How to Quickly Change Your World through Love

God is bringing a new movement to the Earth and many prophets, including myself, are saying this is going to be the biggest revival in history! But before we can see a revival of this magnitude in the world, we need to experience a personal revival in our own lives.

It starts by overcoming the things that have overcome us. If you have felt held down or held back, it’s time for breakthrough in your own life!

Keys to igniting revival in your own life

  1. Transform your thoughts to transform your life. Negative forces want you to believe bad things about yourself like: I’m depressed. I’m worthless. I can’t change. I’m stupid. I’m ugly. I’m such a failure. … the list could go on and on. But your negative thoughts are not who you really are. It is important to realize that your thoughts, feelings and behaviors are situational and can be changed.

    For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7, NKJV

    Many of the thoughts and behaviors we battle daily have a root cause: something we have done, knowingly or unknowingly, or things that were done to us. Healing these emotional wounds can be a process, but there are new approaches that can dramatically cut down your healing and recovery time. If you commit yourself to the process, you can overcome them. It is part of your destiny to find healing and live a life of fullness.

  2. Move from judging others into blessing others. Sometimes judging others can hold us back from experiencing the breakthrough and personal revival we need in our lives. As we move from judging into blessing, we open the heavens over our lives to receive a full measure of revelation. This lifestyle enables you to hear God accurately and consistently. It is a strategy God has given me and over the years I have lived this lifestyle of blessing and love.

    Check your own words as you go about your day. If you mess up, recognize it quickly and move on. We get lots of chances to start over and do it right the next time. Ask God to bless your mouth to help you speak only life-giving words.

    Here’s a prayer that I use: “If my tongue has cursed me, knowingly or unknowingly, I ask forgiveness.”

  3. Believe God wants to bless you with more than you can imagine. God has called you to something, even if it seems like your life has been exactly opposite.

    In order for you to understand what God has called you to, you first have to believe that God wants to visit you. He wants to bring His loving presence and He wants to encourage you. The key to all of this is to not get disappointed or feel like you’re less than because God didn’t move in your life the way you expected Him to.

  4. Don’t get discouraged! Release any expectations of what might happen or should happen. It would be good to renounce anything in the past where you’ve been wounded. It’s so important to clear the air right now.

  5. Repent of any unforgiveness you have towards others. If you do this, you’re going to clear the spiritual atmosphere and be more able to hear God’s voice clearly.

We’re going to see great things happen over the next few months. Get your hopes up!

If you want to hear more about how to experience breakthrough and transformation, then I invite you to join me for a 2-hour “school of the Spirit” (for only $37). In my upcoming workshop, How to Ignite Revival in Your Own Life, we will unlock the strategies you need for personal freedom and transformation—as well as show you how to help others do the same. Sign up to reserve your spot today!


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic WordsSpirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Randy M
    • April 19, 2018

    JESUS CHRIST is the only way up. Powerful message the only thing to do is apply it.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 19, 2018

      Thanks for sharing Randy! Bless you!

    • Shelly Smith
    • April 19, 2018

    Thank you for your transparency & being a great great encourager, to the body of Christ.
    Love how Father speaks through you, Blessings to you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 19, 2018

      It is Doug’s pleasure Shelly! Bless you!

    • CD
    • April 19, 2018

    Thank you Doug for a timely encouragement very much needed. Been feeling stucked & held down but want to release all you mentioned here to receive my breakthrough this year!!! Praise the LORD for speaking through you and praise you, Doug for your heartfelt love to help us.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 19, 2018

      Wooohoo! I am so glad this post encouraged you CD. You might be interested in Doug’s upcoming webinar, How to Ignite Revival in Your Own Life. that discusses getting “un-stuck” and stepping into revival. Bless you as you step into everything God has for you!

    • Viviann Harvey
    • April 19, 2018

    this is so timely and such great counsel… forgivness has to be spoken towards those who do have bd intentions towards us too… THANKyou pastor!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 19, 2018

      Yes Viviann! Bless you for having a forging and kind heart to those who have hurt you in the past.

