How to Align Yourself with God’s Dream for You | Doug Addison with Lana Vawser [Episode 14]

Do you have promises that haven’t been fulfilled yet? Do you feel disappointed or even disillusioned? Well, get ready to run … the best is yet to come!

The Wind of Change is really blowing this year and God is speaking similar things to his prophets and seers to encourage people in the marvelous things He has in store.

In this week’s Spirit Connection podcast episode, my special guest is Lana Vawser from Australia. She is a friend of mine and I love how she encourages believers in developing a deeper intimacy with God.

Today, Lana and I share what God has been speaking to each of us about this exciting new season. God is going to expand our thinking, radically realign us to His plans and breathe on old promises to bring them to pass.

In this podcast episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why you need new shoes for the new season
  • If God sometimes changes the way he speaks to you
  • How you will know if you are on the right track
  • What to do when you don’t understand
  • Why we need more discernment in this season

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Malcolm Urlich
    • August 18, 2017

    The one giving advice is committing survivorship bias.
    We listen to the winners (those that took the required steps to achieve there desired results), and we forget about the losers (those that took the exact same steps the winners had taken, yet, failed to achieve the results that the winners had achieved).

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 23, 2017

      Hey Malcolm! Sometimes we get tired of dealing with situations that come at us or battling the same thing day in and out. No matter how hard we try to make peace or reason—nothing changes.

      Well, maybe that is because we are fighting something in the spirit realm and not in the flesh (see Ephesians 6:12). So, ask God to reveal where the attack is coming from and to give you the keys to stop it! You are mighty because when you have Jesus, you can do all things.

    • Suzanne
    • May 24, 2017

    Hi Doug & Lana. Just a quick word re how I marvel at how Holy Spirit moves across the global Body of Christ. The following is a very little testimony in the scheme of things, but it encouraged me greatly. (As an aside, Doug, I’ve read and listened to you since 2012 as a New Zealander in London. I discovered Lana in 2015 as a fellow Down-Under girl.) Anyway, I listened to your podcast / conversation and was very encouraged by Lana’s dream about Nike trainers, representing action, running, VICTORY, especially after listening and deeply relating to Jo-Lynne Whittaker’s word for May 2017 re (amongst other things) a spirit of excellence regardless of circumstances and a new unction to ‘GO’. Without mentioned Nike trainers or the podcast, I wrote to a dear friend with the following quote from Thomas Edison: ‘Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.’ She messaged back with a picture of her feet in TRAINERS and said: ‘Work in this season looks like trainers, not high heels.’ Ha! Then she sent me the link to a sports gear website and told me to choose my trainers. I chose a pair of hot pink Nikes. Obviously 🙂 Then I sent her the podcast. She was blown away. My friend sent me a pink pair AND a blue pair of Nikes and bought trainers for herself. My husband bought some too. We are all rearing to go after deeply painful and traumatic times. This MUST be a year of unprecedented breakthrough for those who have barely remained standing and clung to Jesus, Lion and Lamb. THANK YOU always. Suzanne xx

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 24, 2017

      Woo! Yes Suzanne, that is so awesome! I love how you have amazing people in your life who are willing to “run” with you. What a blessing. Thanks for sharing.

      Bless you and your family!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

        • Suzanne
        • May 25, 2017

        Bless you, Nikki. It takes a lot to reply specifically and warmly to each person who comments xx

          • Admin Nikki
          • May 25, 2017

          Aw, thank you Suzanne. I appreciate that so much. <3

          Bless you!

          -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Dee Collins
    • May 19, 2017

    So encouraged to hear Doug and Lana interact, share what they’re hearing from the Lord, and honoring one another! Their words give many confirmations for what the Lord has been showing me and doing in my life and in our local congregation over the past six months or so. Lana and Doug, thank you so much for demonstrating the ways of God’s Kingdom through your lives and words!

