Prophetic Word for July Part 1: A Time of Major Changes

Man pulling curtain of darkness to reveal a new better world. Conceptual change, two worlds, hell and paradise.

July is going to be a time of major changes. Things that God has promised you over the last few years are now going to start to take place very quickly.

There is going to be a blast of new sounds from Heaven over you that is going to open new doors, part the Red Sea, awaken dry bones and open your eyes and ears to hear in the spirit at a new level.

Not everyone will hear this spiritual sound; those who have ears to hear and have been seeking the Lord will catch this new wave.

Expect scales to fall off your eyes as God is going to reveal strategies and His plans for your next season, plans that have been hidden until now.

Higher level revelation

In the midst of turmoil and confusion, God is saying to keep your eyes on what He has been speaking to you—for He is working beneath the surface.

“Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”
Revelation 4:1 NIV

There is going to be a trumpet blast and new doors of opportunity will come to you. I saw new doors of God’s glory opening over people.

July 15–17, 2016

Watch during July 15–17 for things to change fast. Dreams are going to increase, as well as angelic activity. There is a reconciliation and repayment for things that happened in 2013–2014. This will come like a wave.

July 4th celebration in Heaven

I had a major encounter at 4 a.m. on Monday, July 4. I woke up to the sound of celebration in Heaven: REJOICE THE TIME HAS COME was repeating over and over.

Honestly, I wanted to sleep. But I heard “Get up, because there is an announcement in Heaven.” There was excitement and the sound of celebration. I heard shofars blasting and Heaven singing.

As I celebrated with Heaven for the new things coming, God spoke to me that this is the start of a new revival to the spiritual outcasts who have been pushed away by unloving Christians. It is the start of a new revival that will come in 3 waves. So it is a good day to celebrate!
• The first wave is purity and cleansing.
• The second wave is power encounters and healing.
• The third wave is the harvest for those who have been rejected by Christians.

This is not the end

Many people thought this was going to be the end. But it is the beginning of the working of God’s great power. It is not the end at all. It is the beginning of some of the greatest times on Earth—for the prophets of old have longed to see what you are about to experience.

“Then a voice came from the throne, saying: ‘Praise our God, all you His servants, you who fear Him, both great and small!’ Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: ‘Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.’” Revelation 19:5-9 NIV

Because of the complexity of all the encounters I had in the past month, I will be releasing a separate prophetic word later in the month with more details. It has to do with Ezekiel 34, the words I heard in heaven REJOICE FOR THE TIME HAS COME and the celebration I mentioned above. It is the start of a new revival that will come in waves. It is a good day to celebrate!

How to prepare

July is also going to be a time of the Lord revealing cracks in our foundations and things that we need to shore up. These might be unhealed issues, things in our souls, etc.

It will be good to take time to pray and ask God to heal and reveal this month. This is not going to be major surgery. Let God lovingly wash over you.

My team and I have been going through this. I allow all the prophetic words I get to test me first. We go through and repent of anything we might have in us that is in common with the enemy. As you do this as well, it will align you to receive all that God is doing and give you greater prophetic authority.

I have never heard this much celebration coming from Heaven. Be sure to avoid getting caught up in negativity and reports of bad things. Those things are a smokescreen from the enemy to get you sidetracked.

Things are truly lining up for some of the greatest times we have ever experienced.

I will be sharing more on this in Part 2 next week.



Doug Addison

P.S. Do you want to discover how God speaks to YOU every day? In our online prophetic activation school, Hearing the Voice of God 365, you’ll not only learn how to hear God in the way he speaks to you, but also learn what to do with it. Start your 14-Day Free Test Drive today!

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Benita Wildeman
    • July 1, 2019

    I am desprate for hearing HIS VOICE!

