Prophetic Word: Restoration of Lost Inheritances

Prophetic Word: Restoration of Lost Inheritances

Doug Addison

August 2014


Go with the flow

August is the start of something new, as the eighth month represents new beginnings this year. This is the start of the full turnaround from past years. We will begin to see promises and inheritances that were previously cut off or lost start to come back.

Watch for full a turnaround in some areas of your life. Restoration of lost or forgotten callings and revelation will continue to emerge. Creative inspiration, writing, music, and ideas are starting to flow this month.

Be sure to take time to record and write while the flow is there. When the flow comes, don’t assume you will be able to capture it later. Be intentional and take time, even if it is inconvenient.


New season of new revelation

This is the start of a new season. The drought we have been experiencing over the last few years in the Kingdom is now over.

Expect an increase in your spiritual gifts, dreams, visions, supernatural encounters and your finances. This will open an opportunity for you to step up to a new level and see results for your efforts.


Opening of ancient doors

As I was praying I got new revelation when I heard God say, “I am moving and speaking 24/7, but people are waiting for the right moment to act on it.” This is the time to take some practical steps and you will discover something new.

I heard God say that Psalm 24:7 is happening right now.

“Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.” Psalm 24:7 NIV

There is an “ancient door” being opened right now over us. Look for renewed things to come as a result. God is opening a gateway into the Heavenly realm in 2014 for deeper revelation and greater power.

Ancient doors and gates are callings and gifts that have been given to your ancestral or generational line. These represent inheritances that God intended for you and your family but were stopped or delayed for a number of reasons. But they are coming now!


Don’t be intimidated

When God showed me the ancient doors and heavenly gates from Psalm 24:7, I saw what looked like a scene out of the Indiana Jones movies. Whenever Indiana Jones was about to recover a lost treasure, there were always obstacles that he had to overcome.

As these ancient, Heavenly doors and gates start to open, it will expose some cobwebs (old thinking), spiders (demonic distraction) and creepy crawlers that have collected around the doors. Don’t be scared of them. As you move forward, God is there to get you through.


Restoration of David-style of music

Here’s an example of how God wants to restore ancient callings and how the enemy will try to intimate you. In July I had a prophetic dream where I was interacting with a man named David to help restore forgotten callings and anointings for new music. He was showing me some musical instruments that combined several styles of music, both old and new to bring a new sound.

Suddenly, a giant yellow rattlesnake came in and lunged for me. Out of nowhere, an angel appeared, dressed like a security guard. The angel caught the snake in midair, ripping its head off just before it got to me. Expect God to be there as you move to restore these new things.


Restoration of geographic inheritances

The restoration of inheritances and callings is not just personal but also regional.

I had a number of dreams and encounters where God was restoring the original calling over certain geographical locations. Many of these places had something significant happen there in the past but it has since subsided.

This is not limited to the ones I will mention because it is happening all over the world right now. I saw places like: Moravian Falls, North Carolina; Saint Petersburg, Florida; Orange Beach, Florida; Chicago, Illinois; Birmingham, Alabama; Sedona, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; Nashville, Tennessee; Boston, Massachusetts, many parts of Southern California including Los Angeles and Orange County.

I saw locations lighting up once again. I heard God say thatit is important that intercessors begin to pray in agreement with Heaven to reopen these ancient gates.


A cowboy comes home

I had a prophetic dream where I was standing in one of the geographic places where God is restoring the original calling. It looked like Moravian Falls, North Carolina. A man dressed like a cowboy came walking in with a milk cow. The cow had a blue blanket over it.

The cowboy was singing a song to the Lord, “You are my blanket and I love you … ”

He sang it to the country tune “Blue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rain.” As he sang this song, it activated something in the spiritual realm and the area came alive.

The blue blanket represents the prophetic covering and calling over places like Moravian Falls, North Carolina and others. The cow refers to new provision and revelation from God.


New music is to activate

The new music that is coming is meant to be sung over these recovered lost inheritances. It will activate things in your life.


Dream of the new music

I had a dream that I was in a house with some people who were in a band. We all had discovered a new sound of music. It still sounded like the music we are used to, but there was something special from God by the way it was arranged and the words.

When the new music was played in the house, the new sound drew in a lot of unusual people including many younger people. The presence of God filled the house and angelic encounters started happening. It was a party atmosphere with lots of joy flowing.

