Strategies to Get Healed and Out of Debt

Success strategy and step by step business planning as a blue pencil drawing connection lines to connect the dots on a puzzle shaped as an arrow going up as a financial metaphor for a successful planned personal project.

Strategies to Get Healed and Out of Debt
Doug Addison

Are you struggling with things like debt, sickness or discouragement? If you are not seeing results in a particular area of your life it is really important that you press in until you do.

It is usually the times that you are sick or down that make it the most difficult to battle through it. I know this because I have been struggling with repeated sickness for the past two years, including Lyme disease and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. But in the midst of being very sick and nearly dying in 2013, I found strength in God and contended for my healing and breakthrough.

As I write this I am still suffering from the aftermath of this horrific attack on my life. I want to share with you and take what was intended for evil against me and turn it to good. My hope and prayer is that you will gain something for yourself or someone you know.

Time to recover losses

This is a season of time that you can recover things that were stolen from you over the past seven years or more. You have to press in and contend for it! I recommend reading 1 Samuel 30 where David had lost everything and his followers were ready to kill him.

In the midst of his distress, he inquired of God and got a strategy (verse seven). He was able to recover his losses and in chapter thirty-one his life destiny radically shifted. He went from running from the enemy to ruling as King of Israel. But it was not without a battle.

Contending for your breakthrough

I was healed of Huntington’s disease and Lyme disease, as well as several other things that have come against me. To be honest I did not feel like I could go on one more day. But like David, I inquired of God and got a strategy. From there I took radical steps that eventually turned things around.

God also gave me financial breakthrough strategies that got us out of a major level of debt. This is not only for physical healing but also for financial, relational and emotional restoration. It’s time to recover it all!! I do not know about you but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! I am sick and tired of financial losses, debt, and setbacks.

Steps I took for a breakthrough

Here are some steps I took to get my breakthrough. How desperate are you? If you need a major miracle, then find people to help you and use some of these strategies as well as what God shows you for your own situation.

• Begin praying daily for yourself and your situation.

• Take communion daily and really quiet yourself while you spend time with God.

• Anoint yourself with oil daily.

• Find a team or a couple of people to pray with you daily. This is a must as there is power in agreement. I did mine with a text and phone group.

• Ask God to show you what Satan does not want you to see about the situation and take notes.

• Respond to what you are hearing–contact other ministries for healing.

• Go to the healing rooms, get prayer EVERY time they offer it or if you are at church, DON NOT leave without it. There are some healing rooms and ministries that work through Skype. Google it and find resources to help you.

• Cut off generational ties to sickness or poverty (do it again if necessary).

• Break any demonic assignments–one test I do is to drive thirty-five miles away and see if anything changes. Often demons have a thirty-five to fifty mile radius. If you feel different, then you need to break off something coming against you in your region.

• If you cannot hear God for your financial breakthrough do the same thing. Drive thirty-five miles and pray. Can you hear clearly? Then you need to break the demonic assignment against you in your community.

• Break off witchcraft or cursing–many people with higher callings get judged or cursed by those who do not understand or are jealous. Break the spirit of jealousy or cursing. Do what Jesus said to do in these circumstances and bless those who curse you. Pray for them.

• Ask God to show you what to do physically. When I was really sick, I pulled out my medications and anointed them with oil and broke off the side effects. I changed my diet and supplements based on how God was speaking to me.

• Go to healing meetings–as many as you can. You can pray over your finances at a healing service.

• Consider your body–stop doing things that harm you.

• Use wisdom and get a strategy of restoration.

• Use natural healing when possible … for me essential oils are a big part of my healing.

• Create declaration prayers of wholeness. [If] “You will decree a thing it will be established.” Job 22:28 NAS (The NIV says: “What you decide on will be done.”)

• Get some Bible verses and lines from prophetic words God has spoken over you and meditate on them, agreeing with them in prayer.

• Go on a fast from any negative thought and negative talk. Stop listening to any negative talk radio or Internet videos.

• Repent of any judgments you might have against others.

• Sign up for my Daily Prophetic Words and pray them over yourself.

• Repeat until you see results.