    • Willam
    • July 20, 2016

    I’ve been slow to delve in! But the daily words and now this has really spoken to my heart and been in alignment with what I’ve been experiencing! I’m an outcast for most of my life but I love the Lord! He’s filled me and has loved me and told me I am clean! It’s been hard always going upstream! But I was instructed to write a book and not be concerned about how or if it’s received! Pastors will hear and understand! I must say that it’s been hard to get started! But hearing this has enlarged my heart to get going! I’ve written music that’s sung around the world! Tricked out of what’s due but I’ve trusted the Lord to repay me and not be bitter! I’ve had heart attack stroke,coma! But he’s promised complete restoration and more facility in my playing!!
    I trust him!
    Thank you sir! This has been a pivotal time and I believe to have divine health and ability to share how much the Lord loves us!!!
    Thank you Jesus!!!

  1. Pingback: Doug Addison and prophecy – Revelations From Daddy in Heaven

    • Maree Williams
    • July 19, 2016

    THank you so very much Doug for standing before the Lord for His people. Such confirmation for me, as I have had 10 prophetic words from the Lord beginning on Jan. 7th. They have just kept coming in the Intercessions that He has given me. The things that He is about to do are so awesome that I don’t quite yet know what to do about these last 3 words. He speaks constantly of His love, and the power that is in His wonderful love. God Bless you Doug and your team. Looking forward to part 2. Maree Williams.

    • Benje Holloway
    • July 19, 2016

    I am in AWE it is exactly at what I have been showed and experienced in my Spirit..
    I had even posted some of these things and spoken on them to others. To read it was like you had read my mind thoughts and experience wrote them..
    Wow..Yep That’s ALL GOD..

  2. Reply

    I was woken up for the celebration in heaven on the 4th of July. The angel said with great joy ‘Get up, get up, it’s your day!’

    • Darlene Edrington
    • July 17, 2016

    Praise Almighty God for this Prophetic word being released….truly signs. Wonders and Miracles shall
    follow!!! I know Abba Father is speaking. …This is a season of divine alignment.. The stretegic hand of Almighty God is at work…. Oh taste and SEE that the
    Lord is good!!! My soul REJOICE….Blessings to you Forevermore!!! I hear a sound of a mughty rushing wind…
    Speak Lord.

    • yolanda Gakvez
    • July 17, 2016

    Leading a supernatural touch as injured at work twice, then injured by therapist twice. Want the strength Moses had at 120 years with 20/20 eyesight and the strength of a young woman! Praise God!

    • Daaiyah
    • July 16, 2016

    This speaks to me clearly, everything that you spoke of…Doors are opening, and things are moving very fast…I don’t want to get caught up thinking I am making the best decisions and it blows up in my face later…I am relocating with my young child, to another state leaving my teen behind, she doesn’t want to come and a guy friend has mysteriously, set out to help me move, help me find a place, and now says that we should get married…I’m not sure anymore if I should take his help any more, don’t know what to do or think……..

    • Jeanne dornes
    • July 15, 2016

    I haven’t been able to pray lately my husband is really ill and I am his full time caregiver and even thou I have the Holy ghost and love and believe in God’s words and promises it has been hard but the only thing that keeps me going everyday is my faith. Please keep me in your prayers and I pray for a new anointment and please Lord don’t let me lose my voice,it is so hard at times I cry where are you God.

    • Winnie KB
    • July 15, 2016

    Thank you Doug for this powerful message from the Lord. I receive it in Jesus’ name. Am so expectant for what God is about to do. Thank you Jesus for everything you’re doing and you’re about to do for your people. Amen.

    • Beverley Sheffield
    • July 14, 2016

    Doug. There has been so much change in the last to week’s in my life. God has taken away fear, anxiety, He has giving me such a hunger for his word no more T.V. up early praying studying. o the peace the joy like i have never know before. my heart feels like it will burst. I cry with such humility and a thankful heart. I know he loves me. And i will share him with the world. revival is here. In his service Beverley.

    • Patricia velasco
    • July 14, 2016

    Thank you for this word, and thank you for daily words too! Lord bless you with good health and many God adventures!

    • Cyndyl.
    • July 14, 2016

    We just discovered in our remodeling plans the foundation of our house needs extra footing to be secure. The Lord is using this in the physical realm to show us what we need in the spiritual. Praise God for this awesome word.

