Want to Overcome Your Procrastination This Weekend? Here is How.

A young woman is sitting with her head resting on her hands and daydreaming

Want to Overcome Your Procrastination This Weekend? Here is How.
Doug Addison
January 21, 2016

Let me ask you a simple question–are there things you know you need to do, but you have been putting them off?

If so, what is the one task that would change your life the most if you got it done?

Most of us have things that we know we need to do, but for some reason–we procrastinate.

Putting things off is very common and I, too, fall into this behavior. But when we develop a lifestyle of procrastinating, it can hinder us from fulfilling our destiny, and calling, from God.

Stuck in the SPIN Cycle?
I have identified The SPIN Cycle that people get into. SPIN is an acronym for: Stuck in the past, Procrastinating, Internal negative thinking and No clear vision.

After coaching thousands of people, I have found that although all of these behaviors are harmful, procrastination is what keeps us in a negative spin instead of breaking through to something new in our lives.

Procrastination is deadly when it becomes a lifestyle. When we procrastinate, we start to believe the lie that putting off something important will bring us a greater reward than doing it. Like anything, we simply need to develop some new healthy habits. And habits only take a short time to establish but we need to become intentional and consistent.


What is at the root?
Most people might think the root of procrastination is laziness, but it is actually much more complicated. We all procrastinate for different reasons and to break this self-defeating habit you will need to identify yours—and develop a plan to change.

Let’s look at some of the most common reasons we procrastinate:
1. You are a perfectionist and you tend to make even simple things complicated.
2. You are facing a task that is going to be unpleasant, boring or difficult. You simply do not want to do it because it is not fun.
3. The task feels overwhelming or it is plain too difficult.
4. You secretly resent having to do the task. You feel as if you need a reward for doing it.
5. You are a person who needs structure and you have not created a routine for yourself that provides the structure.
6. You are afraid of failing—or maybe you are afraid of succeeding.
7. You do not have a big picture—a driving goal, therefore you do not feel motivated.
8. You have too much to do and you simply do not have energy for non-motivating tasks.

What is the root cause for you? 

Write it down now so you will not put off creating a recovery plan.

The first step is to identify why you do what you do. After that there are a few simple things you can do to break through instead of breaking down.

Align with God’s principles
• Believe: It was people’s unbelief that hindered Jesus from doing miracles. Believe that you can change.
• There are no limits: God is limitless so what you can do through His love and power has no limits as well.

• Be resourceful: You have everything you need to succeed. God has gifted you with the Holy Spirit and you have access to it all.

The solution
Now I invite you to do what I do everyday. I ask myself this question, “What is the one thing that I could do today that would make the biggest impact?”

Then do one small step towards it. You do not have to do the entire task all at once.

Now do that next step, first thing, before you forget. Or schedule it if you have the discipline to follow through.

When you develop a lifestyle of doing small, positive things regularly, they actually add up and allow you to get further ahead in a short time.

I realize that this will take practice and it helps to have accountability. But you can do it and make 2016 your best year ever!


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


    • Jazmyn rekey
    • August 30, 2017

    so sweet

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 30, 2017

      Bkess yoi Jazmyn!

  1. Reply

    I’m impressed, I must say. Really rarely do I encounter a website that’s both educative and interesting, and I would like to inform you, you
    have struck the nail to the head.

    • Akossiwa kakaklolo
    • February 1, 2016

    I thank God for like. May He richly bless you. I’ve started my practice I want to make it this year in all I do. Thanks.

    • Rebecca
    • January 27, 2016

    Thank you Brother Doug. I have been working on some things and this is of great help. I love the practical ways you bring forth wisdom and am being blessed!

  2. Pingback: Want to Overcome Your Procrastination This Weekend? Here’s How. ‹ Love, Life and Times

    • Olive Ralph
    • January 22, 2016

    I am not very tech savvy and each time I try to watch a webinar I can’t get connected. How do I watch the webinar later? It would be less stressful. Thanks
    Olive Ralph

    • Reply

      Hi Olive, please email help@dougaddison.com for help with solving this problem. I know our team will get you the help you need to be able to watch. Blessings! :O)

  3. Reply

    I’m 67, all downsized, estate has been set up since 1997. I’ve got money set up and all prudent insurance. I’ve been on the road for the Lord 5 1/2 years often doing without refridgeration, TV, newspaper, Internet, using tarps and public restrooms. I have jesusislord.org and I hand tracts out all the time. I have an opportunity with Experts29. I like to listen but I find it just want to live aka keep having life experiences. Walk on the beach, take life as it comes. I know I can discipline myself but I just don’t want to do it. I believe God hasn’t shown me it is for me. If I write a book or on a subject, I can append to jesusislord.org. God did tell me “social media” in July 2011 so I on Facebook. My gut has generally been right in life. I just can’t seem to cancel my $50/month membership thinking the opportunity sounds good but it gobbles up your time and requires Internet access pretty much 24×7. I’ve been waiting on God and sometimes he takes his time to answer. Even if I have wifi, it goes down at pivotal times so I can’t make headway.

    • Janet Nock
    • January 22, 2016

    I couldn’t get back to sleep so decided to use the time fruitfully …the message here fits in with my one word for the year …prioritise/ plan
    Thank you Lord for waking me early

    • Reply

      I received an email from wmpress.org last night, my first hint that their entire website links have changed without prior heads up. Since I have perhaps 250 Web pages with these links now going to nowhere I can see why God may have put me in slack tide or resting mode. As far as Experts29 goes, I can see it when some health issues are resolved. I’ve just driven 3500 miles over 10 days in the last 25 days so I can see I’m tired. With previous neck surgery, this is more like a marathon. God has not ever failed to guide me but not in my time frame. It could take months to go through jesusislord.org. Campus Crusade also has bad links for quite a while but they explained to me why. Thanks for listening.

    • Andrea Scholz
    • January 21, 2016

    Wow your getting the same word I got.

    • Anni Brown
    • January 21, 2016

    Hi, Doug- I like many people have to work on Saturdays. Would you ever consider doing a Sunday afternoon or an evening seminar?

    • Reply

      Hey Anni, it’s for this reason that we make the webinars available after the live airing also. Once you’re registered you can watch at your earliest convenience even if you’re not available at the time of the original webinar. :O)

    • Reba Barnard
    • January 21, 2016

    I am going to be packing and down sizing, to go into an assisted living. It is that time in my soon to be 80 years.
    I am really glad to get the messages in the
    morning. Thank you

      • Bari
      • January 25, 2016

      Blessings joy and peace on your new adventure!

      • Judie
      • January 24, 2016

      I just wanna say BLESSINGS on YOU Reba!! That is very courageous of you! God Loves you so much and I’m sure YOU have much love to share with your fellow apartment dwellers! Blessings and much love to you.

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