Prophetic Words: New Keys and a New Season

Key With Blank Label Isolated Doug Addison
April 11, 2014

April is the start of God releasing new keys and strategies for you from Heaven. This is an exciting time as things are going to seem to spring forward and accelerate over the next few months.  Watch for God to use things from the past and update them to be more relevant and effective. The new season is here!

April 15—19 will be a significant time this month. I’m not sure why, but it just keeps popping out on the calendar as I was praying and I heard God say this will be a shifting time.

Shifting gears

It’s time to shift into overdrive. Many of us have been operating at a lower gear, which takes more effort. Shifting into higher gears will allow us to accelerate faster, with less effort. This is a time of entering into God’s rest where we will accomplish much more for our efforts.

In the past, we may have worked day and night and come up with very little. Now there is a change in the spiritual atmosphere where we will reap more for our effort. Ask God for a strategy and He will give it to you. I got a new strategy just last week and things turned 180° overnight.

Key Angel dream

I had a dream that I needed to get a key duplicated, but the doors were locked at the key store. I was peering through the store’s tiny window and when I broke it I was able to get in.

I was greeted by an Angel who handed me two blank keys. One of them was tarnished and old and the other was rainbow-colored. This angel was the only one who could operate the key machine. As we walked towards it, a rattlesnake was blocking the way to the key machine. I had to grab the rattlesnake by its neck and strangle it.

God is giving keys to us in this new season. He is updating old things and giving us new. The tiny window I looked through represents having too small a vision. We have to break through to something new. The rattlesnake is a demonic attack trying to hold us back from getting the new keys for new connections that God is bringing.

We will have to overcome the things that have overcome us. As we put them to death, the new season will open for us and so will new doors. The blank keys represent God rewriting things for us. One key was tarnished and from the past and the other was rainbow-colored which represents a covenantal promise from God. This is a powerful symbol of God’s intentions for us right now as God is assigning new angels right now to you.

Prophetic dream for Birmingham

I had a dream about Bob Jones’ teeth being in Birmingham, Alabama. God is doing something new in Birmingham. Teeth are symbolic of wisdom and Bob represents revelation. There are a lot of new strategies coming to Birmingham.

Dream: don’t settle for less

I had a dream where I was tempted to settle for less but was encouraged to press forward to what was needed. This is the time we are in right now. Don’t settle for less. It’s time to press into God and get the things we need for this new season.

God is bringing dreams and prophetic promises to pass. The new season is here and it is time to trust these things. In the encounter I had with Jesus last August, He told me that after March we will begin to see things change and they will no longer be the way they were. He told me specifically that you can trust the things He is saying to you as a trusted friend.

More than provision

I keep hearing God say that you can have more than provision. He wants to bless us with more than we can imagine. But we have to take steps to get to it. The prophetic word I had last month was that “forward motion will open new doors.” Have you taken any forward motion? That could mean taking any step. Read a book. Go to a seminar. Sign up for a class. Talk to someone. Agree in prayer. Do something. Get a strategy right now.

The power of a “Spiritual Passover”

Passover is a Jewish festival that reminds us of God’s greatness when He gave instructions to the Israelites in Egypt that would cause the spirit of death to “pass over” their houses (Exodus 11–12).

Something significant is going to happen during the time of Passover, which falls on April 14—22 this year. God spoke to me a couple of years ago about the prophetic meaning behind Passover. We must allow things to “Passover” us during times of uncertainty.

The spiritual aspect of “Passover” is still available to us today. When uncertain times come in any form–whether economic, spiritual, environmental or whatever–God most often lets His people know how to avoid it or at least how to suffer minimal damage. In some cases, God even shows His people how to profit during a downturn (Genesis 41). The key is to listen to God’s voice as He speaks to us and to follow the instructions He gives.

God gave the Israelites a strategy for the spirit of death to “pass over” their houses. It is interesting to note that this was not just a “blanket blessing” for everyone. They had to listen to God and take action steps. This is the same today. We must hear the voice of God and take appropriate steps. During the time of Passover, God will be giving us new strategies. Listen, take notes and when appropriate, take action. This year during Passover there is a new release coming from Heaven that will allow the plans from the enemy to “pass over” you–while God pours out new life and strategies from Heaven.


Doug Addison

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Lee
    • September 15, 2014

    I had a dream last night where a guy comes up to me and asks me if he can give me a prophecy, said yes. He said like God can have 30 Volcanoes in a season. In every season is a new beginning. In every event there is a new season. After every season a new chapter. What does this all mean?

