3 Ways to Change the Spiritual Atmosphere

silhouette of dandelion in the wind3 Ways to Change the Spiritual Atmosphere
Doug Addison
July 16, 2015

It can sometimes be easy for prophetically gifted people to get caught into always looking to the future and forgetting to enjoy the present.

It is important that we remember to make the most of what we have right now.

If you are not happy with your life, I want you to know that with God you have the power to change it. 

You can actually change the spiritual atmosphere around you rather quickly by practicing what I call the Three G’s.

  1. Grace: Cut people slack instead of cutting them off.
    Be humble and have compassion. Forgiveness is so powerful. Contact people and clear the air of even the smallest offenses.
  2. Gratitude: Be thankful for everything that happens whether good or bad. Put in more complements than complaints.
  3. Generosity: Give, give, give!! Not just money but time, energy and kindness. You might even try leaving money in places where people will find it and be surprised. Tip big! Say yes to help others.

Not only will these things change your attitude, but if you do these consistently, eventually the principle of sowing and reaping will catch up to you so your life will be full of people doing the same to you.

A quick note from Doug’s team: Doug originally wrote this blog post in 2009. We, his team at InLight Connection, dusted it off from the archives and freshened it up to bless and encourage you. If you have not heard, Doug is currently in Germany on a healing sabbatical. We pray that this has edified you and equipped you to change the spiritual atmosphere of your surroundings.

We also ask that you continue to pray for Doug’s healing, and also for you to prayerfully consider blessing Doug during this time of healing. If you would like to do so, you can find out more information on how you can partner with us to Help Doug Heal.



Doug Addison


Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


    • Kili
    • January 29, 2020

    Great tools for excellent result. Thanks.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 29, 2020

      Glad you enjoyed them Kili!

  1. Pingback: 6 Ways to change your home's spiritual atmosphere

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 15, 2017

      Yes it can be hard to give thanks when we don’t yet see the breakthrough. God loves it and always responds to a thankful heart. Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

  2. Pingback: Change home's spiritual atmosphere | Pen Paper Paint

    • Reply

      It is true. Sometimes being thankful requires faith that God is a good father who only gives good gifts to his children.


  3. Reply

    Michael and I can not get over these!!!!! I think there is real and great joy when you know you’ve been besseld to find love like this and so that is all we could be on that day, we were besseld and joyful and very excited. Tina, ( I call her Tina ) and Aaron did amazing!!! and we knew they would!!! I didn’t want them to think it was a wedding or work too hard cause I wanted them to have fun with us too! But clearly, they did amazing and captured moments so rich and real and details so beautiful that we will always be so indebted and grateful to them. We were literally squealing at the internet cafe in Jamaica when we first saw them. Then we could not wait to land in Memphis for our lay over to see the second batch. We can not get over them! They are out of this world! xoxo Tina & Aaron we love you!

    • Arnita
    • July 16, 2015

    Thank you

    • Susanne
    • July 16, 2015

    Thank you so much for this reminder: “Forgiveness is so powerful. Contact people and clear the air of even the smallest offenses”. There IS someone I need to contact; someone who betrayed me and I have not been answering her phone calls. I have forgiven her, but have not “cleared the air” yet. Thank you Doug! God bless you. You are the healed of the Lord!

    • sitiveni B Lesumaiserene
    • July 16, 2015

    You give and give and give,,,, now its time to receive your Blessing and Healing in Jesus name,,,, amen!!

    • Linda L Wentz
    • July 16, 2015

    WOW did I need that this morning… actually i needed it about a month ago when i got hit up the side of the head with 2′ by 4′ in the spirit from a very unexpected place.

    I was ‘SO’ thrown off balance by the hit that I forgot who I am and how to react in a proper way.
    This helped me remember.
    Even if the offense is unjust… forgive and then do something to change the atmosphere.
    I am doing that today.
    Clearing up the offense with the people it is not worth cutting them off and having to wonder why this happened. I will just such it up and let Jesus be Jesus in and through me. Pride or being right is not worth it… Thanks Doug for the truth and LOVE that pours though to all who are open to words of wisdom.
    ME…. I’m open and I appreciate the attitude of Grace, Gratitude and Generosity truly they change the atmosphere for sure!
    praying for your total healing and no more set backs.

    • Leon Spangler
    • July 16, 2015

    As an insurance agent it’s a honor to help people with their future even as I now experience great needs myself financially I also know that Grace abounds to us through Grace, Gratitude and Generosity Good Word Today

    • Denise
    • July 16, 2015

    Thanks for sharing! I love this word! So very true! Praying for Doug! Blessings to all of you and thanks for keeping things moving for Doug as he heals. Blessings!

  4. Reply

    Prophet Doug has been a huge blessing in my life! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read something he wrote and it was exactly what I was going through. I sent my healing offering to him. Let us all bless him now in his time of need. I’m praying for you, Sir! Amen!

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