6 Types of “Courts” in the Courts of Heaven


6 Types of “Courts” in the Courts of Heaven

The Courts of Heaven operate similar to the legal system we see on Earth.

Because of all the injustices happening in the world, God is releasing new revelation about gaining justice through the Courts of Heaven. The Cross of Christ is our verdict but there are times we need to enforce this by entering into the justice system of God. We operate in the Courts of Heaven through prayer and an intimate relationship with the Lord.

And just like here on Earth, there is more than one type of court in the Courts of Heaven. You might be wondering: which ones are accessible to us?

There are many different types of Courts mentioned in the Bible. Here are just a few that can help you understand and get started:

1. The Court of Mediation (Reconciliation)

“Settling outside of court” in the Court of Mediation should always be our first step in the process of gaining justice. (You can read more about my experience with heavenly mediation.)

Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18 NKJV

2. Court of Petition

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 NIV

We already operate in the Courts of Heaven when we bring our prayers and petitions to the Lord. Notice that Paul says we need to do it with thankfulness and not a spirit of revenge.

3. The Throne of Grace

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 NIV

Our interactions with the Lord in the Courtroom of Heaven are centered around prayer and intimacy. It is important to approach the Lord with grace and mercy toward others and ourselves. We need to know and have God’s heart of love (1 John 4:8).

4. The Court of Mount Zion

The Throne of Grace and the Court of Petitions are linked to this court system. Most all your interactions take place here.

But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Hebrews 12:22–24 NIV

Throughout the Bible, Mount Zion is a place of God’s justice and judgment. This best describes the Courts of Heaven and how we can approach the Lord.

5. The Court of the Accuser

There are several verses in the Bible that show Satan accusing people in the Courts. The main one is:

For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. Revelation 12:10 NIV

It is very important for us to not operate in the court of the accuser. It is best to learn to operate in a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation.

6. Court of the Ancient of Days (Supreme Court)

The highest court in Heaven is the Ancient of Days court. This is equivalent to the Supreme Court in the U.S.

“As I looked, “thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. … The court was seated, and the books were opened. Daniel 7:9–10 NIV

This is the highest level court and you cannot go in. You can be taken in through visions and dreams, but this is not a place to present your case. For a lawyer’s insight on the Courts of Heaven, check out podcast episode #25.

Which court do you go in?

There are other Courts of Heaven that require greater understanding to operate in, but these are the basic ones that are safe to operate in:

  • The Court of Petitions
  • The Throne of Grace
  • The Court of Mount Zion
  • The Court of Mediation

Always ask the Lord’s permission before operating in the Courts of Heaven.

Remember to mediate your case first and settle outside of the Courts of Heaven whenever possible, so we aren’t unnecessarily clogging up the heavenly courtrooms.

For more insight and revelation on the Courts of Heaven—including how to open a case for yourself or a loved one—I encourage you to check out my online workshops: Understanding the Courts of Heaven Parts 1 & 2.


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Dwight Newby
    • November 26, 2023

    I know the Courts of Heaven to be real. I experienced this as a new believer within the first few months of being filled with the Holy Spirt. I was with my mother one Saturday afternoon after leaving the grocery store. We had entered our car, and we felt an overwhelming presence of God. As we began to worship, I felt myself drift off in a weird way. I then saw Satan before God, in the form of a lawyer, stating, “If you withhold finances from their family, I guarantee they will stop serving you.” After I came back to my physical reality in the car, I explained this to my mom. We prayed and asked God for clarity; we got that clarity within a few weeks. Our family went through 3 years of the most horrible financial experience ever. Then, afterwards, God began pouring out blessings beyond measure until this day. My life has changed drastically.

    Another time, I had a friend of mine get fired from his job on a Friday evening. He called me literally the next morning, Saturday, for prayer. He lived close by so I went to his house. While at his house, I heard the Holy Spirit say praise and worship. I began to sing and hum in the Spirit as my friend observed. My friend wasn’t a religious person who was a church attendee like myself. As I worshipped, God told me to tell him to repent of not being a good steward at the job he just lost less than 24 hours ago. He confessed it and asked for forgiveness. Literally, within minutes, his boss who fired him the previous day called him and stated this: “For some strange reason I can’t get you out of my thoughts right now, you just came to my mind and I’m stuck. Would you like your job back?” My friend said, “Yes, please,” and got his job back. My friend began praising Jesus and thanking him.

    I know the Courts are real, many who think it’s just imagination haven’t engaged enough of just need to use faith while praising and accessing the door. Jesus said, All things are possible if you can believe.” Invitation is the best way to know you’re accessing. But through time I’ve also discovered that visualization helps to begin and Holy Spirit takes over. God Bless You!!

    • Michael
    • September 11, 2022

    The courts of heaven is a real place, i have been there a number of times when i had no idea they even existed.

    In primary school (the 60’s) i was involved in some vandalism of an old mans motor boat that was docked in a cutting in the rive bank. The police came to our school and questioned my friends but did not interview me. They obviously protected me and i said nothing.