    • Paron B
    • July 13, 2016

    What a timely and needed word for me and I see it was much needed by others as well. Doug, I thank God for you and how He is using you to speak to all who will listen. I pray for God to continue to use you for His Glory to speak to the body of Christ. Now Lord, I ask for forgiveness of all our sins and I plead the Blood of Jesus over each of us. Please position us, prepare us and anoint us afresh to receive all that you have in store for us. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in the mighty Name of Jesus Amen

    • Mary
    • July 13, 2016

    I saw exactly what your prophetic words states in a vision last month. Bless you for giving me understanding of what I saw (an angel with a trumpet and many doors that were open and Jesus standing next to them) Praise God!

  3. Reply

    Oh my God! Thank you for the confirmation and blessed be our God who is faithful and true!

    • Val Hamann
    • July 13, 2016

    I am trusting God for a husband, a godly faithful man that will love me and help me advance God’s kingdom, according to God’s will. Please pray for my finances, that a wonderful door of opportunity for employment will open that will pay me more than I am currently earning.

    • Victor Rodrigue
    • July 13, 2016

    Thank you Doug, your daily message somehow seems like it’s meant only for me. It’s wonderful how the Lord can feed us exactly the food we need for the day.

    • May
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you for sharing Doug.. amazing! the first thing that came to me, I read the word for July 15-17 relate to the things that happened in 2013-2014 in loss of relationship is this correct?

    • Lacey
    • July 12, 2016

    It’s super neat to see when different prophetic words align with each other! Jennifer Evaiz just posted a word on change as well!

    • Cheryl
    • July 12, 2016

    Hello Doug,
    thank you for the encouraging words! I have finally broken free from addiction and if I have a craving for alcohol now, I have a cup of cold water and put in 2 freezies in.and then as the ice melts, the appearance is similar and taste is sweet sans the alcohol! I also have a glass of apple juice or water. Only drawback is I’m drinking regular coffee again but I’m asking for more of God and help me as I go through a difficulties I will look look up and do His will in Jesus’ name.

  4. Reply

    Woo hoo! Good word right there!

    • Deborah Lynne Connor
    • July 12, 2016

    This is such exciting news. As a former battered wife, the church does shun us. Elizabeth Alves likened it to the “dirty birds of the church”. We will be the ones to expose a sick and corrupted juvenile and family court system, that is destroying battered women and their children. A court system that is snatching children from decent families, and selling them to the devil for federal funding dollars, even worse!

    • Milika
    • July 12, 2016

    Aww thanks very much for these inspiring seasonal word…I’m really uplifted.

  5. Reply

    Please pray. I am passionate about God and have had 2 and a half years freedom from alcohol. In the past 3 days I have drunk alcohol and have now tipped it out. The desire has gone but I need to draw nearer, yes get up during the night and pray and hear what God is saying. I have had so very many blessings and seeing change happening and this has been a huge attack!

    • Stephane
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you so much for this word..please pray for my husband and 2 daughters……so that we all will hear and stay close to Father…that we will hear clearly His voice.

    • Frankie Lambert
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you, I have been going through these things and seeing things I’ve never seen before.

    • Marte Blackmon
    • July 12, 2016

    Right On my brother. Keep it up. You’re right
    on the head of things.
    The King is about to blow His trumpet in Zion.
    Sounds His alarm and away those who are
    prepared for this time, ===sway they go.
    Gotta fix the wounded. Then the others will
    be at hand. Praise His Name

    • Barbara
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you so much Doug for this timely word. I not only believe but receive every word of it. I could feel the Holy Spirit as i read it from word to word. Thank you for reminding me not to get sidetracked by negativity and the like. I will take your advice. “Thanks again Man of God, God bless you.” Barbara

    • Jennifer
    • July 12, 2016

    This is beyond accurate for my life right now. Thanks Doug!

    • Joanne
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you for sharing this message.

    • Sherry Singletary
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you for the timely Word!

