Prophetic Word: Hidden Treasure Now Being Revealed

April is going to be an exciting month, and you are going to see breakthroughs begin to happen. The Wind of Change is going to blow things into place much more radically than in the past few months. Strategic realignment is coming starting this month. Get ready for a move of God in your life!

“The Kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
Matthew 13:44 NIV

This is a very special time when God is going to reveal hidden treasures to you. This might be in the form of deep revelation or forgotten desires. God is birthing something new in the midst of what might feel like times of turmoil. Just like the birth of a baby, it can be messy and painful. But when the baby comes, there is great joy and rejoicing.

Revelation revealed

Watch for God to reveal hidden revelation from your past. These are things that He has spoken to you about previously, or you have received prophetic words that have not yet come to pass. This will also include God surprising you with fun and new things that are coming right now!

“From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. They are created now, and not long ago; you have not heard of them before today.”
Isaiah 48:6b–7 NIV

Many people have been crying out for direction and strategies from the Lord to get through this difficult season we have been in. These prayers are now being answered, and God is going to reveal secret things and secret places to find them. This is the form of revelation that has been stored away, kept on hold until this very season of your life.

God is going to summon you by name. He is going to do something that you will know it is from Him. He is going to speak your name or give you confirmation so that you will know that you are on the right path.

Passover to Pentecost

I released a prophetic word, Why Is Passover Relevant to Me and What Should I Do? It contains specific details from the Lord about the season we are in right now. Jesus was crucified and resurrected from the dead during the Passover holiday. Then 50 days later during the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, God sent the power of the Holy Spirit. This now allows us to be filled with God’s power that goes a step beyond salvation itself.

This time of Passover through Pentecost is March 30 through May 21, 2018. It is a time when God reveals plans of breakthrough, Passover strategies and the release of His power to bring them about.

The significance of Passover (March 30-April 7) is receiving revelation from the Lord like Moses did to free the Israelites (Exodus 11-12). Pentecost (May 19-21) is a time to receive new gifts and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, similar to Acts 2.

It is interesting to note that between the time Jesus was crucified at Passover and before He ascended back to Heaven and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, He appeared to many people. This is the time of year that the Lord is revealing Himself (not necessarily literally) and giving us strategies and revelation that we will need for the coming season.

40-day fast extended

In case you have not heard, we are extending the 40-day fast from negativity that was supposed to end on April 9. We heard the Lord to extend it and it will now end on April 18, 2018.

We are calling people around the world to fast from negativity and release the spirit of joy over California to open a revival. Many moves of God have started in California, and the Lord has called us to break off the spirit of negativity and release revival.

This is significant, as it is going to end on 4-18, representing Luke 4:18.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.”  Luke 4:18 NIV

This is the verse that Jesus proclaimed at the start of His ministry. It is also the very first time I heard the Lord speak to me in 1988 when He gave me this prophetic calling over my life!

Get ready to ignite a personal revival in your own life that is going to spread around the world!!


Doug Addison

If you are ready to uncover the treasures of Heaven in your own life and begin walking in the power of living an encouraging lifestyle that changes your world and those around you, then sign up for my online workshop, How to Ignite Revival in Your Own Life.

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.


Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Sarah
    • April 15, 2018

    I can also, confirm the call to fast. God had been prompting me to fast from negativity, and food, and nudged me to begin on March 1st through at least Easter, before I read the call to fast on here. I am so excited for He is doing! I have been waiting over 10 years for this, since I first heard of a revival that would be coming to my home town in Oceanside, Ca

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 16, 2018

      Woohoo! That is amazing! Yes, God is doing amazing things in San Diego! We are so excited for how we will see revival in California. Bless you and bless Oceanside!

    • Sarah
    • April 15, 2018

    I had a dream in May of 2014 that the town we now call home had huge gem stones from heaven imbedded in newly paved roads, and the thing that prophets in California were talking about was now happening here in Indiana. I can’t wait see what God has planned! And I have been having increased dreams and revelations. I feel confident now in my calling/identity as an intercesor. I’m just a young house wife! Who does this? No one, but God.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 16, 2018

      Woohoo Sarah! That is amazing! The world needs intercessors. It is such an important role. Bless you and your town and state of Indiana.

