Want to Write a Book, but Keep Putting It Off? You’re Not Alone.

Laughing friends enjoying coffee with laptop in cafe

Do you feel called to write a book, but keep putting it off?

A couple months ago I shared with you why now is the time to get ready to write.

Several of you commented on that blog post, thanking me and to let me know where you’re at in your writing process—or where you’re stuck.

Today I want to share some of their comments with you, because as you will see in their words, you’re not alone!

While some of my blog readers wrote to let me know they are in the final stages of finishing, or have already finished and published their book, most people who want to write a book find themselves where I was at a few years ago—still putting things off.

See if you can see yourself in any of these comments:

“I know I have been called to write but keep putting it off…thank you for your encouragement! :)” – from Lina

“I heard God tell me years ago to start writing. I have my story and don’t know what to do with it.” – from Kimberley

“Your article hit me right between the eyes today. I’ve known for a while I need to write and even have a topic I believe the Lord wants me to write about, a fairly intimidating one! I need courage and just need to start!” – from Nancy

“Writing is my passion. I love nothing more. I also know it’s my own personal gift from the Lord. However, I truly don’t know what to write.” – from Chris

“I am yet another person who has been carrying a call for book-writing and not yet seen it manifest. The resistance is so very real!” – from Ruth

Writer’s block is miserable. Going on 6 years … just spinning in place going nowhere. Ugh!!!!!!!!!?” – from Stephanie

“Thank you so much for this – I have had ‘words’ that I was an author and would write books that would change how people view certain topics. I am taking this as confirmation.” – from Cristy

Can you relate?

The truth is, most of us have a lifestyle of putting things off.

But here’s the good news! I’m convinced that anyone, when they set their mind to it, can write AND get their book published.

I know, because I’ve done it.

And so can you.

I personally had to overcome ADD, dyslexia, perfectionism and procrastination (and those lies from teachers who told me I couldn’t write) in order to start writing.

Now I’ve written 10 books. And I am working on 3 more right now.

No matter what mountains you have to overcome, if you have the desire or a call to write, I want to help you jump start your writing and break through the barriers trying to hold you back (like all of the ones people listed above).

Something new is coming

That’s why next week on Wednesday, November 2, I’m re-releasing an updated and refreshed version of Write Your Book Now! my self-guided online course where I give you the tools, strategy and encouragement you need to jump start your writing so you can finish writing your book!

Remember, Noah got a revelation from God on how to build the ark, but he still had to swing the hammer to build it.

The important thing is to get ready to start!

A great place to start is right here: Write Your Book Now! My team and I have just updated and refreshed my online training, Write Your Book Now! This course will give you the strategies God gave me to be able to write my first book (an idea I had been sitting on for 3 years) in just 3 weeks! Find out more here.

I look forward to walking you through the steps I took so you can get your book written and published as quickly and easily as possible.



Doug Addison

P.S. Have you heard of NaNoWriMo? National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short), which happens every November 1–30, is a great time to get back into the flow for writing over the next 30 days.

And you don’t even have to be writing fiction to make a new commitment to writing over the next month. Whether you want to write fiction or non-fiction, start a blog or you just need help finishing and publishing what you’ve started, people are waiting to read what you have to say and the revelation that God has given you!

If you want to get your book written and published, check out my recently refreshed online training, Write Your Book Now! 

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California, where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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  1. Reply

    I’ve written several books. It’s not the writing. It’s the marketing that has to be done after the fact that is so difficult.

    • Julie Levine
    • November 4, 2016

    Back in 1991 the Lord gave me ideas for a play.
    I made a start, but have not gotten very far. I thought about writing out a story but again have been distracted by life circumstances. I am currently a college student, at Santa Rosa Junior College. My most rime consuming class is Precalculus.

    • Reply


      Haha! Yes, that is the truth of life. We bless the books that are waiting to be written by you and for you to find the right time to write them!

    • Mya
    • October 28, 2016

    Boy, did this headline grab me. It’s like you had my mail.