    When i was around 50 years old (about 40 years later) around 2009 i became aware of my betrayal and wanted to set things right between my friend and myself. I had no idea where he lived or how to contact him. One day i was buying some building materials and i met him. I mentioned my concern to him and he could not recall the incident. He graciously brushed my concerns away saying we were young and had done a lot of foolish things.

    I still felt troubled by the matter and repeatedly prayed concerning the matter asking for forgiveness. A year or so later i had a vision of myself walking into a large empty courtroom with God the magistrate sitting behind a large timber bench (just like we see on television). He looked at me and picked up his gavel and slammed it down loudly on the desk. “Forgiven” he pronounced in a very stern loud voice. Then he said “and I don’t want to see you again”.

    I knew then for certain i was forgiven and that was the end of the matter. There have been other visions i have had which have been comforting in my times of testing, to remind me i am a son of the most high God and judge. He sees everything. He honors me because of Jesus, I’m now family.

    Jesus and i entered the courtroom together one day. Just like 2 primary school boys would do who were good friends; we had arms around each other necks and bare feet. Jesus took me up to the front of the bench and introduced me to his father as his good friend. It was a memorable event, just like visiting your dad at work. I was invited around the back of the bench and sat in his lap. I was and am now the boss’s son.

    You will only see this if you believe and want it to happen. Unbelief and pride kills faith and the movement of the spirit. I have learnt that as soon as i repent and confess my sin no matter what it is and ask for forgiveness that very instant i am forgiven. No delays. The cleansing and healing can begin. No condemnation.Then i have to walk out the consequences. But His blessing is greater more powerful than my sin. No one can know where the wind comes from or goes to. Neither can one predict how God will move. All things are new.

    I hope this encourages you.

    • Larry
    • July 1, 2022

    In attempting to access courts of heaven, it became clear to me that it was all simply visualization and not reality. I can imagine myself there, but it is simply vain imaginations, and Scripture says to cast down vain imaginations. Yes, I read many of Robert Henderson’s books, and a number of others, but it all seems to be visualization. I remember when Bill Johnson’s secretary (I forgot her name) took us as a class at Bethel church, trying to get us all to enter heaven. My friend and myself were the only ones who did not think we were entering heaven, because it was simply new age visualization, with Christian terminology. How is Courts of Heaven teaching any different?

    • LAWSON agidotan
    • December 18, 2021

    Yes,I was in psalm 100vs4 where David said he will enter into his courts with praises,then I search to know where the court of God located
    .the scripture Addison gave are ok.the comparison has given us understanding of what the courts look like and how they operate..truly God is jugde

    • Geoffrey
    • November 21, 2021

    Utter nonsense. This is just more of the American heretical experience of so many American evangelical churches. This is NON-biblical and runs contrary to the teaching that we have ONE ADVOCATE – Jesus – in our interactions with the Father. You know it is nonsense the first time you read that ‘the courts are fashioned like our earthly courts’ or that the 7th court is like the US Supreme court. How gullible do you have to be to fall for this stuff? NOTHING in heaven is like it is here on earth and arent we glad of that?

    This seeks to down grade grace and faith and make it some kind of legalistic venture. The ancient Pharisees would have loved it.

    If you have this book… burn it.

  1. Reply

    Casey, I’m having similar experiences. I am a researcher and have a background as a clinical. Something began to hover over me and brought a lot of tragedy into my life. I hear humiliating comments, mockery and false accusations
    Slut shaming but at the same time trying to match make me. I need to shake this. Dreams of someone not seeming like they can save me.

    • rose
    • July 15, 2021

    Umh praise Jesus just been re-directed to this site as i was going through the Courts Heaven and it is not just a mere coincidence for me but this is exactly what i needed to build my cases and have them adjudged by our Heavenly Father. Thank you Doug ,Nikki and your In light Connection Team

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 21, 2021

      Bless you Rose!

    • Kamwojo Robert
    • April 24, 2021

    Where is the courtroom?

    • casey lewis
    • April 10, 2021

    Not an unusual story, I have had to go on trial before God before, I was misled into a spiritual error by something coming into my dreams, or possibly it was by opening myself to a church that practices false docterine and idolatry. But anyways, this cult made it possible for access to hell or the abyss or pit or whatever, and I fell into the devils snare. once that occured, it sewed tares in my mind and i have been poluted with satanic seed. Really gross.
    Anyways, I suffered a possesion. i believe during that possesion i made errors i did not even know I was making. it was horrific. I would have thought they would understand it, but they actually acted very cruel about the situation….told me that my work as a massage therapist allowed me to be raped by demons…super old fashioned and not very fair. lots of shitty things being allowed to be said….i was really surprised. fortunately i was allowed to live. I sang for Him and He was pleased with my voice.

