March Forward: Get Ready to Advance!

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March Forward: Get Ready to Advance!
Doug Addison
February 25, 2016

This year, the month of March is going to be a turning point spiritually. On the last Yom Kippur, September 23, 2015, I heard God say that 24 weeks from that day there would be a big shifting happening. You can read more about it in my 2016 Prophetic Forecast. We are currently in a time of pruning and preparation.

Why am I feeling discouraged or attacked?
So often it is common for things to look the opposite from what we thought would happen. We should not expect or make room for this in our lives, instead we need to take authority and battle it.

Over the past few weeks, several demons and witchcraft attacks assigned to harass us were revealed. We continue to break these things as they are being exposed.

I have been asked, “How is it possible for people in witchcraft to attack us when we are under the Blood of Jesus?”

This is a great question.

There are a few reasons. I sometimes get attacked even though I battle daily over myself and others. We are in a time that evil is increasing and we as Christians need to be advancing in the anointing to overcome these things.

Most Christians are operating in older ways of doing spiritual warfare that worked ten years ago, but they need to be updated to survive what is happening right now. When I talk about this with people, most of them argue with me, but I am seeing this firsthand in my life and ministry.

Yes, we have the Word of God, the word of our testimony, the Name and the Blood of Jesus. And they are all powerful to destroy the attacks of Satan. But if you are seeing a continual attack on your finances, chronic sickness or anything contrary to God’s Word, then you need a strategy from Heaven to overcome.

What are some new ways to battle?
• There is power in agreement. Find someone or even groups to pray (where two or more agree together it shall be done for them.)
Make declarations. Take God’s promises and the Bible and combine them into a powerful tool in prayer.
Take communion. I take communion and pray everyday.
Position yourself. Try waking up at a different time. Right now I have to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. so that I can get enough sleep to get up at 4:00 a.m. everyday, because that seems to be the time for me to see and to battle.

How to prepare for advancement
First, get familiar with what God spoke to me about the season we are in. This will help you respond and get into sync with Heaven.

I recommend reading this blog post: “Strategy for the Next 24 months.” This is what God spoke to me on September 23 and it gives lots of prophetic insight into what is happening right now.

Another prophetic blog I would recommend reading is, “Doorway to Your Advancement,” which has details on how to respond.

We are entering into a season of God fulfilling many prophetic promises. This truly is an exciting time to be alive!



Doug Addison

P.S. Do you read the Daily Prophetic Words? Of course they are on social media, but you can sign up here to receive them directly to your email every morning for free.  I pray that these words encourage you and bless your life.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


  1. Reply

    Oh I am sooooo excited???…I woke up this morning and sought the Lord for a new strategy on how to have breakthrough…both financially and in my health. When I asked God what to do I heard two words in my spirit…HIGH PRAISE …and though I’ve heard the term…I didn’t understand it until I went to pray…a joyful, love filled, faith focused praise arose in me and from me… I am giving Him HIGH PRAISE and I am going to watch the walls of poverty, sickness, loneliness, despair and brokenness come down…Jesus THANK YOU…my King, my Love my EVERYTHING!!!! Doug Addison…thank you so much for keeping your heart and ear attuned towards heaven and sharing all that our Holy Precious Heavenly Father is saying…BLESS YOU???

    • Mary
    • February 27, 2016

    Thank you Doug Addison for truth. New ways, New Day. We are always in the Presence of God, in the Now. PAST gone forever, we never live in the future .

    Ask God for new strategies, new plans daily on every life situation.

    Be still. Listen. Obey.

    My new way. All day keep my focus on God. ONE new way for me is I have self control(fruit of the spirit) over the enemy.

    • Kimberly
    • February 26, 2016

    Oh,that is so good how Charlene explained, witchcraft. I love the comments too….so good. Thx

    • Charlene
    • February 26, 2016

    Intimidation, manipulation and domination as well as rebellion all fall under the word “witchcraft” and so it is not necessarily always coming form people that are not under the blood of Jesus. We always have to check what our heart motive is so that when we find ourselves in a difficult situation we do not use any of these to try and get favour, help or change the situation. We need to do battle from a offensive position and no longer from a defensive poison

    • Debbie Stevens
    • February 25, 2016

    Please explain daily communion. I was raised Catholic and that’s the only one I’m familiar with. Thanks.

