Are You Ready for God to Speak?

Young cute girl waiting for the train at the railway station. Travel concept.

Are You Ready for God to Speak?
December 10, 2015

I just released a new prophetic word this week that God is going to speak to many people between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

To help you hear what God is saying, I want to give you some pointers to help you maximize any revelation you might receive, even though the following 4 tips are not limited to that time period.

1. Understand the purpose
One thing Jesus often taught through the parables is that in the Kingdom of God we must have eyes that see and ears that hear. He was talking about seeing and hearing spiritual things so that we may come to know His voice in deeper ways.

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.” Ephesians 1:17 NIV

The sole purpose of hearing God—and the reason I release prophetic words—is so that you may know God better!

2. Remove any limits
Our own theology can stop us from hearing God, especially if we believe God only speaks in a certain way.

If God is calling you to something new, sometimes what you believe can get in the way. God wants to help us, where we do not yet trust Him, to do things we have never seen before.

When God calls us to do something new, we often have to forget the former ways that we did things. Our old ways of thinking, or doing things, can be the very reason we need to hear God for something new. God has changed the season in our lives, and what worked in a previous season, will not work now.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18 NIV

3. Stay positive
There are a lot of prophecies floating around the Internet these days that can cause us to become fearful or believe that God is judging the world.

But we need to remember to base what we are hearing from God and the gift of prophecy on the key principle of encouragement.

“But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.” 1 Corinthians 14:3 NIV

This is what we are aiming for. When we hear the Father’s voice, for ourselves or for others, the goal is to be strengthened, encouraged and comforted.

4. Activate what God is speaking

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 NIV

Most people are used to asking God for things, but we need to remember to “seek and knock” as well.

Seeking and knocking are proactive steps that go beyond just waiting for God to open the door for you. Yes, there is value in waiting, but while you wait for the greater things, you can prepare yourself now.

Here are a few steps to prepare yourself:
• Believe that God wants to speak to you.
• Write down what you are hearing.
• Pray about it and ask God to clarify or confirm it.
• Do not make major decisions without several clear confirmed pieces of revelation.

These are some practical steps you can take to align yourself and get ready to cross into a new season in the New Year. This really is an exciting time to be alive!

What steps are you taking right now to prepare yourself to get ready for this new season? Share it with me in the comments.



Doug Addison

P.S. Still doing Christmas shopping? We have some sweet deals and bundles for you. You can easily whittle down your gift list, while saving money, with Doug’s Christmas Bundles. Go take a look around!

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


  1. Reply

    I’ve have many dreams that I want them to be fulfill through the grace of God. I’m praying God to give me the understanding of the words He whispers to me what it’s refers to. I thank God for your life.

    • Valerie
    • January 13, 2016

    Hi I just recently subscribed and I am been truly blessed by the prophecies. Today’s word is so spt I am trusting God that He will confirm all this as I prepare to hear from him. I am seeking God for new direction, new assignments and new job prospects. Please pray for me I am really desperate to hear from God and walk in His way and will. Thank you for all the encouraging uplifting and the prophetic annointing on your life as you take time spending time waiting on Holy Spirit to inspire and help all of us. We love the word Doug.

    • Chris
    • December 25, 2015

    You said in your December 10 blog that the Lord would be speaking to us between Christmas and New Year’s. During the afternoon on Christmas Day, I heard Him speak the exact words He gave you for us Christmas morning – that I am a precious gift. And this evening He confirmed to me in a quiet time, that I have not been “just a worker” for Him over these past 20+ years. He reminded me that even as Churches split or closed, and sheep were scattered, I was there to quietly minister or pray in faith. I now understand that I am more of a gift of God to people inside and outside the body of Christ rather than just a “worker.” There’s a difference! People love gifts. Most people keep their gifts, and share the value and joy of them with others. The understanding of my identity has been corrected. As I continue to work and give into 2016 and beyond, I will remember that this Christmas Day’s prophetic word through you was indeed confirmed in my heart. And what He confirms, He will not deny.

    • Jake
    • December 24, 2015

    I’ve been journaling like crazy, really believe since the month of Cheshvan and Kislev just passed that I’m in a season of fullfilled promises and that God is bringing me full circle!!!

    • Christian
    • December 19, 2015

    My steps to prepare are to take more time quiet in a room for training to hear his voice more clearly and be shure about and to ASK for revealing my next steps….
    Love from Zürich

    • Roselyn Glover
    • December 18, 2015

    Let this mind be in you.. What mind?
    The mind of Christ. His way of seeing things, doing things, saying things..HE watches over HIS word to perform it…Daily learning this truth. Keep experiencing The Fathers confirmation of HIM performing HIS word..

  2. Reply

    I just read your downloadable book on hearing God speak. As a prophetess, I have been studying the writings of others in order to gain more knowledge in that area. One of the things I do each day before praying is to plead the blood of Jesus over my spiritual senses and to command self and the flesh to stand down and be silent, and I ask that I hear only from Holy Spirit. This is in addition to other warfare I do to keep the enemy far from me. It seems like this cuts down on interference with spiritual hearing. Of course I weigh what I hear according to Scripture, etc.