    • Richard Kakuwa
    • February 21, 2021

    Hello Doug
    First thank you for being used by the Lord in such an amazing way.May the Lord richly bless you & your family.
    I am in Africa,and have a situation.In my mind I thought of understanding the justice system of God and we pray His justice to be done.I clicked”Courts of Heaven”on google that is how I came across your teachings.I have become your student to understand more of this revelational teaching.


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 22, 2021

      Awesome Richard! Thanks for sharing!

    • Marggie
    • January 25, 2021

    I thank God for this revelation. It is God who directs His people. I knew about the courts of heaven by Robert Henderson. I was just reading thru things and i can say God brought me here for this. I have ever gone to the courts of heaven just as discussed for my life and generation. Actually I wanted God the Judge to preserve me and my seed for we were always under the attack of death. I approached the Court and i presented myself and as I presented the case I heard commotion in the court and accusations were laid bare for me why I should die and my seed. All the accusations were read and i was left speechless I just cried to God. I could repent for it was painful to bare the scene. There was so much and so painful and I stopped presenting and stood motionless crying and just crying for the pain of the people accusing me because it was true but i was not aware. I cried for the pain they went thru because God made me understand and share the grief. After sometime I saw the Judge take up the hammer and hit on table and said it loud “CASE CLOSED PARDONED” From the time there was no pain there was relief and mercy and so much peace. It is like two years i have never felt the death penalty and I should die with my generation again. He forgave us and the accusations ceased but i got to understand what happened many years ago. THE COURT CASE IS SO TRUE I THANK GOD FOR THIS.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 25, 2021

      Thanks for sharing!

    • augustine
    • April 27, 2020

    I thank pas. Doug Addison for the revelation of the heavenly courts. And i need more information about seeking justice in the heavenly courts . For the devil has stolen my health, breakthrough and happy marriage life

    • Tony Phillips
    • February 21, 2020

    I am in total agreement with Stan…. This is religiosity even the Pharisees would be proud of! God is soveriegn, I have seen the hardest of men, fall on their face in repentance at the simple preaching of the gospel. I have personally witness divine appointments, divine provision, healings, I even saw the Lord the prayers of little children answered in a miraculous way all WITHOUT doing anything in heavens courts. This is false doctrine that attempts to turn God into a helpless ninny until we come to rescue to “give” Him “authority” What a load of religious dogma that assigns Satan much more power then he has, Repent of this, give back the money you took from folks who probably really needed that money and close down. Repent and serve God in a humble fashion and you will not be destroyed..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 28, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Tony! We understand what you are saying. The Courts of Heaven is not meant to be complicated. Blessings to you Tony! I love your desire for the simple Gospel! <3

    • Simon
    • February 16, 2020

    Issuing Divine Restraining orders by Dr Myles on Kindle or Amazon
    It is God’s wish that we are set free indeed and the Truth sets us free.
    There is hope and victory in Christ

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 17, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Simon! Blessings!

    • Favour
    • January 23, 2020

    yes i came across DR Francis Myles and wrote the prayer down that he pray n pray it, the restraining order works, God really does put an restraining order. I cant waint to get Dr Myles books.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 27, 2020


      • Reply

        Hi Nikki, may I get a copy of that book on prayer from InLightConnection?

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • January 28, 2020

          Hey Viv, we do not have a book on prayer. Which resource are you referring to?

        • Viv R Harvey
        • January 27, 2020

        Hi Nikki,
        Who is Dr. Francis Myles?
        Prayer support sounds wonderful…
        Those I have are top notch, but I want to get back to my prayer walking and focus which is so needfull.( especially now) . I have been OFF-balance for the last 3-4 years.
        You-all are providing amazing support.. Thank you again!

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • January 28, 2020

          Hey Viv! Doug may have referred to France Myles’s teaching on the Courts of Heaven.

            • Viv R Harvey
            • January 28, 2020

            Yes, that is the name, Francis Myles..I don’t recall the name of the book, but that ‘s ok. I have to get myself set up with a regular pattern of prayer, with what I’ve gotten and learned from Doug’s recent blogs and articles..,
            Thank You for your assistance! 🙂

            • Viv R Harvey
            • January 28, 2020

            Yes, I think it was the one; that’s ok…I will do just fine with the studying the InLightConnection articles by Doug..i have plenty of blogs and articles to study; and to recover with.. Thanks,

            God is Good..and thank you for your faithfulness too! <3

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • January 28, 2020

            Viv, was it on the Courts of Heaven? Feel free to email in if that is easier and I can help you there.

            • Viv R Harvey
            • January 28, 2020

            HOW do I handle the extreme situations my daughter, Gayle suffers..How do I address, advocate For her continuous trials..; her PTSD husband smashed her van; she has no money to repair it, ; her life is one bad situation after another..; how do I make mediation for whatever is the source of these disasters..
            we are helping to finance the college dues and funds for her eldest daughter; she has fallen several times with MS disabilities..
            How do I present her case to Heavens’ Court for mediation…; I am at loss to understand What, Who, How ; and I do not want to lose (another ) child ( she is 48).. .
            My hubby and I are doing what we can do….
            And.. I am struggling with “keeping” faith and good perspectives…. how very much she needs healing 🙁
            Thank you for listening!
            Yes ,email is a good means to use..

