Prophetic Word: New Levels of Peace and Provision for Transition

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Prophetic Word: New Levels of Peace and Provision for Transition
Doug Addison

This month of November is a time when we will see many spiritual changes. November is the 11th month and the number 11 is symbolic of transition.

September 23, 2015 was Yom Kippur, the most holy day on the Jewish calendar. Jewish people believe that this is the day the Books of Heaven are opened over our lives, over leaders and nations. God releases our destiny for the next year at that time.

Many people were promoted to a new level in the spirit, or in maturity, this year. Along with this comes a major transitional shift that takes time to work out the new plans in our lives.

Because of all the transition happening over your spiritual life, new spiritual gifts are being given to you and new angels are being assigned. As this happens you might not be as familiar with them or know just how things work just yet. As our callings and assignments change, we cannot assume that we can do things the way we used to.

Watch for the new
As we enter into a new season we need to embrace this:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18 NIV

It is important not to assume that we can do things the way we did before. Consider what happened to Moses when God spoke to him to strike a rock and water would miraculously flow from it, Exodus 17:6. Then later in a new season, God told him to speak to the rock and not to strike it, Numbers 20:7–12.

Unfortunately, Moses used an old way of doing things and hit the rock instead of speaking to it. Even though the miracle happened and water flowed from it, because he did not follow God’s instructions it limited him in fulfilling his life calling.

God is giving clear signs to help guide you through the transitions, so watch for them. Expect to see provision and greater resources become available to you. Be willing to let go of the old, to open up the new. In most cases, you will need to take a step of faith for these new doors of opportunity to open for you.

Angels of peace and provision
On October 6, at 6:33 a.m. I had a spiritual encounter and I was taken into a trance-like state, Acts 10:10, that lasted 33 minutes. An angel came into the room and laid hands on me and imparted peace, and spoke words from Matthew 6:33–34. The angel spoke the words “don’t worry” as God’s presence and peace enveloped me and formed a shield or force field, like a coat of armor.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33–34 NIV

As I came out of this spiritual experience, I heard the Holy Spirit say that people everywhere are getting this impartation of peace and provision to rise above the storms happening right now. Whether you are aware of an angel or not, receive this by faith–that God is giving you new levels of peace, and the resources you will need to get through this time of transition.

Fear versus wisdom
We are entering into 7 years of new divine opportunities to advance God’s Kingdom and receive repayment for losses over the past 14 years–since 2001. I released this last April in a prophetic word titled Don’t Hold Back.

Many people have told me that they were holding back on decisions, buying houses, moving, taking jobs etc., because they believed the economy was going to crash last September. This kind of thinking is usually motivated by fear and will actually cause things to crash in your life. It is important to get on God’s timetable and to forget some things that are no longer relevant for this season.

We need to understand the difference between fear and wisdom. When your decisions are motivated by fear you will not have a plan. When you are using wisdom, you will have heard from God and you will make decisions with divine intentions.

Operating out of fear can cause you to hesitate, or hold back, and possibly miss God’s timing. There are times that you may need to use wisdom and put things on hold. But this usually comes with peace, not fear, and God confirms it with a plan or solution.

God is releasing divine solutions and it is not the time to hold back, but to move forward with confidence. Listen to God, as plans and strategies are coming for the next 7 years of blessing.

Enter into God’s rest
Last month I released a prophetic word that over the next 24 weeks, through March 9, 2016, it will be important to pull back and get a new strategy. I want to encourage you to respond to this by taking time to rest and get refreshed. As you do this, you will see new plans come to you that you will need to succeed in 2016.

To hear more of my prophetic word for November, check out the video from this month’s Spirit Connection webcast. Watch the recording here.