  3. Reply

    Thanks so much Doug.Recently I’ve been hearing the words restoration, relocation and settlement.Been trying to forget but almost all theoreachings I’ve heard are talking about these three words.

    • mrs.Linda Roden
    • December 12, 2015

    What I am believeing God for is for the ministry that he has laid on my heart. To heal the broken hearted and set the capitves free. To be restored in the fullness of the Lord. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    • Jennifer
    • December 10, 2015

    I had a dream last night that I rode up an escalator with my mom and son, saw an old skating rink, and then my son told me I had lost my iPhone. I needed to retrace my steps. I felt that this dream told me something. God was letting me know that in the past, I could just ride along to move forward, but i can’t do things the old way. I need to take action to regain and go forward in communicating with God. Your blog resonates with me and I feel very encouraged. I’d love to hear your thoughts or impressions about my dream.

  4. Reply

    My heart aches and hurts for my daughter. she is in the 2nd grade, and her teacher continues to say that she is impulsive, too much energy. . She is a miracle, born 1 lb 12 Oz, and has been through so much. God has continued to show Blessings in the middle of turmoil. . My little girl is not sure if she is different from the other kids, I know that she is in all the right ways, but for a 7yr old, it’s not something that should be on her mind.
    Please Pray, help me hear, don’t stop these emails bc I find out what I have to hear. . Be Blessed

      • Lisa Johnson
      • January 2, 2016

      Remind your daughter how beautiful and wonderfully God made her. She is highly energetic because the Spirit within her is beginning to emerge, and there is no room to contain it. If you read with her the bible, it would enlighten both you and she, to all the marvels God does using young children. God Bless you and like you my son and granddaughter were/are according to the teacher “impulsive”. I was worried, and then started asking God for creative ways to help them in their individual lives… Just know it was the start of rivers in of living water flowing through His hands to all the people he has blessed me to encounter and encourage.

    • Gwendolyn Morton
    • December 10, 2015

    It is my desire to hear God especially for my personal life
    and ministry.

    • Lori Patterson
    • December 10, 2015

    The Lord has been speaking to me in my I’ve been writing them down..Thanks to you, Doug, for encouraging me to journal!.love the book “Understand Your Dreams Now”..always look forward to “sleeping”!..LOL

    • Robertsineisrael
    • December 10, 2015

    READING THE WORD! Listing for his voice!

  5. Reply

    YES!..I want to hear more..
    I know I am on the edge of hearing more.. please continue to help….thank you

    • DOB
    • December 10, 2015

    Doug: I thank God for your encouraging words to lean into the Supernatural move of God. You are an answer to prayer because during 2015, the Holy Spirit has quickened my spirit to desire and be ready for the next mighty move of God. I never knew that I could ask for any giftings after I received the gift of Tongues, but now I know that it’s for the whole body of Christ and not just a few. I’m on a wonderful journey with you and those you’re helping in the Seer Anointing. Please pray for me as I’m in a “Waiting” mode. I’ve been devouring books, tapes, and signed up for the Elijah List Conf in Oregon. I’m doing all I can to learn and prepare myself. I stay encouraged by your word that while we WAIT we must also PREPARE 🙂 You are one of my divine connections!

    • Acito Ida
    • December 10, 2015

    I’m really grateful for the way God is using you to bring about changes in people’s lives.
    As for the steps, I’m getting more into worship and giving of thanks.
    Also asking God to speak through visions, dreams, the prophetics and the word.
    This post has encouraged me the more. Thanks

    • theresa
    • December 10, 2015

    I am so glad you posted this. I have been going to theology classes for the last 4 yrs. I am getting ready to step behind the pulpit, to preach the word of the Lord next year. I will be traveling to do so. By stepping behind the pulpit I will also step out from behind the pulpit, to have God guide me through this walk with the Lord. I also feel that the Lord will give us a Christmas gift. 2016 will be a the beginning of the beautiful walk with the Lord.

    • Anita
    • December 10, 2015

    Hi Doug, thank you so much for hearing from our Lord and for sharing these uplifting and encouraging words with us. I always feel strengthened and encouraged by reading God’s words from you. I have a question. There seems to be a difference between the office of prophet and the gift of prophecy. I am thinking of Old Testament prophets, who warned the people of God’s coming judgements, etc., in order for them to repent. John the Baptist seems to be the last of these. Could you please help me understand the differences? Thanks so much. God bless you and yours.

  6. Reply

    Amazing post! I have been spending a lot of time with God especially in the early morning. I do feel like I’m just waiting while fiddling my fingers sometimes trying to hear God clearly. I have been making plans to relaunch my business next year and I’ve slowly started to edit my book. Those are just some of the steps that I am taking in regards to preparing for my New Season.

    • Phyllis
    • December 10, 2015

    I have been hearing God speaking and journeying it as he speaks to my spirit dreams have increased but I need more interpretation to the meanings am asking for that and he has been leading to the scriptures when he speaks it is on a daily bases

    • R Carter
    • December 10, 2015

    You know my friend, I so Love you and thank God for you. I believe and act on all the pointers, and the 4th pointer God had me encourage a good friend with last night!
    This Blog speaks volumes on what God is doing, because it’s His heart! Love you and praying for you, your wife, your marriage and the ministry.

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