Watch for This In the Midst of the Storms

dandelion field and dead tree under cloudy sky with rainbow

On my July 2016 Spirit Connection Webcast, I shared several encounters I had about a new revival and move of God coming.

On June 9th, I had a major encounter, which revealed that an Ezekiel 34 revival is coming. This is a prophetic word about some mean shepherds and fat uncaring sheep that have driven away the weaker sheep. God is raising up weak sheep defenders— people who are willing to go after the outcasts from Christianity.

[Tweet “God is raising up sheep defenders— people who are willing 2 go after the outcasts. “]

Then, on July 4th, I woke up to the sound of celebration in Heaven: REJOICE THE TIME HAS COME was repeating over and over.

God spoke to me that this is the start of a new revival to the spiritual outcasts who have been pushed away by unloving Christians. This includes, but is not limited to, those with tattoos and piercings, political parties that Christians do not agree with, the LGBT community and New Age people—to name a few. God’s new agenda is to gather these people together for one of the greatest revivals in history.

Storms increased

Of course, right before a major outpouring from God, there will be a lot of turmoil and storms that appear in order to get you distracted. It is really important that we stay at peace and not focus on the storms.

[Tweet “It is really important that we stay at peace and not focus on the storms. “]

“Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’ He replied, ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.” Matthew 8:23–26 NIV

Jesus knew full well that there was going to be a storm that night and He did not give His disciples a heads-up. It is interesting that the storm came without warning.

There is a temptation by prophetic people to focus on the storms and warning people. Jesus never did this, instead He encouraged people to rise above the storms, stay at peace and take authority. In one case, He slept and in another He walked on the water during a storm.

Do not focus on the storm

Jesus invited Peter to walk on the water during a storm and when Peter focused on the waves he began to sink. This is a prophetic word for us to not focus on the storms or attacks of the enemy right now. God is releasing something new and great in the spirit; you will not want to get distracted or miss it.

Watch for a release of new power, authority and peace as you look to the Lord and not to the storm! Yes, we are grieving all the losses of life these past few weeks. Cry out to God for repayment in revival—and not a spirit of revenge or retaliation.



Doug Addison

P.S. Do you want to develop greater spiritual authority? Are you ready to experience God in ways you never dreamed possible? I invite you attend my upcoming live online workshop, Encountering Heaven: How to Access the Supernatural Realm in Your Daily Life.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Nancy
    • November 14, 2016

    I was not only taken by this word which I just saw for the first time today, but also by the photo of the field and rainbows which accompanied it. I’ve seen a number of rainbows of late — doubles, one triple, and even a circumzenithal arc — and I saw the field in a corporate vision shared by some of us at my former church when a pastor from Liverpool, England was visiting. In the vision, we could see people coming across the field from the far horizon — reinforcements coming! I believe some were angelic and some were human, but all were working to release God’s Kingdom plans and purposes according to His timing. Be encouraged! You may be walking through the valley of the shadow of death, but remember it’s only the shadow of death and you’re now walking out of the valley, not into it.

    • Porfirlina B. Schooley
    • October 12, 2016

    I was so tremendously blessed by the prophetic messages of Doug addison because of what has been my expectations for like 30 has already in the process of fulfillment or is coming. And the very trials that has come into my life for so long and even right now is a sure sign that the enemy is having his double time knowing that his time is short and what a comfort that God will fight for us and we are overcomers and we got the victory already in Jesus Name, Amen. Bless God!!!

    • Reply

      It is true. Don’t give up. Keep pressing into Jesus as your Lord and friend, and worship! We are expecting God to bring breakthrough in the next few weeks for his people. Pam

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    • July 19, 2016

    Dear Doug
    I can’t wait every morning to receive your mail and hear what you have to say, though I believe in hearing the voice of the Holy spirit and everything that He tells and shows me in dreams and word, you confirm everyday. You are truly blessed and a blessing, inspiration and true servant of the Lord. Although I face trying financial storms, I look unto HIM from where my help comes from and I have the peace, joy, strength of the Lord in me and amazing God He is, He supplies all my needs. I trust in HIS promises, HE is trustworthy, reliable and faithful to HIS word. HE has healed and delivered me out of the worst, horrifying storms in my life. By HIS grace, mercy and love I am still alive. I believe with all my heart HE will give me financial breakthrough. His timing is always perfect. As our prayer group was praying today I got word, Isaiah 46:10. Thank you, you are precious to us and the Lord. I give thanks, praise and glory to our King of Kings, Lord of Lords our Lord Jesus, our Father God and our divine Holy Spirit. God bless you now and forever.

    • Barb
    • July 18, 2016

    You are right on time, storms I have never seen before or could imagine. Like walking through a mine field over here. The blessing a young gay man came in the house very sheepishly thinking he would be judged. I explained Grace to him. The storms brewed for two weeks intense & then he showed up. I was ready to walk out of here a week ago. Had I, this would of been missed. Thanks Doug for hearing God’s word. This young man was beside himself, as I explained Grace, and God is never leaving you and is there forever now for you to walk with. I told him we are not called to be perfect like the thief on the cross, and the women at the well. God did not tell the thief to step down now that you know I am the lamb, and go clean up your mess and then see you in paradise. The women at the well God did not tell her to go divorce all your husbands and end it with your boyfriends when she knew he was the lamb. No the Lord says go preach to the others. Amen

    • Annie
    • July 18, 2016

    Thanks for this brother Doug. I had a major storm (one of the largest I have ever experienced) but I will not focus on it but keep looking to Jesus. Also some very vivid dreams. Looking to God for guidance.