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • February 3, 2020

            Sorry Viv, I do you have Doug’s material on the Courts of Heaven? He talks about how to pray for your family members in the Courts of Heaven. Agreeing with you for breakthrough for your daughter Gayle!

          • Nikki,
            I bought the courts of heaven replay just now. Thank you for your help and question re this..Have a blessed day!


            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • February 4, 2020

            Blessings Viv!

    • Raymond
    • January 22, 2020

    I have been in a legal battle for about 9 years and have been hearing about the courts of heaven from various speakers and recently I heard Dr Myles Francis talking on the subject of restraining orders. I would really appreciate help in approaching the court of heaven to bring finality and justice thankyou

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2020

      Glad you enjoyed it Raymond!

    • Todd
    • August 24, 2019

    Please write a book about this Doug!A webinar is good for some but I would love a book!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 26, 2019

      Thanks for the suggestion! Bless you!

    • peter whiffin
    • August 21, 2019

    john 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 22, 2019

      Thanks for sharing!

    • Joel Offei
    • August 21, 2019

    Pls how can l get a copy of the court of heaven to buy
    I live I Ghana, West Africa

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 22, 2019

      We take international payments through PayPal and credit card. If you have any trouble please feel free to email help@dougaddison.com and I can assist you there.

    • Gail
    • July 26, 2019

    Very Good — thank you for sharing – as I begin my journey regarding the Courts of Heaven.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 26, 2019

      Bless you, Gail!

    • idhoko kingsley
    • July 12, 2019

    Nice piece of information, How do we present a wicked man or Ruler before the Supreme Court of God

    • D
    • July 2, 2019


    Enjoyed Tanner’s comment as well.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 9, 2019

      Bless you!

    • Lene
    • May 18, 2019

    I believe you wholeheartedly my 12 year old son saw the same thing and more.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 20, 2019

      Blessings to you and your son!

  2. Reply

    This has been an interesting read. I learned some things I didn’t know. Thank you for this post. I’m glad I found it. I’d like to suggest a different perspective at the same time. After operating in the courts for several years now, having been taken by God to many different places and Courts, – in terms of forming my Courts of Heaven prayers, I really don’t begin with which court to go into. I always begin with the goal of approaching God and letting him reveal where this case needs to go, trusting He knows. So I always start with God directly, then let him lead. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with discussing Courts. However, it seems to me this is what is meant by “let there be no other God before me:” I learned that fear, even fear of “correct protocol” can impact your ability to operate in the Courts, because in fact it is an idol that can distract you from approaching God directly and letting him lead. One day I decided the issue was important enough that I just didn’t care anymore about “what court I could or could not go into” and like Ester I barged right in to the highest Court I could go and demanded of the Lord justice for a certain issue – it had to deal with babies and atrocities happening to these babies. I figured Like Ester, it is better to break protocol and risk ones life when the matter of life and death is at hand, than it is to follow correct protocol. And if He’s my God, then I’m going in. So I went into the highest court, and when I got there, to my surprise He said, “Well its about time.” That’s when I realized my self-limiting beliefs were false idols standing between me and God. Of course God would extend His scepter to me – He’s my God! Ever since then, I don’t have any more limiting beliefs about the Courts of Heaven and where I can and cannot go. I do head the Biblical statements to work at my own healing journey first – Zechariah 3:7 “If you will walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.” And “Who can ascend the mountain of the Lord but those with clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false God.” Psalm 24:3-4. Unconscious fear of following perfect Court of Heaven protocol can itself be an idol blocking one from entering into the mountain of the Lord. And even then – “the fear of having idols blocking God” can itself be an idol too – one day I said to the Lord, Lord I know I have unaccounted for idols – especially in my DNA, what should I do about that? He said “push them to the side for now, so they are lower than me.” So that’s what I did, they didn’t go away completely, as there was more that needed to be addressed before they were removed, they just moved to the side so we could deal with the matter at hand and I had a direct stance before God. It highlights the mercy and grace of God to deal with us in our genuine condition of continual healing, and His genuine desire and truth that nothing can separate us from him. So Just some food for thought as I think God would like more and more people operating at the top of their calling without fear of punishment for going into the court the wrong way. Just go to God, make that your goal. He is more than capable of moving you into the correct court and bringing you up higher. And take a chance! Go higher! Challenge yourself and God – He likes it. You might just break your glass ceiling and find God on the other side welcoming you in! Many blessings to you all as you walk in the Courts of the Lord, and I pray God emboldens your spirit with courage to soar to new heights, breaks off every fear, and releases joy into your hearts and minds in the thrill of operating together with Him in His courts – “for better is one day in His courts than thousands elsewhere!” 🙂

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 8, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Tanner! I enjoyed reading your post :). Many blessings to you!

