Prophetic Word for 2017: Get Your Hopes Up!

hot air balloons

A new gate is opening in the spirit as God is releasing a backlog of revelation and blessings. #dailyprophetic on December 31, 2016

Prophetic Words for 2017

2017 is going to be a time in which many of the least likely people begin to awaken to God’s love. A long-awaited start of global awakening and revival will take place. Many of these people have been rejected by the Church, but God is saying, “I have not forgotten them and their cries have reached my ears.”

Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord. Psalm 117:1–2 (NIV)

The world is going to awaken to the awesome power of the Lord. There is a reason for all the turmoil and attacks. It is the enemy not wanting us to see what God is about to do. God is more powerful than Satan and some people have fallen into the trap of looking at the storms and believing this is judgment against us. God has a solution in the midst of it all that will unfold in 2017.

Due season is now overdue

The lives and ministries of people were brought into the Courts of Heaven over Rosh Hashanah last October 2016. Last year, the Lord examined our lives with the highest level of the heavenly court system. Daniel 7 Ancient of Days court sessions were held over us all. This is similar to the level of the Supreme Courts on Earth.

Everyone went through an assessment to see if we are ready to advance to the next level with the Lord. Many people were promoted spiritually this year and the Lord is now releasing special plans and assignments for those who have walked through the painful preparation it takes and are crying out for mercy and not judgment.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9 (NKJV)

I heard the Lord say, “This is your due season and it is overdue for many.” Do not give up as this is a season to reap. It is not far off. Things are going to begin lining up for you over the next few months. The Lord has not forgotten you! For many, the very reason you came to Earth is about to be revealed in 2017.

Wind of Change coming

Expect to see backlogs of blessings and unanswered prayer come to you over the next 3 months. Between now and March things will start to line up with greater clarity. What currently looks like losses will suddenly turn around for many people. Though it seems that darkness is winning, after March this is going to take a quick turn for the good.

I have observed that the Wind of Change angel from Heaven shows up March through May each year. Expect the Wind of Change to blow heavy this year. It will help remove debris from our lives and uncover new hidden treasures.

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3 NIV

Angel is ready to dance

God spoke to me that many forgotten prophetic words from the past are coming to us in 2017.

I had a spiritual experience at Rosh Hashanah on September 28, 2011 in which I saw an angel that was in position and about to dance. In the vision the place where I saw the angel standing looked like a combination of San Francisco, Las Vegas and Hollywood.

The Lord said that when this angel dances it will shake things open and release finances, favor and an anointing to bring people into God’s Kingdom. In the experience, many of us had been waiting a long time for this angel to dance. Then without warning, it danced and the ground shook and golden coins filled the streets.

This is the release of Kingdom finances that will be needed to impact the world for God. It is also a shaking coming in the way we do things. Watch for this angel to dance over your city!

Two moves of God coming

There are going to be 2 moves of God.

1. The first is going to be inside the Church and in the lives of Christians—it is designed to awaken and prepare us.

2. The second is a wave of revival that will be geared to those who have been rejected by Christians or have been considered unclean or even an abomination. What is coming might seem to be a stretch to many people, as some of our current ways of doing things will not work to reach those who have been rejected. I have been prophesying this for a number of years now and I call this group the spiritual outcasts. They are the ones that did not fit into churches or had a bad experience and went away, never to return.

Billion Soul Revival

This year will be the start of the Billion Soul Revival—though it will not look like it on the surface. Do not despise humble beginnings. The late prophet Bob Jones prophesied this revival would happen. Sadly, Bob died in 2014 without seeing the fulfillment of it.

On September 22, 2016 I heard a counsel meeting in the Courts of Heaven. It was about Bob Jones’ life and ministry and his prophecy of the Billion Soul Revival. Many people have forgotten about it, but God has not forgotten this prophetic promise and plans are being made now to fulfill it on Earth.

During the counsel meeting, the tasks of fulfilling the revival were split into thousands of assignments. No one man or woman could carry this mantle alone. Bob carried the strategies; but now the actual fulfillment plans are being released to us.

A new Jesus People movement coming

The Jesus People movement of the late 60s–early 70s was the last known revival in North America. This was a theologically messy movement as many hippies turned on to Jesus and became Jesus Freaks.