      • Julie
      • March 10, 2016

      Hi Debbie~ I was raised Catholic too. Now I’m an ordained Christian minister. My understanding of daily communion is simply receiving bread or a cracker with a small amount of wine or juice. i usually chat w/ Jesus and thank Him for His body and blood shed for me. Maybe pour over a verse or 2 about what He’s done for me. For instance, 1 Cor.11:23-26 is great. No hard & fast rules here… just let the Spirit lead you. No need for a priest since you are part of the royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) and it’s completely legal to receive it for yourself on a regular personal basis 🙂
      Receive the joy of what your Savior has accomplished on your behalf! As He said, “It is finished!” 🙂 🙂

  2. Reply

    It’s 2/25/16 and I just received the news that I got a promotion at my job. The March is already starting ????????????????

    • Kerri
    • February 25, 2016

    Thank You
    My mom passed on 2-5 at 11:22.
    At her burial 2 bald eagles soared and sat in a tree next to us.
    I know a mantle is being passed.
    I’m fasting, taking communion and seeking strategy.
    Thank you for this post. It’s timely for me!
    I say Yes Lord! You are a good good good Father!

    • Cheri
    • February 25, 2016

    Hi Doug,
    I passed the RICA test got the results last night on the 24th. this is the 4th time I took it but finally passed now I can get my credential woohoo.

  3. Reply

    I would Like to ask you about the year of Jubilee which comes every 50 years, and the thought that 50 years ago the Jesus movement started could it have any significance to the move that is about to happen, and the significance of what we will leave for the next year of Jubilee for our grandchildren. Just a thought to consider .

    • Christy
    • February 25, 2016

    Presently I have begun taking communion too everyday thank you for the prayer strategy against witchcraft too.
    Would you consider writing a book or blog to define witchcraft I confuse this with anxiety panic attacks etc and I would love to be able to know what is what !
    I appreciate the time you spend battling and hearing from God it helps us all !! God Bless you so much!!

    • Kimberly
    • February 25, 2016

    Thank you,this has helped so much. I put this into action over past weekend,except not doing communion daily,will start that. I registered for the “Detoxing” webinar and still haven’t seen it. On Fri @ work part of left eye retina came loose n lost eyesight. I’ve never had any eye yes, it was an attack of health n finances. But I’m on right path…implementing these new ways. Have sight back with no surgery. All the Praise goes to Father God. Thank you for reminding me. Excited to WATCH Detoxing Fri nite.

    • Vicky
    • February 25, 2016

    I really needed this today, as the last few weeks I’ve been under attack in my health and while sleeping. I’ve recently been praying for greater wisdom, knowledge, discernment, visions and dreams. Since I started asking God for greater revelation in these areas, I’ve been tormented at night with bad dreams. Now depression has come against me. The other day, I felt like a curse was spoken over my life; now I see where it’s coming from. Thank you so much Doug from bringing clarity to what’s taking place. I need to pray against all that’s coming against my health, mind, and against every form of witchcraft…

    • John Littrell
    • February 25, 2016

    This an awesome word. I have received a new strategy from heaven. The reason that we still continually get attacked is because we don’t use the real name of God and Jesus. In the book “Your Father’s Name” state’s that Yahweh (means I Am) and His son name Yahshua (means Yahweh is salvation) are the real names. When we use the real name of God instead of the adjective that describes who He is then we will have the full power and authority from heaven. So this changes the way we pray, read the Bible, and worship. Check it out for yourself.

  4. Reply

    I am also going through these attacks. .. It’s not pleasant and at times I get so mad that I literally ask if the enemy wants to fist fight! Sounds silly, but I assure you that I want to rip evil apart.
    Doug, Great word and thank you for your strength and ability to share

    • Kathy Dowling
    • February 25, 2016

    This is very confirming to me personally as i also have been called to earl morning warfare prayers. I am but a weak vessel But God can and will use whoever stands with him in his mission to save humanity. I appreciate your compassionate caring and encouragement as we fight the cause. God Bless You .

    • Maria Manuela Ribeiro
    • February 25, 2016

    Do you know that on March ,the 9th day are expected a Total Solar Eclipse .It was said too that an Asteroid could pass Earth on March 7th,and can be closer than the Moon 20 times at 34,000 MPM. I don’t now if this is Througth but we can be Alert and Chek it out. God Bless

    • Angel
    • February 25, 2016

    Thank you for this message. Enlightened me and helped me alot. ive been under attack in my dreams. in the natural and spiritual. Crying out to God to ask where He is i cant pray worship and ive felt so empty disheartened and alone..

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