Doug Addison’s Funny Photo Shoot Video

Doug Addison’s Funny Photo Shoot Video
January 20, 2012
I did a photo shoot for my upcoming Powerfully Positively Funny Stand-up Comedy DVD which will be available next month. I prefer video over still pics, so to make it more fun I put these photos to one of my favorite songs, Secret Agent Man by the Ventures. Thanks to photographer, Adriane Eggers, for the great job on capturing my blur of activity.


Best viewed in Full Screen Mode.
Stay tuned for more fun!
Doug Addison

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • LIzbeth Savage
    • October 27, 2014

    That was so much fun. Needed a good pick me up this morning. Love your ministry. Working on mine these days!! Your encouragement to be me is sooo wonderful. Thank you, LIzzy S

    • Doug Addison
    • January 23, 2012

    Okay for those who need to know, the photos were all in the order they were taken with the exception on the last one with my website. I used Camtasia for Mac to capture my screen to a video. I just opened them in a slide show and tapped through them one by one while playing the song through my iTunes. Did it in one take and it took less than 10 min to do.

    • Leslie Landis
    • January 22, 2012

    Nice moves!

  1. Reply

    I always thought this was Secret Asian Man (as a half-Japanese little girl).
    Any trips to Asia planned? 🙂

      • Jennifer
      • January 11, 2014

      Me too! Thought it was Secret Asian Man for years when I was a kid, had a good laugh as I thought about it later on! I also thought that Toto’s ‘Africa’ song referenced that ‘there’s nothin’ that a 100 men on mars / could ever do’! I always thought of all these 100 guys on a rocky planet just sitting around. Hey, great minds think alike; you must be a very beautiful, charming, and creative person to have come up with all this too..*ahem ahem*. From Glory to Glory! Jen

      • Doug Addison
      • January 22, 2012

      Buffy – that is funny but I am a white guy so I should have use “Play that Funky Music White Boy”

    • Kim in Boston
    • January 21, 2012

    Doug, what up with the Tom Brady jersey? btw loved the video!

      • Doug Addison
      • January 21, 2012

      Kim, I converted to a Patriots fan when i moved to New England in 2001. Though I am back in CA now still love the Pats.

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