How to Be Restored to Your Original Identity | Doug Addison with Ray Leight [Episode 37]

“Why am I still not healed?” Have you ever asked yourself––or God––that question? Most of us have, even prophets and leaders.

Friends, we all need breakthrough. As you will hear in this episode, we are not broken, but each one of us needs some kind of healing: emotional, mental, physical or spiritual. God gave me revelation about 3 things to restore us to full health and wholeness.

After my radical healing of anxiety, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Lyme Disease, I created an online workshop, Accelerating Your Time to Heal, to help people just like you get results, too. This powerful and activating workshop will give you tools to get a strategy for wholeness. I tell you, this is a time to go deeper into the things of God, get healing so you can live life abundantly!

What would your life look like if you knew, believed and lived the truth of who you are?

In this Spirit Connection episode, I have a very special guest who I credit with helping save my life. Ray Leight is an amazing man of God who has specialized in the field of identity coaching for over 15 years. As a teacher, speaker and father, he has coached celebrities and everyday people (including me) all over the world. He recently authored Identity Restoration: Know, Believe & Live the Truth of Who You Are. Ray and his wife Kathryn live in Redding, California and are co-founders of Faith By Grace Ministries. They also serve as pastoral counselors with Bethel Church.

Ray’s revelation of healing is truly a new approach to restoration compared to older inner healing models you might have tried.

Here’s a sneak peek of my conversation with Ray:

  • “Inner healing is just a process of finding out who you are”
  • “If I can be healed, anyone can be”
  • “We are not broken at all”
  • “If we know the lies we are believing, we can repent”
  • “Discipleship is following Jesus into life”
  • “Father God gets glorified when we actually fulfill what we were created to do”

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Kim
    • December 28, 2017

    Wow… so glad I didn’t miss this one! I’ve known for a while now that part of what hinders my progress is not understanding how God sees me or believing (fully) who He says I am. This podcast gives me hope! Since I’m not where I can receive a book in the mail, I wrote down the 6 aspects that Ray mentioned from his Volume 1 book. I plan to begin studying them and let the Lord bring understanding and healing to me. Thanks, once again, Doug for a great podcast!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 28, 2017

      Great idea Kim! That is an awesome way for it all to sink in. When I first heard Ray speak, I was filled with such hope too. Knowing the solid identity we have in God is so important. Bless you!

    • Nathanael Logan
    • December 21, 2017

    Where do we find rays book?

    • Adrienne
    • December 21, 2017

    This was awesome! I listened to this podcast on my way to work yesterday. Last night at church during intercessory prayer we prayer for our children that needed physical healing and this message came back up in my spirit. Specifically the part about their being a wound on the inside and I shared it with our group, a woman began to break down and share how she had a hurt wound on the inside and she knew it was manifesting in her body. We prayed for her and complete and total healing. Thank you this message was right on time!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 21, 2017

      Wow that is awesome Adrienne! I am so glad this message helped you. Bless you!

    • Snega
    • December 20, 2017

    Thanks for this podcast … God had been speaking the same all through 2017…
    1. Love
    2. Identity
    3. Freedom
    4. Humanity in trap of legalism/law (Religious/traditional spirits)
    5. Living a resurrected life in Christ and not just dying to sins…
    6. Importance of Resurrection over death

    Thanks for these confirmations, I had been following your prophesies one thing that caught my eyes was you speaking of Love… it was as though finding a ocean in mid of the dry/rough desert.. your prophesies would be a confirmation to what God has been speaking to me… Thanks for being HIS servent and helping us all to stay in communion with HIM… He is soooo gooood!! I am happy to hear about your healing too !! What an amazing God we have… I pray all good for your ministry /Health/ financial support…
    Thanks once again for hearing HIM right!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 20, 2017

      Awesome! Thanks for sharing Snega! I love that Doug’s words are often confirmation for you. Bless you!

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