Why Your Story Matters in the Big Picture

What’s your favorite story in the Bible?

Have you noticed there’s a little bit of everything? We have stories of adventure and romance, betrayal and friendship, the supernatural and the natural.

Then we have the books of poetry and psalms, and the book of Proverbs where we receive practical, life advice from a king.

These stories went on to change the world! But there are still stories yet to be told—like your own!

Here are a few reasons why your story matters in the big picture.

No one else can tell your story

I love that God knew it would be a good idea to tell His story in a variety of ways. There’s a message here for us—when it comes to communicating our stories, there’s no “right way” to do it!

Many of you believe you’re called to write a book, but you feel like your book couldn’t possibly be as great as “all those other people’s.”

I want to remind you of this: No one is exactly like you or has your exact experiences. No one can communicate things the way you can share them!

Remember, there’s never going to be another person who can see life through your eyes. Your unique perspective on life and the world matters!

You could change people’s lives

Have you ever been comforting a friend and felt the need to share with them that you went through something similar?

This usually results in the other person connecting more with you because they know you’ve been there, too. In fact, the more personal something is to you, the more others relate to it.

When we share our own experiences with other people, it helps others know they’re not so alone! Being brave enough to tell your story could be what gives someone else courage to do the same!

Your mess-ups could be used for good

What if your past mistakes could be used to help others? Telling your story helps God turn your missteps into valuable lessons for others!

Something so great about the Biblical stories is we get to see the characters mess up, get up and try again. God didn’t ask for His story to be sugarcoated. We get to see the whole picture of how He used ordinary people to accomplish amazing things!

Our personal stories can be used for good. When we share not only the good stuff, but the not-so-good stuff too, we get to encourage others not to make the same mistakes!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

You experience greater levels of freedom

Carrying around an unsaid message can feel like a heavy burden or like fire shut up in your bones!

But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
Jeremiah 20:9 NIV

You experience greater levels of freedom when you finally release the message God has given you to the world. Whether that message consists of practical advice or simply sharing about your life, your story matters—and the world is waiting to read it!

Get ready for new inspiration and passion to get your book written!


Doug Addison

P.S. Are you ready to tell your story boldly—bravely—without fear? I invite you to grab hold of my new, free mini-course. I’m giving away 5 tips you can use to take the next steps to get your book written!

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Porsha Bailey
    • June 24, 2019

    Thank you for this encouragement. I have been writing ‘my book’ for awhile now. I have been struggling with the content a bit, but it is my story. This encourages me very much. I have felt led for awhile to write it. Thank you again!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Awesome Porsha! God bless you!

    • Shirelle johnson
    • June 23, 2019

    I love it! I didnt know what to do or how to even start concerning a book. I feel now it’s coming into alignment. I had fear, I was bound but I am coming out from under a sail spirit and control.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Great! I love that you are getting breakthrough. God bless you!

    • Michelle
    • June 23, 2019

    Hi Doug, just wondering what you would recommend, to self publish, or go through a publishing company?
    Thank you!
    (Harvest Bride👑)

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Hey Michelle! Doug talks about both those options in his products Write Your Book Now and Write a Book Quickly. Doug has done both options and both have pro’s and con’s that he discusses in his material. Bless you!

  1. Reply

    Thank you so much for this opportunity for info.ive been told I should write a book but never had the finances or the knowlegde of how to do it..this will get me started!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      God bless you Brenda!