    • robert chaka
    • March 23, 2019

    This is so powerful. This has helped me so much

    Thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 25, 2019

      Awesome Robert! I am so glad you enjoyed the blog post. God bless you!

    • April
    • December 5, 2018

    I think I was inside the court of Ancient of Days as a little girl. I saw the throne and God sitting on it. There was a line of people behind me. I was looking at a tv and watching my life on it.?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 5, 2018

      Cool thanks for sharing your vision with us! God bless you!

  3. Reply

    early hours this am whilst praying i think i found myself in the courts of god, i dont know really what this is but it felt a different realm of prayer.

    • stephen
    • October 15, 2018

    I am grateful for the insight am getting from this information. Honestly i did not know much about “Court of Appeal of Heaven” from my Pastor some months ago who told us she had got it as a revelation. I did not know there was all this wealth of information about it.
    But I am somehow confused now between the simplicity of the gospel of beleaving Jesus’ “finished work” on the cross where all we need is faith (believe, trust and obey what Jesus teaches us) and now this talk of entering the courts of heaven to plead our own cases and cleaning our bloodlines etc

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 15, 2018

      Hey Stephen. Great question! In Doug’s podcast with Elizabeth Nixon on the Courts of Heaven she says the following that is helpful, ““What does it mean to go into the Courts,” and really going to the Courts of
      Heaven is really just our prayers. It is our prayers to the Lord. Specifically, for me it has been either with intercession issues and when I am praying the Word, when I am praying back the Word to the Lord and I’m calling forth His promises. That is really what the Courts are.”

      You can listen to Doug’s podcast with Elizabeth Nixon here, https://dougaddison.com/2017/08/a-lawyers-insight-on-the-courts-of-heaven-elizabeth-nixon-episode-25/. God bless you!

    • Avigayil
    • October 1, 2018

    I was invited to a weekly prayer group buy a pastor friend of mine. I tend to be leery of attending these as I have found them to be very clicky. I went and there were probably 20 adults, married with children, some with grandkids. The shofar was blown and there was wonderful prayer and the moving of the Holy Spirit.

    There was a new couple there and the group prayed over them and anointed the husband with oil. Well this was happening I had a vision. Now I don’t share visions unless somebody can interpret. The Holy Spirit urged me to share my vision. I was obedient and shared it. Now I didn’t know this couple and had just met them. The wife broke down in tears and the husband cried also.

    As things were winding down and people were leaving, the hostess asked if she could have a private conversation with me. Nervously I walked into the dining room with her. It was there that she told me I needed to go to the courts of Heaven. That I should study the courts of Heaven. I explained that I had never heard of this. She said she would send me the link for Robert Henderson.

    I watched the video and I felt like my head was going to explode. I watched it three times taking copious notes. For the next week my brain was numb. I started researching it by watching more of Robert Henderson and Natasha Grbich’ s “Cleansing Your Bloodline.”

    As many times as I had read the Bible, I had missed the fact that I could indeed go into the court. I had a number of issues that I’ve been praying about for years with no resolution. I went to the court of Heaven and this particular issue was resolved within 3 days.

    I sent this information to a pastor friend of mine. He and his wife sat down and watched it. I got a text message from them saying we’re putting the kids to bed. We just watched the video and we have purple smoke coming out of our ears. We need to watch this again. At that time they had seven children between the ages of one and 18. By the grace of God all the kids went to bed at 8:30. With that being said, my pastor friend and his wife have been going into the courts on a regular basis and having multiple issues resolved. From the kids health, to being targeted by witch’s. Cleansing bloodlines, Etc.

    For the record I am 55 and have read the Bible over a dozen times. I have stopped participating in our pagan holidays. I read the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Maccabees, first Enoch, and as many of the missing books that I can get my hands on. It was the Council of Nicea that removed these books from the Bible.

    My son and I now use the ‘Cepher. I was invited to a small dinner with Dr. Steve Pidgeon. I love learning and doing research.

    Christ used the Torah to teach. He never commanded us to stop using it or to stop celebrating his Feasts. After diving into the Jewish history and studying the Hebrew culture, I found a great deal of infformation that enriched my life walk with the Christ.

    Always use discernment. We can go into the courts it’s in the Bible! Anytime for anything!! We should be excited that our Father has given us another weapon in addition to prayer, the armor, forgiveness, repentance, grace and his precious Son’s blood.

    Shalom and blessings to all

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 1, 2018

      Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Bless you!

    • Sushil
    • September 16, 2018

    I am standing in the gap for mankind and all the 230 odd countries on earth as per their ISD codes. I have started filing court cases in the courts of heaven without knowing if there was a precedence to what I do. I have recently checked the web for similar activities and I found your teachings to concur with my own actions. Nobody taught me to do this. I am encouraged.Thanks and regards to all the team members – Sushil

      • Brian
      • August 11, 2019

      I desire to have the courts of heaven experience

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • August 12, 2019

        When we pray we are interacting with the Courts of Heaven. You can ask God to show you more what that looks like. Bless you Brain!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 17, 2018

      I’m glad you found Doug’s teachings on the Courts of Heaven! Bless you!

