90 Days of Accelerated Healing

God is healing people who have suffered
Last month I released a prophetic word that if you have suffered over the past four years, God is going bring healing and repayment over the next four years. This is a time to really press in as God is making up for lost time. This article will explain how in more detail.


Blow your mind
God wants to do something so radically new that will blow your minds! This past month I have had several dreams of a “TOTALLY NEW WAY” of operating! It will require changing our mindsets to “all things are possible for those who believe.”


Renewing our mind is not just avoiding thinking of bad thingsit is focusing on the goodness of God until God’s Kingdom becomes your only reality. It is important to change our thinking to line up with God’s unlimited power to change! Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8


If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you! Proverbs 11:27 (NLT) In other words, if you look at the things that are wrong with a situation then that is all you are going to see. In 2007 I began to “search for good” in people and situations and found a lot of favor as a result.


Keep in mind God’s agenda
God has been speaking to me that we must be careful to not allow the world’s political agendas to distract us from God’s agenda. We need to get into a Kingdom mindset, which is one of love, blessing and the spirit of reconciliation. It is good to be active in voting and writing to your representatives, but be careful that you don’t get entangled with anger and resentment. This will take away your authority to pray and change situations. We need to positively prophesy and intercede for our governments. Guard your mind to be positive.


Guard your ears
Many Christians are careful to guard their “eye gates.” Yet, this is a time that we must also guard our ears and tongues. Be very careful about listening to unconfirmed Internet rumors and negative talk radio. Many of these talk show hosts/prophets are not all hearing God and often stir up dissension. It is a time build up and not tear down.


Ministry of the opposites
The Kingdom of God is opposite to the Kingdom of darkness or even the mindsets of most people. God’s ways are often opposite to ours. So if you are seeing anything negative in your life, it is an indicator that God’s will is opposite!


A simple way to break through this is to make a list of some negative things in your life. Then next to each one, flip it around and write the positive and begin praying and seeing the positive become reality.


  • Poverty/debt the opposite is living debt-free and having money to do what God calls you to do when He calls you to do it.


  • Sicknessthe opposite is complete wholeness and energy to share God’s love with joy.


  • Depressionthe opposite is happiness, clear thinking and sound judgment.


90 days to accelerated healing
God spoke to me that over the next 90 days God will be doing an accelerated healing in three key areas. He is healing broken hearts, lost dreams, and hopelessness. If you have experienced loss or what seems like repeated attacks of the enemy in any of these areas, then I have some good news from God.


The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:17–18


Lost Dreams
I have been asking God for healing from “hope deferred.”

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12



Anyone who is among the living has hope. Ecclesiastes 9:4

Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:18

No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame. Psalm 25:3


A major strategy of Satan right now is to get people to believe there is no hope. Here are some symptoms that you are under this attack, having thoughts similar to these:

  • I have messed up too badly so there is no hope
  • I have tried in the past but failed
  • I am getting older and will never find love
  • I am damaged goods
  • I can never change


These are all lies and they are part of Spiritual Identity Theft (see my book Spiritual Identity Theft Exposed). They are also ungodly and disempowering beliefs that need to be turned around.


Watch and take steps over the next three months to see God release an accelerated healing for broken hearts, lost dreams, and hopelessness.


Rebirth of a healing anointing
I had a prophetic dream last month that John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard churches, was releasing a new type of healing anointing. It was an upgraded version and you had to relearn. In the dream I was in line to be trained. I looked at John Wimber and he was sick with cancer. He said, “This must be done by faith to get it started…”


In other words, you don’t have to be fully fixed up and healed to pray for the healing of others. God is releasing something new and it is not limited to a church or movement … it is worldwide!


Michelle Obama’s new baby
I had a dream that Michelle Obama had a new baby girl named R.T. (meaning right) and she was a bundle of joy and love. In dreams babies often represent new gifts and callings coming. This is a new compassionate gift from God coming upon Mrs. Obama and it will allow her to operate in a new level of love and joy from God. Let’s join together and pray for her and her new gift!


New gifts at Christmas
God is bringing people everywhere new spiritual gifts and blessings this Christmas season. Watch as things begin to change for the positive in the coming year. This year, 2012, was a year of completion and 2013 is a year of “longings fulfilled” (Proverbs 13:12).


Hope you have the best Christmas and New Year ever!


God’s richest blessings,





Doug Addison





Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Esther Deb Zheng
    • December 18, 2012

    Doug, – Thanks for this month’s message, I am almost experiencing all the negtive things that mentioned in it and was kind at lost for coping with for an turnaround. Now I understand the true reason/background. You messages have been helped many time for me this year for understanding the work Lord has been doing on me, THANK YOU so much!

  1. Pingback: 90 Days of Accelerated Healing by Doug Addison | R3M News

  2. Reply

    Yes that was touching. It’s the focus of the media now along with debate about who or what is to blame for the tragedy. Beauty from the ashes… With God any things possible.

  3. Reply

    Doug, your 1/4/2012 spirit connection podcast you mentioned CNN and oneticut! Being in the news wow. I’m going back and listening bc Gods speaking to me through ur podcasts and this blog post confining things for me. Thank you. Finally I got the flashes confirmed as angels I thought I was crazy to think that. I got my eyes checked many times but they are ok.

  4. Reply

    God’s changing my biases. Your Michelle Obama dream is so interesting.

    In the above comment I was trying to type Connecticut, you mentioned it as being in the news on CNN and it was related to 12/14/12 🙁 I receive the 90 days drive through healing in all three areas! Thank you. I heard The Island of lost dreams…I got a charlie horse in my left calf. Don’t know if this is revelant. Lol. sometimes I think I’m crazy. God has given me a sound mind!

    • Reply

      The CNN word I gave earlier this year… if I remember, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Something will happen that will be seen around the world. I believe the fulfillment of that started when President Obama prayed and quoted quite a bit of the Bible. Brought the world’s attention to pray and recognize God in the situation.

    • Jean
    • December 15, 2012

    Good! Needed this today! Thank you!

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