    • Jo Wiley
    • June 20, 2019

    Several people have told me that I need to write a book. I never thought about it since i was about 10. At that time I would write stories from a kids point of view. They were usually in a western setting as I was a great fan of Roy Rogers & Dale Evans, Sgt. Preston of the Yukon, Brave Eagle, Davy Crockett and other western and frontier themes that were popular at that time. I was miraculously saved at home after seeking to find the answer that kept nagging me. I was a married, had a loving husband, a daughter, and everything I had ever wanted but…something was missing. Surely there is more to life than this? What is the purpose in life? I was when I called upon Jesus in my bedroom and a peace like i had never, ever experienced came down and enveloped me. I did not understand what had happened and i got up and went my way but I constantly talked to Jesus, everyday. I did not see it as praying, it was like I was talking to a dear friend. After my husband ask Jesus to be his Lord. The Lord started opening doors for ministry. Sunday School, I was raised a Catholic so I knew very little about the Bible. I was asked to do the beginners class. Perfect! I was as much a beginner as the children. Then Missionettes followed for me, and Royal Rangers for my husband. Eventually we were asked to do the Youth Group. We did whatever we were asked and used what we had in anyway to bring people to church, to organize outreaches to the community, to setting up coffee stands at rest areas during holiday weekends. We gave them coffee, snacks, and Jesus. We raised our girls then left for Alaska on 2 year placement as MAPS workers. We both took correspondence classes, distance education from Local Bible College, took classes at Bible School. Ray graduated from Southeastern Bible College (now University) we were youth pastors, children’s pastors, and pastors. We went to Moldova as World MIssionaries, we had to come home for a family emergency after one year. Transferred to US Missions and my husband directed a Bible training center in Tampa. In Feb. 2013 he had a heart attack and went home at the age of 64. In 1999, the Lord had given me “the latter Temple will be more filled with my glory than the former Temple.” In the context of what I was praying, I knew that He meant there would be a future ministry that would have more of his glory than anything that went before. But I thought it was for “we” not for “me” as Ray and I had always worked as a team. My husband’s passing was hard. It was unexpected and we were planning to retire in the coming year. Since that that February as I sought the Lord and drew closer to HIm, the doors of ministry began to open and I recalled that Sunday night in August 1999 where I heard in my spirit, His promise a time of more of His glory in ministry than ever before. Since 2013 the Lord has enabled me to finish at the Bible Institute, Earn my license for ministry and then Ordination. I find my self as the director of the Bible Institute, the position my husband had previously filled. I have also gained appointment as a US Missionary. The Lord had done wonderful things for me and I am filled to top with joy. When I saw your email…I thought maybe my friends in ministry were write. Maybe I could encourage some ladies who have found themselves unexpectedly alone. It is not an easy place to be…especially after years of married life. In my case Ray went home just three months shy of our 44th wedding anniversary. Sorry so wordy! I guess your mini-course on writing grabbed my attention! Thank you Bro. Doug for all you do for Him and His Kingdom. God bless you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Awesome Jo! Thanks so much for sharing with us! God bless you!

    • Cathy
    • June 20, 2019

    I just shared my testimony of a healing and breakthrew and miracles favor and blessings Tha Lord is doing in my life in a church gathering publicly and people came up after and asked me if I was going to write a book. I had a prophetic word about writing a book . It’s so true our testimony and exsperiece so helps to encourage and help others!!! Our break threw is there breakthrew!!! That is the beautiful part of what God does He makes a masterpiece . When we are going threw a trial or sickness we go threw it God brings us threw it and makes something beautiful out of it and we get to help others ❤️I love that!!!!! Don’t know when I will write the book . Thankyou for the encouragement and reminder of our unique story that only we can tell uniquely to us and share and inspire others!! So beautiful!!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Awesome! Thanks for sharing Cathy!

    • Stephen Puddle
    • June 20, 2019

    Thank you for this encouragement Doug. Even if I never write a book you have reminded me that my life and my walk with God and with others and with myself are all unique and special. As a gay man who also calls Jesus Lord, I know that many Christians do not wish to fellowship with me and believe me to be gravely deceived. But their rejection has never been God’s rejection. Many times I’ve sought the Lord for signs and direction in my walk and he has remained faithful and loving and nurturing every step of my journey. Guiding me, strengthening me, healing me, helping me forgive and to ask for forgiveness, helping me to offer grace and to also humble myself. Without him I would not be here today and for that I am so grateful. He has helped me realise that my life does matter.
    Bless you for what you do.
    Stephen (a Kiwi who lives in Canada!)

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Stephen. God bless you <3.

    • Lone Vejstrup Slot
    • June 20, 2019

    Sometimes I get so amazed by how God works. For so long I have felt the calling, that I should write a book about my life. Knowing that it can be important to someone. I just never really thought I was good enough to do this. Now God tells me to go, and do it. Thank you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Yes! God bless you Lone!

    • Paul & Jo Anne Burkhardt
    • June 20, 2019

    Thanks for your encouragement on writing. We just finished our third Christian book “Guard Your Hearts” –telling our stories. It took us eight years to write this third one, but your encouragement helped and now it is finally about to be self-published. Thank you. God Bless you, Doug.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Awesome! Bless you!

    • Mary Lott
    • June 20, 2019

    Yes. I do have a desire to write. Not sure what or how to get started.

    • Renee Hymel
    • June 20, 2019

    This is such a good encouragement. It is easy to get intimidated out of taking a leap of faith into actually publishing something. It’s hard to know how to move forward and what the steps are.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Wohoo! Awesome Renee! God bless you!

    • Susan Reid Trahan
    • June 20, 2019

    Thank you Doug for your encouragement. I would rather never speak of some of the things I’ve been through in my life ever again. I’d much rather
    try to forget all the bad
    stuff. But yes I like your information.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Awesome! God bless you!

  2. Reply

    I have a contract with WestBow Press to publish my book, Only By Grace. Hope to get it finished this month.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Great! Bless you!

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