. I often get deja vue moments and ponder the “what, when and why” to determine if the source was waking or a dream. Thank you for showing me that the Lord is talking to me this way.

  3. Reply

    Hey Doug,
    Great post, I too have many dreams that I can’t remember when I awake. My wife always remembers her dreams and tells me the details. I often get deja vue moments and ponder the “what, when and why” to determine if the source was waking or a dream. Thank you for showing me that the Lord is talking to me this way.

    • Pat Mansfield
    • May 22, 2009

    Thanks, Doug. This is timely and affirming. I am in a transition into vocational itenerant ministry, and I’ve sensed a lot of dream activity that I can’t remember recently. It makes me even more thankful for all the ways God is working in my life.

    Pat Mansfield
    Boulder, CO

    • Pat Mansfield
    • May 22, 2009

    Thanks, Doug. This is timely and affirming. I am in a transition into vocational itenerant ministry, and I’ve sensed a lot of dream activity that I can’t remember recently. It makes me even more thankful for all the ways God is working in my life.

    Pat Mansfield
    Boulder, CO

    • Doug Henderson
    • May 20, 2009

    This blog entry is liberating. I have felt bad about not working harder at writing down my dreams or remembering them. Your post shows me that this is really God’s work, not mine. This looks like the Holy Spirit’s ministry of bringing things up from our memory. Even our subconscious memory is an open book to the Lord, I guess.

    Doug H
    Santa Barbara, CA

    • Doug Henderson
    • May 20, 2009

    This blog entry is liberating. I have felt bad about not working harder at writing down my dreams or remembering them. Your post shows me that this is really God’s work, not mine. This looks like the Holy Spirit’s ministry of bringing things up from our memory. Even our subconscious memory is an open book to the Lord, I guess.

    Doug H
    Santa Barbara, CA

    • Wayne
    • May 18, 2009

    So true Doug, so true. I have experienced this quite often. Like you said, Sometimes I will be in a setting and I will say deja vu, like I have been here before. Then the Lord will remind me that I dreamt this. It is indeed a strange feeling.

    • Wayne
    • May 18, 2009

    So true Doug, so true. I have experienced this quite often. Like you said, Sometimes I will be in a setting and I will say deja vu, like I have been here before. Then the Lord will remind me that I dreamt this. It is indeed a strange feeling.

  4. Reply

    Hello Doug,

    Another great article and one I would love to add to my Dreams and Visions Information Site.

    Hope California is treating you well and your sleep time is deep and true.


    Bob Holzner
    Chicago, Illinois

  5. Reply

    Hello Doug,

    Another great article and one I would love to add to my Dreams and Visions Information Site.

    Hope California is treating you well and your sleep time is deep and true.


    Bob Holzner
    Chicago, Illinois

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