In the dream, the owner of the house came home but he was not okay with what was going on in his house. He was wearing a suit and tie while everyone else was casual. He was not happy with what was going on, even though it was from God.

God is bringing a new sound right now that is not limited to just music. It will change things so that more people can experience Him in a new way. Don’t be surprised if not everyone receives it.

Watch for the ancient doors to open. Watch for new revelation. Let’s all pray that God releases something new and restores what was misplaced or lost.







Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Reply

    Reposting this again. i suggest that God has been waiting for two years for me to get serious about the “thing’ he as already been doing.
    You educate us, Doug. thank you for that. a little bit of education goes a long ways towards negating blinders.
    I told my bio son who is starting to get this, “I have been doing a lot of inner man stuff with this very thing. the ancient doors. He describes it very well. you will be able to be in a circumstance or situation and realize WHAT KIND OF DOOR is blocking or in place.
    When God says he is the ‘lifter of my head’ that is also a direct reference. amazing how the recognisiton of the framework of this inner man system helps to swivel my head when the “same old thing” or WTF shows up…just when i have made a good intention or produced a good fruit. loveyou kiddo momE

  2. Reply

    The owner of the house just came home.

    It just happened.

    • Mary Terkoski
    • August 26, 2014

    I had a dream in August about new music. I’ve been a teacher for a number of years and I had been wondering whether or not I should’ve have returned to the classroom. I hadn’t felt led to retire, but I still didn’t feel right. Anyway, I had a dream soon after school began. Two men sang a song to me in a rap style, but with a very Christian message of encouragement. There was definitely something about the way the lyrics and music were arranged. I remember the song spoke about peace and it ministered to me on a deep level. After the song, one of them told me specifically that I had to continue teaching, that it was vital. I woke up knowing I was redirected.

    • Valerie
    • August 24, 2014

    Thank you, Doug for sharing this word! I am so very excited, as I have been waiting for years for what God is unfolding now. This part of your word really resonated with me:

    “Ancient doors and gates are callings and gifts that have been given to your ancestral or generational line. These represent inheritances that God intended for you and your family but were stopped or delayed for a number of reasons. But they are coming now!”

    My great grandmother(I remember her well) and grandmother(like a mother to me) suffered terribly with fear/anxiety. I tried to help my grandmother, but later realized I had the same awful problems. I have suffered with anxiety on and off for two years. God has delivered me recently, and I have shared my testimony about this.

    But when I read the above paragraph, I thought of a dream God had given me, over and over again several years ago:an ancient iron gate….but then a “boom” occurred and the gate opened and the word “dunamis” appeared in bold letters.

    After giving my testimony recently, God said to me “that’s the first of many times to share it”…….Last week I shared the testimony in church, and I am excited to see God’s deliverance/inheritance of my family line. Praise God!!

    • Norine Olsen
    • August 23, 2014

    Please elaborate about “17” years ago. It is really important for me to understand. That was a turning point in my life and I would like to get the details in regards to how it affects me right now. I feel I’m supposed to walk through a big door really soon and I want to make sure that I’m right on target! This is huge to me. It will course the rest of my life, l’m sure. Any input you can give me is much appreciated! Norine

    • Denise
    • August 22, 2014

    Hello Doug Thank you for the WORD of Restoration. So much needed this inspiring revelation. I need someone to help me interpret a dream I had of holding a BIG blob of blood and letting it fall into the garbage bin. Richest blessing of overflowing abundance to you.

    • Lori
    • August 21, 2014

    Wow. There’s a lot here that resonates with what I’ve heard and been told. I am an intercessor for this country I’m living in, Iraq/Kurdistan. I’m trying to get an understanding of Isaiah 19:23-25 especially. I’d appreciate any input. Blessings.

  3. Reply

    Hi Doug,
    I so appreciate you words from the Lord. I am somewhat skeptic about all the prophetic words flying around these day, and I guard my ears closely. I am not shut off to the prophetic but I have seen abuse on a high level. As I read your word, which was sent to me by a friend I smiled, both spiritually and naturally because it is hitting me deep in my spirit. I live in Las Vegas and we are experiencing a moving and a shaking in the realm of the spirit where God is opening doors that were shut for years. We are seeing His Glory manifest in ways that’s awakening the spiritually dead.
    Also, I am preaching in Louisiana this weekend and the word for the people is,”God is restoring the stolen blessings.” I have a vision of His people being awaken to the reality of their true Son ship, and possessing their promise (the ancient doors). He has me speaking about the restoration of the Tabernacle of David! Thanks for the confirmation. Blessings and more Blessings,
    KIM (Keep It Moving)

    • Margaret Farrell
    • August 19, 2014

    Cowboys and Moravian Falls.
    We go to the MStar church in Moravian Falls.
    Our friend Gil Goodin is our cowboy here.
    He and his wife have recently returned to our church.
    I sent him your blog and he told me that he use to sing and imitate Willie Nelson, and sing
    blue eyes crying in the rain.
    So your blog really spoke to me and to him.

