5 Steps to Get out of Financial Prison

5 Steps to Get out of Financial Prison

I had a vision of those who are called to be part of financing new moves of God and revivals on Earth. They are also known as those with the anointing of Joseph—the Joseph people.

Early in Joseph’s life, he had dreams from the Lord on how God was going to use him with great authority. In Genesis 41, Joseph was far from what looked like the fulfillment of the prophecy. He was in prison, being kept on hold. He was waiting on the Lord to call him on the scene. And at the right time, Joseph interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh and brought a great change to the world.

I saw those who had similar callings. But like Joseph, nothing was working for them and they were now in a spiritual prison of fear and doubt that they had even heard the Lord. They had positioned themselves in front of a door that was closed, but the Lord gave a command. The light of the Lord came upon them, and the strategy to open the door was released.

This is happening now. God is bringing His light on those who have been saved for such a time as this, to release finances for the purposes of the Kingdom of God. This is going to finance future revivals and humanitarian projects to save those who are suffering.

The financial recovery process revealed

In February, I had an encounter where the Lord showed me those who have greater callings on their lives like that of the Joseph people. This is not limited to those with this Joseph calling. It is for anyone who has suffered financial losses or felt they missed the Lord. Those who have heard the Lord on things, but they have now found themselves standing before a closed door and are feeling alone.

I was shown a strategy from the book of Matthew, chapters 6–7. This is a 5-step process that will help anyone who is at this place in their life.

5 steps to recovery

1. We need to have clear “eyes,” or the ability to have eyes to see, as Jesus said. People’s vision has grown dim and they are in darkness (not the kind that is from rejecting the Lord). This is a time like Joseph where people are feeling alone and forgotten.

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:22–23 NIV

2. Many have been going through a time of being purged of the world system of money and greed.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24 NIV

3. It is important to trust the Lord and not fall into doubt, fear or worry. Things are going to work out and open up for you.

“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” Matthew 6:25 NIV

4. The process of recovery will involve getting rid of judgments. For many, it was judgments that caused the financial flow to stop.

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:1–2 NIV

5. Be proactive right now. Ask the Lord. Seek wisdom and revelation. Knock on the doors. Watch for them to open!

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 NIV

Here’s a recap of the 5-step recovery process:

  • Ask God for clear vision. Matthew 6:22–23
  • Get healed of the love of money and the world system. Matthew 6:24
  • Trust and do not worry. Matthew 6:25
  • Do not judge others.  Matthew 7:1–2
  • Ask, seek and knock for the strategy. Matthew 7:7

As you take these steps, you are going to see amazing changes begin to happen. God will release to you greater insight into what to do next. Get ready to break free and watch doors begin to open.


Doug Addison


If you would like to accelerate your financial recovery, I recommend my “Flipping Your Financial Future” workshop. It is a 2-hour video training that packs a powerful punch to activate you in practical kingdom strategies for sowing and reaping, getting out of debt, increasing your income, and even starting or growing your business or ministry, so you can “flip” your financial future … and flip it good!

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Elrica Miriam Sakoor
    • July 12, 2019


    I stumbled on your website while browsing the web. Realised I’m not the only one trapped. Yet every situation or plea is different.

    It hurts when you struggle financially especially when you don’t own your own home. Unable to provide good for your children, jobs don’t pay enough am you have is debt.

    This is where we are at. Please keep us in your prayers. I need my faith in my finances!!!


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 15, 2019

      God bless you Elrica!

    • Winnie Kyokunda Buziro
    • March 10, 2019

    Thank you Doug, for your prophetic ministry to all of us. I am in a Joseph situation when it comes to finances and even other areas of my life. This has been timely. God bless you mightily.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2019

      Bless you Winnie!

    • Jose Silva
    • December 11, 2018

    What a powerfull word.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 13, 2018

      Thanks for reading it Jose. Bless you!

    • Barbara
    • March 25, 2018

    I desired to feed those who hunger and lack on a daily basis. Even as a youth. I have been able to help on a very small scale. I’m believing God will grant me the ability to supply the needs of those who desperately need meals and good nutrients to survive and thrive. Thank you for using your gift of activation! I receive it!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 26, 2018

      That is such a beautiful desire Barbara. I am believing with you for God to grant you the ability to be a blessings to others. Bless you!

