One Thing You Need to Be Effective in Your Divine Assignment


Years after my first angelic visitation in 1991 (which was shocking to me at the time), I received the following revelation about developing a positive Kingdom mindset—because it has everything to do with discovering and walking in our destiny. And it radically changed my own life too.

I released my Prophetic Word for February: Radical Adjustments & Reassignments Coming because many of you are being realigned and repositioned right now for the “divine assignments” God has for you in marriage, business and ministry partnerships.

But I also want to mention this here because it can help you move towards your destiny much more quickly.

Preparing for your divine assignment

Understanding God’s Kingdom requires us to have spiritual eyes and ears. Jesus said over 15 times that we must have “eyes to see and ears to hear.”

In John 5:19 (NLT) Jesus said He did “…only what he sees the Father doing.” Notice the words see and do. Not only do we need to see what God is doing, but we also must be “doers of the word” (James 1:22 NAS) as well.

When we know God’s intention for a situation, it allows us to be in agreement with Him.

But sometimes it may be opposite from what we expect.

Notice that Noah built an ark in a dry season.

Joseph advised Pharaoh to store up grain in a time of prosperity so that he would be a blessing in a time of famine.

Not to mention all the spiritual principles that seem to be backwards from our natural thinking, things like: you must give to receive, the last will be first, if you humble yourself God will lift you up, etc.

Discovering your destiny in the mess

The new divine alliances and assignments that are coming will not all look nice, neat and orderly!

They will not violate any principles of the Bible, but God is about to do some radical things to bring about a radical change in His Kingdom on Earth.

This will help us to fulfill our destinies at a level we have not seen before.

Right now many people don’t know what their destiny is. Many don’t know their spiritual gifts or what God has called them to do.

If that’s you, I want to encourage you today with this.

First John 4:4 tells us that the Spirit within us is greater than the one in the world around us.

Science has discovered that there is a major difference between light and dark. Light can be measured and it has substance and mass. Darkness however, is simply the absence of light.

Jesus is Light and Paul encourages us to live as children of Light (Ephesians 5:8). Living our lives with a greater measure of God’s love and light is extremely powerful. We then dispel darkness wherever we go.

As Christians, we need to understand and regularly practice positive spiritual principles, for example:

  • Praying for those who curse us
  • Loving and not judging
  • Giving to those in need
  • Helping the oppressed
  • Being humble as opposed to proud and arrogant
  • Forgiving those who offend us

The list is actually much longer … but you get the picture. Notice that most of these principles are relationally oriented and they direct us on how to relate with other people as opposed to only relating to God.

Your divine assignment will involve partnering with other people. But we need to do it in the spirit of Love.

Many Christians love God, but when no one is looking, they are guilty of mistreating people.

But we can change the spiritual atmosphere around us by loving, blessing and being an encouragement.

Here’s the fun part: If you do these things regularly, the principle of sowing and reaping will eventually kick in.

Your life will be overflowing with good things to the point that you cannot help but change the world around you. What you sow is what you will reap.

If you sow grumbling, doubt, fear, depression, anxiety and complaining, then that is what you will get in return.

If you sow love, hope, encouragement, generosity, humility, forgiveness, etc., then that is what you will experience more of.

Developing a positive Kingdom perspective and lifestyle is what will truly change our lives and the lives of many around us.

It’s also where we will find our divine assignment.

It took me years in the school of hard knocks to learn this and I want to help save you time and pain—so that you can accelerate the process to your destiny and discover your divine assignment!

Because as God is doing something new, now more than ever we need new strategies to bring God’s love to a hurting world. We need some fresh and original ideas in churches, businesses, education, government, media, entertainment and all aspects of life.

This is an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing! 

God has revealed that now is the time to prepare for the “Divine Alliances” He is bringing—to connect many people in unlikely ways for strategic marriage, business and ministry partnerships.

If you’ve been wondering what’s next for you in this season, and how you can align yourself with your divine assignment, check out my online training, Discovering Your Divine Assignment.

Get ready for the new things!


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Louis Mathieu
    • February 27, 2017

    Great article Doug!! My question is how many believers really know what they are called to do and how many are truly seeking what their divine purpose is? Most Christians I meet don’t have a clue as to what their purpose in life is. Most churches don’t even help people discover their ultimate purpose. People go to church week after week and are not supernaturally changed. Radical change is desperately needed and I want to be apart with those who will bring radical change. Your ministry is doing that very thing! Thanks for all that you are doing to build us up and to help us discover our purpose in the Kingdom!

      • Wale Fakuyi
      • July 14, 2017

      Thank you Pst Doug,your article is timely at this time that discovering God’s purpose is crucial.I beleive as a beleiver,we are intricately wire with divine ability,so we need to identify our purpose,feel the pain of others as a deliverer,& focus on God as fulfil our destiny.THANK YOU.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection
        • July 17, 2017

        Yes, we are wired with divine ability since the Holy Spirit is in us and He can do the miraculous! Bless you, Wale!

    • Steve Noel
    • February 16, 2017

    Firstly, my encounter with “Doug Addison” name was by a brother in Canada who also mentioned many others. This was just before Doug was il and went to see Todd and was delivered. I saw this in the Spirit which connected me suffering similar afflictions later on.
    Great things happen when we pray for one another!
    I’ve reached out thousands of times for prayer with the notice of when I’m prayed for in my spirit. This must be how Paul felt in his endever to further the Kingdom. Well I’d love to be a part of what I have to believe all are sensing in their spirits of what’s to come. There’s so much what I will call “SCRAMBLING” to the the money trough $$$ Can’t tell you many times I’ve giving to get debt free! My passion is healing and am still amazed when God moves me to pray for others! Yes – Ministries need $$$ / but God put the wealth in the earth! 🔥SHALOM🔥

    • Mark Geier
    • February 16, 2017

    Thank you for your minister!!!!! We have treate everyone we meet with the same love Jesus Christ demonstrated.
    God bless you guys

  1. Reply

    Thank you, Doug! It’s so true!
    It’s Time to go out of fear and Walk with Love !
    Bless you!

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