Stressed about Someone? Here is What You Can Do About It.

Communication technology. Sad upset girl unhappy woman sitting on bench in autumn park with mobile phone smartphone reading sms

Stressed about Someone? Here is What You Can Do About It.
Doug Addison
November 12, 2015

With the holidays rapidly approaching, are you already finding yourself in stressful situations?

Being around family members, spending money, eating foods that are not good for us, feeling lonely or uncertain about our future—these are just a few things we deal with this time of year and they can cause us to feel negative or down.

But I want to encourage you because there are things you can do that can turn these stressful relationships and situations around so you can be at peace.

I also just released this prophetic word about how peace is so important for us to enter into the new season at hand.

And while you cannot personally change a person, you have the power to change a lot more than you think. Starting with this:

You can shift the spiritual

There is a spiritual atmosphere all around us even if we are not aware of it. Here is what I mean …

Have you ever been around someone who has a negative outlook on life? Or maybe you walk in the room and you can tell that someone is mad at you. You can feel the negative vibe even if they have not spoken a word.

This is an example of how the spiritual atmosphere operates. If negative things can have such an effect on us, then it can be the same with the positive.

There is power in what we agree with and allow into our thoughts and life. It is so important to rise above the negativity happening all around you and connect with God’s higher thoughts and plans.

Why this works

What we focus on, how we think and how we react to a situation really matters. If we are continually seeing what is wrong with a person or situation, we can be blinded to God’s creative solutions.

The things that we sow we shall also reap in our lives, Galatians 6:7. This is a very important spiritual principle that we need to be aware of, and it explains why some people who are sowing negativity will receive back trouble and turmoil in their lives.

Changing your life can be as easy as changing how you choose to view a person or an event happening to you. It is really important that we choose to have a positive effect on people around us. There are things that we can do that can turn around any situation or bad relationship. And we can learn from the situation so we can grow.

Tom’s story

I was talking with a friend who told me he felt controlled by his boss, and dreaded going to work each day. He was not in a place to change jobs, so he reached out to me for advice. I had been in his situation before so I shared with with him what worked for me, to shift the atmosphere.

Here are 4 things I encouraged my friend to do, that can work for you too:

I asked him to make a list of the positive qualities about his boss. That is right. Not list all the negatives, but the positives. He reluctantly came up with a few good qualities in his boss.

• I recommended he find a way to bless his boss by doing something for her that she would like.

• Then I encouraged him to ask God to show him why his boss is the way she is.

• Finally, I advised that he pray for his boss each day for a week.

Within a short period of time, the spiritual atmosphere shifted over Tom’s work and he started getting along with his boss. He also began viewing his job more as a ministry as he applied these steps to the other relationships at his work.

We do have power

When we feel powerless to change a situation, we can start feeling like we are victims to our situations, especially when it comes to relationships.

But God has given you everything you need to succeed. You have the Holy Spirit in you and God’s love and power to guide you.

You have everything you need to heal and repair broken or bad relationships, to start new friendships and strategic relationships, to find a mentor or even find your life partner.

All you need to do is become aware of the power you have and be intentional in how you respond to things around you.

Here are a few easy steps to get you started in this:

• Stop blame shifting: Take full responsibility for your life.
• Stop complaining: Step away from negative talk and thoughts.
• Start blessing: Find ways to bless those who are not being nice.

When you take positive steps towards change, you will shift the spiritual atmosphere over your life in a relatively short period of time.

Learning to turn around negative relationships will free you up to align yourself to positively influence people around you. These principles can apply to your spiritual life and even deepen your relationship with God.

Another step you can take to positively change your life is to attend this online workshop I am doing this month called Changing the Spiritual Atmosphere Over Your Relationships.



Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


    • Annah
    • January 12, 2017

    Good day Doug, I am married my husband and I were enjoying each other and presently he is in usa I am in south Africa, but this Christmas of 2016 things were not good between us because our relationship was not the same as other years because I visit him every year in Christmas, when we started to want enjoy each other his manwood just drops then he said to me maybe he is stress but to my surprise there is not change in what he is doing on regular basis and he did not telling me what is stressing him, and I end up saying to him, it seems he is slept with another woman and he said to me my mind thinks bad instead of telling me, no my wife I will not do that. the whole month I did not enjoy him until I come back home in south Africa I am so hurt because I compromised everything in order for him to further his studies, I am a child of God

    • Betty Cain
    • January 28, 2016

    Thank you Doug. This has helped me I have a person in my life, that is negative and is never wrong. I have to deal with this. Thank you so much for your encouragement.

    • fabianna jones
    • November 19, 2015

    I really feel blessed n encourage with those spiritual advice before now I was stagnant don’t know what to do and where to turn ,thank God he has his servants encourage one another

    • Mike
    • November 16, 2015

    Last night I had a dream where *I* was the person who caused the stress. She came over for a visit. I was dead tired in that dream and did not feel really ‘with me’ which caused me to behave like a bull in a china shop. She had the patience of an angel and gave me one chance after the other, but I blew all of them until she exploded. In other words: I was the reason for my own and for her stress.

