Easy Clues to Find & Fulfill Your Purpose [Episode 07]

Have you ever wondered what your purpose actually is?

Even if you know or have an idea what your destiny is, it is common to feel a little off-course sometimes. Especially when things in your life aren’t happening faster.

Maybe your life has gone in several different directions and you can’t see how it could possibly all tie together.

Sometimes things start to look up and then the momentum dies down and you don’t know why.

Wherever you’re at, there is an answer.

In this week’s Spirit Connection podcast episode, I share some of my journey that will show you how easy it is to find and finally fulfill your purpose.

In this episode, you’ll get:

  • Clues to discovering your destiny
  • Simple ways to get started on your unique path
  • Reasons why you may lose traction
  • Wisdom to see treasure God had hidden
  • How being faithful can bring breakthrough

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Hippie
    • April 18, 2017

    Big help, big help. And suevalrtipe news of course.

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 19, 2017

      I’m so glad it helped! Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Cindy
    • April 3, 2017

    Dear Doug,

    Happy Belated Birthday, God used Elijahlist.com and your prophetic word and website as an answer to prayer for my life. Thank you for praying for us and prophesying because it answers our questions to God.

    • Reply

      Yay God for answered prayers! Doug says thank you for your birthday wishes. He had a great birthday at home with Linda.
      Pam, InLight Connection

    • Joanne Rice
    • March 16, 2017

    Thank you Doug and Happy Birthday. This really blessed me. It is so good to hear this wonderful testimony and I am in the place right now of change, and seem to be at the beginning of ministering to others as God leads. I have been struggling in various areas and now I understand why. Thank you for your daily word also. Blessings to you and continued excellent health.

    • Andrea H
    • March 10, 2017

    Thank you Doug for making it easy and being real! SO encouraging 🙂

    • R Carter Thomas
    • March 10, 2017

    Thank you again my friend for the simple yet insightful teaching. Blessings on you all.

    • Carol Lemke
    • March 10, 2017

    Doug I want thank you so much. You gave me confirmation about what I was thinking but didn’t know for sure. When you spoke about having all kinds of things happen but only once and then never again. I wondered why was He giving me these experiences but then like taking them away. I have only known the Lord for 10 years and just like you God has been doing these things with me and I finally started asking Him why have you given me the most amazing experiences only once or twice but then nothing ? He didn’t answer me verbally but I got the sense that He was showing me things He was going to do with me at some point. Now I understand that was real. God was really telling me . Starting last year He started telling me to keep doing what I have been doing as I am getting close to having all of my hearts desires, which are all the things He let me experience.
    So thank you so much for this podcast. All the things you have been talking about are almost a mirror of my life. I am so excited to see what it all will finally be when that day comes and He has led me to believe something big is coming this summer. God bless you. I love you brother.

    • March 9, 2017

    Thank you Doug…enjoyed this podcast. Amazing similarities in my own life of serving the Lord to that of your leadings. I am awaiting my new assignment & have been content but in a very dry place for over a year now.
    Many hurts, wounds from my last church work, friends & even family, but all a very deep teaching. On the way to recovery & am excited about the next stage of my life in Christ Jesus. My scripture verse given me is John 14:12 with confirmation as that happens to be my birthdate..Dec 14 .. God bless you & your ministry to the Glory of God…will enjoy your next sharing & webinar as well. lovu

    • Laura
    • March 9, 2017

    Happy Birthday from 3 John 2 more love, health and prosperity in Jesus Mighty Name Amen!

    • Kaylee Winters
    • March 9, 2017

    I am so encouraged and was born to hear this word God has been preparing me and equipping me and Satan tried to take me out. So I so appreciate this.

    Glad your alive 😀

    • SeanW
    • March 9, 2017

    I’m tired of hearing what “God’s going to do”. That’s all I’ve heard all my life in Christian circles is “what God is going to do”. Why do we live in a constant state of being promised that God “is going to” do this or that? When does God actually begin to do all these things. I don’t want to hear another thing that God is “going” to do for me until I can begin to see just one of those things that “God is going to do” actually come true. I’ve been through ten years of attack while listening over and over to what God is going to do while the lawsuits grind on year after year with us losing every step. Been in the heaven courtrooms three times with some people who were advanced at it. The only thing that changed is that I collected more stories of what “God is going to do”. This is a religion that never lands. We’re being taught to live for a future that never arrives. This keeps us in a permanent state of hoping for God to do something. I’ve lost hope in this treadmill as it’s only a treadmill called “What God is going to do”. Enough!

    • Reply

      Dear SeanW,
      I can certainly understand your frustration – my family has lost a white stone and redwood custom built home that sat on a beautiful secluded 7.75 acres.