    • flo
    • March 25, 2018

    This is powerful. Thank God for you…may God continue using you mightly in Jesus name

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 26, 2018

      Yay! I am so glad you enjoyed it Flo. Bless you!

    • flo
    • March 25, 2018

    This is powerful. Thank God for you…may God continue using you nightly in Jesus name

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 26, 2018

      I am so glad you enjoyed the article Flo. Bless you!

    • Sonya Petty
    • March 23, 2018

    Your blogs are amazing, bro! It’s like God hears my cry, and then sends you the specific answer I need, to share at the exact right time! Freaky supernatural! I just love our God and how He operates! I will pray and apply this to my situation. Wasn’t aware that “judgments” were part of this issue. But Holy Spirit opened my eyes to this aspect (ouch!) and I know He will guide me through. God bless you so much (and when my finances are healed…I pray I will be able to bless you financially!)

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 26, 2018

      Haha I love that Sonya! Bless you!

    • Gabrielle Haywood
    • March 23, 2018

    Thank you Doug for your obedience in hearing from God and sharing these strategies! This is so timely! I know I heard from God about somethings but the journey has been so lonely and financially disappointing that I find myself afraid to believe again! I get back up and try again and yet again… So today, I thank you for this word because I am at that door again needing major funds and I so needed this strategy to keep me from falling into worry, fear and ultimately unbelief. May God richly bless you, your family and your ministry as you have so graciously blessed others. Super-abundance to you and your staff❣

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 26, 2018

      Wonderful Gabrielle. I love your persistence to keep getting back up. God is with you through these times. Bless you!

    • Russ
    • March 22, 2018

    “release finances for the purposes of the kingdom of God. Finance future revivals and humanitarian projects to save those who are suffering”. This is a great word, bring it on father God!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 23, 2018

      Yes, I love that. I am agreeing with that prayer. Bless you Russ!

    • Sachin
    • March 22, 2018

    Thank you so much Doug, this was so perfectly for me and I ask GOD to reposition me right now to the place of abundance and no lack, please continue to pray for me and my family, Blessings from India

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 26, 2018

      Agreeing with Sachin for breakthrough in your family in India. God is doing such wonderful things in India. Bless you!

    • Eloise Romo
    • March 22, 2018

    I enjoyed the read and will be sure to practice it

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 23, 2018

      That is wonderful Eloise! Bless you!

    • Eloise Romo
    • March 22, 2018

    I loved the read and I will practice it

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 23, 2018

      Wonderful Eloise! Bless you!

    • Mocha
    • March 22, 2018

    Glory be to God I receive declare decree this prophetic words by faith in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 23, 2018

      Woohoo! Bless you Mocha!

    • Mocha
    • March 22, 2018

    Glory be to God I receive declare decree these words by faith in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 23, 2018

      Yes! Amen! Bless you Mocha!

    • Solomon Bhabla
    • March 22, 2018

    Dear Brother Doug,
    I AM Exactly in the situation to want to resign for my day job because for my Walk with Christ (Unhealthy for my ministry) and I Want to move to California with my dear christ loving wife to Serve and help in The Wave Revival as Aquila and Priscilla.
    We are from The Netherlands.

    Kinds regards and love,
    Solomon Bhabla

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Woohoo! That is awesome Solomon! I am excited for what God is doing in your life. Bless you and your wife!

    • Justin
    • March 22, 2018

    This great confirmation..it’s funny cuz as I was looking at the checklist I realized I just completed the last one yesterday..as I have been struggling with living in a world amongst the evil and how to raise my kids…thank you for all you do.. peace. ..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Psalm 127 says, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed When they speak with their enemies in the gate.” As you train your children up in knowing God, they will be powerful! Bless you Justin!

    • Wilfred Mnyandu
    • March 22, 2018

    Prophet Goug , l had a dream about Gold, including Jesus in that dream. Glory belong to God Almighty. your prophesies are true. may the lord bless you and keep you may the Lord shine his face upon you and give you peace. Thank you, Thank you ,Thank you in Jesus name Amen .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      What a wonderful dream Wilfred! Thank you for sharing. Bless you!