    • Kim
    • July 12, 2016

    dear God. thank you. I have been in such a dry place. I cry all the time lately. not feeling God, not hearing Him. I am so ashamed that I find it hard to blindly trust. but at the same time I know how real the supernatural is. My own being is fighting against me. I constantly ask, What do I have to do to make it right? So much has been stolen from my life from the enemy. Yet I yearn to know God very intimately, but fear being tricked by the enemy. One time Satan came to me as an angel of light and I believed it was one of Gods angels. it almost took me out. I know fear is not of God and yes, I am feeling beaten up.I have had to rely on the food bank and this has been a humiliating experience, but also rewarding as I now volunteer there also. Thank you I ask that Holy Spirit help. Thank you again

    • Russ Fochler
    • July 12, 2016

    Dear Doug,
    Thank you for sharing this.

    I had a dream the morning of June 5, 2016 that may pertain to your prophetic message. I titled it “Christmas in July”: We were at my wife’s mom’s home. She had moved into a smaller place, but (unlike real life) it was a house with a high and angled ceiling. The colors were cream/off white. I remember seeing an audio receiver.

    My wife’s mom wanted to celebrate Christmas in July and we agreed. We were getting ready to do this.
    Sometimes my wife’s mother’s place has represented “the church” in past dreams, so I’m encouraged.

    • Sharon Schmidt
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you for this very accurate and timely word with directions of receiving the necessary realignment from heaven

    • Arlene Young
    • July 12, 2016

    Doug: Thank you so much for your faithfulness to God. I have been on a 22 yr journey, being told I was ‘a messenger’ the day I was baptized, mostly alone, so difficult & I am a senior – ‘waiting’. I am blessed that the Lord led me to your ministry thru Jeremy Lopez. Thank you for helping me hang on.
    Blessing to you & your team.

    • chidi mark Opara
    • July 12, 2016

    God bless you sir, please I need the the 14days drive

    • chidi mark Opara
    • July 12, 2016

    God bless you sir, plz I need the 14 days test drive… Thanks

  6. Reply

    Dear Dough. I had a dream I was I was in a courtroom and just before court started I saw the judge a woman with white hair. All of sudden fire shot across the room there was a white vapor or foam that comes from a fire hydrant and I woke up can you tell me the meaning.


    • Patty
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you Doug for leading us into the “new!”

    • Marcia Daub
    • July 12, 2016

    Right on word for me thank you for sharing.
    It’s already begun in my life. Glory to God!!!

    • Tracey
    • July 12, 2016

    The Lord confirmed this word as I was reading Acts 3, the story of the healing of the lame beggar outside the Temple. The beggar represents the outcasts outside the church. The healing of the beggar gave Peter an opportunity to preach repentance to the crowd at the Temple. Verse 21 stands out,”He (Jesus) must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things.”
    Points of confirmation –
    God wants to use us to heal the outcasts.
    We need to repent of anything we have in common with the enemy.
    This will precede restoration.

    Doug, really appreciate the encouragement you have been to me.

    • kimberly
    • July 12, 2016

    Mr. Addison i am amazed at how God uses you prophetically. I had prayed that God would show me revelations of things to come, and He is doing that through you. God Bless you Man of God!!1

    • Jenny Johnson
    • July 12, 2016

    I want to know all that God has for me and my family thank you for this message

  7. Reply

    thanks for the prophecy it was very interesting to know about it.

  8. Yesterday I went over some old dreams of mine to see if anything new would show up. I combined 3 of the dreams and now is the time for a dream long since dead but revived in my heart a couple of years ago. I’m so excited I can hardly move. When this comes it will produce amazing funds for the kingdom. I’ve been told for 30 years that this is too big of a dream – but for God I say. A good dream has to be much bigger than we are!!

  9. Greetings in JESUS NAME,I am trying to desperately to seek the Lord , I might not be doing as I should although I truly want to desire after the LORD, but I find this very hard to do ,I try to pray but it is not for long ,I try to read the word of the Lord , I pray for wisdom knowledge understanding and revelation of the word of God but unable to get it ,I so much NEED the Lord in my life

  10. Reply

    Oh how refreshing to hear!! Praise be to God!! He is so good and so faithful!

    • Mike Gross
    • July 12, 2016

    I experienced this celebration during our weekly prayer at church last evening. It was amazing – I saw angels holding their wings out stretched and up, and then I saw Father God with HIS arms out stretched and up and then leading the chorus of music as we were celebrating, they were celebrating also. And then Father God came over to me and wrapped HIS arm around me and for a long time held me and I felt birthing of things in me. i sensed such a cleansing. Thank you for your commitment to share what God shows you on a regular basis.