    • Grace Semakula
    • August 18, 2014

    Dear Doug Addison

    Thank you so much for the prophetic word on inheritance, it blessed me so much

    • D
    • August 18, 2014

    Thank you, Doug for reinforcing some things that God has been speaking to me recently: Ancient doors and gates are callings and gifts that have been given to your ancestral or generational line. These represent inheritances that God intended for you and your family but were stopped or delayed for a number of reasons. But they are coming now! and
    Restoration of geographic inheritances, particularly Moravian Falls and

    • Marsha
    • August 17, 2014

    I recently had a dream where I saw God’s left hand opening up in the sky. When the fingers were fully extended there was a ginormous vertical flash of light, and Jesus came out of that light on a white horse. He was wearing a robe about Him, that was red, and He was soaring, swooping, and swooshing across the skies like an eagle instead of as a horse would move. It was very short, but vivid. I have been looking up scripture regarding the opening hand of God and I read mostly about generosity, and I believe that there is an inheritance coming to me that has been stolen. But I sense that it is more than what I am reading. I am asking Holy Spirit to further enlighten my eyes to see what God is showing me.

    • Suzan
    • August 15, 2014

    Good word, Doug. I love the activation purpose of the new music!

    In the Dream of new music, I believe the owner of the house was the spirit of religion.

    • Mable
    • August 15, 2014

    This is one of the most accurate words I have ever read for my family and I. Just last month my nephews killed a snake in our yard as they were cleaning that had 15 baby snakes in it. The month before I dreamed I killed a huge snake in our yard by cutting it’s head off. Well just last week I killed two big grass spiders in our bathroom. I am to terribly afraid of spiders but this time I was wasn’t scared of them because I did not want my children to walk in on them and be scared. This is a right now word of prophecy for me.

    • Susan Berry
    • August 14, 2014

    Dear Doug,
    I just read the word you gave about restoration of Lost Inheritances and I had to share with you how deeply that word touched me in every part of it.
    I have been walking with the Lord for 30 years and had given up on the callings and gifting I believe God had on my life.
    25 years ago I felt God calling me to take up playing the harp. I tried for a few years to obtain an instrument and the door never opened. Over the years I forgot about that desire until a few months ago when God reminded me and stirred that desire again. I am now believing for my harp and hungry to fulfill that part of my Kingdom destiny.
    I am also from Boston and was excited to read that Boston was,one of the places God showed,you. Even though I live in North Carolina now I have a heart for Boston and seeing it restored to its spiritual roots of which it was founded.
    I also have had an inheritance stolen from me and am believing for restoration of that.
    Thank you for this encouraging word. It has helped me draw on hope that was at times dwindling. I am going to read it aloud into my phone Mic and play it back to hear it audibly for edification and exhortation to enter into intercession.

    • Tina Fotu
    • August 13, 2014

    Thank you Doug, it has been a challenging year to date but I have always looked at your daily words for hope and your revelations as added confirmation and inspiration to what God is already directing and stirring in me. I live in Australia and feel your words are very relevant for me, and I am truly grateful for your obedience and gifts and blessing which are definitely having a positive impact on my journey.

  4. Reply

    Wow! I am in the process of creating a daily email series called Creative Inspirations Daily. Needless to say your comments in the second paragraph caught my eye. Thanks again, Doug.

    • Christine Taylor
    • August 13, 2014

    Wonderful confirmation for many of the dreams I have had since the month of August began, and for what I have been hearing. Many dreams of singing, worship, rushing out to worship, taking others with me, dancing to worship you name it. In May I had the dreams about generational blessings and was told to “pull them down and pull them in, ask BIG”. So, ask BIG I did. First of those are coming to fruition, going to celebrate the delivery of the rest. I can see them on my horizon already.

