Can’t Remember Your Dream? Why That’s the Best Kind to Have…

Giraffes and an elephant on a hilltop under the moonCan’t Remember Your Dream? Why That’s the Best Kind to Have…

Doug Addison

The best dream you can ever have is a dream you know you had but can’t remember the details of!

Job 33:14–17 NKJV “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed, and conceal pride from man.”

God will often give us revelation and direction for our life through a dream and seal it away from our memory. Later you may walk into a situation and have a feeling you have been there before. Some people call this déjà vu. I believe that it was God giving us direction in a dream that we cannot remember and when we are living it out later we get that strange feeling that we have experienced this before.

God speaks to us all the time, sometimes through dreams. Though not all dreams are from God, we can receive instructions and guidance through dreams that are essential for our purpose and our destiny. Had He spoken to us more clearly or directly, then we would have a higher responsibility for fulfilling what He wants us to do. By sealing it in a dream, it can bypass our natural mind and even keep us from being prideful and from doing things in our own strength instead of His.

Another example of how God can use a dream is when you actually remember the dream but He seals away the meaning of it. We can have a dream from God that seems very significant, but we do not understand the interpretation or how it applies to our life.

This happened in the life of Joseph in the Old Testament. In Genesis 37, Joseph receives two powerful dreams about his destiny. The dreams indicate that his brothers and their parents will all bow down and serve Joseph. Even his father, Jacob, did not understand the meaning of this dream. The result was that Joseph was sold by his brothers and ended up a slave in Egypt. Later, in Genesis 41, God turned Joseph’s mishaps into a huge blessing that helped save the entire world from a famine.

Maybe you have wondered, how did my life end up the way it has? Oftentimes, like Joseph, we end up far from where we started and it may seem that the promises and dreams that God gave us will not come to pass.

Just this year, I am seeing dreams and prophetic words in my life beginning to unfold that were given to me over twenty years ago. Had God revealed all the details ahead of time, I probably would have tried to make things happen before His timing. God is faithful and we can trust Him as a loving father. Hold on to your dreams and also be open to the element of God surprising you with good things from Heaven.

A quick note from Doug’s team: Doug originally wrote this blog a couple of years ago. We, his team at InLight Connection, dusted it off from the archives and freshened it up just for you. If you have not heard, Doug is currently in Germany on a healing sabbatical.

Want to accelerate your ability to interpret your dreams? Check out this special bundle deal for the month of July that combines 2 of Doug’s most recent dream interpretation workshops. This is an awesome way to bless Doug during his healing sabbatical, and also to equip yourself in dream interpretation.



  1. Reply

    love you

    • Colleen Loxterkamp
    • July 24, 2015

    Praying miracles and healing by the kindness and goodness of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for your help and words from the Lord. I pray encouragement over you. May the encourager be encouraged! I pray your eyes opened and you see Gods heart for you in this. I pray His tangible Love all around you and His Light of Glory within you takes on new voltage lol. Really. Be well in Jesus name.

      • Mercy Subramanian
      • July 25, 2015

      Thanks Doug.I’m blessed listening to this cause of late ,although I go through the dream,thinking as soon as I wake up il write it down ,even as I just shift my position to sit up the dream would totally disappear.I used to get disappointed & ask the Holy Spirit to remind me but most often I remember only a line or two or a couple of scenes. Thanks ,this relieves me a bit

    • nosisa
    • July 24, 2015

    it is well with you,man of God!we love you,appreciate you,knowing that God is doing wonders in yo life.Peace!

    • Kim McDaniel
    • July 24, 2015

    Thank you for this awesome word! Really makes me understand this more! Praying for your healing Doug. We all miss you Doug! God Bless:)

    • Rose Grace
    • July 23, 2015

    I wanna be recovered and restored for my supernatural dream and revelation.

    • Linda Allen
    • July 23, 2015

    Appreciate you.

    • Susanne
    • July 23, 2015

    Thank you once again for this valuable insight into dreams. Doug is loved by many who are praying and believing for total healing and restoration! Doug, family and ministry are in my prayers always.

    • john hamilton
    • July 23, 2015

    Man of God, you are a real prophet of the Lord, and my spirit in me confirms your a true man of God, because we are of the same spirit. I receive your wisdom, because it’s the same as the Lord Jesus has spoken and revealed to me. My prayer is for the Lord to continue to heal your body, mind, soul, and spirit to His will, and purpose for your life! Praying for you MOG! Blessings in Christ to you, and your team, and family!

    • Carol
    • July 23, 2015

    I am truly blessed with all that Doug has to share with us, dreams have so much to say, but now I know that if I don’t remember it’s okay and not because of my age. Thanking God for Doug’s speedy recovery!

    • April garner
    • July 23, 2015

    I recommend all Doug teachings! He’s a great in pirating to all. I love being a support to him through prayer and his teaching all his materials.
    Blessings and Quick recovery to you Doug!:-)

      • April garner
      • July 23, 2015

      Oops ! I meant inspiration to all

    • Sharon Etherton
    • July 23, 2015

    thanks so much for your writings Doug,I journal them every day. standing in agreement for your your total healing in Jesus name.blessings to you and your family.

    • Hollie
    • July 23, 2015

    Continuing to stand for Doug’s complete & total healing in Jesus name!!

    • lucy
    • July 23, 2015

    Can you not put the tweets at the bottom of the page? They really wreck photocopying of the document.

    • Denise
    • July 23, 2015

    Thanks for sharing this article from Doug! I love his writings and am blessed always to read them. I am praying for his full recovery. I love that the Lord never leaves us or forsakes us, not even when we are dreaming! So much to learn. Thanks again for the insight! Blessings!

    • Karen Shaw
    • July 23, 2015

    I’m loving and blessing Doug while he’s on his sabbatical… Praying for deep, deep rest and full recovery… The word you posted today in his behalf is so for him! I feel like the glory that is being revealed in him as a result of this season is so great, that he would say it was worth it and so much more…

    • Pamala Kuhn
    • July 23, 2015

    Awesome job!! Kudos to the InLight Connection team for helping keep the ship running during Sabbatical. Great article. Praying for Doug & Linda & family. Believing for full healing & restoration in Jesus Mighty, Trustworthy Name!! I thank God for Doug Addison!! A great gift to the Body of Christ & me personally!!!! Yay Doug!! Yay God!!! It is done!!!

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