Examples of declarations

Here are some declarations that my staff and I wrote for my healing:

• I declare and decree full healing of all the effects of this attack on my body, soul and spirit (3 John 1–2).

• I speak peace over any trauma and anxiety that may have come in from past wounds and abuses and bring total and complete healing (John 14:27).

• I declare a clear mind and emotions as I enter into God’s rest (2 Timothy 1:7).

• I call in all the heavenly provision needed to live a healthy, spiritually rich life (Philippians 4:19).

• I ask you God to reveal your love and intentions—reveal your perfect will for me and my complete healing. I thank you even now for this process and its completion (Ephesians 1:17; Psalm 138:8).

• No weapon formed against me shall prosper! We believe and trust that you, God, are more than able to do all that we ask, think, or imagine
(Isaiah 54:17; Ephesians 3:20–21).

I am coming into agreement with your breakthrough!! Share this with anyone who needs it!



Doug Addison


Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Siphokazi
    • November 26, 2018

    Good day
    I need prayers for financial crisis. I am even loosing strength. I need a financial breakthrough

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 29, 2018

      Praying for you now for financial breakthrough!

    • Andrea
    • June 26, 2017

    Thanks so much for this article Doug! Such rich information!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • June 26, 2017

      Thank you for reading it Andrea. Bless you!

    • rosa maria diaz de ayala
    • November 11, 2015

    Doy gracias al Señor por permitir leer es articulo esta palabra es para mi vida en este tiempo de donde tantas cosas que no entiendo me ocurren estoy enferma de la enfermedad como dice su palabra es gastado tanto ya y no encuentro la salida siendo cristiana pero aun así sigo esperando y creyendo en Jesús que el llevo mi enfermedad en la cruz lo clavo sus enseñanzas activan mi fe y esperanza que El Señor me dará la salida bendiciones abundantes para su vida en Cristo Jesús!!!

    • Cindy
    • June 25, 2015

    I’m sorry, but you stated that you were healed from Huntington’s Disease. That is impossible. There is no cure whether spiritually or medically to heal anyone of this horiffic disease. My husband died from it along with many of his family members and they were all very religious people. They knew that not even God couldn’t make them better. Yes God heals a lot if people but this is one illness he has not been able the distrof yet.

      • Doug Addison
      • April 12, 2017

      Cindy – I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I have lost over a dozen family members and I was diagnosed at age 42 in 2001. you said it was impossible to be healed of Huntington’s but with God all things are possible. In November 2016 I went to the UCLA center for excellence for HD. Two neurologists verified that indeed I am still healed at age 58 with a CAG count of 42 (same that took my mom and siblings). The are putting me in a study as this is what they call an anomaly which is medical for a miracle.

    • Patti
    • May 25, 2015

    Beloved Doug, You are such a gift to the body of Christ! A true overcomer who like Christ is able to show great compassion to others because of the trials and breakthroughs you have experienced. I marvel at your joy and beautiful character. Thankyou for these strategies and steps for breakthrough. My husband and I moved to a new area a year ago. We have been trying to get work. Our savings is drained. We have always paid our bills on time. We need breakthrough NOW! I want to only honor God wirh our lives. I want my yes to be yes. I have never been here before. Thankyou for giving me keys. I have done some but not all that you suggested. You asked how desperate are you? Very desperate for breakthrough in your life and mine. Thankyou for your wisdom and humility to share this with God’s people. May you get a thousand fold blessing in return.

    • Christoph Wind
    • May 24, 2015

    HY Doug!

    God is now doing something good in my life!

    i remark.


    God bless you full power!

  1. Pingback: Strategies to Get Healed and Out of Debt | My Rhema Words From Others Blog

    • Gail McCloud
    • May 23, 2015

    I have read and made the above confessions….. please pray and agree with me for complete and total healing of my body…. immune system, blood sugar, knees, sinus passage, circulation, in Jesus’ name Thank you!

