God Gave You A Vision for Your Life—What Now? | Doug Addison [Episode 93]

Today, I want to encourage your heart toward the vision for your life.

My wife Linda and I have given everything to what we do. We left our jobs, sold our businesses—we sold it all because of a dream the Lord gave me about a big revival.

Maybe God has given you a vision … something that you feel called to do, but it feels like it will never take place. I explain why sometimes it will come about—and some reasons why it might not.

My first prophetic word was “A Vision for the Harvest.” I saw the Lord weeping over the world. You’ll hear what happened after I saw a tear of the Lord fall on the Earth. 

The late prophet Bob Jones had a Billion Soul Harvest vision, and the Lord called us to be part of fulfilling it. 

That’s a big vision … but yours doesn’t have to be that big.

In this Spirit Connection episode, I give you a handful of tools to shortcut your way into your vision by tapping into the supernatural. 

We’re transitioning to the next level in our vision for revival and the Lord told me, specifically, to release a request for financial help. By giving into this, even if through prayer, you will receive a blessing.

At the end, I release the prophet’s reward—the ability to hear the Lord, get revelation, receive dreams, visions, angelic encounters and heavenly encounters. I pray for open heavens, that the Lord would bring about the visions that haven’t come about … healing for relationships, health and finances. Don’t miss it!

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Paula Higginbottom
    • August 29, 2019

    I really needed to hear this because I have been blocked in so many ways, and nearly gave up. I already give a small amount to you every month but I will give a small one time gift. I have had my vision for 40 years, worked at it and never got to the point of being successful, partly because I need the plan from the Lord to solve my production problem. I am turning 70 years old in a few months and I know that I have to get this going full steam, but also do not have the resources. I have the world’s largest selection of hand lettered illustrated scripture. I design one original, then reproduce it onto my Wordmark bookmatk-magnet, 5 sizes of framed scripture, scripture parchment prints that you can frame yourself, scripture greeting cards and my Ebenezer scripture river rocks. I am also testing a Quantum Zoe glass water bottle with scripture on it. In the past I sold on consignment in a bible bookstore and did craft shows but I have found selling online my best Avenue. But, I do every part of my business, and have limited space, need better equipment, need my own website which I need to know how to make. I failed three years trying to create my own site on Squarespace and could not figure out how to make the shipping price pages with the shipping weights or how to combine shipping discounts when orders include multiple items and also shipping outside the country was an issue because of customs fees. I live in a rural area, off the electrical grid on solar so sometimes even having enough electricity is an issue. I still work part time for FEMA as a disaster housing inspector which is how my husband and I supplement our $1,000 a month social security income. When I get the call from FEMA to deploy to work, I have to close up shop and sometimes I am gone for months. My husband is disabled, sort of, and makes no money. Then, both of his parents and my other became I’ll, then passed away which took over a year and a half if I add all the time together for travel, caretaking and emptying out houses. We were able to purchase two fixer upper homes to create rental income, and my husband thought he could do the work since he used to bea carpenter, but he is not diligent to work and has aches and pains from bad knees and a fused back so he takes opiates for pain. Now we have two vacant houses that are only partially repaired, sitting vacant for over a year. I have been fasting and praying for answers and your webcast has been the only encouragement I have had to try again. We need lots of the Lord’s wisdom and strength.
    I know it is time.
    Thank you for your ministry.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 30, 2019

      Thank you so much for sharing with us and for your generosity! Praying for breakthrough for you and your family!

  1. Reply

    Standing with u Doug and Linda.our small offering is just a token of our appreciation of your wonderful work
    Rev David and Véronique Holland

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 30, 2019

      Thank you so much Rev. David! We greatly appreciate your generosity!

    • Cheryl
    • August 29, 2019

    For years from young l had dreams and they would take place. I was told l had an evil spirit l was in my 20s now lm in my 40s. Of recent lm back in church. I had a prohecy of Kathryn kuhlman. I was told that l bring love and healing and gift of wisdom. I so want to walk into those callings. Thank you for your word

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 30, 2019

      Awesome Cheryl! What a great word! God bless you!

    • Debbie
    • August 29, 2019

    Hi Doug
    Wow hearing your podcast this morning was like listening to my life experiences: called, prophetess, prophetic intercessor, hurt by my church as a result, Lord shared about huge revival in a particular town in England and im to experience or do something big for the Lord at age 60!!! I’m now 61. Im not released by the Lord andHoly Spirit is my teacher. It has been almost ten years that I’ve carried this hurt and I wasn’t released by the Alvord from intercession over my home church until recently. The elders know about my hurts as I’ve told them and they have asked me to return but something is holding me back. I feel stuck and need help. My calling seems so close to yours but I believe my ministry involves deliverance. It has been suggested I have a seer anointing and when I began seeing demons I got scared and told the Lord so. I’ve since recanted and hopefully grown some I my faith and walk with God. I told him I was a nobody but he said I was to accept what he called me. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. God Bless

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