      This occurred after a 5 year lawsuit with the banks.

      We went from state court to federal court back to state court and then to a state Supreme Court.
      We had also been to the courts of heaven with some other experinced individuals multiple times, even hearing, your going to not see these bank attorneys ever again, as one of them failed to show up at the final eviction process.
      Listen I don’t want to get too detailed on that yet the loss was unimaginable, especially for Laura the Mom.

      I want to encourage you though that we are a new season as there are some of us that are going to go into the Mariposa County area of California in April/May to actually look for Gold, that we are ordained to find.
      When we find the gold we are going to help the body of Christ and yourself if we can contact you.
      I encourage you to do some research on this because there is a 4 mile wide by 120 mile long vain of gold that is reserved for all of us.
      I found five words in this 2013 prophecy “Rivers will rise and reveal” – God is going to push the gold out and will just pick it up – this spring.
      Plus there is actually a huge ledge of gold – so much that it doesn’t even need to be mined, as God has kept it so as to remove the debt of our nation.
      I encourage you to go out to Elijahlist and look for Johnny Enlow, you can also find this California gold mother-lode on Wikipedia – Also read Henry Falaney, google God, Gold and Glory or google Miraposa Revival Center.
      Also go to Johnny and Elizabeth.com (Enlow) they have the correct narrative for the season – Doug knows them and Doug’s narrative will hold true in the end too

      I’m not sure where you live brother but I can tell you this – I / we have lost everything to, that means no more credit cards and all the other American stuff that we once had.
      Sean, I’m not trying to trivialize your situation lawsuit wise in what little I understand; yet I want you to know that I have been through what you have been through, hearing all this for the last 25 years and, my life seems like it’s been a 57-year-war! Yet I am still holding on for the good that God has planned when the entire story unfolds and is told.

      God love you Sean! You’re pouring out your complaint just like David.
      God love you Doug and the Mrs & team for all you’ve done for all of us over all the years!

      • Reply

        thanks for caring & being there 🙂
        Pam, InLight Connection

    • Reply

      Hey Sean, I hear what you are saying. Life is hard and how we see God affects how we feel about our life. Is God a magic vending machine where we put in our “prayers” and wait for him to drop down the good stuff or is God our best friend who walks with us every day and helps us see the good in ourselves and in others? Biblical principals work but you have to make the change in your thinking and do things for them to activate in your life.

      Doug’s blogs & podcast are often about helping people find the one small change they can make today that will point them in a new direction. Doug has a good friend who says it so well. He says to stand about 15 feet away from a tree with your feet pointing at the tree and then shift your feet to point about 2 inches to the right or the left. and then walk in a straight line. Your path has no choice – it has to change because your direction changed. If you continue to make the small changes to your life, then you will change the course of your life over time.

      We bless you with feeling how much God loves you exactly where you are at and enjoying his presence each day 🙂
      Pam, InLight Connection

    • Arlene Young
    • March 9, 2017

    Doug – thank you so much for this podcast. I am going to be 73 next month. In 1994 after being baptized in the Jordon River when I went there with a ministry, I was given Is. 61 by a minister. Churches have not accepted me & I never forced anything – God said ‘come out of church’. I wait & wait & wait & obey God to the best of my ability ‘but’! I cat sit, shovel peoples snow, cut their grass in a small town in Canada. When does this ever end, I am so alone, no one to help encourage me or even pray for me. I don’t understand. Sorry
    Blessings to you & your Ministry & as soon has I have the finances I will send some to your ministry . Your word have brought some help. Thanks so much

      • Quinn-Columba
      • March 16, 2017

      Bless you, Arlene. May the secret place in your heart be opened for the love of God be unveiled directly Heart to heart. I’m outta church and ‘alone’ too, but I’ve learned to feed on the Bread of Life, and it is good.

    • Kay Ulery
    • March 9, 2017

    Thank you for this podcast Doug. I was feeling discouraged today and this seemed to blow the darkness away. Thank you! I’m not working currently
    So limited funds but I expect that will change and my heart is to contribute to your ministry.
    What I have to give is prayer for you so I pray that Ggod will provide something you need! Happy birthday!!!

  1. Reply

    Happy Birthday Doug! May you have many many more! Thanks for sharing your story. It is so encouraging. As with you, God can get a hold of anyone in deep dark places and get them back on track with their destiny, even if their not looking!

    • Pat E.
    • March 9, 2017

    Happy Birthday and have a great day! God Bless You!

    • Laura
    • March 9, 2017

    Thank you for your honesty and openness. You encourage me. God Bless you.

  2. Reply

    Thank you Doug! This podcast has blessed me.
    Happy Birthday!

  3. Reply

    loved this very genuine and that makes such a difference..REAL.

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