    • nancy duarte mogotocoro
    • May 16, 2015

    gracias amado hermano por su palabra y valoro y agradezco a DIOS por permitirme encontrar esta pagina, estoy muy emosionada.. lo bendigo

    • joseph otieno odindo
    • May 15, 2015

    I am so happy to be part of you may Jehovah God bless you all in Jesus Name. Love you all

    • mommy
    • May 14, 2015

    You have mentioned you have been using essential oils. I knwo the topic is rather controversial, especially with some companies clearly selling the new age influences and some of the spiritual origins of the oils completely foreign to Christian faith. I have let go of one of those companies, and was ready to throw out the oils alltogether… What is your take on these issues? Where do you draw the line, being able to only use them as plant extracts for physical ailments?

  2. Reply

    Hello Doug, just been going over this blog, very blessed by the strategy idea and want to go over this more as there are healings both my husband and I need, debt to deal with.also, and my husband had a dream recently that he was in heaven and he could see a bright light , everytime he would get close to it it would move to the left, do you have something for him on this

    • Joan
    • May 14, 2015

    Doug: I am a ‘dreamer’ the Lord always speaks to me through dreams, sometimes visions & images. I used to listen to John Paul Jackson until he recently went to be with the Lord. I just sent off for your book. Would you have time to interpret a short dream for me, that i had recently, I feel it maybe for the body of Christ? Let me know where to send this to. Thanks

    • Joan
    • May 14, 2015

    Doug this is sooo refreshing. I have already put these strategies into operation. There is a ferocious attack right now from that ‘sewage devil’ on the people of God, especially like yourself (seers, prophets etc.), marriages & our families. I am presently suffering excruciating pain, I was told by Doctor that I need a hip replacement. I just received a call from my brother that my 2year old nephew has just been flown to hospital ‘cos they cannot stop his seizures. (He doesn’t even suffer from seizures) . I just made some declarations & cursed out that dirt bag devil commanding him to take his fight hands off all of youI have read all these emails, let’s all pray for each other! Janette & Mike: “I declare that you will NOT be homeless” as long as Jesus is alive, & by his shed precious blood you WILL receive your breakthrough. We all will. We will B writing back to Doug with great testimonies. Hallelujah!

    • Karyn
    • May 14, 2015

    Last May 27th I fell through a concrete porch and dropped @8 feet into a coal cellar. Recent surgery and months of PT, And struggling financially like I’ve never known. As the anniversary comes up I claim healing in every way. In Jesus name!

  3. Pingback: New Life Narrabri

    • Margaret
    • May 13, 2015

    Thank you so much for this, exactly what I needed, I’ve been battled some sort of physical pain for the last 17yrs, was doing good at managing it for a few years and then a few months ago all has come back, been diagnosed with Chronic pain,Fibromyalgia ,..etc and now dr is suspecting Lyme disease, mercury poisioning, infection somewhere in my body, ??? waiting for results. Related to you saying..I’m tired of being sick and tired……you have given me Hope today, I’m already getting Strategies in place and Contending for my Breakthrough once and for all…..You are such a Blessing to the body of Christ…Thank you for your Faithfullness and Obedience in serving The Lord……God Bless you Abundantly, Margaret

    • Jeanette and Richard Elliott
    • May 13, 2015

    Dear Doug, we help. We need breakthrough!! We have been in a trial for 30 years ever since my husband stepped out to follow the lord we have been under attack. I, Jeanette, have fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, heart disease, anxiety attacks. Richard diabetes, and high blood pressure. We have been homeless, in poverty for years, lost everything 3 times. Richard can’t find employment. We will be in a homeless shelter in 2 weeks if we don’t get our breakthrough. Help!!!

      • Joan
      • May 14, 2015

      Janette & Richard: “I declare that you will NOT be homeless” as long as Jesus is alive, & by his shed precious blood you WILL receive your breakthrough. We all will. We will B writing back to Doug with great testimonies. Hallelujah!

    • Jamie D. from Canada
    • May 13, 2015

    Thank you Doug. I’ve been asking God how to fix my life from its current state of depression, anxiety, divorce, finance issues, grief, and trying to figure out how to moveout from under this cloud of negativity and misery. I suffer from guilt, shame, weakness, hopelessness and sin. It’s been a rough few years, lol!
    Anyway, what you wrote is my “prescription.” Thank you. Please pray for me as I am willing and trying to move forward with this. Thank you again for your words. Its exactly what I needed.

