Don’t Miss the Shift!

Don’t Miss the Shift!
Doug Addison
October 12, 2012


Last month at 6:47 a.m. I had a vision of a bright white dove landing on the calendar date of October 3rd. I understood this to mean that the Holy Spirit was beginning to move in new ways starting on that date.




At sea to see God differently
As I saw the vision I immediately noticed the clock read 6:47 a.m. God spoke to me that Mark 6:47 was significant for October. In Mark 6:47–52, Jesus’ disciples were alone in a boat in the middle of a lake rowing into the wind, not getting anywhere. Right before dawn, Jesus walked on the water and was about to pass by them. It was dark and they didn’t recognize Him. In fact, they thought Jesus was a ghost and freaked out. He called out to them to reassure them, and when He got in the boat the winds died down.


Even though the disciples had just seen an amazing miracle where 5000 people were fed, their hearts were hardened and later they lost hope and were afraid. It is interesting that when Jesus started moving in power that they had never seen before by walking on water, they thought He was someone bad (a ghost).


Prophetic word: It may seem like we are straining to row against the wind; we have been working hard for the Kingdom. God is moving in surprisingly powerful new ways right now and we need to have spiritual eyesight to recognize that He may come differently than we expect. It will be good to embrace God’s surprise appearance by inviting Jesus into our situation (our boat). We must be careful our hearts are not hardened so we can recognize Him. It’s time to take courage and not be afraid because when we see God differently in our situation, the winds of adversity will calm down.


God is calling young Samuels
Throughout September I was awakened three times at 3:00 a.m. and I kept hearing the Holy Spirit speak “1 Samuel 3.” This is about the calling of the young boy Samuel who later matured to become an amazing prophet of God.


“One night Eli, whose eyeswere becoming so weak that he could barely see,was lying down in his usual place. The lampof God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the house of the Lord, where the arkof God was. Then the Lord called Samuel.” (1 Samuel 3:2–4 NIV)


It is interesting to note: Eli’s eyes were weak. “but the lamp of the Lord had not gone out…” then God calls Samuel three times. Samuel answered, “Here I am,” ready to hear.


As I spoke in September over the course of three events in a row I had prophetic words for Sam or Samuel. At a church in Florida an eight-year-old Samuel prayed for me, asking God to heal me. I got home and got prophetic insight into a health issue. It was powerful surprising healing!


Prophetic word: Some people may have lost sight of what God is doing but the light and promises of God have not gone out! God is raising up new young leaders right now who will move in power later as they grow and mature. They will recognize God speaking and visiting them.


Dream of the exotic fish tank
I had a prophetic dream that I had purchased a new, giant fish tank full of colorful, exotic fish. When the tank was delivered and set up, even though the tank was actually part of a business, it was so enormous it had to be moved outside. In the dream I had to get a lot of wisdom and advice on how to care for the fish and the business. New opportunities are opening right now to reach lots of different people. God is moving in businesses and will use it to connect people in the Kingdom but we need wisdom to know how to respond. Don’t be surprised if new and unusual people are suddenly drawn to you.


This is time to reestablish and regain lost ground. God is realigning many people so that you can have a greater impact. It is time to remove restraints and limited thinking. The God of surprise is at work right now!


A while back my friend Elizabeth Nixon emailed me a prophetic word to watch for God to confirm things for me on 10-4. Sure enough, I received 4 major directional words from God on October 4th. I believe this is a sign for many people who have been waiting on confirmations from God right now. 2013 will be a year of establishing ourselves for some of the greatest times of our lives.


Bringing dreams to reality
I released a prophetic word earlier this year that “July will be a month in which we will see things come to completion. August will mark a new beginning and by September there will be an establishment of new things. What was once a dream will be reality in October. It will require taking proactive steps and moving forward.” God is doing some amazing new things and in October things that we have dreamed will begin to come into reality.


Although it may still be somewhat unclear, like in the stories above that took place in the dark, God can reveal Himself in a new way. You may be able to more clearly understand how your dreams will become reality.


My prayer is that you will see God move differently (Mark 6:47); hear what God is saying (1 Samuel 3:3); and find wisdom to care for your new opportunities so that the things you have dreamed will increasingly become reality.


Take away: “God, open my eyes to see all the new ways that you are moving in my life. I pray that the winds of adversity will die down and open my heart to recognize You in every situation.”


It may seem dark (remember, in each of these stories God came at a dark time, pre-dawn or at night) but God loves to partner with us to bring His power and light.


Keep dreaming with God!





Doug Addison

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Kim
    • October 18, 2012

    Hey Doug, we had an earthquake Tuesday night in New England, no damage and nobody was hurt! We live on the North Shore of Boston and felt the tremors pretty strong. I know God says the rocks will cry out. Can’t help but wonder if this was a prophetic sign of shift.

    Bless you Doug, thank you for being there for all of us!

    • Daisy
    • October 16, 2012

    The prophetic word shines in my darkness and makes me understood more the light of God. Amazing gifting!

  1. Reply

    This word is so on point. God opened up a new way to minister and I was second guessing it because it seemed so ‘secular’. But as I allowed it I began to see resources arrive to support what he is calling me to do. Thanks for the confirming word Doug!

    • Mary Cook
    • October 16, 2012

    Good words. I found them to be very uplifting and encouraging, and what I am feeling in my spirit.

    • Tom
    • October 15, 2012

    Thank you for the prophetic encouragement, ready for the shift! Keep prophesying!

    • Chase
    • October 12, 2012

    This was fun, right after I read this post I was reading Psalm 107 and verses 29-38 fit right into this. Thanks for the word to the body of Christ.

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