The Internet: The Next Generation’s Revival

The Internet: The Next Generation’s Revival
Doug Addison

In 1992 I was at a conference in which the presence of God came and the speaker, John Paul Jackson, instructed us to write down three visions we were about to have. He told us that these visions will surely come to pass in our lives. I was amazed at the clarity of the visions that came to me about my own life. In the years following, all three have come to pass . One of them was about introducing new technology into the Church that will help bring revival. Within a year of having the first vision, I launched a new career in the area of high technology. Ten years later I joined the staff of John Paul’s ministry and began development of a dream interpretation training website, which was later developed by someone else into a very effective internet training website. My call from God has always been to find creative ways through media to reach the world for Jesus Christ.

Aimee Semple McPherson and Rex Humbard
Aimee Semple McPherson was among the first to have a radio station dedicated to broadcasting the gospel in the 1920s. Rex Humbard was the first to have a weekly church service broadcast, and was the first to have a Christian television network. Both of them were forerunners with their callings to reach the world through media. In 2004 I went into Angelus Temple in Los Angeles, which was Aimee’s first Four Square church, and I asked God to give me any task that she was not able to accomplish in her lifetime. Long story short, within a year I received a grant from the Four Square Foundation for $125,000. God used this experience to show me that the prayer I prayed worked and that He can turn things around in a day.

I was in Akron, Ohio in August, 2009 and God spoke to me that I was not to visit my family as I had planned, but instead I was to go pray at my mother’s grave site. I did it but did not know exactly why until I was leaving the cemetery. To my surprise I saw Rex Humbard’s grave! I went to it and did the same type of prayer I did with Aimee McPherson. I asked God to give me any task that Rex Humbard was not able to fulfill before he died. I first came to know Jesus under Rex’s ministry in the 1970s as a teenager in Akron, Ohio. His ministry had financial problems and was shut down prematurely in the early 1980s. His plan at that time was to take the Gospel to the entire world using television.

The untapped resource
Today, the internet is where radio and television were for McPherson and Humbard. It really is an untapped medium that is currently dominated by advertisements and pornography. It is similar to the time of Jesus in which roads had been built by the Romans that went worldwide, and there was one common language, Greek. This allowed the gospel to be taken to the world by the early disciples. The internet is the new worldwide superhighway, and with language converters we can all speak a common language. No matter what country you go to people are using Google®, eBay®, Amazon®, Facebook® and other web-based programs.

I am awestruck by the fact that God would allow me to encounter in my life the first two leaders to utilize media to reach the world. I have been asking God for new strategies for using the internet to emulate them. It is more than just streaming church services and putting up sermon podcasts, though there is value in doing this. I feel that God is calling us to develop new “reality” type of internet shows that are creative, original, and deal with real life issues. As an outreach specialist  I am often surprised at the number of people outside of Christianity who have no idea that God and His people can still do supernatural acts of healing, dream interpretation, prophecy, and have fun!  I also want to provide truly interactive internet schools of ministry unlike anything we have seen so far.

A vision from Bob Jones
In 2007 the prophet Bob Jones had a vision in which God had given me a hacksaw and I was cutting into the wires that connect computers together. In his vision I was able to cut into these computer wires and short circuit the plans of the enemy and place God’s glory into the computers instead. One of my first jobs after I began pursuing my calling to ministry was that of a computer network engineer. I have extensive experience in wide-area networks and owned a networking business in the 1990s. I have always been involved in technology, though now I am more of a creative prophetic writer, speaker and outreach guru.

I began doing webinars two years ago as a response to Bob Jones’ vision. Since then, we have suffered attack, my website was hacked, and my ministry almost went under this year due to lack of finances. False reports have been released on the internet about me and other ministries and churches have spoken against me. I know that it is the enemy trying to discourage me from my ultimate calling to reach the world through business and technology. In the past couple of years I began to prophecy into the lives of business people and just recently we are seeing the millions of dollars being released into the Kingdom of God as a result.

We need a new strategy for doing church and ministry. We are sitting on what I believe is one of the biggest opportunities in a very long time to reach those who don’t know God. As the economy has taken a downturn and there are lots of prophecies about dark times to come. I have felt God telling me instead to prophesy to Christians and Christian business people to rise up and seize opportunities that God is making available right now. It is time for churches and ministries to utilize new technology and even consider developing for-profit ventures to finance their non-profit organizations. New ideas and creativity are currently being released from Heaven. Let’s grab hold of all that God has for us in this particular time in history. I believe that God is releasing finances to begin to take the gospel to the word like never before.

Next steps
God is directing us to take some initial steps to develop a global internet school of ministry. This will be a combination of prerecorded events and live interactive training in the areas of hearing God, understanding dreams and visions, developing your spiritual gifts, and finding your destiny. We will develop an online community so that individuals and churches can be trained at a minimal cost. The entire project will unfold organically over time. But for now we need to get the initial website going and the training courses in place.

We need to raise $5,000 for the first phase and an additional $5,000 for the second phase later in the year. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us in this new project that will ultimately impact the world for Jesus Christ.

Click Here to make a donation.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Anny Ruch
    • September 9, 2009

    Doug, I know it sounds petty, but is there a Canadian Charity that could relay my donation to you. I’d love to be able to get a Canadian Tax receipt while it is still a possibility… How about Streams Canada and designate it for Doug Addison? Any suggestions or ideas? How about a Canadian Office :)?

  1. Reply

    Dear Doug, My eyes filled with tears when I heard that you were praying that God would use you to finish any work remaining from these two Ministries. I know for a fact that both of them are High on Gods list of Honored Men & Women of God. I felt something strong there concerning both of them. I pray that Gods will for these two will be finished. I sense & saw a cloak or coat of abounding Grace that was around Amy that is being given away. I believe that You can wear it if you want – God Bless. Brother Brad

  2. Reply

    Dear Doug, My eyes filled with tears when I heard that you were praying that God would use you to finish any work remaining from these two Ministries. I know for a fact that both of them are High on Gods list of Honored Men & Women of God. I felt something strong there concerning both of them. I pray that Gods will for these two will be finished. I sense & saw a cloak or coat of abounding Grace that was around Amy that is being given away. I believe that You can wear it if you want – God Bless. Brother Brad

  3. Reply

    ” I believe I’ve found a good ministry to partner with”

    I’m also using the internet for the kingdom and my vision is to develop a game portal for churches and to develop new talent to take back the gaming industry. Blessings

  4. Reply

    ” I believe I’ve found a good ministry to partner with”

    I’m also using the internet for the kingdom and my vision is to develop a game portal for churches and to develop new talent to take back the gaming industry. Blessings

    • Kara Lamb
    • August 31, 2009

    “We need a new strategy for doing church and ministry”.

    I couldn’t agree more! What a insightful and inspiring message, Doug; My family and I are behind you and support you 100%! Will send a donation later this week 🙂

    • Kara Lamb
    • August 31, 2009

    “We need a new strategy for doing church and ministry”.

    I couldn’t agree more! What a insightful and inspiring message, Doug; My family and I are behind you and support you 100%! Will send a donation later this week 🙂

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