Get Ready for Alignments & Reassignments to Move Fast!

View from Side of Car Going Around Corner, Blurred Motion

After this month, you can expect to see things pick up at an accelerated pace. From now, through the end of the year, God will be making some major alignments and reassignments. The purpose for this is to fill in areas where some Christians have fallen asleep at their posts.

“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.’ God’s Decree. ‘Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.’” Amos 9:13 MSG

What is next?

It might appear to be a bumpy ride, but God is using this to shake out some things in us that are not of His Kingdom or for this season.

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire.’” Hebrews 12:28–29 NIV

God’s consuming fire will be working in our lives over the next few months. I have mentioned previously in my prophetic words to “embrace the pain of change.” We are going to see radical things happen that might surprise some people, but they will be confirming to those who have been watching and waiting.

Watchmen being restored

God is restoring the lost art of intercession. Prayer is an important piece that holds our planet together. Sadly, some intercessors have grown tired, and got negatively influenced by what is happening in the political world.

Some intercessors began to judge others regarding the things they were seeing from God. This judgment caused them to lose their authority in prayer. When God reveals something to the intercessors, it is meant for prayer, not to bring judgment.

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.” Isaiah 62:6–7 NIV

God is restoring prophetic intercessors and He is also raising up new watchmen on the walls. God showed me that it is the prophetic intercessors who have prevented many terrorist attacks—although they are not aware of this.

Just as terrorists often operate in sleeper cells, where they are not aware of the actions of the other small cells of terrorists, so it is with small prophetic intercession groups.

Their efforts may go unnoticed and they often are not aware of the actions of other intercessors. God is restoring the authority of the intercessors as they step away from using what they are praying to judge others. There is new power coming to reveal and stop the attacks of the enemy.

Good news

The really good news, in all of this, is that a remnant is going to come out on the other side of this short season of transition much more refined and ready for the new assignments coming over the next few months.

It is a time of acceleration for many. Get ready for things to move so fast it will make your head swim.



Doug Addison

P.S. If you are in the Phoenix area or have the ability to travel, come join me at the Glory Awakening September 29–October 2 for Rosh Hashanah. I’ll be speaking at this upcoming power-packed event with David and Stephanie Herzog, Joshua Mills and Timothy Snodgrass. Get more details here and register online!

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Helen E
    • October 14, 2016

    Still ready, still waiting

    • Denise
    • September 2, 2016

    I am seeing this very word come to past in my life right now! This word is son on target! The Lord has given me such a burden to intercede on behalf of others! My pastor just put me over the intercessory ministry in our church! It’s amazing what God is doing in this hour! I just give him all the praise!

    • gina
    • August 30, 2016

    i just had a dream last week about acceleration in my business, just more confirmation!!

    • Reply

      Very cool!!! we are expecting God to break out and do great things!


  1. Reply

    We (Shelley and I in Santa Rosa) definitely agree with this word, and we’re in the middle of experiencing this! It has spirit to it for us, but it’s actually more in the realm of a business idea I have (which is now patented). We’re all about the Kingdom, the 7 Mountains, and the glory of God coming through in manifold ways, like amazing ideas! 😉