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 19, 2017

      Yay! That is so awesome! I love to hear that it gives you confirmation, that is such a good thing.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Vicki L
    • May 13, 2017

    When Doug said that when we’re not “seeing”, we will experience the Lord with our other senses, I realized the fragrance of the Lord had come into my room. What a great interview and great word from Lana. Many thanks to Doug for creating these podcasts. They really speak to me.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 15, 2017

      That is so cool Vicki! Thank you for sharing.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Sherri
    • May 12, 2017

    This message has been so affirming to me! As a dreamer who has been learning to interpret I have gotten similar words from the Lord in regards to the garden, deeper intimacy with Him, and the Lord has also showed me that He is gifting His people with new shoes for a new season to walk in His Glory and I have heard Him say over and over the Lord that He is giving eyes to see and ears to hear and much more. Thank you so so much Doug and Lana. I am encouraged and actually after this podcast the Lord has taken me to yet another step up closer to what He wants me to do and where He wants me to go.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 12, 2017

      That is so awesome Sherri! We love to hear that. God bless you and all God is doing in your life.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Sarah
    • May 12, 2017

    This is so encouraging at a really personal level. I’ve at times wondered if the words we hear from Doug apply to the whole world or just the USA. So to hear words that line up pperfectly from Lana is amazing. Thanks to both of you!

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 12, 2017

      Yes! It is so awesome hearing two people from other parts of the world hearing the same thing from God. It shows confirmation.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Carter Thomas
    • May 12, 2017

    Wow! This was so very Encouraging! Thank you both for confirming so much for me and what God is doing right now in my life and the Body of Christ! Doug, you know I love and honor you my friend, and I’m so thankful for your ministry.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 12, 2017

      Thank you Carter! We love hearing these words are confirming to others. Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Ashwen Gibson Blake
    • May 11, 2017

    JOYFUL. So glad for the double of Lana and Doug demonstrating the love we have for each other as one. O my, what is ahead is so awesome! Seers cannot be shut down! Yes, obstruction just serves the purpose of opening up even more! And when we do not understand, all we have to do is hold his hand. And of course run and cuddle in for more of Abba in Abba’s lap… . Yes the answer may take on an unexpected form, help me recognize you in all that is you Lord. ABGB

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 12, 2017

      Yes! Hearing Doug and Lana together is such a great combination. We are so glad you enjoyed it.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

      • Ashwen
      • May 11, 2017

      ALSO – JUST do it, just do it, just do it, just do the victory dance, just do it…

        • Admin Nikki
        • May 12, 2017

        Haha yeah! Do the victory dance! Woo!

        -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Lisa Aston Michael
    • May 11, 2017

    What a wonderful podcast! Thank you so much Doug and thank you Lana for sharing all that the Lord gives to you … I too receive messages and visions through dreams and some are pretty powerful stuff. Is there a place where I can share what I am given by the Lord?

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 12, 2017

      That is awesome Lisa! Right now we do not have a place for others to share on our site. There may be others that have space for that, but we do not know of any at the moment. We encourage you to keep growing in your gift and writing what you hear down.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Godschild
    • May 11, 2017

    I so love Lana! She’s such a sweet soul. I received 4:44 5 times which you said months ago! Victory is coming for my household! Restoration recovery and reconciliation! Victory and Breakthrough come forth in Jesus Name Amen! Get ready to run! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 12, 2017

      Woo! Amen to that!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Kehinde Abegunde
    • May 11, 2017

    I must say I’m blessed to have listened to this podcast, it confirmed what I heard in the spirit, Doug actually did confirmed it at first through one of his daily prophetic words to me, and here Lana expands it. Truly I thank God that I came across Doug’s website at the right time …. glory hallelujah!!