    • Dawn S.
    • April 13, 2018

    I just noticed a beautiful coincidence from this season regarding Doug’s word about the Wind of Change bringing a new season of “Deep Revelation & Forgotten Desires”. I always wanted to learn piano from the time I was a small child – I’m now in my 50’s! In October 2017, He spoke to me and said, “It’s time!” I knew He meant “time to learn piano”, and as He spoke it, I also knew where the Lord was indicating I should go to take lessons because I saw in my spirit the storefront, which is about a mile from my home. I didn’t know what this place was called, just that it had the word, “Music Lessons” on the sign. I finally went there yesterday (4/12/18) & took my 1st lesson. Now, here’s the amazing coincidence: I just realized the name of the music school giving me lessons is “Wind of Change Academy”! Isn’t God just ALL THAT!! Thank you Inlight Team! Now, I ask for lots of grace to learn this instrument!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 13, 2018

      Haha that is so cool Dawn! I love that God can speak to us even through store names! That is so fun! Bless you Dawn. I pray that your lessons are fun and greatly help you grow in playing piano.

    • Monica
    • April 12, 2018

    Wow! This word is on point. God bless you for accuratetly revealing God’s heart for us. My heart is leaping with joy right now. Hallelujah!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 12, 2018

      Woohoo! That is awesome Monica! Bless you!

    • Royal-M
    • April 9, 2018

    This word is so special to me! I was telling my husband this past Saturday about the Lord wanting me to spend time for revelation on confusion for past prophecy words spoken over my life that have not yet come to pass! WOW! So direct!
    I received this email of the word God gave you for April 6th in Spanish on another ministry email letter I am subscribed someone is translating your messages in Spanish! Isn’t that awesome! Your message getting to others in Spanish!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 16, 2018

      Hey! That is wonderful that you were just telling your husband that!

      Is there a way you could let me know what website the Spanish prophetic word was coming from? If you could, please let me know through email to . Thank you so much!

    • Karen
    • April 8, 2018

    Thanks for releasing thus word of the Lord. We are in process of moving to Mexico City, Mexaco as the Lord has oped the door for us \0/. It has been a painful season, yet there has been wonderful times of joy. We believe God for His grace and strategy as we move forward. Days of intimacy and revelation.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      That is amazing Karen! God bless you as you make your way to Mexico City!

    • Veronica DeBoest
    • April 7, 2018

    I live for your prophetic word! Thank you! I need it, without it I feel lost in the woods! I guess the enermy loves to try and make me feel like wharevet I do I am not worth it. I live to read your refreshing words. I am exspecting to hear my father God any day now! Again Thank you! Be blessed.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      We are so glad you are enjoying Doug’s prophetic words. Doug has an awesome book you may really enjoy called Spiritual Identity Thief. In this book, Doug Addison exposes seven strategies that are covertly stopping people from living the life that they were created for. And seven remedies that will change your life by helping you step into your destiny. Bless you Veronica!

    • Steve Bowden
    • April 7, 2018

    Had a dream this week and John Paul came and spoke my name! Couldn’t believe how accurate this word is. So grateful for the explanation and confirmation. This has been an amazing week!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Wow that an amazing dream Steve. I am so glad Doug’s word offered confirmation for you. Bless you!

    • Todd Chambers
    • April 7, 2018

    Wow. Today I got the Detoxing From Toxic Christianity Workshop as well as ordering the Ignite Revival Workshop.
    I’m only 20mins into the Detox and the part about seeing things as persecution when we ourselves have actually been apart of toxic Christianity just blew me away.
    I’ve been asking God about healing me of a psychological diagnosis for religious reasons and can see now how my own toxicity caused alot of how people treated.
    Praise God. 😀

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      How cool Todd! I am so glad you are enjoying the webinar Detoxing from Toxic Christianity. Bless you for being able to see things through that perspective now.

    • Gwen Cooper
    • April 7, 2018

    I’ve been following your prophetic words through the Elijah List and I am subscribed to the daily prophetic word for a few years now and I too share them with my friends. I feel such a prophetic connection to your ministry Doug and I thank the Lord for you. May the Lord continue to bless and preserve you for His purpose and glory through Christ Jesus. Much love. Amen.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Aw thank you so much Gwen. We are so glad that you feel connected to InLight Connection. It is Doug’s joy to be able to share revelation with amazing people like you. Bless you Gwen!