The Jesus People movement started in San Francisco and was taken to Southern California and then to the world. This movement had a strong belief in miracles, signs and wonders, faith, healing, prayer, the Bible and powerful works of the Holy Spirit. It changed the face of Christianity and broke the religious spirit of that day. Sadly, it was rejected by the majority of the Church.

There is a new Jesus People movement that is going to start in San Francisco again. It will not start with the hippies as it did then, but it will be among the sexually broken and the Fatherless generation crying out for God’s love. 2017 will mark the start of something new in San Francisco that will go to Southern California and then to the world.

A Golden Gate opened

The Lord spoke to me to go to San Francisco on New Year’s Eve 2016 and open a gate in the spirit that will release the strategies for the next coming revival. I tried that night, but it would not open until the next day when I repented on behalf of all the people who have cursed and judged San Francisco.

As I removed these curses, the gate opened over the city of the Golden Gate. This is a key to opening revival and blessings over your house, church, business, city and nation.

The Glory of God is returning in 2017

During the Jesus People movement in the early 1970s there was a strong presence of God’s Glory. It was like a liquid anointing or tangible atmosphere that could be felt by many people. Without God’s greater glory and power, we will not be able to be part of a revival and movement as big as what God has in store for us.

In 1975, the Lord spoke to Bob Jones that the greater Glory of God was going to leave the Church because it was used for man’s gain instead of for revival and the Lord’s work. On March 11, 1977 Bob saw this glory lift from the Church and it has not returned since. Yes, there are people who still carry portions of it, but overall, the glory of God has not been on the Church at large since that time.

March 17, 2017 is the 40th anniversary of the Glory departing. This is the year that the Glory of God is going to return to the Church. Like the glory of the 1970s it will not be limited to the four walls of a Church. Similar to the Jesus People movement, the Glory of God is coming with signs and wonders, healing and miracles and will begin to touch those outside the church and into the streets.

In closing, I am not saying all of these things about the big revival will take place in 2017. But God is planning and positioning us for them.

This will indeed be a year that started out looking evil and dark but will end with greater hope and more of the light of the Lord being released.

Get your hopes up as God has not forgotten you!



Doug Addison

P.S. In case you missed it, watch my Spirit Connection webcast for January 2017, in which I go into more detail of the prophetic words for 2017 and also how we can prepare and get ready for what is coming!

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Ari
    • August 3, 2017

    I have felt this mercy. I felt it in the last two weeks. I looked online to find something to confirm it. God is taking over. HES looking after us all again he’s being a father. It is so beautiful

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 3, 2017

      Amen Ari! That is so awesome you found confirmation. Bless you!

    • Candice
    • April 25, 2017

    Regarding the Billion Soul Revival: Just an FYI of what happened in South Africa on Saturday afternoon… 1 million people gave their lives to Jesus in one place, and many others prayed around our country. Check it out on Angus Buchan’s Facebook page…

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 25, 2017

      Wow! That is so incredible! Thank you for sharing. God is on the move!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Anna
    • March 10, 2017

    I believe my soul or spirit was called up into heaven in mid September 2016. Ive had many dreams since then that are significant. In a dream I had around December 9th 2016, I saw myself in bed just woken up staring out of the window at the stars, all of the sudden a cluster of stars fall out of the right part of the sky towards me in a swooping motion and form a circle in the sky. They danced before my eyes in a circle, and I remember feeling happy and thankful of these stars.
    When I woke up the next morning I thought for a moment that it wasn’t a dream and that I had really woken up in the middle of the night to witness these stars falling into a circle.

    • Loretta
    • February 25, 2017

    Glory to the King of King; lets receive this word so that it can come to fulfillment for the Kingdom of God in Jesus name! Doug God bless u and yr ministry!

    • rsbrehm
    • February 15, 2017

    Per Bonnie Jones on the this was March 11, 2017. March 11 is more in-line with some other experiences I had last year with Mal 3:11 and Joel 2:25 which are basically saying the same thing. God is going to rebuke the devourer (as locust and devourer were the same hebrew word) and he will repay those years we have lost.

    • Barb Geraci
    • February 9, 2017

    This is amazing! I have been feeling all of this in my spirit and in physical anticipation…wondering when and where I will fit in the big picture….have had overwhelming attacks from Satan…even great physical pain and exhaustion! The distractions are manifold …
    So excited about your encouragement from the spiritual realm! God bless you!