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 12, 2017

      Yay! That is wonderful to hear Kehinde. Bless you and all God is doing in your life!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

  1. Reply

    Absolutely love doug and Lana!!!!
    And to have both together in this conversation was so powerful.
    Thank you Jesus.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 11, 2017

      Yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Dot Rason
    • May 11, 2017

    This is so much for me, in many ways the words from both Lana and Doug are at the point of happening now. Including a picture of a rose over an apple that I dreamed a few days ago.Song of Songs 2:1-3
    I am picking up a vision that was started in the 1960s so much of what you have said on the podcast is so applicable. ( id like to send you the picture but not sure if I can here.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 11, 2017

      Wow what a cool dream. We do not have a way to share photos as of now but we appreciate you sharing your awesome dream. Thank you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

  2. I posted the definition of NIKE on my FaceBook April 7th.. As an Athlete (myself) we don’t settle but we exercise wisely… Good Word..At 63, I want radical INCREASE, FAVOR… Wow Alignments… People Come Along right now… <3 < LIFE 2 Corinthians 1:20-22 🙂

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 11, 2017

      Amen to that! 🙂

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • V
    • May 11, 2017

    This podcast was life changing for me. I am 59 years old and have been crying out for God to show me my purpose. Thank Doug and Lana for me……when they shared how God speaks to them, and that they are SEERS, I realized….that’s me as well! Thank you so much….for the words, but also for sharing how God speaks to you.

    • Monica Singh
    • May 11, 2017

    I receive emails from Pastor Lana and Elijah list. I so much loved your recent word on Elijah List and decided to Google you Pastor Addison today and to see a podcast between yourself and Pastor Lana. This is only the hand of God. How blessed am I today….very much

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 11, 2017

      Wow I love that Monica! We are so glad you found us! Welcome 🙂

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Tyson
    • May 11, 2017

    Wooooo Lana was on point and it’s awesome because when she came to Cairns here in Australia that is what she Shared about the Nike word thanks Doug for this Blessed podcast

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 11, 2017

      Woohoo! Lana is awesome, we lover her here. Thanks for posting <3

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Tina
    • May 10, 2017

    Thanks Doug & Lana, so very much. Not only encouraging, but nuts-and-bolts practical! It’s been a tough season & at times difficult to pick yourself up and keep on keepin’ on. It’s wonderful to have help to look to the beauty of what lies ahead & know that relief is in sight–especially when you feel like you’re doing what’s right, but it doesn’t seem to be working out.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 11, 2017

      Yes Tina, we know how you feel. I think many feel that way, but how awesome that we know God is going before us and we have such great things to look forward to! Thank you for sharing.

      Bless you Tina!

      -Nikk, InLight Connection

    • Jenny
    • May 10, 2017

    Thanks a lot guys! I really got a lot of encouragement from this. I have been following both of your ministries for a while now, but didn’t know you were connected as friends. So cool. I took a lot of notes. It helped me to hear how God speaks to you. I receive similar experiences, especially in dreams, or upon waking up. Revelation or words. And if I get up and begin to write right away, I usually hear a lot. But if I wait till later, it isn’t as much. I’m training to hear clearer, and discern more quickly. Thanks for this. It was amazing! Jenny

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 10, 2017

      Awesome Jenny, so glad to hear you are writing what you hear. This is such an important part in hearing God.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Eric
    • May 10, 2017

    My wife keeps asking, “what are we doing?!” I know what she is feeling like. Just like you were speaking in the podcast – we gotta trust God. Be faithful in what He has put in our hands and just believe. He is doing great things and they will manifest. Sometimes we don’t know which direction He will tell us to go in but He will not fail – He is faithful and always on time!

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 10, 2017

      Amen Eric, so true. Bless you and your wife.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Gayle Wildman
    • May 10, 2017

    So good! I just went to Facebook to follow Lana! I loved this and am so very much encouraged. Thank you, and blessings to you in abundance. I really liked, “When you don’t understand, keep holding His hand.” Thanks, again!

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 10, 2017

      Awesome Gayle! Lana is so awesome. You will be greatly encouraged by her 🙂

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

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