    • Vicki mcwilliams
    • April 19, 2018

    Thank you so much for holy encouragement. Please pray for my son john. ;e is an engineer. He has been hurt and struggling. Had a painful person in his life that caused him to dout holeness. He loves jesus has a very kind soul. Something bumps him and has trouble thriving. Suffered much. Pray for hom please.
    Also my other son michael. Has had some very difficult e c periences. Needs to know jesus more deeply. My family needs to be delivered putvof all this. I pray much and am at peace. God is good.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 19, 2018

      Hello Vicki! I am so sorry your sons are struggling. I can imagine being a parent that is super difficult to watch your children go through hard times. Doug has a webinar on healing called Accelerate Your Time to Heal. This covers not only physical healing just also spiritual and emotional healing.

      I am agreeing with you for healing in your sons and family. Bless you!

    • Sheila
    • April 19, 2018

    Thank you Doug and team for loving me to wholeness in Christ. I didn’t realize how years of expecting things my way and not seeing them had left me discouraged. As I read and repented, I began to weep and I could see and feel God’s love pour over those gaping wounds.. I am FREE to receive all He has for me so I can share it with a hurting nation. Thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 19, 2018

      Wow Shelia, that is amazing. I am so glad that Doug’s blog post was helpful for you. Bless you for having a repenting heart. I am agreeing with you for you to step into everything God has for you.

    • Mark D. Lee
    • April 19, 2018

    Doug, this is really important to me, I hope you will reply. This prayer that you use “If my tongue has cursed me, knowingly or unknowingly, I ask forgiveness.” Didn’t you get this off of a William Marion Branham video when he prayed this before he began ministering? And in this video the woman he is about to pray for was ill because people had judged her. Do you remember that? Is there a way I can get a hold of this video or transcript?
    That prayer is POWERFUL! More powerful than I think most Christians understand.
    I love you Brother and I love what you are doing!
    Keep up the good work, you are such a blessing to California!!!!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 27, 2018

      I am not certain about William Branham’s teaching. But I am so glad that you enjoyed Doug’s post and are speaking life over California! God bless you Mark!

    • Faith Blair
    • April 19, 2018

    A heartfelt thank you for this word of direction, as well as the recent peculiar and most pleasant call to fast. It has been a time of the sweetest communion with the Lord. Eagerly awaiting the great Glory Wave that is coming. (During the amazing renewal of the 1990’s, while praying at the east gate of our County, I stood on a flat rock in the surf. A huge wave crashed around me and the thousands of tiny seashells let out a thunderous roar. I felt the Lord saying, “There is a wave of my Presence that is coming that will be even greater than this. When this wave comes the multitudes will make a tumultuous roar.” I knew this had to be a Word from the Lord because I couldn’t imagine how any visitation could be greater than the renewal.)

    Deepest gratitude and praise to the Lord for you. He has made you a prince among men, as you have walked out His prophetic call on your life with such pastoral compassion and caring. I consider you my pastor.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 27, 2018

      That is amazing Faith! We are believing for that exact wave of God’s presence to come in a way we have never seen before. Thank you for sharing your vision with us. And I am so glad you are enjoying Doug’s teachings. Bless you!

    • Alise Freeman
    • April 19, 2018

    Praise God …Hallelujah, and Amen. What a timely, accurate, definitive, confirming, word… thank you Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, thank you Doug, and your team…, please keep me, and all my family in your prayers and best blessings to each of you, in Jesus name…

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 19, 2018

      I am so glad you enjoyed Doug’s blog post Alise. Bless you and your family!

    • Margaret Petersen
    • April 19, 2018

    Thank you doug! This confirms for me that I’m on the right track!can’t wait to see what God doe

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 19, 2018

      Woohoo! That is so wonderful Margaret! Bless you!

    • Anna Hinda
    • April 19, 2018

    I need healing emotionally. My husband and i went through a traumatic tragedy a few months ago that almost took his life. Please pray for our healing of emotions because during these events previous emotional stuff not previously dealt with started to come forth. We need prayer of totsl healing in order to move forward!

    • Al Greek
    • April 19, 2018

    I would say yes and Amen to your blog. Implicit memory events and lie based beliefs keep people bound. There is inner healing that is also available today such as Theophostic Prayer, Sozo, or Immanuel prayer to help where we all get stuck. The values of love are not easily implemented by those motivated by fear. It is getting to the attachment center and getting a new encounter that changes us the most. Replace lies with a Truth encounter.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 27, 2018

      Thank you for sharing Al! Bless you!

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