    • Kris Hutchins
    • March 22, 2018

    Thank you Doug for this timely message! I was just talking to my husband on the phone saying how our retirement is weighing heavy on my heart. And the man of God that he is kept telling me to trust God. I just wasn’t there when we hung up then I opened up this and I Knew it was for me!! Thank you for your awesome timing on hearing the Lord!! I needed this so bad right now.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Yay! I love that Kris! You are blesses to have your husband and he is blessed to have you. God will provide and guide you both. Many blessings to you and your family!

    • Kelley Basham
    • March 22, 2018

    I so appreciate this outpouring of pure wisdom from Holy Spirit from Doug. This is so timely. My heart has a
    ched for a long time to be able to give like Jesus does- with extravagance of quantity and excellence of quality. I feel greatly encouraged. Thank you for this spiritual energy shake to press on to be the greatest blessing possible to the greatest number of people worldwide.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 3, 2018

      Wonderful Kelley! What a beautiful desire to have. Bless you!

    • Grace Tseng
    • March 22, 2018

    Thank you for sharing with very clear, step by step solutions. I believe those are very helpful for many.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 23, 2018

      Great Grace! I am so glad that the steps were clear for you to follow along with. Bless you!

    • Melisa Singh
    • March 22, 2018

    Hallelujah ,Glory be to God , Thank-you for Divine Revelation…..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 22, 2018

      Woohoo! Amen! Bless you Melisa!

        • Tammy
        • March 22, 2018

        WOW. Just today I saw a post of someone doing something for the homeless, the down trodden, those who need help and The Holy Spirit was all over me. He reminded me of a dream I had about 10 years ago and it’s so big it will have to be God! I cried again as I read this. Glory to Hod it is done

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • March 27, 2018

          Wohoo! That is amazing! Bless you Tammy!

    • Sam lalal
    • March 22, 2018

    Wow prophet Dough Adisson , your prophetic word are always true . I have seen from my life itself . You are truly a man of God.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 22, 2018

      That is wonderful Sam. We are so glad you are enjoying Doug’s Prophetic Words. Bless you!

  1. Reply

    I am blessed dear brother! Please, intercede for our ministry in India. When the Lord called me for the full time ministry, my first vow was that I will not put out my hands to men for my family and ministry needs. Our 45 years, the Lord provided and sustained us in unbelievable ways. We are extremely grateful.

    But suddenly, Molly and I lost our only son aged 26, a B.Tech, MBA fellow four years ago. Our ministry partners deserted one by one, And our 3 married daughters are happy but with no jobs and struggle now.

    We need your prayers. With all these issues, I pray and wait for the “Ravens of Elijah”, to bring the provision or Gabriel.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Agreeing with you Rev Arvind for breakthrough in your ministry. Bless you for being so faithful!

  2. Reply

    Thanks I was on the same page bk Romans going through it and taking heed of what is written I am ready for all that he has for me this year. thanks dough do not discontinue 2ndpartof Courts HEAVEN I have to send check with my new laptop+ email -217jen46 is not working no sound in mail when I get home SAT

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Awesome Dolly! Understanding the Courts of Heaven Part 2 is still available for purchase. You can purchase it here. Bless you!

    • Kathryn
    • March 22, 2018

    The gold bars -I have been seeing for years! WOW! Thank you for the reminder!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 22, 2018

      Yes! Bless you Kathryn!

    • Hannes Louw
    • March 22, 2018

    Your Joseph notes were spot on as my situation I have told the Lord is a Joseph situation in a pit only the Lord knows no man can get you out of the pit only Him He is my source

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      I love your confidence in God! Bless you Hanes!

    • Bert Smith
    • March 22, 2018

    Thank you Doug, I receive that Word, that strategy, in the Light of Gods Love, in all his Splendor Majesty and Glory, in Jesus, Amen.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 22, 2018

      Wonderful Bert! Bless you!

    • Christina Alameda
    • March 22, 2018

    Thank You Sir Doug Addison, for this powerful word of Wisdom. I needed this thank You. LOVE And GOD BLESS YOU ALOHA ALWAYS Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawai’i United States AMEN AMEN

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Woohoo! Bless you Christina! God is doing amazing things in Hawaii!

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