    • Leana
    • August 29, 2016

    Last year I finally told God, that capacity of love that I had for this man is coming to an end, as he deliberately killing it, and I needed Gods help, as I didn’t know how long I can bear it. The hostility of last four month before August 1 this year was so great, that it became simply unbearable. He would not miss any little reason to unleash anger and madness at me, spiritual assault is horrible: I hate God, because I raise voice on my spiritual authority, I won’t enter the promised land, I don’t have friends because something is really wrong with me, I am unhealed, I am a baby etc. My friends tell me its not true, that I have more friends that I even know, that I’ve touched lives of many people. I told him how I will ever can be healed if you are doing this things to me? You remind me an abuser, who takes his victim, hits over cement wall, victim starts crying, sand he says, see, you cry, something is wrong with you, you need Jesus, you are unhealed…. It’s some sort of very sophisticated form of spiritual abuse wrapped in christianity. I finally came to my limits, I could not go on like this anymore, I ve been pushed over the edge. On August 1 I left with my two children. This is so not like me, it goes against everything what I believe, but my cup ran over. Even God’s patience has limits. It was very scary to leave everything behind and go into unknown. I have to start my life over and not under very easy sircumstances. I can’t even file for the divorce without obtaining Green Card first, and private lawyers are super expensive, the legal aid makes it so difficult for people like me to obtain legal status as I have to prove in the court the abuse, but they don’t really look at spiritual or mental abuse as important, it’s worse than physical abuse of course, it’s a spiritual matter, and our spirit and soul is more important to God than our physical body. I have to take care of so many things… feels like a huge mountain hanging over my shoulders, chidren’s custody, driver’s licence, payments, immigration,..divorce. But God is there with me, I feel his help, he sends into my life people who are praying for me. They pray that I would not feel shame that I left, that God would restore my identity on all levels, as a woman, as a believer, ..I need time to heal and rehabilitate. I feel so low spiritually that I don’t even know if God loves me anymore. I have to be strong to survive, to take care of my children,…

    I didn’t mention alot, but I think you have general idea. After 12 years of marriage I left, 12 represents the completed cycle of experience. I left on August 1, 8th month you said means new beginning, and you also said there is huge transition and repositioning happening in August in spiritual world. When I was reading your prophesy about end time marriages it ran in red letters to me, I don’t think it was coincidense that a friedn posted it yesterday, I was supposed to read it. This particular couple paragraphs:

    The eventsthat will begin to happen will look quite strange to those who do not have eyes to see and ears to hear (spiritual discernment). Existing marriages will be strengthened. Some spouses will die and strategic remarriage will occur. Some couples will separate and even divorce? though this is not God’s will, and He will redeem and restore them. In some cases it will appear as if their ministries are finished, but God will bring great surprises as He brings justice and repays people for the years of suffering they have experienced from being outside of His greater purposes. Those who focus on God will not miss their destiny.

    *The Importance of Non-Abusive Relationships: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. (Eph. 5:25) Many called and gifted men and women of God are currently being held back from their callings by abusive spouses and abusive marital relationships. Abuse will no longer be tolerated.* The Importance of Synergy: Two are better than one?this is a spiritual principle. If one can put 1,000 to flight and two 10,000, how much more effective are two people serving the Lord together. (Deut. 32:30)* The Importance of Spiritual Covering: Many women have been suffering with strange and often untreatable sicknesses such as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. Many of these illnesses result from the lack of a spiritual covering. For a woman to operate in a higher level of authority, she needs a spiritual covering. (1Cor 11:8) This covering comes from a husband, a pastor, or in some cases the Lord Himself. Because of this requirement for a covering, God is about to move to provide marriages for a great number of single women in the church who are seeking His will for their life in Him.* The Importance of Sexual Intimacy: Being single and staying pure is not an easy thing to do, especially with the extra added warfare which comes with being in the ministry. The Apostle Paul encourages marriage if you burn with lust. Itis better to marry than to fall to sexual sin. (1 Cor. 7:9) Appropriate sexual intimacy within marriage can be a powerful form of spiritual warfare. When two are joined together as one, the enemy has less opportunity to bring temptation. Walking this close together also brings a greater prayer covering for each other. When you are one in the spirit, you know how to pray for your spouse.