    • M
    • August 13, 2014

    Wow, I so needed to read this! The last week of July turned my world upside down, as God began to orchestrate events that were needed for me to be able to leave a long-term wrong relationship. The relationship ended on August 1. Since then, my life has completely changed, God has been showing me himself in new and greater ways- ways he couldn’t show me when I had chosen to live outside of His will. Old dreams that God gave me (which I had abandoned when I ran from God) have been re-lit and doors opened for me to follow them. I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me as I read this post, and confirmed what God is doing in me. He makes everything beautiful in his time. Exciting!! 🙂

    • Elwin Emery jr
    • August 13, 2014

    What an amazing and encouraging word!! I receive it all, for the body of Christ, my family, and myself. Let every word be manifested in Gods people all over the world! In Jesus name!!! Amen!

    • JoAnne-Deborah Harrison
    • August 13, 2014

    Amen! Praises to our great God who is SO moving, I’m from Boston, Mass, living in Gloucester right now, but our whole New England region is in major TRANSITION of the Lord! There is a holy hunger here for the AWE of GOD and so Doug Addison thank you for hearing and seeing from the Lord God, this is so encouraging to me, I am an Intercessor from the North Shore Bridge Church, and a worshiper of the Lord; and our church is ON FIRE with the Presence of the Lord! I receive this with thanksgiving, making music in my heart to the Lord! AMEN and AMEN!!!

    • Rachel
    • August 13, 2014

    Amen and Amen.Lately I have been getting insights into scripture that I have read before severally and this time round I am inspired to write down everything. It is happening so spontaneously that I am amazed and also humbled. And yes I did receive a prophetic word 17 years ago concerning my calling, I also see it begin to manifest in this season, thanks Doug for confirming prophetically yet again.. Praise Jehovah, the Most High!

    • Tammy Robinson
    • August 13, 2014

    This is the summation of many encounters I have had with the Lord over the last months…greatly intensifying since April! SoOoo much confirmation in every part of this word. Doug! Thank you for being obedient to your calling and calling us up! May God richly bless you in all you do

    • Kathrin
    • August 13, 2014

    Yes! Halleluja ! I feel this moving ! I am agree 100% the Lord has showed me things with the same meaning in my dreams – all glory to Him! thanks and be blessed!

    • Michael Bryant
    • August 13, 2014

    for me I start in late june trying mix new and old types music together because I like rock and yet I using voice synthesis program called vocaloid so I decide since I using electric sound any to create mix of electronic and rock sound. I felt my music was not all that good so I have been discourage. So this encourage me to continue my hobby.

    • oswald
    • August 13, 2014

    i had a dream a guy by name of lawerence said he would return the money owed to me by sept 2014, i said u always say so but dont do it.
    is the dream my own or prophetic, if so what does it mean
    oswald india

      • Randall
      • August 13, 2014


      I believe your dream has an interpretation. While I can suggest to you what the dream may mean, it is up to you to receive or confirm in your spirit, what the dream really means to you. This is done by asking Holy Spirit to help you understand, and He confirms in your spirit the correct interpretation.

      Begin by asking yourself, what does the name Lawrence mean to you or what does the name likely symbolize. (also ask Holy Spirit)

      The scripture teaches that The Father in heaven promises to restore to us, everything the enemy has ever stolen from us. The way you respond to Lawrence in the dream may indicate your own struggle with unbelief toward God Himself, or perhaps an actual struggle with another human being that God desires to help you with.

      I believe God may want you to watch for something to occur in September that has to do with Financial or some other type of restoration. You may need to repent for unbelief.

  5. Reply

    I am one of those David’s you’re talking about. God put it on my heart to follow King David’s example. He took worship and a heart for God that wouldn’t appear until the New Testament and brought it into the Old Testament. Now that we are in the New Testament Church the only place for us to draw from is the “age to come”… heavenly Father’s heart stuff! Thank you for the confirmation.

  6. Reply

    Hi Doug ! Brother you are once again, in our opinion, ‘knocking it out of the park’ (yes, a Grand Slam Home Run) with how we feel you have developed your hearing ears as a major Prophet to the generations currently on the Earth with this prophetic insight/foresight word, plus all you’ve been hearing and seeing over the years!!! We thank you for your surrender, sacrifices and obedience to our King as we know first hand how hard it is at times to press through and stay on course with God’s calling!!! Thank you for doing so!! You have meant so much to my Prophetic development, my wife’s as well and helped us mature so much in the things of God through all the media, conferences and print you have put out over the years, again we thank you for all your efforts and persistence — I feel this is all finally rubbing of on me and yes my wife as well so that we may take on the advanced callings God has on our lives!!!