    • Viv R Harvey
    • August 12, 2018

    Thank you for this list and for the helpful and good encouragement and counsel Pastor Doug and Elizabeth Nixon are sharing!
    SO timely, for me..Blessings and Peace to ALL of you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2018

      Awesome Viv! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. God bless you!

  4. Reply

    I just started learning about the need to have a better understanding of the courts of heaven. Thank you for your wonderful insight.

    • Alan Andrews
    • June 3, 2018

    As a nearly 60 year traveller with the Lord in Pentecostal churches and pastor for 30 of those years, I find your doctrine very odd to say the least. What happened to the role and function of Jesus, our wonderful High Priest? The book of Hebrews has strong teaching on His role and function for us. I though He was the one we prayed to and He intercedes for us. After all, He said in John 15 that if we abide in Him we would ask and have our petitions. I suspect this is just another “wind of doctrine” spoken about in Ephesians 4

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 14, 2018

      Hey Alan! It is wonderful to hear how you have been serving the Lord for so many years! Thank you for sharing your perspective. Doug interviewed Elizabeth Nixon in a previous podcast and she sheds more light and understanding on the topic of the Courts of Heaven if you are interested in listening. God bless you!

  5. Reply

    I think testimonies reveal and minister hope, revelation, Encouragement and most of all it is an extension of the gospel. Therefore, It would be awesome to display or share testimonies and fruits,
    Of experiences from those who have petitioned the courts of heaven and received from the Loving Heavenly Father. Thank you and be BLESSED!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 31, 2018

      Great idea Margaret! Thanks for sharing. Bless you!

    • M
    • May 15, 2018

    I had a dream I believe may have had to do with the courts of heaven and my “case” being decided. I don’t understand it. A shadowed figure looked right at me and said, “ the Lord wants you to know that the rewards of your heart are granted, but that the physical condition is not an imputed one (condition).” I’ve been sick for a very long time so I think it has something to do with that. Please help.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 17, 2018

      Hello M. Thank you for sharing your dream with us. I am unable to tell you what your dream means, but Doug has two teachings on the Courts of Heaven if you are interested in purchasing then please email me at help@dougaddison.com. He also has an awesome workshop on healing and how to get breakthrough in your healing called Accelerate Your Time to Heal. God bless you!

    • Catherine Lemberg
    • May 3, 2018

    Hi, I have a question about how to pray for missionaries. I am on a prayer team that prays for about 50 missionaries and their ministries located throughout the world. They are in serious situations where they are surrounded by jihardists and other types of attacks. Major issues in countries where there have been horrible atrocities. What is the best way to pray when the issues relate to other governments, international injustices, spiritual strongholds over countries? Should we pray as we have always prayed? If you took a country or area of the world before the Courts of Heaven where there have been great atrocities for decades and repented on behalf of the people of that country,and these systems, and prayed for God’said destiny of that area, country, ministry to be revealed and to be fulfilled, could revival break out in these countries throughout the world? Or also, like issues of abortion for example, or perhaps even President Trump. Can a person or ministry repent of behalf of The United States for Row vs. Wade and abortion and get a verdict on that to get it reversed, or can a group of Christians or prayer group take President Trump into the Courts to repent on his behalf and to ask that his destiny would be fulfilled? How do you know what you can and can’t do, or what jurisdiction you have?

    • Reply

      Hi Catherine,

      Doug has 4 hours of advanced teaching on this subject in the Courts of Heaven Parts 1 & 2. You can purchase the online training by emailing help@dougaddison.com. I will try to give you a brief snapshot to try to answer your questions.

      The basic answer is that God asks us to pray without ceasing. We pray according to what God puts on our hearts and according to the spiritual authority that we have. We enter into the Courts of Heaven through our personal prayer time with the Lord. We share want is on our hearts and pray God’s word over our requests. We listen to hear God’s answers to our prayers and continue to press in where God has not answered. When we see injustice happening in the areas of our prayers, we can ask the Lord take us into the Courts of Heaven to open a case for justice. The key to presenting a case in Heaven is to stay in a place of repenting for our sins and the sins of those we are asking for justice for.

      To answer your specific questions, you can pray according to the assignments and the spiritual authority that God has given you. Prayer starts with your personal relationship with Jesus and sharing your heart for the prayer burdens God gives you. You will need to ask God what your spiritual authority and scope is to pray. Lastly, God has a history of using one person to start a prayer movement. Daniel comes to mind. I am sure you will find others. Blessing you on your prayer journey for justice and peace. Admin-Pam, InLight Connection Staff

    • .cat
    • March 19, 2018

    could not finish the great american adventure on the courts even though it was written by a judge-
    because of so much cross training in churches
    CI and Bible collage then cutting through the matrix
    w/t a. watt the mass conditioning if properly understood through God and His Word can change our prayer to work with things that Jesus warned us about…have had this struggle- they have eyes but can not see, ears but can not hear… Jesus love us this i know…
    God Bless you all and hold tight to Jesus and i will too!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Bless you Cat!