    • Deborah
    • April 17, 2014

    Praise The Lord, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He was telling me the message about what is going to happen in my next season in Nov. 2013. Almost half a year past , the circumstance has not changed , so I was so questioned “do I hear Him right? What about all the dreams I had got? Are they not from God?” I am confused. After reading Dough’s message, my spirit is lifted, I believe and I accept it . I proclaim my next season is coming and for sure things will be shifting soon and soon. Amen

    • April 17, 2014

    TIME TO RUN WITH THE HORSES-Jer 12:5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • April 15, 2014

    Is there any significance to a BANANA SPLIT as it relates to dream interpretation or biblical symbolism? Thank you. PLEASE CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: No longer must you see yourself as SOLELY a prophet My son. This is the season that I now call you MY APOSTLE-PROPHET as I send you into the “new”. You are thinking 180 degrees as it relates to ministry but I say to you COMPLETE overhaul or 360 degrees. In this season I shall cause you to command and raise up an army in a very quick and EFFECTIVE manner. THIS THE SEASON THAT I SHALL ANSWER YOU BEFORE YOU EVEN ASK!!!! I am even knitting those to your heart that shall lighten the load as I did My Moses of old. They shall come from ALL over!!!!! You shall even see a convergence of that which you have spoken and I have shown you over the years in THE YEAR OF OPEN DOORS or 5774/2014. THE WAIT IS OVER SON!!!!! Watch as I do a work beyond your comprehension. Even now I am aligning the angels to send the finances and new office space as well as other matters you have NOT even considered. YOU SHALL SEE MUCH CHANGE PERSONALLY and MINISTERIALLY by June and throughout this year. Know that this is your season of RESTORATION AND REPAYMENT. So watch what I do. You shall say, HOPE DEFERRED NO MORE.

    • Mauritz van Roon
    • April 15, 2014

    Thanks Doug. Have been following your prophetic words now for a couple of months. I am amazed to find that what we are receiving is very much in line with what you are, even here in South Africa.
    We are busy with a business that we felt God was calling us to. It is now almost three years. We have been through incredible struggles but also have seen God opening up powerful doors.
    Some of the dreams the team have been having are of so much encouragement, identifying what God is going to do, but also identifying the role Satan is trying to play, trying to distract. The snake comes into almost every dream.

    We are trusting God for this breakthrough now. We need it so much.
    Be blessed.

    • Candice
    • April 13, 2014

    What an amazing and wonderful confirmation! The Lord showed me on 04-07-14 that He has arisen and has become an enemy to our enemies! When I saw this, I also saw that everywhere He went wiping out the enemy so utterly and completely, the areas and the places immediately became brand new, overflowing with Blessings! The dry ground became a spring of water, flowers and trees began growing, birds appeared and were singing! Eternal Life manifested wherever The Lord went!

    • Dot
    • April 12, 2014

    Just as I was reading the prophesy to my friend about the section about Birmingham Alabama her phone rang once, an unknown number from Birmingham Uk
    Seems The Lord was underlining that word.

    • Denise
    • April 11, 2014

    Thanks Doug! I love all of your comments, articles ect. This is a new season for myself. I am getting strategy, and confirmations. I appreciate all of your writings and see how they really relate to my life. I love your prophetic words for the day and pass them to those I minister to. Thanks for all you pour out to the body of Christ. This thirsty sister loves it! Blessings to you and yours!!!!!

      • linda
      • April 15, 2014

      I so agree with all you said Denise. Thank you Doug and Linda for Standing and overcoming . and Sharing with us…you are Appreciated

    • Sara
    • April 11, 2014

    Two years ago I was packing for a trip to Zion Park when my sons started to tell me that they were having dreams and visions about rattlesnakes and they didn’t want to go on the trip. I prayed with them and stood the cross of Jesus between us and all rattlesnakes. Then when we were at a rest stop in Idaho called Hells 3/4 of an Acre we took a shortcut across the green and literally stepped over a four foot long rattlesnake. The rest stop attendant came out and killed the snake. Then we got to the park and camped and my keys went missing. I called a locksmith and he came out and made me a new key and then went back and made me a second key for free. I am so excited about this word. God is doing awesome things. This passover is a season of deliverance. I believe! And I know He is going to resurrect old dreams that have died. Love you all! This is awesome!

    • Don
    • April 11, 2014

    Confirming rainbows: I had a rare experience last week where I suddenly saw a full rainbow through the octagonal window in the front of my house (saw this in the natural way, not a vision). We rarely have rain in San Diego and even more rarely see rainbows. The 8-sided window symbolizes new beginnings, which goes with the rainbow (Noah represents a new beginning for all life on earth, a foreshadowing of redemption in Christ).

    • Sheila
    • April 11, 2014

    I find this very interesting Doug because my husband and I have just received a key each during a Seer Workshop by the speaker. All of us who attended were given a key each.

    • Charlene Stevens
    • April 11, 2014

    Good Word; I receive it! I’m sowing like Isaac did in a time of famine!
    That’s what He told me to do.

    • Latisha Renee Adams
    • April 11, 2014

    Thank you Doug. This article is powerful and confirming. Ive had two “key” things happen with Keys these last 2 weeks. One was in church while worshiping and Heaven was released i kept hearing birds cooing and i began to look around and seen white turtle doves everywhere flying and singing and spilling buckets of honey over everyone. Then Jesus came up behind me while my hands were raised and i was being covered in honey and placed keys in my hand.

    Two, was a dream where God gave me a car wwith a key and a spare key.

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