    • January 26, 2017

    I thank our God and Lord Jesus Christ for you and the amazing wonderful promises He speaks through you giving us hope to remain in Gods Unconditional Love and Trust Him with everything we have, Hope of Glory not just for us but also for those who are lost and have given up. We serve an awesome God. Praise, Glory and Honour in the to God our Father, Christ the Son and Divine Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness. May Almighty God continue to bless you and yours in every area of your lives in Jesus Name, Amen. Amen. Amen.

  1. Reply

    We scare them away because we judge them by appearance and action. We are scared of them and we live a fearful life of what is and what we see and how we feel in the Pit!
    Few walk by faith. Even fewer walk in Grace. The world does not know us yet we fail in that we have not Denied self but keep comparing self to others! A Pharisee religion for all to hate what they see!

  2. Reply

    Wow, wow, wow, wow! Weeping as I read this! Thank you so much for this amazing word. God is good!

    • Anthony Hannah
    • January 12, 2017

    Thank God for this link…. Am a partaker

    • Cordell Williams
    • January 11, 2017

    Hi, I remember the Jesus people time of the 70’ties. I was a new be-leaver and loved meeting new Jesus freaks believers, were color did not matter. We fellow shipped were/when ever we could, also had great praise and worship at
    forth street church, Cocoa Beach, FL. We sat on the floor singing and praising Jesus our Lord and savior. Those early days I fell in Love with the our Lord and savior Jesus and the body of Christ. Today! I LOVE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST…and his body of believers. Young people fall in Love with him with all your heart, let him lead you from this moment on, oh what a blessing journey you will have.

    • Todd Chambers
    • January 11, 2017

    Just another post to this…today, I was messing around on FB and was getting sort of frustrated…then there was this sense of how salvation of those who have been disrespected by the church was God’s validation.
    What I mean by that is that there was going to be a harvest not just for the sake of it, but to build His church by saving people who would never go back to the way church was being done.
    The Gospel going to those who would walk with Him and worship Him in spirit and truth.
    It wasn’t just about the church hurting people but God’s plan to call those in the church to Himself through His Glory going to their “enemies”.
    People who have been written off because of man-made things that He never intended to allow being used by Him to prove that He alone is God.
    Nobody tells Jesus who He can bless (salvation by grace is unearned favor).
    It’s as though He is going to pour His Spirit out on all flesh to dismantle the “God could never do that” lies of religion.
    These are the God can’t do that ones!!!! ☺☺☺😅

    • Bev Haack
    • January 11, 2017

    Thankyou Doug for your encouraging prophesies.
    I am a spiritual outcast and look forward to what God is going to personally show and do for me in 2017.
    I have been sorely wounded by many churches and many times wonder what is wrong with me. I see things in the Spirit but only receive rejection from the powers that be when I speak. I have been set up by Christians at a top level and this has cut me deeply, to the point that I no longer want to trust Christians let alone go to church.
    I have not lost my love of studying the Bible and spending time with my Lord.
    The Grace of God never changes.

    • January 10, 2017


    • robyn elliott
    • January 10, 2017

    Thank you for this prophesy. I am going to dance over the city and get others to do the same. Wow! Wouldn’t it be good if we began a spirit movement of dance which went right around the world through the streets of every city! Halleluliah!

    • Ana Maria Anders
    • January 10, 2017

    Please pray for Brazil!!! And A Great Revival here!
    Hallelujah !

    • Ligia
    • January 10, 2017

    Thank You Doug, for all your faith and encouragement.

    Love and Blessings, my friend!

    • Todd Chambers
    • January 10, 2017

    Wow…thanks for the confirmation about the Jesus Movement and for the details regarding Mar 17, 1977.
    This makes sense to me in a way that I won’t get into here but just know Doug that your ministry is speaking to places that are unknown to many.
    Can’t hardly wait for the How to Bring Revival Online teaching scheduled for later this month.
    Blessings to you. ☺☺☺☺

    • lydia
    • January 10, 2017

    thank you for being obedient ,I’m looking for all that the enemy has stolen to be restored and that God’s Glory will be very evident this year!

    • Lynda-Sue Ledingham
    • January 10, 2017

    Glory to God! Excited!

    • clyde schramm
    • January 10, 2017

    thanks for the encouragement. due to uncontrolled physicial issues i have moved to Chicago for a short season and then going back to santa maria, california and being there for 6 months then in October ill live in Oroville. All this to say is i been asking god what am i here for . Then i read this i got the movement which i saw 2 years coming. Now i know why cause god is preparing me for this .