    • Tracy
    • July 17, 2016

    I believe if we are willing to love ppl they will be drawn to the fire and the love.
    Fire to bring cleansing like the refiners fire.

    And love to bring the healing.

    Thx for this word.

    • Dawn Arendsen.
    • July 16, 2016

    thanks for the prophetic word /its timely. I have listed my e-mail address please can you post your prophecys + teachings using my e-mail. Thank you much appreciated.My fb crashed and i have to get it sorted out.I always look forward to your daily prophetic word.

    • Mona
    • July 15, 2016

    In the course of circumstances I have found myself in a position of exploration. During this exploring i have found the value of love for all. In this time and i see increase in the future of more and more contact with “weaker sheep”. Am I being called to be defender? I might be.

    • Agono
    • July 15, 2016

    I would like to attend your live online workshop. Thanks

  3. Reply


    • Dr. Fannie Finney
    • July 14, 2016

    That was a good word, looking unto Jesus and fixing our eyes on him, and we will not be so moved by what is going on because the authority we have in Jesus will take care of the storm.
    How would I go about getting a more detailed word from you? A more personal word. Send me information concerning this.

    • Sandie
    • July 14, 2016

    My God this is truly confirmation for me. The Lord spoke to me almost the same thing. Glory to God!

    • A.E
    • July 14, 2016

    It just occurred to me that Jesus is coming. Infact he has visited his people. Remember when he read from the book of Isaiah it was a Jubilee year. Now again we are in a jubilee. That perhaps explains the Ezekiel 34 prophecy. I think the Messiah is here already for his people. May the Messiah visit me wherever I am and drop/give me his long awaited reward, this time around before leaving. Amen

    • Colleen
    • July 14, 2016

    Yes, we are grieving all the losses of life these past few weeks. Cry out to God for repayment in revival—and not a spirit of revenge or retaliation.


    This is a Word Doug!

    • Ronit Kaufman
    • July 14, 2016

    In 2008 the Lord spoke to me about this revival. He explained that just like the new walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt with old and new stones. Then, he showed me the old stones, burned, cracked, crushed, abandoned. And I asked what are these. He said, these are my ministers who have been burned, crushed and set aside. The new “wall” of the church will be made up of a new geration and of these.

    • Kim
    • July 14, 2016

    AMEN! THANK YOU, Doug. THANK YOU, LORD JESUS! YOU ARE FAITHFUL !! NO MATTER WHAT THE STORM, THE LORD OF HOSTS WILL GET US THROUGH BUT WE MUST STAY AT PEACE TO SEE THE IMMEDIATE VICTORY! I am obviously a work in progress. Less than a week ago I prayed minutes before entering a sometimes touchy relationship encounter for UNITY, to be a BLESSING to this loved one … and spoke blessings over the potential walled atmosphere before I arrived.. I regret to say I did not see the tactic of the enemy to divide and “took on” hurt and condemnation that was truly a smokescreen from the enemy as a form of harrassment. LOVE ONE ANOTHER . Our battle is not flesh and blood.

    • Carter GoodCompany
    • July 14, 2016

    We can only speak Peace in the of storms and walk on water when we have Faith in Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Thank you again my friend for encouraging words. These words and the picture I see are very inspiring. As a Black man in America I know if it’s not for the Lord I would be so distracted right now. I’ve been listening and I’ve been praying a lot. My wife told me that the other morning I was praying very loud while we were sleeping that I woke her up, but I was still sleeping and didn’t stop praying. Look at God. Let’s look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith.
    Blessings my friend

    • sally
    • July 14, 2016

    Amen.Thanks For Always Leaving An Encouraging Message.Means A lot.

  4. Reply

    Amen, i will not focus on the STORM but be at PEACE and allow GOD to do what he needs to do AMEN

    • Lettie
    • July 14, 2016

    Thanks for the Word!!

    • Dawn
    • July 14, 2016

    Amen so good thankyou.

    • Val Galambus
    • July 14, 2016

    Thanks, Doug! I for one, really needed to hear this word! Tuesday I experienced a bombardment of fear and anxiety over some things going on, and I cried out to the Lord! I sure don’t want to be distracted and miss what HE is about to do!! I thank HIM for His peace, encouragement and protection, and want to be one He can use to defend His weak sheep. God bless you, I appreciate you dear brother!

  5. Reply

    In my book RESTORE RESTORE RESTORE and MORE God speaks of this new agenda He is now releasing. He gave the same warning that if distracted the blessings will be missed. It describes all the things that will be restored as this powerful wave goes through full of Hos power.

    I love you confirmed what He had me write in that book.

    Actually I was told in a prophetic word 21 years ago this was coming. I have waited a long time, but that which He talked about is here now.

  6. Reply

    Thank you Doug, it is true . I believe the Holy Spirit send warning before the storm, and if we listen and prepare we will know how to react when the storm comes.The Holy Spirit is send by Jesus to help us through every dark place.The Seven Spirits before the throne of God and all the angels the Lord release to help us – I think we have a whole lot of help if we only ask.

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