Doug Addison

P.S. Do you want to hear God more clearly? Last week I released my newest ebook How to Hear God’s Voice More Clearly For Yourself. Download your copy here for free.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


  1. Pingback: Stressed? Here’s What You Can Do About It. - Hallelujah

    • April Kim
    • December 3, 2015

    Thank you for this.
    I have been seeing the numbers 11:11 or 1:11 on the clock every single day without coincidence since the spring of 2014 and still do to this day. I knew that I was being placed into a season of transition, but definitely did not expect it to be this long. It’s been lengthy season so far and has made me weary at certain times, but I still felt God deeply stirring something in my heart and there was still a genuine sense of hope. What you shared in this post just confirmed how I should follow the peace of God that He instilled in me with some big decisions that need to be made and not respond & operate out of fear. Thank you!

    • Laurie
    • November 20, 2015

    Just wanted to say I have never seen Spiritual advancement like I have this past season in my life.
    Its a new place, a new “feel” I have had God speak very specific to me about certain advancements.
    One of the biggest problems I see now is fear has really taken a toll on many believers, I really don’t understand bc all I want to do & see is the enemy defeated in the hearts & lives of believers. I love a good fight. One of the advancements, or experiences that happened was, the enemy came back at me w an old addiction, & I felt this thing rise up & I did go after the enemy like I never did before, right after that I sensed a hatred that he had for me that I never knew, then I felt something in the Spirit snap,there’s so much to it.
    Anyway, thank you May the Lord bless you this Thanksgiving season

  2. Reply

    I’ll be happier and more peaceful when the provision & the new path appears!! ?? 14 months in transition has been a bit more than I had expected… ?

    • Lisa Emerson
    • November 12, 2015

    I would like to say thank you for sending this email to I no God is up to something I my new distance relationship as I we email a lot to each other and inspire each other I no God had brought us together he is stuck at work now waiting to come home as finished his job on the rig but because his drill on the rig broken down he gave up his passport for a disposit for new drill part but now he just wants to come home to his children and sister can you advise me in this he wants me to help him with money to get home £2800 which his sister has £700 I can’t possibly get the rest only some to help can you please prayer for this situation and advice please I find your words very encouraging and spot on with what is happening in my life right God Bless you your doing as great job a true blessing to us all you are to me thank you so much

    • Munyaradzi Hlomani
    • November 12, 2015

    Thank you Doug , you are a blessing.

    • Josephine
    • November 11, 2015

    I follow your daily word and am so encouraged by it…I moved last Sept.under the unction of Holy Spirit…and as your Nov.prophetic word stated He is leading me slowly through the transition for myself and my husband.Each step I have felt massive pressure on He would give me peace….. as I made the decision.The prophetic is an amazing gift to His people.

    • Anna Nungaray
    • November 11, 2015

    I hope this doesn’t sound dumb, but my heart aches for the newness. The part that I feel is annoying is that as the change has been happening, rather than embrace some of the changes, I have been grieving! I don’t understand why I do this and it has caused such a stress that I have gotten sick:( I love the Lord so much, but I get so scared and trusting has not been a strength of mine. I have definitely been taking actions to exercise that muscle and grow there, but it is so hard and I feel like maybe I’m doing it wrong? Or am missing out on something because of my own inadequacy or ability to trust greater. What are your thoughts on this? I hope I don’t sound to whiny… Anna

    • Pål H. Eidsnes
    • November 11, 2015

    Thanks so much Doug for being faithful and persistent in sharing what you hear and receive from God? i just recently discovered Your ministry through some friends. Together With my wife i’ll practice living in faith and depending on his provision not looking to who I was before or how things used to work..

    • Pam Pettis
    • November 11, 2015

    Enter God’s rest was a welcome confirmation of a word I received recently. To not take on new assignments at this time but to hang out with Jesus and get refreshed. Our church is in transition right now and there is great need for leaders to step up but I was feeling like this would be disobedient to do so was glad to have more confirmation.