    It was like God himself told me, Daughter it’s not your fault, it’s Me who is doing this, because it’s time to bring justice and repay for my suffering. It’s not God’s fault of course that my husband didn’t not fulfill His plan for our marriage, I became stronger, but he did not become gentler and more sensitive. I realised he never loved me or respected. He told me:”There is nothing there to respect”. When I was leaving I told him :you lost me. He said: There is nothing there to lose. If you will ever remarry, I pity that guy. Those all were very painful words for me. I was faithfully following him in all hardships, we lost house, land, car, police took it all, because of his beliefs, he does not believe in taxes or drivers licence or anything like that, I have not seen my mom for 12 years, because I could not go to Ukraine, and he did not care. I was working like a horse, taking care of huge garden, children, cooking gourmet meals from scratch, buying groceries, children’s clothing, I even was admiring him for all his standings and beliefs, I would go with him to the moon and back, if he would love me and treat me right. I told him you will not find a woman like me who would faithfully you in everything and you still treat me as a doormat. I told him if you would be married with american woman you would be divorced in a year maximum, nobody would put up with this, he even agreed with me at one point. I was perfect object of abuse because I was putting up with everything. I have to start on my own, I will not survive without driving a car or obtaining documents, if drivers licence will help me to be free from his abuse its a proof to me that its not mark of the beast as he believes. Leaving was not my choice, but I had to do it. I have a feeling he sabotaged our marriage. People told him that I am a treasure and he should value me, but he would not listen. He pushed out the only person who loved and admired him.

    I want to thank you for your faithfulness in receiving words from the Lord. It was very important for me to hear that word from God. I feel like I came out of hell, and I need some reassurance from God.

    About a week ago I saw this dream: there was a man, I could not see his face, I knew we were friends and I think we were supposed to get married, but it was unclear. He took my wedding ring that I have right now, and he wanted to keep it. I thought how can I get married without a ring? I need a ring too. So I said to myself with such assurance : I will enter this room and I will find a ring for me there. I enter the room and I find a ring there. I put it on my finger and the size and form astonishes me. It was big, like to half of the finger with interesting design and I say to myself: This is a royal ring! That was the end of my dream. I think it signifies something good, I wanted wedding ring and I found it. Maybe God himself is saying: I put my royal ring on you, you are my daughter and I am going to take care of you..

    God’s blessings.


      • Janice
      • September 4, 2016

      Wow, Leana, I’m SO glad that God rescued you from that terrible abuse! I now pray that He will send you the help you need to get your green card. I pray for a spirit -filled attorney to offer his/her services for free. In Psalm 138:8, God has promised that He will perfect all that concerns you. My very best wishes to you.

        • Leana
        • September 9, 2016

        Thank you, Janice! Now, as more time passes by since I left I see more and more that it WAS terrible abuse.
        The only question I ask God is why? Why did I have to go through this, I wanted to have a husband who would love me. Either he was counterfeit from the enemy from the beginning or it is a free will of men. God has a plan, but men don’t always want to go along.

    • Leana
    • August 29, 2016

    Dear Doug,
    I honestly have to tell you that before yesterday I’ve never even heard about you. But a friend posted online your prophesy given to you by God in 1991 about end time marriages, and when I was reading it I KNEW God was speaking to me, I was weeping, it was extremely important for me.

    A little about what happened in my life. I am from Ukraine. I came to the USA 12 years ago with intentions to get married with my fiancee, who is an american and a christian. We’ve been blessed in my church in Ukraine and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was ordained by God, all of the prophetic dreams (I saw a dream that president of America came to Ukraine and presented me white wedding dress with golden pattern and golden epolets), prophesies, and signs…I was ready to go unto the end with him, love and cherish until the day we die.
    On our honey moon we met a pastor from Utah who has been a pastor in Ukraine for twelve years. He prophesided over me, he said God had a plan for our marriage, ukrainian humble and sensitive spirit and american bold spirit to mold together that I would become stronger amnd he would become gentler and more sensitive. He also took my hands and started to cry, it was shocking to see adult man weeping:”The gift of healing that you asked from the Lord is going to be granted unto you. It’s going to be so strong, that even people without faith are going to be healed. It’s going to increase in intensity the older I will become, after kids”
    Through all of this years I kept going on, enduring all things, there were lots of anger and control from my husband’s side. Even christians who did deliverance with him told him he had spirit of anger and control from his mother’s side. He repented, but he never really resisted it, it was there, and became simply unbearable. Because I loved him and divorce was not even an option for me, I just kept going on, suffering immensely. I was married but I had a feeling that I don’t have a husband. He never really allowed me into his life, kept mocking me, insulting, humiliating, disrespect, hostility, there was physical abuse too, but mostly mental abuse, verbal, spiritual, emotional abuse. And it’s all wrapped in christianity: he was always right, doesn’t matter what he says or does to me, because he represents Jesus himself, and I am always wrong because I represent church and I have to submit.
    Most of the time he ignores me as a woman, it’s been like that pretty much throughout the whole marriage, it can be months and months in a raw. One time he ignored me as a woman for 3.5 years, I felt so unloved and rejected, I don’t have a family here, I didn’t have many friends back then, I kept it to myself, all the sufferings. One time at a farmer’s market I was weeping at this old lady’s shoulder and told her what happened said she will bring it to her small church as a prayer request. After one week I met her and she told me when her pastor prayed for my husband whom he didn’t even knew he said that satan has such a control over this man.

