How to Use Your Difficult Times to Your Advantage

After interacting with literally tens of thousands of people through coaching and doing prophetic outreaches, I have noticed an interesting pattern.

Satan attacks you in the area of your strength and future calling.

You will see this in the lives of people in the Bible. David was called and anointed by the Prophet Samuel to be the next King of Israel, but no one recognized his authority. And even after he took down Goliath, he went through a difficult time of running from King Saul who tried to kill him for years (1 Samuel 21–31).

God used David’s time of running and testing to bring him into a place of maturity spiritually and emotionally. God will use difficult times in our lives to reveal and heal our weaknesses so we can help others who are suffering.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2–4 NIV

It is important to understand that God does not bring sickness or difficult times upon us. You are not being punished by God if you are suffering. These things come from the enemy because God is pure love (1 John 4:8).

Where do bad things come from?

Jesus tells a parable about the Kingdom of Heaven being like a field in which good seeds were planted. After they began to grow it became obvious that there were weeds growing in the field as well (Matthew 13:24–28).

“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.’” Matthew 13:27–28 NIV

God wants to bless you

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” 3 John 2 NLT

It is God’s will for you to be healthy, whole and blessed. But sin, stress and overloaded lifestyles with little margin for rest can weaken our bodies, emotions and relationships. God will use the attacks of the enemy to strengthen you and bring you into spiritual maturity.

We will need to fix any skewed views of God and understand who God really is! It will require you to break through unbelief and move from understanding just the facts of the Bible to a place of living it out daily. We can learn to live our lives each day in God’s presence by walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16).

God is revealing your destiny

Remember that God will use the attacks and difficult times to refine us. Satan attacks us in the areas of our future victories. If you are being attacked in your body, emotions, relationships or finances, then I have good news for you. Why would Satan work so hard against you unless you pose a threat to darkness?

As you get through these difficult times you gain authority in the spirit and God will use your suffering to bring repayment and blessings.

For a number of years, I have been going through terrible afflictions against my body, emotions and finances. I have nearly died more than once. God is bringing healing to all these areas of my life. In the past few months I have gotten healed of Lyme disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (that had me isolated), anxiety and panic attacks to name a few.

In the midst of this I have learned a lot about healing, restoration and God’s love and grace. This is the time that God wants to heal and restore our bodies, emotions and relationships. This is to position us for a coming revival that will require us to have strength and greater authority over the enemy.

This is a season to move forward into your life calling. To help you get the healing you need to thrive, I encourage you to invest in your growth with this online training, Accelerating Your Time to Heal: Tools for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Wholeness.

This online workshop is different from others I’ve done. It is part teaching, part Q&A and walks you through some activations and prayers to contend for your healing breakthrough. Find out more here.

Now is your time to heal!

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Julia
    • August 22, 2019

    Hi Doug
    I always lack words to thank you enough. Your posts are real blessings to me on daily basis and I never tire reading them. I’d really wish wish to support by donating, but I’m really down financially that even can’t continue writing my book because I’m wondering who will help in printing before it goes online. It’s my sincere prayer that God blesses me in order to donate to support His work.
    Doug, may our good Lord bless you richly and give you long life. You’re truly a blessing to me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 22, 2019

      Thank you so much for your generous and powerful prayers. We know that your prayers are so powerful and we are blessed by them. God bless you and I pray abundant blessings over you!

    • Joseph Arthur
    • October 25, 2017

    Hi InLight.
    Doug Addison is a wonderful and a God sent person filled with the Holy Spirit to speak into our situations and I am so much blessed for just few days that I came in contact with his prophetic ministry. I am praying that God should touch and open the eyes of my heart to see him each and everyday.
    Nothing happens for nothing and I know that all that I am going through has reasons and as the scriptures say in Romans 8:28 All things work for good for those who are called by his will. I know the plans of God are not to harm me but to give me hope and a future. I am going through a lot right now as my finances, business, children ministry, relationship and other things around me keep crumbling and falling. In 1999 i attended a Biblical course at K&T , Know & Tell the Gospel a discipleship training school but I said to myself I was young at that time and left the faith into the world seeking for riches and changing the world until things begun falling for me and said to myself I will go back to my roots where there are many houses and plenty of everything I needed that is the house of the Lord. But things still continue to fight me to stop me but o know God is with me and I grow again.
    Suffering, trials, temptation , spiritual war and things that discourages me I continue to see in my dreams and God keeps telling me not to fear.
    I know I have a God who never fail.
    I know my connection with Doug Addison isn’t coincidental but planned by God for him to guide us through to walk this prophetic mile. After reading this episode HOW TO USE YOUR DIFFICULT TIMES FOR YOUR ADVANTAGE! I know perfectly that the devil is afraid of what we are trying to accomplish and our personalities in the Lord Jesus threatens the devil and its legions so they will do all they can to stop the will of God our in lives but the Bible the answer to the world problems says there is nothing they can do against any true child of God though we walk through the valley of darkness. Psalm 23:4.

    Doug Addison you are now my godfather so I kindly request you to be my spiritual leader into realisation of my ministry in Jesus name. Amen!!
    Thank you and God bless you.


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 25, 2017

      Thanks for sharing your story Joseph! We are so glad you found InLight Connection as well. Doug has switched from one-on-one coaching to his online ministry school, Hearing the Voice of God 365. You can learn more about the school here,

      Feel free to email us if you have any additional questions. Bless you Joseph!