  3. Pingback: 11/11/15: A Day Of Alignment To Prepare For A Year Of Acceleration! | KristaAbbott

  4. Reply

    What you have said Doug lines up with what God has been telling me to do. He has been telling me to move forward into opening up my private counselling practice as He has shown me what to do. he has told me to stop looking backwards.
    Greetings From Australia

    • Kirsten Hunt
    • November 10, 2015

    Hi Doug,

    I believe everything you’ve said as it already has unfolded since September 23 in my life very strongly and in the prophetic. Rest and joy come now!

    Abundant blessings,
    Kirsten Hunt
    Aussie Prophet


    • lisa Hamilton
    • November 10, 2015

    Hi doug,
    I am interested in life coaching with you for new business strategy and plans. I too am an author/speaker and would love guidance from you. Can you tell me about life coaching? Thanks Lisa

    • Alex Atkinson
    • November 10, 2015

    OH – MY. There is so much in this word. Just read it to my Wife and we both believe the timing of this word is perfect! We needed to hear (read) this. It resonates with what we are doing, both on a professional level and that of a Spiritual one. We are very excited about moving forward and continue to experience the Favor and giving us the ability to be a blessing, share and love on people.
    Thank you for bringing this word forward!
    There is so much in this word, will be journaling on it for a while. 🙂

    • sereili walter
    • November 10, 2015


  5. Pingback: New Levels of Peace and Provision |

    • Mark
    • November 10, 2015

    I encountered a major shift that happened November 1st. These was a huge difference on how things used to operate and how God wanted me to operate in the new leve.
    Praise the Lord

    Thank you for all you do Doug

    • Katherine Babcock
    • November 10, 2015

    Thanks. This was very timely for me. I receive even when I don’t see.

    • Kimberly
    • November 10, 2015

    God’s blessings to you and your family as you rest and regain strength in Him. Looking forward to the New Year.

    • Liz Dion
    • November 10, 2015

    Thank you for this word! I found it very interesting that your trance like state started at 6:33, lasted 33 minutes, and came from Matthew 6:33. Is there any significance to these numbers???

      • Brenda Onyutta
      • November 10, 2015

      The numbers are significant. By inspiration of the Spirit 33 is Eye to Eye; up for the challenge. 6 is Circus. In his book Numbers Burners, Hillary Turyagyenda explains what the Holy Spirit defined each number to be.

    • charlene baxter
    • November 10, 2015

    Thank u for sharing this prophetic word many needed to hear what God is saying to his people.

  6. Reply

    Thank you Doug
    I wanted to buy your book on understanding dreams. This is how I found you but fear of using cc on the net stopped me.
    It was a powerfull vision about thousands of fish pouring thru my window.
    I know it was from God and although I think I know the meaning am still a bit unsure.
    I have posted your letter to me on my face book page.
    My life is so bursting with the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ I am singing praise to God several times a day. This is very unusal for me so I know something is up.
    Love in Christ from Kym

      • DIANE
      • November 10, 2015

      thank you so much Doug for sharing your gift I see right now , and am waiting and resting in Him for further and future directions. Many changes have happened in my husband an my life starting August 9th. BIG changes, we were out of our comfort zone, very excited at what God is going to do next. I am an evangalist. I have had many dreams over the past months and clear visions . Thje prophetic words coming on the internet are right where we are. Praises to God and to him be the glory . Blessings Doug NZ

  7. Reply

    on 23 sept got job thank U jesus now prayingvictory over every circumstances And Jabez prayer

    • Ines
    • November 10, 2015

    Thank you and God bless you for your wisdom. I had a dream a few weeks ago with these number and I didn’t understand but now I do.

    • Lina
    • November 10, 2015

    I cannot explain how. But these past few days. As i started to open my bible again. All the verses i saw was related to “do not fear and do not worry, and wait upon the Lord”

    Your prophetic words actually encourage me to look up and try and have faith more and hold onto God’s promise.

    And thank u for reminding me not to look back anymore from the past.

    Also help me pray to overcome the fear i want this transitions i want this peace and provisions and perfect plan in me and whole life and with my marriage.

    I am claiming all God’s promise to happen and take over my life. For His greater glory. I will be beack here for testimony

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