How to Find Your Peace After Terrorism Strikes

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How to Find Your Peace After Terrorism Strikes
Doug Addison
November 19, 2015

This was my Daily Prophetic Word for Saturday, November 14, 2015 (which I always write the month before):

You will need eyes to see as God is speaking through the news and prophetic signs are all around.

The night before, on November 13, Paris suffered a terrible terrorist attack. People have been asking me, “What was the prophetic sign in such a tragedy?”

God did not cause this and it was not judgment on France.

Terrorism is a demonic attack that is trying to get our eyes off what God is doing and take away our peace. We mourn and pray for the families and all of the countries and cities that are suffering such horrific losses from the recent attacks.

I recently released a prophetic word that peace and overcoming fear is a key to getting into God’s timing and provision for the next 7 years. It was 14 years ago that the U.S. suffered an attack on September 11, 2001. Then 7 years after that in September 2008 we saw an attack on our financial system as the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history took place causing the housing and economic downturn. Massive numbers of families lost their homes and investments, taking away their peace.

Here we are 14 years later, and there have been prophecies that the economy would crash in September 2015, but it did not. God is releasing a new strategy for the next 7 years to recover our losses, and set up Kingdom strategies that will result in one of the greatest revivals in history.

The prophetic sign in this for us is this–to operate in wisdom and not taunt or engage in demonic attacks against us that attempt to remove our peace. A Paris magazine published a comic that mocked the Prophet Muhammad. Even though we have freedom of speech, in the days ahead we need wisdom more than anything, and to not engage in battles that will draw unnecessary attack on us.

Terrorism is rooted in the spirit of fear. God spoke to me that it is important for us all to get rid of all fear in our lives so we can move in His power and love.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

God spoke to me that this Bible verse is really crucial for us right now. Since terrorism is based in fear, we must not buy into or come into agreement with fear in our lives.

The enemy wants you to lose your power–or authority, to take away your ability to love by causing judgments and to get people to stop operating in wisdom.

Keep your eyes on what God is doing and not focused on the attacks of the enemy. Be wise and do not get involved in mockery or judgment. Watch as God does something new in the midst of this.


Doug Addison

P.S. You are invited to my workshop, Changing the Spiritual Atmosphere Over Your Relationships, this Saturday at 10 AM Pacific Time.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


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  1. Reply

    Thank you for the good words once again. I sure hope I can learn to love in all things. Like Paul,…I want to learn to be content in all things. It seems the more I love…the more I’m attacked & persecuted for doing good. The words Bob Jones toId you about how you were going to learn to love, I feel God is doing likewise. Years ago the very love I had for so many, was all turned upside down & I began to feel the opposite when the lessons began. I felt the very opposite as people, mostly my own faith kind, came against me. As Jeff Jensen said once…”come out of pit to go into prison, etc. I see myself acting out bible characters. I don’t want to be affraid to see or build these characters & annointings. I cannot go any way but forward. I want to be through it already. I find myself like a child who would pull the covers over his head to keep from seeing what he doesn’t want to see. I am sorry…but not so strong to want to or able to walk in this. I am told, “God will not give more than I can handle.” Hmm, not so sure, it feels like way more than I can handle. What does handle mean? My heart most of the time aches. So watching crisis in news adds to the personal drama. I am thankful for you & always look forward to hearing what the Spirit & Love of God are saying. God bless Doug Addison & all of you in this ministry.

    • Marsha
    • November 21, 2015

    Your point about Charlie Hebdo and their mocking Islam is well taken. I hadn’t thought of the spiritual implications of that before. Yes, it is foolish to taunt the enemy. And thank you for re-iterating that terrorism is not from God. An encouraging and uplifting word.