    And frankly, I know myself. When I am tired and overworked (I work a LOT) then this kind of behaviour is not out of the question with me.

    I am not sure how one should handle this particular variant. Should I pray for inner peace? Should I pray for strength and/or wisdom?

    • Robertsine Israel
    • November 13, 2015

    Thank you doug for word of encouragement! Im in a stressed relationship, for the last yearor so,people have negative ,words about him , because he live in africa, even i said thing negative, so visited him last year in November ,we get in engaged, but we have talk in months, this is so stressful me, not knowing what to think or do, please prayer peace in my heart!

    • Naomi
    • November 13, 2015

    Doug, I would like to let you know. How helpful your messsges have been for me this year. After my husnands death in 2014, I dare say I would have made it as well, had it not been, I took every message as God speaking directly each morning to me. It helped bring me through each day with a much better perspective. It could have been much harder, with out your daily encouragement. Thank you and God’s continued blessings be in you.

    • mary burnouf
    • November 12, 2015

    What I just went through. Thank you Lord Jesus.

  1. Reply

    I had a boss who said things like “I know the billing system like the back of my hands.” I had to take over because she knew nothing even though my job was already very demanding. She was impossible but she knew how to maintain her reputation and get paid for doing little. My girlfriend said, “You must ask God to doubly bless her.” She made me say it so I said it really fast. Immediately her husband got offered the same job he had for twice the money in another far away city. She was gone in two weeks saying they couldn’t get ahead where they were although their lifestyle was very high and we were told we were well paid. I never heard of her again.

    • Deloris Cole
    • November 12, 2015


    Thank you for this word. I am in a situation with my niece and sister where they aren’t speaking to me.

    They haven’t spoken to me since my mom died a year ago. God had me to stand in the gap for her, at the funeral, to apologize for her hurting them and being abusive. My sister got up after me and said I lied that my mom wasn’t abusive and that she had patterned her own parenting style from her mom.

    She was right. Her mom treated her as a friend and she treated her daughter that way.

    Now I am alone on Thanksgiving and Christmas because the gathering is at her house. My dad tried to force the situation but I asked him to pray instead.

    What do you do when they aren’t talking to you?

    • Sheryl smith
    • November 12, 2015

    I recently had my heart broken and things ended on a negative note. I go to church with this person and I found it hard to walk into service because I knew he would be there
    I want to apologize for the horrible things I said abs didn’t know how, but this short lesson has blessed me in a Big way. I’m going to change the atmosphere! I’m going to be positive and at peace, the Lord will give me opportunity to apologize and be able to stay at my church.
    Thank you Man of God
    Pray for me

    • Kimberly
    • November 12, 2015

    I woke up to your timely msg.Yesterday at work I found out with two other employees the owner of Company hacked into our accounts. She stole our info,all work related and added to her account. It was the Holy Spirit that took over for me. I’m truly heartsick,shocked and sickened. Yes,you can flip it when God is in control of your life. Not easy..but can be done by Power that raised Christ.Of coase I’m crying my eye’s out having read what u mailed. Thank you kindly, Doug and Linda.

    • Georgia Baker
    • November 12, 2015

    Thank you for your obedience, to write this. My husband’s dad put a gun to his head and killed himself on Thanksgiving Day, my husband goes through such Great Depression that usually starts in September and lasts through Thanksgiving Day. This gives me hope that I have the key to change that this Thanksgiving!

    • Reply

      Georgia, thank you so much for commenting to let us know how this blog impacted you. Also, I personally will lift up your family in my prayers. God is able to bring healing to your husband’s heart. Depression has to go! Have a blessed weekend. -Amber for Doug

        • Georgia Baker
        • November 12, 2015

        Thank you for your prayers and encouraging words. This year marks 20 years of his death and it has been such a struggle, but we have been in agreement that this year we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving Day and focus on his dad’s life memories not his death, it is working, but today his thoughts have been flooded with death. My mission is clear. I will change the atmosphere!

          • didi teufel
          • November 13, 2015

          I really enjoyed this article, too and certainly agree. I will remember you in prayer, too, Georgia and Family….Special Blessings to you, this Thanksgiving.

    • Sharon Moseley
    • November 12, 2015

    Thank you Doug. I will forward this article to my daughter who is in supervision. The LORD is always on time. I thank you for sharing. Sharon

    • sereili walter
    • November 12, 2015

    Thank you need more and more trainnings

    • Carter
    • November 12, 2015

    I wasn’t sleeping and I looked to my phone to find this. I thank God we’re connected. You have been such a great blessing to me and my family and friends. Love you my friend

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