    That said, we have communicated via Tweeter and my wife and I moving to the Vacaville Area and look to be joining The Mission Church there, jobs and housing opened there supernaturally fast for us and a little over a year ago we did feel that we were being called to move there.

    It to me, is not a surprise that you lived there yourself and that other major prophets have lived in that area before
    And now God is relocating us to this region – when you mentioned the cowboy coming in with the cow in your dream Holy Spirit instantly showed me the sign off the I-80 of Large Cow with words ‘Milk Cow’ under it and I knew The Lord was saying that the Vacaville and Greater Bay Area was one of these regions that is going light up for Heaven!!!

    I feel strongly that a spiritual deposit you left behind in Vacaville that God somehow is wanting me to work with or maybe He is saying to pick up where you left off and move that momentum forward, not sure but we are praying and excited about all God is doing —

    I have in the past briefly introduced myself to you at your conferences but mostly to self conscious to sincerely reach out to you, just being opened and honest…just growing past all that now and working in the opposite spirit and look forward to interacting with you and your ministry as The Lord leads myself and my wife as it is just time to grow up past old nature and blossom in the new nature God has given to all us Believers!!!

    And, even more excited for God in all that He is going to be able to do with more Saints willing to be of use to Him then ever before!

    Keep leading Brother, we value you and believe in you / you are a very strategic Prophet for these times and we are praying for you!!

    David Thomas & Christy Ann Kelly

      • Candice Phillips
      • August 13, 2014

      Some confirmation: vaca means cow in Spanish. You are going in the right direction!

    • Deborah Densmore
    • August 13, 2014

    What awesome words Doug! Thank you so much! A lot of what you’re saying here about the new sound in music and bands is exactly what God has shown me and what He is preparing me for! it’s going to be so exciting! Also He is going to be breaking out in this way through every art form . . . dance, theater, art & writing/poetry. Yay! Yes, praying in agreement with you. Blessings Doug. Deborah 🙂

      • rica
      • August 13, 2014

      Thank i claim those prophetic words will came into my life,ars u said,and all the things that the enemy has stolen to me will be back 1,000 times to me and my Family.

        • Mable
        • August 15, 2014

        According to Joel 2:25-27 God said he will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten. This means He is about to do it.

    • Tonya
    • August 13, 2014

    This encouraged me!! Thank you!!

    • Reply

      Hi Doug,

      Such a now Word from the Lord. Very encouraging. I’m striking out to look for a new job assignment after having a couple of duds. I know I will find it this month and maybe even this week as I move through the second level of the interview process. The drought is over! Woo-hoo Jesus!

    • Phyllis Harris
    • August 13, 2014

    You also mentioned in your broadcast “17years” which would take us back to “1997”.
    This is significant to me specifically, as I received several prophetic words in 1996 & 1997, which were my first ones ever. There’s no reference to this in your blog……was that just a thought in passing?
    Thanks for all you do! I am grateful!

    • Reply

      I am releasing that part of the prophetic word on 8/22

    • Mara
    • August 13, 2014

    This was chock full of goodness, I am excited. We are from Boston, MA and keep hearing things regarding our region. I have heard God say “look up” off and on forever it seems and last night the ceiling fell down in our kitchen. The ancient door psalm has been in my spirit for months straight, so this word really hit home. Thank you.

    • Reply

      The posting date for this word is August 13, 2014 – the 25th wedding anniversary for my husband and I. Much has been lost to our family in those 25 years, including relationship with his parents and only sibling, as well as relationship with my only sibling and her husband and children. Talk about lost inheritances. Additionally, my only sibling passed away two months ago without us ever being the friends I longed for us to be.

      I thank God for His restoration of lost inheritances.

      • Candice Phillips
      • August 13, 2014

      I live in Texas and have been praying for Boston for quite some time. I have been to Boston briefly on business years ago and have had a longing in my spirit for revival there ever since. I follow Fenway Church’s Facebook page and am so thrilled to see God move there!

    • Philip Harrison
    • August 13, 2014

    I see in the comments that a woman by the name of Phyllis Harris says that you mentioned going back 17 years which would take us back to 1997. This got my attention. Many of the things you spoke of here relating to the eighth month and inheritance were spoken to me this morning by a sister in Arizona. Also 17 years ago in 1997 was when God called me to the ministry.

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