Understand Your Dreams with These Top Dream Resources

You spend a third of your life asleep, so what’s going on in Heaven during that time?

When you dream at night, God reveals your life-dreams.

The past few months, I’ve been talking about how God is opening the Book of Your Life Purpose right now. In this heavenly book are clues that reveal what God has called you to do. And many of these clues are often located within your dreams!

Over the past 20 years, I’ve interpreted thousands of dreams and released many resources to help you understand them. I want to highlight a few of these, right now.

Once you read and listen to these free blogs and podcasts, you’ll be well on your way to having a greater understanding of your dreams and how they speak to your life situations.

My top 7 resources on dreaming

  1. How God Speaks through Dreams—In Episode 116 of my Spirit Connection podcast, I give you a quick training that will be a good kick-off to understanding how God is speaking through dreams in this season.
  2. Even though everybody dreams, most people don’t know how to interpret them. My podcast—How to Understand Your Dreams and Visions | Doug Addison [Episode 66]will teach you the basics of dream interpretation and how to spot a “Destiny Dream.”
  3. Numbers show up a lot in dreams, it’s important to understand their meaning. I help you get a jump start on this in my blog, Adding it Up—What Do Numbers Mean in Dreams?
  4. Plus, you can even receive a breakthrough from God in your dreams! Here are a few ways You Can Get Your Breakthrough in Your Dreams.
  5. But what about nightmares? This a common question when people ask me about their dreams, so I have a couple of resources to point you to. First, here’s What To Do When You Have a Nightmare and then here are some Steps to Turn Around Nightmares or Bad Dreams.
  6. Kids are especially in tune with the supernatural. Here’s how you can encourage your kids to pay attention to their dreams in my blog, How to Help Children Understand Their Dreams.
  7. Finally, if you’re not dreaming, there could be some spiritual blocks keeping you from hearing God at night. I specialize in teaching people How to Be Naturally Supernatural Every Day—it’s easier than you think!

Level up your understanding!

Set aside an hour or so and study these free resources. These strategies about dreams will build a solid foundation you’ll benefit from for years to come! And remember to write down (or journal) your dreams. This helps you remember them as well as lays the foundation for growing in your ability to hear God through your dreams.

If you find yourself wanting more, I can help you level up. Check out my online course Dream Crash Course—or get my book Understand Your Dreams Now so you can help your friends interpret their dreams, too!

What have you been dreaming about lately? Let me know in the comments below!


Doug Addison


P.S. Many people have dreams that show them things about their greater life purpose. It could even be strategies to help you fulfill the life calling deep inside. In my new breakthrough experience, Launch Your Life Purpose, I help you develop strategies to activate the things God may be showing you through your dreams. Learn more about it here.

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Dekonti
    • July 15, 2020

    I did had multiple dreams.
    1: I dreamed of my sister came to visit me and I was showing her my wedding ring but she was not happy with me instead she told me to follow her as I was going along, the place we’re going to look like deep in three brush but I did forgot my house key and I told I’ll be right back I need to lock my door m when I came back home I saw people running to my house to tell me that my sister was eaten by a wild animals there were blood everywhere and I woke up from sleep.

    2: I always dreamed of me flying because people I try to help wanted to kill me. But ender killing them in my sleep.

    3: Lately been having nightmares

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 28, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

    • Ng Beng Hee Sarah
    • July 4, 2020

    Dream of holding a box of cereal, half of it pouring on the floor.

    • Paul Chidubem
    • July 4, 2020

    I preach most times in my dreams and i always see myself setting animals and people alike free from ropes and chains and also I sometime ago was searching for burial graves just to lay my hands on them so they could rise again even though it looks insane but its as real as the physical event.

    • Kalala
    • March 4, 2020

    Hi Dough how are you? Ive dreamed that I was speaking to young youth like multiculture in a out reach, and other dreams, was that we were in a building serving but not much attend, so we started serving people in my house, then God tells me out loud now take it back to church what does it mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 4, 2020

      Hey Kalala! We do not interpret dreams sent in. Bless you!

    • Dolly
    • February 26, 2020

    I had dream about olive trees they are cutting them to use forconora virus and in midst I was getting few leaves for my self and others Rev Ch 22v2

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 28, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Dolly!

    • Sharon Murr
    • February 24, 2020

    There was a massive flood rising but no rain , no clouds. Just bright blue sky & sunny out. My boyfriend, Joe, & I were seeking higher ground &came upon a public house w/others seeking refuge. We were in a common area w/others when I got a phone call &stepped into another room to hear better. When I came back out everyone was gone except 1 man who said, “ Joe came looking for me but couldn’t find me & everyone had to evacuate but he refused to leave w/out me but before Joe got to the room I was in someone convinced him I left w/the others & there was no time to waste & he had to leave right then or he’d be left behind & would never see me again. So he finally left. When I came out of the room I asked the man which way Joe went & the man pointed & I headed in that direction determined to find him. I felt anxious & scared desperate to get to Joe. I could sense Joe kept looking for me continually asking if anyone had seen me. The last part of the dream I stood on the deck of the large public house & the man was there somewhere too & I was looking out into the distance & then I woke up. It was bright & sunny the whole time

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 28, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Sibongile
    • February 21, 2020

    Hi Doug,about 3 weeks ago I dreamt seeing a lot of money in my handbag. It was bundles of notes…what could be the meaning of this dream. And it’s not the first time I dream about lots of money.