    • Pamela
    • January 10, 2017

    Praise the Lord in advance. Mark 11:23, 24. Thank you in Yeshua name for the true love of the Word of God is coming to pass . Pleating a bloodline over all what has been spoken and great forgiveness will allow the promises of Gods word to come to pass.hearts to be healed from rejected and I thank you Lord in advance for healing of childhood up to adulthood for thoses who were rejected by the Christian church for I too been rejected by christians and the church thru learning how Yeshua said on cross forgive them for they know not what they do. He did in advance amen . And the in 2004 Bob Jones spoke over me at Harvest Feast and it was beauitful . He is now in heaven which he did go home to early before seeing this great revival to come. Pleating a bloodline over this comment that enemy render helpless and can’t stop the word of God for us all in Yeshua name amen.Mark 11:23, 24. Is.54:17. Thank you Lord that your hearts deep true love plans will reach the all and they be totally set free to do the true love word of God His will is His word. The greatest fruit of the spirit is Love. Deep healing is forgiving so deeply. May the Lord deeply touch thoses so deeply right now in Yeshua name. Thank you so much for loveing us and not forgetting us Heavenly Father thank you Lord for your mercy and grace amen.

    • Bernice Beaupre (beebee)
    • January 10, 2017

    We thank the Lord for you and your ministry of hope and encouragement and prophecy. We are being strengthened in our inner man as we listen to your podcasts and receive your hopeful words. God Bless you and may the Lord’s favour continue to shine on you.

    • Kimberly
    • January 10, 2017

    So amazing how you are able to tie all these different aspects together for us to carry out His plan. Also, thank you for including our part first…to repent for judging and cursing to open things over our City’s…most often we only pray. So good. I appreciate the call God has on you. May every cell of your body be changed for His Glory, may your body function as God made it…when you came into this world, in the precious name of our Saviour Jesus.

    • david whale
    • January 10, 2017

    Thankyou Doug wow have we been waiting a long time for this to happen,
    our gratitude goes out to you and linda for your faith and perseverance to bring this wonderful news to us,
    all our love
    David and Lynn

    • Elsie Camacho
    • January 10, 2017

    Back in 2008 The Lord shared a vision with me. It was a city and the church was there but you could not tell where it was. It blended into it’s surroundings. Then I saw the power of God and the church began to arise. It was glorious, beautiful and filled with God’s power.

    • Cliff Schaeffer
    • January 10, 2017

    Doug, I have to repent. I came to your meeting and even met you while I was walking up to the church building. I was the one who said, “I always seem to meet the speakers of the meetings before the meetings”. I was one person that the church didn’t treat correctly. It seemed to be a lack of love and hospitality and me not being mature enough to speak to it properly. Someone before the meeting told me that I couldn’t be in the sanctuary. It was cold in the Fourier. I sensed a lack of love and a religious spirit so I left. Please forgive me, I should have sucked it up and stayed. After reading more of your prophecies I have been realizing that I need more love and mercy in me. You see I was born again in 1975. I’ve had many deep and powerful experiences in the Lord some similar to your, some different of corse. I’ve had many prophecies spoken over my live with many signs following. I’m not sure where God is wanting me to go with this, but for now at least I’ve told you that which I think Jesus wanted me to tell you. I hope to pow wow with you soon. I believe that Jesus is in it. So please pray and consider my request. Love on you friend.

    • Ciera Sweeting
    • January 10, 2017

    I absolutely LOVE this Man of God and his ministry! He’s truly in tune with the Holy Spirit and many times he confirms what God has been speaking to me. This ministry has given me deeper clarity and wisdom! If you ever read this Doug, I love and appreciate you and your ministry so much! You’re the REAL DEAL! Sending love, support and prayers all the way from Daytona Beach Fla!

    • Alba Barros
    • January 10, 2017

    Thank you for this profecy! I come from this movement and yes there are a lot of people that need the word and dont go to church!!!

    • JB
    • January 10, 2017

    Thank you for releasing this Doug. It confirms a lot in my spirit about to expect changes and things lining up over the next 3 months. Or as the Lord showed me on Jan 1st, expect major changes and surprises of things lininh up in the next 88 days! You’re obedient!

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