    • Glendora adams
    • July 12, 2016

    I was wondering what the attack was all about thanks for the clarity. Eagerly expecting the change!
    thanks, Glendora 🙂

    • Mark D Geier
    • July 12, 2016

    Amen!!!!July started off very powerfully for me. The whole first week the power of God came in so strong I was left weak all week long. It was most powerful on Sunday through Tuesday and continued through Saturday.

    • Lorraine Young
    • July 12, 2016

    Good word and instruction Doug of what we need to do now with this word. Thank you. Wish I could be in Hamilton on the 14th of July. I was there last year in May. Thanks for the live streaming.

    • Suzanne Eason
    • July 12, 2016

    This is EXACTLY what the spirit is sharing with me. I am so encouraged to read this word. It confirms what I am walking through. Now is the time to allow the spirit to clean us up and prepare us for what is ahead!! Praise Jesus!! Thank you!!

    • Kathleen
    • July 12, 2016

    What an amazingly encouraging word for those of us who have waited for a divine move of the Spirit of God. Thank you for being sensitive to the voice of our Lord.

    • Eva
    • July 12, 2016

    This bears such witness to my spirit. It is the way I receive His Word to my heart. It is in the night I receive most of His Word, but any time of the day or night I hear, see, feel His Word in my heart. I always submit my self to His Blood to perfect His Word in me for I know the weakness of flesh before His Presence and I can only stand in His strength.

    • Charina Convencido
    • July 12, 2016

    Everything about this post just confirmed what’s going on in my life. I found answer to why im experiencing what im experiencing lately. Thank you so much!!! Im greatly enlightened. God bless!

    • Lupita
    • July 12, 2016

    Last week i had been experiencing more changes in myself i also been facing distractions i caught up woth quickly which i an thankful to God for his discerment. I felt the need of praising worshipping and praying almost all week last week even though i am not to well in health but on friday morning at 3am i heard a vpice while sleeping pray and and fast for your blessing is here! I woke up feeling happy and i kept thanking God…from friday until now yoyr prophetic words have been aligned with my dreams and the way i been feeling and i keep praising my God giving him all Glory for everything…GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR MINISTRY MAN OF GOD YOU HAVE BEEN A GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT TO ME DAILY

  11. Reply

    Thank you for what you are doing is speaking into God is doing a cleansing in me and I believe that this coming to Revival and my later years are better than my former years. I have been attacked with arthritis for years but I believe the word of the Lord by his stripes I am healed I am looking forward to manifestation OF the healing promises of .my lord

    • Terri revels
    • July 12, 2016

    I would like to be a part of this blessing

    • Carolina
    • July 12, 2016

    Such a beautiful encouraging and confirming word
    Doug, thank you !!
    “A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭42:3‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • Barbara
    • July 12, 2016

    Praise God…I felt like God was mad at me …I don’t have dreams anymore and when I get them they are broken and I can’t right them down because I can’t remember them…:(

    • Teri Johnson
    • July 12, 2016


    • Cindy Wilson
    • July 12, 2016

    This speaks..

    • Teresa Gordon
    • July 12, 2016

    I’m so excited for what God is doing…

    • Kevin
    • July 12, 2016

    Very encouraging and I can see certain things starting to work in my favor after years of struggle. Keep on speaking His word & truth.

    • Carter
    • July 12, 2016

    Hallelujah Jesus! I know it’s a Time of celebration! Also, I know the New Things and New Open doors are here. I have been announcing the Next New Big Thing on my social media pages (mainly on Facebook). I’ve made some major changes and I’m in the process of making more in me, my business, ministry, etc. Thank you my friend for the encouraging words and confirmation that I heard from heaven and it wasn’t just a good idea of mine. Revive us again Ohhhh Lord!
    Blessings of Love Prophet.

    • Maryse D.
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you Doug. These prophetic words of yours are so very calming and exciting at the same time. I am excited to think what God will do in this difficult time and especially what he will do in and through us as his believers.