    Please help.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Shield
    • February 20, 2020

    I dream all of the time! I can’t wait to dive in to this. I have dreamed things and later they come true, had colored dreams that feel so real, dreams as if I have seen the Lord..it goes on and on. How do I listen to these podcasts? Thank you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Wow! That is super cool! You can click on the links in the post and it should take you directly to the blog or podcast.

    • Deborah Oliver
    • February 20, 2020

    I have been dreaming about being in a town square. You know the place where the court house was in the middle and local businesses were opposite. I dreamed I am standing there and a little boy brings his severed finger. No blood nothing gorey just his finger. I took it from him and just put it severed end to severed end. It miraculously went back to normal. Crowds of people gathered around to have their own extremities replaced. It was amazing

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Thanks for sharing your dream Deborah!

    • David
    • February 20, 2020

    Bitten by a dog in my right hand but managed to shake it off by throwing dog against a wall and it was paralysed

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Thanks for sharing your dream David!

    • Rachel
    • February 20, 2020

    The last month it was great water masses

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Rachel!

    • Shirelle Johnson
    • February 20, 2020

    This is an answer to prayer that you would ask and answer for free. I dont ask often but this was so vivid.
    I was doing something and it was with people but I dont k ow what it was. We were at the end of it and I started on my way home remembering I had to check the mail. A friend jumped in the suv with me and I started out. Realizing I was going the wrong way, I made a uturn and went the other direction. Before getting to the house I remembered I had a dog. I had been gone for a while, like a missions trip and felt alarmed because he hadn’t been fed. As I was pulling to the house, from a distance he looked dead and I didnt want to see it if he was but I kept going with hesitation. When I got closer, I could see he was alive but emaciated and weak from no food or water. It was a German shepherd and a pet I remembered but not from my ownership, it was a childhood pet, but in the dream he belonged to me as a grown up. He was chained , but under a tree in shade. The chain was a large link chain and was bred to a piece of concrete sticking up out of concrete about ten to fifteen feet away, through a open gate of a fence. As I parked , I thought to myself, he may bite me because he wont remember her me and be afraid. When I got out if the suv, he was standing , arking but his voice was strained and faint. As I got closer, he remembered me and was calm and glad. I was heartbroken and crying immensely saying I’m so sorry, I will get you some food, I wi go and get you some food. I was going to go to the store for food but began picking up clutter first and looked into a cabinet like in a kitchen. Then I woke up. When I woke up I was still sad and started crying. I could still feel the overwhelming sadness from the dream. Like waking up in continuation. That is the end of the dream.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Hey Shirelle! I am so sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. Doug’s resources will help you grow in understanding dreams. Blessings!

        • Adeosun oluwaseun
        • February 23, 2020

        Hello Nikki, how can I get connected to your dream interpretation team, I have a dream that needs interpretation which is urgent

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • February 28, 2020

          As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
          Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
          Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
          Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
          Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
          Bless you!

    • Ellen
    • February 20, 2020

    🌹My butterfly dream🌹
    ❤️I had a beautiful dream the other night. I was laying on my bed and suddenly I could see outside. All of a sudden all these monarch butterflies began swarming around and landed all over me. One landed on my cheek and kissed me. I asked God what this dream was about and He told me that they were all my loved ones whom I’ve had to kiss goodbye in death. The butterfly who kissed my cheek was My son Jason who passed in 2016.🥰

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Thanks for sharing your dream Ellen! Bless you!

    • Jorunn
    • February 20, 2020

    I dream a lot about horses. My daughter has a horse, and I am with her every day when she go to ride. I have had a great love for horses all my life. In my dream I am always feeding the horses.
    Another thing I had been dreaming about all my life I flying. I fly like a bird

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Awesome Jorunn! Thanks for sharing!

    • Carol
    • February 20, 2020

    I dreamt last night about my husband and it was about an extraordinary amount of love I felt for him…just kept kissing and hugging him. Idk… it was a sweet dream

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Great dream Carol!

    • Pauline Schrag
    • February 20, 2020

    What does it mean if you have a dream within a dream?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Hey Pauline! Sorry, we are unable to provide dream interpretation. Feel free to look into the resources Doug provided above to see what you can learn from them! 🙂

    • jide edema
    • February 20, 2020

    when you see god flogging you in dream

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Hey Jide! Sorry we are unable to provide dream interpretation. Feel free to look into the resources Doug provided above to see what you can learn from them! 🙂

    • Cynthia Derrick
    • February 20, 2020

    I have really bad pain in my right leg for along time now and my knee barely can walk sometimes. I went to bed last night and dream about a lady lifting up my right leg and it was hurting in the dream I heard myself speak in my sleep and say lady your hurting my leg she was dressed in white and her hair was black and pinned up in a bun.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Hey Cynthia! You may want to be rebuking the attack on your leg and take authority in Jesus’ name over anything that is attacking you. Here are some prayer and healing resources that might be helpful, https://dougaddison.com/healing-resources/.

    • Wanda Barrett
    • February 20, 2020

    3 baby kittens on my front porch and the mother cat as well. I pick up the calico kitten to keep and leave the black and white kittens and the mother. A lady named Mandy (my mother’s friend) said we are keeping all of them and she picks up the white, black kittens and the mother and bring them inside the house with me and the calico kitten.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Cool! Thanks for sharing your dream with us! Blessings!

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