How to Get Out of Debt [Episode 130]

We’re in a season of economic disruption, and many people are worried about their finances these days. I want to help you go beyond just getting by! This week on Spirit Connection, I’m giving you a mini “how to get out of debt” workshop.

Using my own life stories, I’ll show you how to finally take charge of your financial future by building a strong financial plan for yourself and your family. You’ll also begin to see how you can become a “benefactor of blessing” to help supply the needs of other people and also finance the work of God and ministries.

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Find Out

  • Definitions of prosperity and true wealth that may be new to you.
  • Ideas for how to build up your savings and pay off your debts—for good!
  • How developing godly character influences your ability to receive blessings and become a blessing to others.
  • Tools and resources that you can begin to use today to change your future.


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Saara Kemppainen
    • May 28, 2020

    Thank you so much!! So many confirmations!! Thank you for blessing us!!! Be super blessed!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 1, 2020

      Bless you Saara!

    • Justin
    • May 27, 2020

    We are in a season of great change , the world is in mourning and everything has either ceased to be or is controlled . The lord says – rejoice and be glad for I am the lord who healeth thee . Its time to turn from sorrow to Joy . Rejoice . God will do the rest .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 1, 2020


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