Our Urgent Need and How to Help

Using Psalm 33 to pray 

Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. Psalm 33:1 NIV

I’ve been using Psalm 33 and other Bible verses to pray and proclaim the Lord’s great love and power over us. An important aspect of this is to sing and praise the Lord no matter how things look.


Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33:3 NIV

If you’re going through difficult times, you can sing and worship the Lord. Sing a new song to the Lord!

For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. Psalm 33:9 NIV

The Lord is calling us to use Bible verses and worship to help us through difficult times.

Ask the Lord for mercy

Have mercy on me, Lord, for I call to you all day long. Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you. You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. Psalm 86:3–5 NIV

As I have mentioned, many of us have been walking through difficult times. We can call out to the Lord for mercy, forgiveness, protection and safety.


More about our difficult times

I am asking you to consider praying for Linda and I, our families, friends and our ministry.

Linda and I recently lost two very close family members in the last few weeks. My sister and her husband went to Heaven. They both were very strong examples of faith.

They both persevered, never gave up and gave the Lord praise all the way to the end. We know that they are now in a much better place with the Lord in Heaven.

Linda and I have been in a time of transition with our ministry.

I was able to use the entire month of April for prayer and received counsel. I know this prepared us to go through what we are going through now.

We have an urgent need for prayer and financial help with our ministry, InLight Connection. We need a substantial financial boost for our ministry right away.

We are asking for people to pray for us as we are going through this time.

Also, please pray and ask the Lord about giving to our ministry. You can donate HERE to help us through this time.


Thank you so much, Lord, for Your loving-kindness through good times and difficulties. We ask You for mercy, safety, protection and greater power. We declare, “peace be still.” In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Repentance prayer to break through:

I’m going to walk you through a process that I use.

I find Bible verses, pray in the promises, agree with others and do deep repentance of anything I might have “in common” that would stop the Lord from moving and blessing us.

It is important to add worship, fun and joy to this!

Think about it, pray about it and let’s agree together for your needs.

What do you specifically need?

Here’s how you can remove any strongholds, jam-ups, gridlocks and delays: 

Repent, renounce, and break anything we have “in common” … including generational—soul ties, curses and things we may have done knowingly or unknowingly.
We also come into agreement in prayer to break out of things that are holding us back.
We forgive and break off the spirit of unforgiveness. (We don’t have to agree with the person or people who want us to forgive them.)
Lord, I ask forgiveness if I have done anything that has hurt anyone … If I’ve come into agreement with anything, knowingly or unknowingly, against this message. Or that would stop You from breaking us out of the old season and into the new.
Also, I ask forgiveness for any misuse of anything that You’ve given me, known or unknown.
Lord, we ask You to flush out the things that are unseen and send them to where the true Jesus sends them.
In the name of the true Lord Jesus. Amen. 


Doug Addison

P.S. The peace you need is available! The Lord wants to comfort us right now and give us a deeper understanding of His love. If you’ve been struggling to feel the comfort and love of the Lord, it might be time to get your breakthrough in prayer. The Breakthrough Prayer Kit is packed with strategies and keys that I’ve learned over the years. Find out more here. 

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

    • carlos ramirez
    • July 14, 2023

    Doug and Linda. A big hug of strength; My prayers for you I bless you and declare a new time and everything that is delayed aligns with God’s time for you family ministerially and financially. I bless you in the name of Jesus.

      • Brandy, InLight Connection Team
      • July 21, 2023

      Thanks so much for your comment! Blessings!

    • Valerie
    • July 14, 2023

    I have been going through lots so pray daily about 95% of time. When I pray I pray for you and your ministry and all people…

    I am currently doing Katie Souza course on serpents Leviathan & Python.

    The enemy uses Trauma/grief…bitterness, resentment all in common idols- food for comfort to empower witches who curse us and the serpents Leviathan carry out the curses

    I am currently on lesson 8 of 10 in this lesson there is a video of Dr Francis Myles discussing money problem and health issues was Python.
    Fire of God is extremely important to flush them out of hiding
    Dr amyles was cursed in Africa and would have died but God gave him a new Revelation- about speaking to the earth.
    I have received your prophetic daily word for years. Many many days your word tied into what I was going
    I read Elijah List and now listen to Elijah Streams
    Yesterday Donna Rigney talked about God sending a baptism of fire to us during the soon coming shaking.

    From my understanding the fire will help us to see in the spirit to see the serpents an help us to the deal with them

    Leviathan is a principality. I am in Canada and have had my words twisted etc for at least 8 years . Katie talk about our Judicial Authority is needed to deal with him.

    If we bind or loose…take authority over it from our early position people have died, had strokes, heart attacks

    I believe this principality is over all of North America

    If you have not heard of this please check it out
    I believe the enemy has been sending the continued situations to traumatisé us and give the enemy a legal right
    To take us out.

    Sending 💕 from Canada

    • Simple
    • July 13, 2023

    🙏ing for y’all, as for many are in need of financial breakthur, my condolences to y’all & the Shalom Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ over y’all family- Lord Jesus my king of Glory You promise in Your word to provide all we need in 2Cor 9:8 that we would have all we need & planty to share with others Lord how are we to be a blessing we can’t do it without You I know I don’t have enough to get a home, trucks for my ministry to bless others or to start a business to sustain my self & ministry Lord Jesus I ask in Your powerful name bless Mr Addison & his family & his ministry it help so many in this world pour Your strategy New ideas he always has a good heart to give out Your word the urgency is so in your face every where I go Lord I Believe You have a big plan its a good plan Jerm29:11- i ask You Lord to protect us as Your word promise help us all to stay on course to stay focused on You Adonai amen

      • Brandy, InLight Connection Team
      • July 17, 2023

      Thanks so much for praying! Blessings!

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