    He told me many times: “You are nothing here”, I would tell him:””It hurts my feelings” He would say:”I don’t give a shit about your feelings!”.He never regarded me as his wife, he always told me to be quiet and shut up if I would want to minister to other people when he is present, because I don’t have wisdom or discernment, like he does.
    There is so much…to tell, the way he treated me few years ago when I was pregnant with our second child. When I told him I was pregnant, something weird occured, he started to hate me even more. The hostility was so great day after day, I thought I will die from pain, the only thing that kept me going was my child, I thought I would miscarry. I thought if he ever tell that he love this child it will be the biggest hypocrisy in the world by the way he treated me. He told me:”Leave.Go.” I said:”God made me your wife for a reason. I am going to stay. You are not going to toss me out. I am enduring to the end no matter what.” This is the way I was. People told me to leave. I was afraid to be wrong in the eyes of the Lord. I am a loyal and faithful person, I didn’t want to commit sin, as I thought divorce, except for sin of adultery, is a sin. I didn’t even have place to go, I am from different country, without means to survive, no Green Card (he didn’t take of that), no documents, no car, no bank account, pregnant… He told me then, if I am not going to leave myself, then he will make my life so miserable, that I will leave willingly….
    When I was few months pregnant, God gave me a dream: I saw two tiny worms circled on his bare back, I told him to get rid of those ugly things, but he would ignore me, I told him again, but he kept ignoring me. Suddenly one of the worms started to grow and increase in size and turned into a snake, I was standing by the wall naked (vulnerable, unprotected), snake rose it’s head, looked at me and jumped toward my feet to attack me. I woke up.
    Continue in the next post —->

  2. Reply

    when travelling faster than the speed of light feelings of stability, peace & joy

  3. Reply

    ‘buckle up buttercup!’ Words heard at the beginning of this year 2016.

    Highway of Light shown to me June 2012, travelling faster than the speed of light.

    • Reply

      haha! I love those words “buckle up buttercup.” 2016 has been a crazy ride so far 🙂

    • Joshua
    • August 26, 2016

    I live in south central Louisiana where the historic flooding has damaged over 60,000+ homes. Thank God my home didn’t flood, but as I though about God’s purpose in this, I thought of the homes being gutted and it was like God said, “That is what I’m doing to My house.” The physical manifestation of cleaning out flooded homes parallels the spiritual cleaning out of God’s house. Things that are not secured and tied down will wash away in a flood. In this season, we must let go of all that holds us back and weighs us down. God is cleaning His house, and is very active in this season.

    • Cheryl Lund
    • August 25, 2016

    Feeling lonely, old, tired, and defeated. I have listened to hundreds of prophesies which are yet unfulfilled. I am 70 and feel left behind.

    • Reply

      Cheryl, I am so sorry you are feeling that way 🙁 Do you remember why you were born? You were born here on earth because your creator loves you and wanted to get to know you and be your close friend. That is your primary life purpose… to learn how to feel and know the passionate focused love that God, Jesus, Holy Spirit has for you and how accept that you are worthy of being loved so much.

      Don’t worry about what other people are doing with their lives. When you focus on praising and knowing God, He will begin to share things with you. Doug’s free e-book How to Hear God More Clearly will help you with practical steps to do this.