    • D
    • April 7, 2018

    I stand in agreement with this word! Exactly what I have been praying for and this is confirming that God is bringing confirmation, strategies for a beautiful wedding, career and book. All to glorify Jesus Christ who died on the cross that we might have a communion with Him and The Father! Thank you Doug for releasing this word. I have been waiting for this and God told me that the time is now! Praise God for He is always faithful, kind and accurate

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Amen! Bless you as you get a strategy for your wedding, career and book.

    • Bwambale Nason
    • April 7, 2018

    Amen am very happy for highlighted me I believe am blessed

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Yay! Bless you Bwambale!

    • Martha
    • April 7, 2018

    I look every day for the Word the lord has povided for each one of His believing children for that particular day and times . Like the Bible there is a message to each heart & spirit within us regardless of the situation we are in. The encouraging daily does precisely that: ENCOURAGE US

    Thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Yes! I am so glad you are enjoying Doug’s Daily Prophetic Words. Bless you Martha!

    • Ms Shamie
    • April 7, 2018

    Brother Dough I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Your prophetic word it just blew me away truly. God has given me prophetic scriptures quickened them in my heart. I was earnestly praying for something that the enemy maliciously stole from me and I was praying for a miracle restoration. God is merciful and He answered my prayers. My breakthrough my victory took place on the 6 April 20q8 at 22.06p.m. His prophetic Word came to pass at that particular unexpectedly cause I thought it was going to take months on end but no it only took 13 days for the prophecy to come to pass. We serve a miracle working God. I encourage all those who are praying for any kind of need and if God has given you a prophetic word please hold on to it stand on it keep on believing until it comes to pass. For our God will never ever disappoint us or fail us never. The devil is a liar. He did it for me He will surely do it for you. Not a Word that comes out of His mouth will ever fail. I glorify and worship my Lord and Saviour. Amen and Amen. God bless you all.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Woohoo! That is amazing Ms Shamie! Praise God!

    • Jose
    • April 6, 2018

    I really appreciate all you do onto The Lord’s people and i believe they are seeds planted for all. Your prophetic words are extremely encouraging to me.. I look forward to reading them personally everyday and I share them where it is laid on my heart to share.. I also copy them with your signature as well to others for encouragement..Blessings to YOU DOUG.. And for all you do onto The Lord..😇🙏👑😂🗾

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 6, 2018

      That is awesome Jose! We are so glad you are enjoying Doug’s prophetic words!

    • .cat
    • April 6, 2018

    trying so hard to get all this-
    the futher i go the harder
    it gets, and the less i know …
    hanging on to Jesus like the branch over the cliff

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 6, 2018

      Bless you Cat. God is with you during this difficult time.

    • Cynthia Best
    • April 6, 2018

    Amen!! Doug – I awoke from a dream this very morning the Lord was speaking to me regarding our call and what He had in store – this came after many dreams that had me perplexed and doubting myself owe are hidden and like Ezekiel we go before and break furrow ground. Our finances are a disaster and I have been overwhelmed Of course the accused of the brethren was in the midst in forms of other Christians but that did not shake me, I awakened feeling like dancing! Then I read your word BAM!! Confirmation!! Thank you!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 6, 2018

      Yay! That is awesome Cynthia! God is so good! Bless you!

    • Kathi DiGrazia
    • April 6, 2018

    Hi brother Doug, I tell you, the more I get into this anti negative fast, the more I get attacked, but that’s OK.
    I got my helmet on. Its all foolishness to the lost world, but its my one and only hope. thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 6, 2018

      Bless You Kathi! I love your perseverance through this. Keep declaring and standing on God’s truth. You are doing great!

    • Sensational Unique
    • April 6, 2018

    I so excited about this time and thanks to Doug for his powerful words every day.I am so amazed in how the wind of change is blowing.I basically can’t explain this so just know I am drinking new water.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 6, 2018

      Woohoo! How cool Sensational! Bless you!

    • Kim
    • April 6, 2018

    Wow..this is so accurate for my life right now today and over the past months. I’m excited to see what God does in the next days and weeks!
    Thank you for your obedience to listen to His voice.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 6, 2018

      Yay! We are so excited too Kim! Bless you!

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