    • Mark Lewellen
    • March 16, 2018

    we are sons and daughters, and we can go into the Supreme Court of Heaven any time….of course, it always pays to obey and be led by Holy Spirit, but that’s how I ever even heard about it…..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Hey Mark! Doug did a podcast interview on the Courts of Heaven that you can listen to here. It provides a great introduction teaching to the Courts of Heaven. Bless you!

    • Rico Allen Wolford
    • March 16, 2018

    I pray that God will give us a greater anointing to see in the Spirit and Heaven’s Courts specifically! So we can get a greater knowing and satisfaction that are request’s and decrees are being heard. So that we can be at peace and comfort that God is at work to meet us at our point of need.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 16, 2018

      Amen! Great prayer to pray Rico. Bless you!

    • Deborah
    • March 15, 2018

    Hello, Im just confusing that I thought we already have place to seat in heavenly realms due to blood of Jesus Christ and we have all access to court of heaven.
    What do you mean that we need permission from God to enter court of heaven that you listed?
    If I go there without his permission, am I judge by God?? Please let me know in detaily
    I already took Court Heaven Part 1

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 28, 2018

      Hey Deborah! Yes, you are seated in heavenly places. Woohoo!

      If you have Courts of Heaven Part 1, in session 9, Doug goes into much greater detail on this topic. I think going back over that would really help you :). With the Courts of Heaven, listening to the teachings more than once is super helpful.

      Bless you!

    • Fashanu
    • March 15, 2018

    It is important to know that we can’t navigate or discern God’s word on our own, if we can Jesus wouldn’t send the Holy Spirit and the Pharisees would have recognised him as the Christ, so most times we say until we see a reference black and white before we receive the speakings of God to us via revelation…study Luke 18..Jesus started by talking about prayer and immediately narrated the story of an unjust judge and a widow, using a court scenario to capture prayer.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Thank you for sharing Fashanu! Bless you!

  6. Reply

    Thank you for displaying a lot of the scriptures in the truth of the courtrooms of Heaven
    In my Walk With Jesus 45 years now I’ve seen many things and as a Chaplain
    I have walked in these Gift Of Evangelizing
    I lead with Prophetic and Healing. I am in love with Jesus and I lead with
    HIS love and He Transforms lives Daily
    I have been very saddened in these days
    around me I’ve been praying for my community and praying for God’s people I see that they’re being misled by Melchizedek. I prayed with scriptures in the power of the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus!
    we don’t need any other name
    It is hard to say everything that I need to say right now
    but thank you for putting out this email
    Chaplain Mida Hubbell
    Bond servant of the king of kings and Lord of Lord Jesus Christ my Lord my Savior.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      I am glad you enjoyed the blog post! Bless you Mida!

    • Sensational
    • March 15, 2018

    Amen 🙏 Thanks very much Doug this important information.This totally makes sense to me.I was one the ones standing behind closed doors in the dark.This are shifting in my life.I can’t explain it if I tried.It almost feels like a dream.I am the one with the Joseph anointing.I pray for it many years ago.Joseph story remains me of my life.I have felt like I was in a pit and would be able to get out.I felt in the dark.Today I feel like oh Goodness,God has released me from the pit.I see light now.I feel Gods anointing on me.I asked God to give me a new heart because the old one was broken not good anymore.I realize I have to have love and forgive.Its the key to me receiving my repayment and for the courts of heaven to open over my life.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      That is wonderful! Knowing that we must love and forgive others is so important and doing so is the key. I am exciting for the journey you are on with God. Bless you!

    • Charleen Garrett
    • March 15, 2018

    Why would God have courts that we need to go to and not tell us how in His word?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      Hey Charleen! Great question. Doug goes into further detail about the Courts of Heaven and how they are mentioned in the Word in his webinar Understanding the Courts of Heaven Part 1.

      Doug also has a podcast interview with Elizabeth Nixon where they discuss the Courts of Heaven as well. You can listen to that here.

      Bless you Charleen!

    • Teri
    • March 15, 2018

    I’m having such a hard time with this one of heard about it for years but I’ve really had a hard time with it. Jesus said you present your petitions to the father in my name knowing that you have what you vast and it shall be done. I have several injustices that have been done lately and they do need to be handled in their prayers and I have yet to see answered after long Battles Why do we have to fight it out in the courts of heaven I just wish I understood better.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      Hey Teri. I understand that sometimes this teaching can be difficult to understand. Doug goes into further detail about the Courts of Heaven and how they are mentioned in the Word in his webinar Understanding the Courts of Heaven Part 1. This is a webinar that helps simplify the Courts of Heaven to understand more easily.