      So here is your homework to get you back on track with your life purpose and destiny:

      1. Find worship music you like and listen to it at least an hour a day. Here is my favorite song you can listen for free on the computer

      2. Download’s Doug free e-book and begin to follow the steps to hear God daily.

      3. Spend time reading bible verses about how much God loves you. Read them over and over until they get into your spirit..

      Sending you love and blessings! Pam

    • Rebecca Randolph
    • August 25, 2016

    A few days ago I heard the Holy Spirit say, “You are about to enter the rapids.” What Doug has shared about moving fast is a confirmation for my situation.

  4. Reply

    This seems to lineup with a dream I had on August 23, 2016. I was at a beach seemed like I worked there, my pastor was also there, I got ready to take a shower because it was evening time and I was preparing to go to sleep. I as I looked around I noticed the doors were open I told my pastor the doors are open he said that’s impossible I closed all of them. I quickly grabbed a robe it was pink in color and quilted I began walking throughout the building and closing and making sure the doors were locked so no one who didn’t belong could enter and do harm, it was dark and raining outside. My pastor began to do the same thing we then entered into the very back of the building and it was a school there were kids there I kept checking the doors and then I saw my pastor go into this class room and their was a lady and some children there he was upset and said I reserved this room for some one else. He then moved the lady who may have been the teacher and the children to another room. My pastor then began checking doors again, I was at the last door and I opened it and I saw a white man in the parking lot but I knew who he was we started talking and I knew he should be in the building so I let him in and then he proceeded to a classroom. As I headed back to the front of the building I heard a lady say to my pastor you could have made her a secretary or something like that she was upset that I was with the pastor. The revelation that the Lord gave me was how the should be set up 1 corthians 12:28.

    • Beverly Anne
    • August 25, 2016

    I find it’s getting harder and harder to discern His Voice with so many prophetic voices having their input. I guess prophets have to know their Sheperd’s Voice so they don’t follow the voice of a stranger. However, this is good as it forces me to get ever closer to the Lord and only use the prophetics voices to confirm if I’m on the right path or not. The absolute final authority for me is the Still, Small Voice that I hear after spending the indicated time with the Lord. Be still and KNOW THAT I AM GOD. God bless you, Doug

    • Marta
    • August 25, 2016

    Wow! What a great word!
    It’s so confirming to my personal call because after a period of rest, I have been “sought out” and am going into new territories for the Kingdom. And for my local church, we have sought the Presence & have focused on prayer, listening prayer, prophetic prayer…we are small but I know we are making a difference! You make a difference, Doug, by putting language to what we are experiencing!! Rich blessings to you & your team!

  5. Reply

    This is confirmation for me,
    noticing their is an acceleration with time, kept asking God what’s going on? Getting ready for change. Many thanks Doug.

    • Kate Hurley
    • August 25, 2016

    Thank you for sharing!
    I will have to say the prophetic can be a bit vague, and I’m not saying we don’t walk by faith, i just wonder what this looks like. I agree there is acceleration going on, but it is different in everyones life. Just like the DNA in everyone is different, its hard to see what a general prophetic word will look like in an individuals life.

    • connie whittenburg
    • August 25, 2016

    thank you I really needed this word

    • Deidre'
    • August 25, 2016

    Thank you Doug Addison for the confirmation!

    • Kathleen M Hanrahan
    • August 25, 2016

    Thank you Brother Doug for this timely word. I have felt time moving so swiftly that I barely have time to get some things accomplished. I do recognize that my life and that of my household is being realigned and reassigned. I do intercessory prayer and command the Hosts of Heaven to go out and shred the enemy as Kat Kerr instructs. Wow is that a powerful weapon of the Lord!

    Love in Christ,

    • Tawnia
    • August 25, 2016

    Great words of encouragement and correction. Thank you

  6. Reply

    I am getting ready for change + rearrange Thanks Dough

    • Sophia Tsovilis
    • August 25, 2016

    Thank you for the word it is very much on time and reaffirms many things for me. Praise God. See you in Phoenix I’m very excited I know God is going to do amazing things there during Rosh Hashanah.