    • Eric Marshall Scherzer
    • September 27, 2017

    Great read doug Struggling tr2g with late stage Lyme. Was healed in 19 at still learning . That verse in nlt has helped

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 2, 2017

      I am so glad to hear that Eric. Doug too was healed from Lyme. Bless you!

    • Therese
    • June 6, 2017

    I just had to write in and let you know that your prophetic Words have given me life and hope through extremely trying times and over a decade of suffering. As I have grabbed a hold of countless specific Words you have shared and stood on the Word and on these prophecies, God has done miracle after miracle in my life. These Words have been so accurate in terms of timing of seasons and what God has wanted to release in my life. Thank you for pressing in, receiving from God, and for being faithful to share! It has impacted my life tremendously!

    One of these trials has been my health. I am an otherwise healthy 35 year old female – and have suffered from over 60 symptoms, including debilitating fatigue, that has been undiagnosable. I have seen nearly 40 doctors over the course of the last 13 years and none could help me or figure out what was wrong. Being sick has stripped me of nearly everything in my life – yet I have stood on the Word and on your prophecies that God is going to restore all things and that the enemy has to repay!

    This absolutely blew me away……

    On March 23, you released a Word on the Elijah List entitled “How to Use Your Difficult Times to Your Advantage.” In the end, you shared that you “have been going through terrible afflictions against my body, emotions and finances.” And you mentioned that you have been healed of Lyme, multiple chemical sensitivity, anxiety and panic attacks. Would you know that just days before you released this Word – I found out from an absolute divine appointment from a lady in an airplane that I likely had Lyme’s Disease. I have since had it confirmed. I am so thankful to hear that God did a miracle and has healed you – and is restoring your health fully!!! Given how God has used you in my life more than any other person through my long season of suffering – I just felt it was absolutely divine and confirmation that God is going to heal me too. I literally found out about my Lyme and heard that you had (and were healed of) Lyme within days of each other.

    You said, “This is the time that God wants to heal and restore our bodies, emotions and relationships.” I receive that fully and would love your prayers for complete healing and restoration as well! I know that God has great plans for my life and that He will heal me too! He is so faithful. From a practical standpoint, I was able to go to the Hansa Center for Optimal Health in Wichita, KS, in May – experts in treating Lyme naturally (body, mind & spirit) and they are spirit-filled believers and totally bring Jesus into what they do. Anyway, I just had to share this!

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for serving Jesus so fully and for being faithful to Him and your calling despite the most intense sufferings. You are a true hero of the faith.

    God bless you immensely!

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 8, 2017

      Wow thank you so much for sharing Therese! You are a mighty woman of God and I know that He has amazing things in store for you. I believe you and I emailed about this as well. Bless you and your healing journey!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Rita
    • March 19, 2017

    Thank you Doug.

    • Robin
    • March 17, 2017

    Thanks for this word, Doug! I had an AHA moment after reading “Satan attacks you in the area of your strength and future calling.”

    • Margaret
    • March 16, 2017

    Your statement, “Satan attacks you in the area of your strength and futire calling” is so spot on! I just sat down to read and regroup after a busy day. Your statement actually confirmed our calling and encouraged me to realize that is why we have co tinually been attacked in the area of finance and business. I am encouraged and am excited about Saturday’s webinar!

    • Margareta Eriksson
    • March 16, 2017

    Thanks, I needed to hear this . With love in Christ . Margareta from Sweden

    • Novalee hutchens
    • March 16, 2017

    I just received this invitation but i am already committed to a appt at 10a.m. but i soooo want yo hear this!!!! Are you doing another obe and /or if i sign up is it recorded!???? I need to hear good word. Thank you very much.

    • Allie
    • March 16, 2017

    Hi Doug,

    Is there a way to get the recording of your message for Saturday March 18? I will be working 7-2. I am happy to make a donation or oar for the webinar but need access after hours.
    Great topic and appreciate your affirmation if your personal journey.

    • Reply

      Yes, the webinar is recorded and the replay & notes will be available on Monday for those who pre-registered. The replay will be available for purchase through the month of March, then it goes away. So make sure you purchase it by 3/31 if you want to be able to get Doug’s training & notes.
      Pam, InLight Connection

    • Brenda Stills
    • March 16, 2017

    Thank you for this word …it has helped me understand much of what ive been going through. This word will help me move froward in obeying God in my call!Thank you!

    • Allison Weaver
    • March 16, 2017

    Hi Doug!
    I appreciate so much your faithfulness and obedience to God! I would love to be in on this training, but will be in the Texas Hill Country will very spotty WiFi access most of that day.

    Will this training be available for future download or replay?

    • Alane Larsen
    • March 16, 2017

    I live on disability and cannot currently afford to buy anything as I keep running out of money before the month is out, and my mother is running thin on her ability to help me, but I intend to look into your resources as I’m able to for they seem to be very on the mark! Please pray for me to have ability to release faith for complete healing of decades of clinical depression, bipolar, p.t.s.d. and overloads of anxiety. Really want to get on with life as I am 55. Thanks! Alane Larsen

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 5, 2017

      Alane, we are sorry you are going through troubles. We pray right now for God to bring complete healing to your body and to release joy over you.

      Nikki, InLight Connection

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