    • Reply


      And… Are you going to start writing? November is the month to write your book or blog 🙂

      You can do this! Pam

        • Mya
        • November 1, 2016

        It’s Mya. & Not sure on the timing.
        Yes, actually I know I can do this, or He can.
        My several positions and having gone back to college online make the timing seem daunting at best.

        • Reply

          I think Pam is the Admin who replied to you 😉 wishing you the best with your projects!

          • I am so sorry Mya. My computer spell check changed your name to May. I apologize. Yes, I am one of the admins in this blog change. Blessing you on knowing God’s timing for you! Pam

  2. Reply

    Thank you so much Doug for your encouragement.
    I just have a question… I have written a book and currently self-published, please check it out on Facebook: Set Free To Soar – Annette Mace, my book is called ‘It’s Official It’s A Miracle’ it’s also available digitally on iTunes, Amazon etc. My question is: how do I get published, I’m struggling to get my story out there.
    Thank you for your time.

    • Reply

      HI Annette,

      Doug goes over how to self-publish in his course Write your book now. If you watch Doug’s free Spirit Connection webcast this Wednesday at 6pm PM, there will be a special offer for the fresh new write your book now course. http://webcast.dougaddison.com


  3. Reply

    I am writing books by hand and i am learning how to write them. I have 4 books written in my notebook but i have to learn how to put them in a computer and make a maniscript i have no clue how to do it. I am lost how i get a cover for my books. I am told i am old school well i wrote all my books last year and i need help in correction and i have pictures for my moms life story i also want to have my moms story translated in Spanish. But i first want to make a maniscript.

    • Reply


      The book for on your mom’s life sounds amazing. This is what Doug says in his course Write Your Book Now:
      Unless you’re a graphic designer, consider hiring someone to create your book’s cover as well. Your book cover and design are important and can influence downloads and purchases.There are ready-made book cover templates that you can buy and use as well. A book cover doesn’t need to be expensive to be good. You can hire a designer to create a top quality book cover for less than a hundred dollars. If you’re adding images to the interior of your book, make sure you follow the formatting guidelines established for your book distributor.

      Blessing your writing! Pam

    • Heather Marsten
    • October 27, 2016

    I think about Moses who had a stuttering problem, and still God used him as a spokesman. God delights in using people who feel unqualified, for then He gets the glory. Being led to write a book is an adventure if God is in the mix. In the memoir I’m working on God is delighting me with insights of where He was in the midst of the time when I thought He was remarkably absent. I hope your readers take up their pens or computers. A book begins with the first word, and then the next, and the next.

  4. Reply

    A few months ago I finally stopped procrastinating and giving God excuses to start a blog. I knew I was supposed to do it and even had other people tell me. I just didn’t think what I had to say mattered that much to anyone. I have been encouraged by your post and am looking forward to reading your books. Thank you.

    • Carter
    • October 27, 2016

    Write your book now! Helped me to write and self publish by first book. I Love Doug, his ministry and what he does to help others. Also, I love how he allows God to use him in his very unique, yet powerful way.

  5. Reply

    Oh there are books to be written, that’s for sure. But it’s not quite the right time for me. I’m currently on 3 months of solo travel and believe I’m supposed to be focusing on songwriting for now. I did take your writing webinar last year and highly recommend it. I’ll refer to the info I got when it’s time for my first book. 😉

    • Linda
    • October 27, 2016

    I want to write romance novel a Christian one. Please pray that I won’t be so overwhelmed with the process and the research I have to do.

    • Ann
    • October 27, 2016

    I started writing October 6, 2016 and I am almost done formatting. And I am yet to write other books after I finished.

    • Carolyn
    • October 27, 2016

    This is exciting news! I’ve got your first version on how to write a book, which has greatly helped me. However, I’m finding my biggest struggle is editing as I go, not always, but it’s a bad habit. Hopefully you can share ways on how to break that habit…? See you Wednesday!!

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