Getting Upgraded in the Nature of God | Doug Addison with Graham Cooke [Episode 30]

God is speaking all the time … and He uses the prophetic ministry to open the heavens over us.

There are many types of prophets. For example, I have a style of a ‘times and seasons’ prophet, known in the Bible as the ‘Issachar anointing.’ My special guest in this episode, however, is a prophet and apostolic leader––Graham Cooke. He’s been a leading prophet for decades and is invited to speak into churches, boardrooms and even nations. The man carries the character and anointing of a true prophet of God.

Graham’s passion is to empower the people of God to walk in their true identity. He has authored more than 20 books and is based in Santa Barbara, CA. Like me, he also offers extensive video training and is a mentor to those pursuing a higher level of life in the Spirit. I tell you, this is a time to understand the voice of God and be encouraged by how God sees you!

Want a sneak peek? Here are a few of Graham’s quotes from this Spirit Connection episode:

  • “God doesn’t call us out on things … He calls us up
  • “God only picks people with issues”
  • “Do you know you can be famous in Heaven?”
  • “God resolutely ignores all our negativity”
  • “You can make the enemy anxious by being peaceful”
  • “God’s behavior toward us is not based on our lifestyle, but who He is
  • “No one is equal, we are all unique … and incredible!”

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • CC
    • October 14, 2017

    These two precious men leave me drenched in God’s love, grace, truth and peace. Thank you Jesus. What a wonderful work You have wrought in these mighty men of valor. We are truly blessed.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 16, 2017

      I love that! They are two mighty, amazing men thats for sure. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Bless you!

    • Rob Tucker
    • October 13, 2017

    ……..BRILLIANT !!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 16, 2017

      Yes! Bless you Rob!

    • Leona Lowe
    • October 12, 2017

    WOW !!!! I enjoyed this SO MUCH & Learned SO MUCH !! BLESSINGS TO YOU BOTH. !!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 13, 2017

      Woohoo! I am so glad you enjoyed the podcast! Bless you Lenona!

  1. Reply

    This podcast has filled in so many bits that I didn’t know before. I’ve been listening to Doug and Graham for several years now. My life has been transformed by
    both…as well as by others in prophetic ministries. It so
    encouraging today that you two have met and were open enough to share this time and message with us. I
    will be listening to this session repeatedly. It a remedy
    for some depressing thoughts I’ve had lately about revival which I’ve had lately. I’ve prayed for renewal for
    about 45 years. Thank you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 12, 2017

      I love that Betty! My life has been transformed by both Doug and Graham as well, so having them together was super exciting for me too. Thank you for being such a prayer warrior. Even if you haven’t seen what you’ve been praying for come to pass yet, your prayers are still powerful and are being heard. You might of already read this article by Doug, but if you haven’t it is a wonderful article on prayers,

      Blessings to you Betty!

    • Gary
    • October 12, 2017

    Wow. What a blessing! God has been speaking to me a lot about identity recently, and this conversation with Graham Cooke came at the perfect time! The point about not upgrading the “old man”, that “no one in the Godhead wants to fix the old man”, that “all that God is doing in the Kingdom is in the new man”, yes!!! So many glorious messages in the conversation. Thank you, thank you, thank you Doug and Graham Cooke. God Bless you all.


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 12, 2017

      Awesome points to take away from this! Those three truths are life changing when applied. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Bless you Gary!

    • Cathy
    • October 12, 2017

    I have not been able to get the connection to hear this. Followed instructions but nothing worked
    Sorry I always miss these. Wish there wad a written transcript to read.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 13, 2017

      Hey Cathy! I’m sorry the podcast did not work for you. Could you try a different internet browser? You should be able to click the play button where it says, ‘Listen Below.”

      There is a transcript to read, here is the link to it

      Please feel free to email us if you have any additional questions. Bless you!

    • Deborah Barnett
    • October 12, 2017

    Awesome teaching Graham Thanks Doug Great video..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 12, 2017

      Yay! We love Graham too. He is such a wonderful leader. Thanks for listening!

    • Steve
    • October 12, 2017

    We can all take away something from this one ya.
    It was refreshing to hear more said about “renewing our minds an the new man.
    Also, thank you Nikki for encouraging Cindi to stay in the word (Yeshua) which I heard Graham express throughout his sharing………😇
    Being faithful in the small things produce mountains of joy which are ever lasting………🔥


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 12, 2017

      Thanks Steve! I appreciate the feedback. I agree with you, its so good to hear practical ways to renew our minds. Graham’s teachings simplify what it means to live as a new creation. Bless you Steve! Thanks for tuning in :).

    • Diane Hinkle
    • October 11, 2017

    Thank you so much! God has me on that “slingshot” and WOW, I just keep learning more and fore!
    Thank you for your faithfulness.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 12, 2017

      Awesome Diane! I am so glad to hear that. We keep going from glory to glory! Bless you!

    • Ashley Renee
    • October 11, 2017

    Doug, I agree with you – …like a fountain of gold raining down. Profound love and wisdom in this. Thank you for hosting, and thank you Mr. Cooke. Praise God – He is so good. -Ashley from Toledo

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 12, 2017

      We are so glad you enjoyed it Ashley. You are right, there is profound wisdom and love in this message. Thanks for taking the time to listen. Blessings!

    • Cindi
    • October 11, 2017

    Wow! What an awesome blessing! Thank you, Doug, for sharing that with us. I know who I am in Jesus, but I struggle with getting it to stick so that I am walking and living out my identity all the time. Anyone else know what i mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 11, 2017

      Hey Cindi! Yes, I know what you mean and I’m sure many do as well. I can still struggle to have it stick, and its in those moments I jump my thoughts to praise and reminding myself who I am. The first chapter of Ephesians is always good to read over and over to get your identity in Christ fully into your spirit. Spending time in worship, reading the Word, and just dwelling with God helps it stick as well, which I’m sure you know. The main thing is that we do not quit and we keep desiring God, which is sounds like you are doing. Enjoy the process of learning, God loves watching you grow :). Many blessings to you Cindi!

    • Debbie
    • October 11, 2017

    Thank You for this message. Has just changed my whole outlook on how I look at my identity in Christ.
    Opened my eyes to who I really am in Jesus!!
    God Bless this ministry


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 11, 2017

      Wow, that is amazing Debbie! Seeing your identity in Jesus is the beginning to a whole new life. Thanks so much for listening and sharing your experience with us. Bless you!

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