    • Mary
    • May 13, 2015

    I humbly ask for your prayers for healing. I go tomorrow for tests to see if cancer has returned. My husband and I are standing on Nahum 1:9 that this will not return a second time. Please stand with us in agreement for health and restoration in Jesus Name. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    • Melanie Boutiette
    • May 13, 2015

    I cannot tell you how helpful and accurate this word of encouragement was for me. I too have been in a severe battle for my health and life. I’ve had to withdrawal from everything but God’s Word. I started taking daily communion and praying for Divine help with my gasteroparesis disease and much more. God led me to the right physician but I’m going to anoint my medications too! I’ve come back from death’s door but still have a journey to full restoration. And in the midst of illness came great betrayal. But like David I will go from running from my enemies (illness, suffering, trouble, betrayal) to ruling! Thank you dear brother in Christ!

    • Mary Ramos
    • May 13, 2015

    You have describe so much of what I’m going through. Sickness even the things you are suffering with, debt, I’m about to be evicted. I have felt May was a special month and have been crying out to the Lord for understanding wisdom, strategies. He has taken me through many of the same steps. The fight is great, I have no support group,church and few friends.There are days that I would just like to “go home” and the fighting and suffering would be over..

    • Cynthia Wallace
    • May 13, 2015

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom in the deep things of the Spirit. So many Christians do not understand spiritual warfare. Knowledge is power, and it prevents us from being destroyed by the enemy attacks.

    • Robert
    • May 13, 2015

    Thank you so much. I have forgotten these things and must get back to it. GOD bless you!

  4. Reply

    Thank-you for putting your strategy in writing so it can be printed or shared. Also, for being transparent about what you’ve gone through. Faking that everything is fine never helped anyone.

  5. Pingback: Time to Contend for Your Breakthrough - Trinity Vineyard Fellowship

    • Michael Cavanagh
    • May 9, 2015

    Hi Doug. I’m a Christian. My name is Michael. I was listening to you on an older YouTube clip. You were speaking about having high amounts of lead. Zeolite is good for removing toxins from the body. I hope this helps someone.

    Bye for now.

    • Mary
    • May 8, 2015

    Doug what you have written is brilliant. Also for healing, can I add that to go to Meetings and be in the Presence of the King (through Worship/Music) and if there is good Worship at the Meetings. It does not have to be loud, just anointed. Also can I add something else, to go to Prophets. I have been blessed by one after another, especially in times of sickness, when they know nothing, their Words help a lot. God bless from Mary Finn

    • Roger & Debra Cochran
    • May 8, 2015

    Thank you God for Doug & these Blessed words of encouragement. We stand in agreement together with you for your Restoration, as well as ours.
    With much appreciation Thank You!!!

    • Mary Holt
    • May 8, 2015

    Thank you so much!! So tired of constant battle but have to continue…thanks for more ideas of things to do,

    • Mark
    • May 8, 2015

    Just wanted to say thanks Doug. My wife and I (and our 3 kids) are blessed by your ministry.

    • Sandra
    • May 8, 2015

    Truly a blessing, your encouragement came just when I needed them, I’m presently going through everything you spoke of. This was for me, thanks a million. Our heavenly Father used you to be such a blessing to the body of Christ.

    • Lorrae Adlington
    • May 7, 2015

    Thank You Doug. My family has been struggling financially for a few years and we are battling PSTD/Anxiety/Depression. Since we moved about 18 months ago, we havent been to church regularly and I can feel the difference.
    I think my heart and spirit are well and truly ready for a change and a fight to take back everything that has been taken from us. I can’t wait to share this with my husband and gather prayer support!!!!!

    • Stephanie Carlson
    • May 7, 2015

    Thank you for a beautiful confirmation and wonderful new insights! ! God is so Good!

    • Nargis
    • May 7, 2015

    Truly, this is divinely inspired! God knows I need this!!

    • Kesta Long
    • May 7, 2015

    Good advice. Just seems like such a long list of things to do for breakthrough. It’s really hard to do all that when you’re in the midst of suffering.