  2. Reply

    One of the things we have lost is the heart of God in regards to the “lost.” Terrorists are no more than lost children… children Jesus suffered the ultimate torture for.. to redeem. It is the job of the Church to snatch those deceived out of the fire.
    We cannot do this if we are out of sync with the Vision of the Lord.
    The church needs to purify herself: stop being afraid to address sin in our midst. We are the Righteousness of Christ. Positional Righteousness is never an excuse to live in relational unrighteousness. We need to return to our First Love and His heart on all things.
    Only then can we see what He sees, feel what He feels and carry out His heart. We talk about revival.. there would be no need for revival if we as the church never backslid from holiness. repentance brings the ability of the HS to move through us in His nature. That nature is love manifested in difference expressions: healing, discipline, correction, tenderness and the Good News being preached in Love.
    True prophetic vision must be complete. We cannot have revival without repentance (remember repent means to turn from something) back to our First Love. Only then will we move in oneness with His heart. Love those who are bound up and in darkness. Hate the sin that ensnares the body of Christ.. His beautiful bride.
    David Murry

    • Michael
    • November 20, 2015

    The book of wisdom, aka Proverbs, is instructive and points to God who gives us wisdom. It is a superior way of thinking so we can rule and reign with Him as we think like He does. One of the benefits of wisdom is found in Proverbs 1:33; ” But the one who listens to me will live in security, and will be at ease from the dread of harm.” Ask God daily for His spirit of wisdom and He will give it generously resulting in your peace and security.

    • Ruth
    • November 19, 2015

    Thanks for such a timely and needed word. In fact, all these daily prophetic words have been right on target for me. Thank you prophet.

  3. Reply

    Fear is so evasive and strive to eat away our faith. Thank you for this word and reminder that God always gives us hope and when we have hope we can comprehend the wisdom.


    • Sharon Williams
    • November 19, 2015

    This Word gave me comfort amd confirmed what I was feeling in my spirit. Thank you so much for reminding us to focus on what is important in His Kingdom–faith, trust, love, peace and joy.

    • kim v
    • November 19, 2015

    Love it. Have been walking in this crazy peace! Can only be God cuz months ago I was in such anxiety and fear but it’s all shifted! Yay Jesus!

    • Linda Hunt
    • November 19, 2015

    Hello, Prophet Doug, I agree with the prophetic word and the insight. When the 911 attacks came as I watched the news while, on the job that I lost due to the economic, the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “the enemy had injected a spirit of fear into the earth realm” I am alert, discerning, but I refuse to be fearful. I don’t have the capacity for fear and worry any longer God has delivered me.

  4. Reply

    Thank you for this good counsel!

    • Jillian
    • November 19, 2015

    And on that note, I am also finding it interesting that the “nick-names” for Paris are “The City Of Lights” and The City of Love”.

  5. Reply

    Thank you Doug Addison for this timely word. As people of God we must begin to see things through Gods eyes and hear things through Gods ears (love). Only then will we be able to put aside fear (things the enemy wants us to see and hear).

    • Mary Byrd
    • November 19, 2015

    Thank for that Blessed Assurance! So much confirmation that bears a Great witness in my Spirit. This is another trick of the enemy to get us off Focus and to try to put fear in our Hearts…But God has spoken! We shall begin to Arise & pray for Heaven to break Forth! On Earth as it is in Heaven! You so blessed me at Joan Hunter’s church in Tomball earlier this year! WO! You walk in such an Amazing Love of God! May the Blessings of God Overtake you NOW my Brother!?
    Thanks for your Obedience to God.

    Salt & Light,
    Minister Mary Byrd

    • ottie
    • November 19, 2015

    Great and True Word. You nailed it with the spirit of Fear, whose job is to take our thoughts, minds and hearts off of God. But God is still on His throne and we can defeat fear with Faith, Peace, Love and Joy.

    • Normajean
    • November 19, 2015

    Doug thank you for what you do for God’s Glory. We all need His Daily Reminders. May GOD RICHLY Bless you as you do for the Lord.

    • Mary Lake
    • November 19, 2015

    This is such a wonderful and timely word that the Lord has used to bring great peace and hope into my heart. Thank you so much.

    • Carol
    • November 19, 2015

    timely. I have been hating the terrorist wishing there could be a way to exterminate them like roaches. This has put me back in my place of waiting for God’s vengeance.

    • Dorothy Chappell
    • November 19, 2015

    Thank you so much for such practical insite. I have been concerned about my son who is a marine and wondering if he will be shipped out somewhere. My friend has been praying for me that I will have peace and then your email came. I’m sure I will be reading this over many times so that I will not lose sight of my anchor! God bless.

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