      Doug also has a podcast interview with Elizabeth Nixon where they discuss the Courts of Heaven as well. You can listen to that here.

      Bless you Teri!

        • Lisa
        • June 13, 2018

        Agree. Be careful about “buying into” this teaching. God has already given us everything through Jesus and His dying on the cross and coming back to life. We are already victorious and don’t need “courtroom battles” because we are already given full access directly to the Father, God Almighty. Proceed with caution per this teaching on this site.

          • Stan
          • September 6, 2018

          I agree. What happened to the simplicity of the gospel? What happened to a new covenant with better promises? What happened to Jesus being our high priest and our advocate? This teaching does not appear to take the facts associated with the questions I raised into account.

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • September 10, 2018

            Thanks for sharing Stan! Bless you!

            • Catherine
            • September 16, 2018

            Hi. I wanted to make a comment on the Courts of Heaven and to respond to the woman who was really struggling with this. You know, much of the Christian western church has not had a lot of understanding on the Courts of Heaven, but the Jewish people and even the Messianic people have greater understanding than we have been taught. There are some cultural pieces there. If you read through Robert Henderson’s book, it is quite significant to see a whole perspective opening in front of us that has been there all along. We just never saw it. God has a way of communicating and opening up areas of understanding. There’s a place and a purpose for everything He does. It’s not that surprising that God would open up a greater understanding of the Courtroom of Heaven. Our culture is moving so far away from issues of morality that even the church falls prey to cultural teachings and we are led astray into sin. Take living together for example instead of marriage. So much of scripture uses analogies and texts and vocabulary coming from a courtroom. If you seriously study the Bible and go into the Greek and Hebrew, it will become quite clear. God has standards and He takes them very seriously. Personally, I found that Katie Souza’s teachings are an excellent prerequisite to the Courts of Heaven. If there is sin, trauma, or generational iniquity in our bloodline, it can be an open door for the enemy to attack us. The Lord showed Katie Souza how to become ‘excellent of soul’ through the blood of Jesus and the power (dunamis in Greek) of the Resurrection. It’s these elements plus God’s Light and Glory and Grace that help us to truly get soul wounds within us healed and how when we do this that the enemy loses his right to attack. Doug Addison himself had a dream of Katie as an Officer in the Courtroom of Heaven next to his. When he shared the dream with her, she went before the Lord saying essentially, “Lord, why would Doug have a dream of me being in the Courtroom of Heaven. I have friends and many other leaders who do that, but I have never done that.” God showed her that her ministry focused on healing wounds in the soul which was actually like a prerequisite to be able to take people into the Courts of Heaven. God led her to start doing that. For example, in her teaching on Idols in our lives and dealing with those, she has a two part series. The first deals with the idols; the second takes the idols in our lives into the Courts of Heaven to complete the work. My recommendation for people who have a hard time with the Courts of Heaven is to back up, take a break and seriously look at Katie Souza’s teaching, and then after to return to the Courts of Heaven because it will be easier to understand. Actually order the sets because you can only get one of the four cds listening on You Tube, but when you order the materials and get all of it, it is quite transformational. If you order her books, Healing the Wounded Soul and Soul Degrees, these will totally transform your life and are totally based on scripture. From there, you can move into greater understanding of the Courts of Heaven and of course, Doug’s books which are also awesome. It’s not as weird as you think. Sometimes we are tripped up by semantics and language and even cultural differences. Ask the Lord to show you. He loves you so much. He will show you Himself. Both Katie Souza and Doug Addison totally love and support each other’s ministries. They are one in accord with one another and they work in great power and miracles. We are all the family of Christ and in the past our denominational churches have taken out the power and miracles and left a powerless church to move forth in intellectual teachings that are not backed up with the power of the Holy Spirit. We are coming into a critical time. We have to walk in oneness of purpose, unity, and power. We have this power within us that most believers are totally unaware of.
            Ask God to help you to get everything He has for you. You want all the tools in the toolbox. He longs to do that for you. Sometimes we don’t ask because we don’t realize what’s available. Heaven’s resources abound. God longs to give great gifts, but often we are satisfied with little trinkets. God doesn’t want you spiritually anorexic, but spiritually robust because then He can use you to transform lives, to change atmospheres, and to bring His glory upon earth.

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • September 17, 2018

            Thanks for sharing Catherine! Great tips!

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • June 14, 2018

          Hey Lisa! Thank you for sharing your perspective. Doug interviewed Elizabeth Nixon in a previous podcast and she sheds more light and understanding on the topic of the Courts of Heaven if you are interested in listening. God bless you!

    • Susan Roxby
    • March 15, 2018

    Very great detailed in order revelation, and you use King James V which I love, Thank you and God bless!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      I’m glad you enjoyed the blog post Susan! Yes, Doug often uses a variety of translations, and King James is one :). Bless you!

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