    • Tera Smith
    • May 7, 2015

    Thanks for writing this! What great encouragement! We are definitely in a season of recovery! We have emerged from a tremendous season of trial by fire where the enemy overplayed his hand. Now, we are standing firm and believing for FULL restoration of EVERYTHING that was lost during that time. Please be in prayer with us for this. Love and appreciate you and your ministry.

    • Lilia Marrujo
    • May 7, 2015

    I am so happy I’ve found your teachings and encouragement. I’ve learn of your name through Stacey Campbell one of my teachers in the prophetic. I am so glad I did. You are one of the very few who speaks of evangelism in the work place, dream interpretation and speak of how to be a light in the work place. I’ve read this article as I had been just like you dealt with sicknesses, issues that in order for me to recharge I drive to bigger cities and away from my area to deal with prayer, breakthrough and to get recharged. I’ve just blessed you brother and your ministry and ask God to continue to bless you and family in very area. I will be getting your books.

    • Roshanda Teamer
    • May 7, 2015

    Thank you so much for this. I greatly appreciate it. God bless you

  6. Reply

    Great advise!! Thank you. I really appreciate your advice and prophetic words. Most of your words came to pass in 2014, so I trust I will see that this year as well. Greetings from Norway 🙂

    • Moses
    • May 7, 2015

    greater grace sir.. Am blessed!

    • Beverly
    • May 7, 2015

    I receive this and agree in Jesus name.

    • Jan Loesch
    • May 7, 2015

    HI Doug;
    Question: I was on the website last weekend and didn’t take notes because you said you would be sending a copy of your notes and a recording of what you said. Did I get that wrong? How is your head? I pray that your body, mind, and spirit be renewed and made right in the name of Jesus. Blessings.

    • Jan Loesch
    • May 7, 2015

    Blessings Doug,
    I stand in agreement. I have prayed: “Beloved, above all things, I wish that you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers”. Your statement that “satan will attack the areas of our life that God wants to use. I am declaring: prosperity, wisdom, and fulfillment for all that God is calling me to in my life. Amen – Let it be so today. My purpose will be revealed and money will come today. Blessings.

      • Doug Addison
      • May 7, 2015

      Please email – yes we sent the notes and video replay. Please reach out to our support to get yours

        • Doug Addison
        • May 7, 2015

        Sorry replied to the wrong person :O)

    • Allyson
    • May 7, 2015

    Last night I had a dream that two people I know from a very long time ago came to my house and told me they accepted The Lord Jesus Christ because of me. We cried and started to celebrate with fireworks. The fireworks caught my house on fire, though initially I was afraid I was going to lose everything, the fire was small and put out but it did go over my bedroom. When I went into my house there were family members, coworkers and old friends helping check out the house. Can you please tell me what this means?

      • Denise Harris
      • May 14, 2015
      As a disclaimer, I am not affiliated with this ministry but your prayer touched me.. The link shows the different meanings for a dream about a house, and specifically your house symbolizes you and your life. It seems that God is burning those things in your life that may keep you from realizing your destiny but the fire was small and it did not effect your place of peace and rest. (bedroom). Just allow God to break off those things that will try and keep you away from your destiny and purpose in evangelizing souls for HIS Glory. Amen.

        • Joan
        • May 14, 2015

        Denise that was very helpful unfortunately I could not see an interpretation for my dream on that site. I had a similar dream:
        I was outside a huge mansion like house & all of a sudden I was joined by a large group of people who I sensed were from Church, there were people inside the house also, in fact the house was packed. we all started singing “Happy Birthday” but NOT in the normal traditional tune, it was a totally different tune that I never heard before it was beautiful, I sang along & knew the tune. Someone waved to me, so I obviously knew some people there. I could not see who we were singing Happy Birthday to, but knew he was a very important person & judging by the crowd, much loved. I believe this is for the Church/body – unsure of meaning.

    • Leanne Moody
    • May 7, 2015

    Your email was such a huge encouragement to me. Thank you! As a pioneering missionary it has ministered to me on every level. I am truly grateful! Thank you for sharing strategies – I was at the end of “How now Lord!” Trusting for the breakthrough with a fresh inspiration!

    • Meechie
    • May 7, 2015


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