    • Gerd Turid Lohne Olsen
    • August 25, 2016

    Good word! I have been interested in starting a European prayer movement, where everyone prays simotainiously all over Europe. But I think that Cod is assigning his intecessors to pray in harmony. His Holy Spirit is giving us direction. The bible says nothing will happen unless it is revealed to the prophets first. I believe that the proohetic intercession will start up a new revival in the US and Europe.

    • Brian Canniff
    • August 25, 2016

    I am so ready for this & was expecting it this month. Wondering when I’ll see breakthrough, suddenlies, whatever, anything, yet I’m hanging on to faith that I will. I believe your word in July was for me & I’ve been reaching out to the “lean sheep” but have seen no fruit (yet). I thank God for your ministry. Shalom !

    • Lorraine Jonas
    • August 25, 2016

    Thank you For this word. I recieve it in Jesus name.
    Use me Lord

  7. Reply

    This was an on time and awesome word! I needed this! Thank you!

    • Calvin Spigner
    • August 25, 2016

    This is such a confirming word and it lines up with what I’ve been feeling in my spirit increasingly in the last few months. I’m ready to receive all that God has for me to do and be a part of!

  8. Reply

    A word for the month of August

    The Father’s Favor, He wants us Free !

    Look beyond, look up to see
    Fill your heart, your mind, your eyes, your ears with Me
    That will bring the Hope that gives Peace to carry
    To leave earth’s orbit in greater and greater degree

    Truth, Who is My Son, came to reveil Me !
    My Realm will become so strong, like gravity
    You’ll be drawn into it more and more swiftly
    That revelation becomes present reality

    Knowing My voice and obeying My wishes is key
    This is where your deliverance lies, in your cleaving to Me
    and following the path laid out for you
    Be faithful to what I have appointed you to do

    My dear child, you are completely untrustworthy
    The Life of My Son will increase in you, to grow into authority
    It always will remain only Him, where law and grace met perfectly
    He became the plumbline for all humanity !

    Persevere, My beautiful people, persevere

    • Martha
    • August 25, 2016

    THANK YOU, DOUG, FOR YOUR POSTS. I am often awakened in the middle of the night, sometimes to intercede, as well as listen. A highlight for me in these wee hours is to read your daily and monthly messages, that bring me comfort, confirmation, connection and direction. Tonight and early this am, I was seeking council on why things seemed to be accelerating in terms of the to do lists, the demands, the forever spin cycle. Some days resemble the coming of the tornado in the Wizatd of Oz movie, pretty scattered, could seem frantic. I even hear the music for these scenes! I am earnestly seeking the Lord to help me order my steps, get focused, set priorities, delete non essentials and distractions.. I have also noticed an increase in blessings. Amidst my gratitude , I give thanks to the Lord for expanding my CAPACITY to receive ALL HE is doing, as well as show me where to SERVE best. Gratitude, as you serve,Doug,to many!

    • Mark Geier
    • August 25, 2016

    You are so right on. I haven’t felt much change going on for a while now. However, just in the last two weeks He has brought me into such deep intimacy and He is taking me deep deep into His love.

    • Arlene Council
    • August 25, 2016

    Praise God for this Word. I receive the Word with gladness. Be it unto me according to His Word!

    • Chloe
    • August 25, 2016

    Thank you for your message. I rely heavily on the prophetic. I still hang in for a breakthrough that The Lord showed me, furthermore also for my country. Chuck Pierce prophesied over South Africa.

      • Alice
      • August 27, 2016

      Hi Chloe
      What was the Word / prophecy by chuck pierce , would you share with me pls?


    • Robert Timmins
    • August 25, 2016

    Well needed word for me

    • Carter
    • August 25, 2016

    I receive this! Let us repent for falling asleep on our posts and allowing the enemy to snick in undetected. Let’s Watch and Pray so we will no longer fall to temptations, for the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing. #Jesus I surrender all! I say yes to Your will, and yes to Your way.

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