    • Liaa
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you, Doug and team for all you do to help us get closer to God. I love being a part of such an awesome misiatey and ask God to richly bless each and everyone.

      • Liaa
      • July 12, 2016

      Thank you, Doug and team for all you do to help us get closer to God. I love being a part of such an awesome ministery and ask God to richly bless each and everyone.


    • colleen lynch
    • July 12, 2016

    You are you truly in line with the voice of God. God gave me a prophetic word on July 4th .the word is Open. God opening new ways and ideas in the spirit to me that is keeping me on track. I am one of the outcast because of my obedience to God.when your obedience is fulfilled disobedience has become a thing of the past. Keep the good work going we already won.Faith can’t fail.
    Your sister
    Colleen lynch

    • michael wilson
    • July 12, 2016

    This is encouraging. Thank you for hearing and sharing insight from Heaven.

    • Cynthia
    • July 12, 2016

    Absolutely right on the mark and fabulously encouraging thank you Prophet of God!

  12. Reply

    I am thankful for this prophetic word, its such good news to me! Oh GOD, touch my life as YOU touch others, perfect my life that I also may partake and hear your voice. Amen

    • Ed & Susie RIvas
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank you for this awesome Word, scriptures and encouragement! What a blessing!! Please add me to your email list. God bless!!

    Susie RIVAS
    Jerimiah 29:11

    • Gerald Wenzel
    • July 12, 2016

    Psalm 68:1 Let God Arise and His enemy’s be scattered…

    • Allison Weaver
    • July 12, 2016

    Thank You, thank you for being faithful to the Lord to carry out your calling and share what He is doing!! I have felt the Lord is activating today, and my heart and Spirit is leaping! I have heard His call and encountered much opposition from the enemy as God has released me from some extreme PTSD over the past 2 or so years. He is filling me with words I have been writing for just as long.There is another release coming… one that will finally uncork the true flow of the Holy Spirit! I’m just so new at all this I hardly know what to do! Thank you for guidance and knowledge!

    • Theresa Fuqua
    • July 12, 2016

    This truly touched my spirit. I was in worship when a friend I had not heard from a while dashed this word and it witness to what God told me! Thank you! I receive this word and I believe this word and I will walk this word out!

    Pastor Theresa Fuqua

    • Gloria Denicola
    • July 12, 2016


  13. Reply

    Dear Doug,

    Thank you so much for your prophetic word july part 1. Before i opened up your email my prayer this morning was basically on what you call on this article, the 3 waves. What a Mighty God we serve. I am so encouraged to hear from you, a confirmation from you of my pleading prayers of this morning to my Lord. The Lord bless and may your anointing increase, increase in Jesus name. Grace

    • Gladys Mokupi
    • July 12, 2016

    I receive the prophet word,
    Man of God pleas pray for me i dont want my husband any more

      • marian
      • July 12, 2016

      Ask the Lord to give you eyes to see him as God sees him. Love is a choice and you have whatsoever you say. Say Song of Solomon out loud and ask God to love him through you. God’s love never fails. If your husband is verbally or physically abusive, then I suggest you leave and continue to pray for him.

    • Alan Bowman
    • July 12, 2016

    I heard an expression from another prophet today ” what’s in it for me ” and saw that I could prune my life free from selfish attitudes that hinder the Spirit. You confirmed that what God will do now is not for all but for those who seek Him . Let’s all give Him everything on the alter so the fire will fall and first and foremost we will know Him and encounter Him like never before.

      • Ed
      • July 14, 2016

      Pray that god gives you a new love for your husband! God wants to save your marriage. His word says so! He can not deny himself. If there is anything immoral or abusive seek counsel froma solib bible based pastor and a christian counselor. Be eary many who claim to be followets of christ are wolves in sheps clothing. Test everything against scripture. Avoid going with your feelings go only by the word of god and prayer. Be blessed. Illbe praying.

        • Chris
        • July 16, 2016

        I prophesy Ezekiel 37 into your marriage.

    • seema
    • July 12, 2016

    Great thanks for great blessing

    • Sue
    • July 12, 2016

    Awesome word.
    Word for word it’s what I’ve journaled this past month. Bless you!

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