61 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 61 Years

I always like to look back on my life every year. I recently turned 61 on March 8, and it’s given me time to reflect.

So, I thought I would write down some of the things I’ve learned over the course of my 61 years on this Earth and share them with you!

Here are 61 life lessons I’ve learned in 61 years

1. God’s love creates deep and meaningful change.

2. God sees our past, present and future—and loves us all the same!

3. God’s love has completely wiped away all of our mistakes.

4. Everything will eventually pass away, but love will remain.

5. You can rest in the fact that whatever you’re going through will be used for your ultimate good! No matter what.

6. Don’t let fear of death hold you back from living and dreaming and doing!

7. God’s love is stronger than your sin and your struggles—and stronger than death!

8. Boredom is simply a sign that you can change—and that you want to change.

9. Sometimes your breakthrough is tied up in your willingness to try new things!

10. The past is over. Today you can do something that moves you closer towards your goal.

11. Habits only take a short time to establish when we become intentional and consistent.

12. Taking one small step after another will bring breakthrough over time.

13. God has already given you everything you need to take the next step.

14. Saying “yes” to one thing doesn’t necessarily mean saying “no” to all the others.

15. The hardest part of this is simply getting started.

16. Every book was written one word at a time.

17. Wilderness times are to get you out of your own agenda and into God’s desires for you.

18. The wilderness is not meant to last forever!

19. What was good to do at one point in your life may not work for you now.

20. It’s important to know what you have favor in right now.

21. God wants to give you more than you could ever imagine!

22. It takes time to make dreams come alive.

23. God wants us to see the future through the eyes of hope.

24. It is good to talk with God like a son or daughter talks to a father.

25. Never dismiss your dreams!

26. At the root of all procrastination are false beliefs that we think are true.

27. But by the grace of God I am what I am. 1 Corinthians 15:10 NIV

28. Don’t be discouraged by the number of books out there—there are none like yours!

29. Get your hopes up! And again. And again.

30. Your dreams don’t happen all on their own.

31. God really does know what He’s doing!

32. A.S.K. Ask, Seek, Knock.

33. It’s key to allow the Lord’s love and light to rule in our own lives.

34. Connect with the Lord as you would in a relationship with someone on Earth.

35. You do not have to strive. God is outside of time, and He doesn’t act on our timetable!

36. You stepping out in faith could be the key to someone else’s breakthrough!

37. Procrastination is the false belief that says putting something off will bring a greater reward than doing it.

38. For no word from God will ever fail. Luke 1:37 NIV

39. It is the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil—not money itself.

40. God wants to connect with you through dreams and angelic encounters.

41. Not all prophetic words from God come to pass, as there are other factors that come into play.

42. Whatever we focus on—the good or the bad—we will notice the most.

43. God sends His angels to protect us.

44. God is a good, loving Father who gives good gifts to His children.

45. Try not to make any major decisions during difficult times.

46. The Lord is with you, and He’s got your back covered!

47. Bible verses are like a legal document between God and His children.

48. God will take what was intended for evil and turn it to good!

49. When you ask God to speak to you—with the expectation that He will—you begin to hear God more clearly and effectively than ever before.

50. While we sleep, we can have a supernatural encounter with our fears and overcome something that is trying to hold us back from our destiny.

51. Your prayers matter! God is using you strategically, even if you are not aware of it.

52. God is not the giver of bad things.

53. This time is a special moment that God picked specifically for us to walk the Earth and fulfill our calling.

54. God sees us as we are becoming, or in our full potential.

55. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Proverbs 4:25 NIV

56. Once you allow your variety of interests to intersect, that’s often when the creative, new ideas start to form.

57. God has given you the gift of your life experiences.

58. God wants to bless you with more than you can imagine.

59. Try something new, and watch favor spring up.

60. By faith is how you get a picture of who you are becoming in God.

61. Perfect love is still the only thing that casts out fear.

In times like these, we need to know this now more than ever! If you agree, I’m hosting a free Overcoming Fear Masterclass to help people kick fear to the curb—and you’re invited! Register here!

What would you put on your list?

I hope you find this list encouraging. What would you put on your list? Let me know in the comments below!


Doug Addison


Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • M.J.Shyy
    • April 1, 2020

    Hi, I just stumbled on this blog today!
    I was especially struck by #1! For I am beginning to realize what deep changes God is capable of performing if we work with Him!
    Bless you all!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 1, 2020

      Awesome! We’re so glad you “found us.” Blessings!

    • Mieke van Ingen
    • March 22, 2020

    Amen ! May i add something: you can’t deceive a deceiver. Satan knows if some part of a person’s heart has not been given over to Christ. How does he know this ? Because that part belongs to him. It is not easy to give our whole heart to Christ. But that is exactly what He wants.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 24, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Mieke!

    • Diane
    • March 21, 2020

    Can you explain briefly an example of what can get in the way of a prophetic word coming to pass as you say not all prophetic words will come to pass. Thank you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 24, 2020

      Hey Diane! A prophetic word is not usually automatic, it’s more of a possibility. This is because the human will is usually a factor. The enemy can also try to thwart the plans of God. Doug talks more about this in his book God Spoke Now What, https://dougaddison.store/product/god-spoke-now-what/.

    • Eloise Williams
    • March 20, 2020

    The enemy will fear us when we realize who we truly are in Christ. It is to our benefit to know what His Name God Almighty truly means! Then we will be able to do ALL things in His strength. Love Him with all your being and you will never fear anything. Satan will fear you. Because he fears God in us. Loving Him means knowing Him and that is our ultimate quest. This is why Jesus said this is the 1st commandment. And to love others.
    Perfect love does cast out fear. For herein is tied up everything we need to be victorious in all areas of our lives.
    Thank you Doug for training up this child in the way she needs to go!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 20, 2020

      Blessings Eloise!

    • Georgina Brown
    • March 19, 2020

    It is Jesus who reigns.

    No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 20, 2020


    • Tammy Glenn
    • March 19, 2020

    Numbers 6:24-26 New International Version (NIV)
    24 “The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
    25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 20, 2020


  1. Reply

    Allowing God into my mess, world everything, when I don’t know how to change, it changes for truly nothing is impossible with God for Him in me & me in Him, ALL things ARE possible.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2020


    • May Williamson
    • March 19, 2020

    In cant concentrate very well but love what you have here. Always so encouraging

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2020

      Awesome May! God bless you!

    • Gladys
    • March 19, 2020

    Thanks Doug I learnt a lot from u,one day my life will change for good,so that I can be able to attend every lessons of u

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2020

      God bless you Gladys!

    • Ruthann Miller
    • March 19, 2020

    Overcoming adversity, it’s not about me!
    He’s the King of my heart!
    A divine romance 🙂
    What can you do for the kingdom of God if you’re not afraid?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2020


    • Kelly Levy
    • March 19, 2020

    God is a wonderful healer.
    He is an ever trusted help in need and war.
    He saves you in all sorts of troubles.
    Nothing is too impossible for God, nothing.
    God is my great defender.
    God is my father and always will be.
    God is a true friend.
    God is the light when everything else has grown dark.
    God pulls you up out of your mess, He dusts you off and sends you back on your path.
    He removes all the crud so it can’t follow.
    He cleanses you and makes you new.
    He gives me strength to rise up again when I’ve fallen down.
    He is a wonderful trusted helper for everything I need.
    I am free in Him.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2020

      Amen Kelly!

    • Nardus Nel
    • March 19, 2020

    Never give up 🙂

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2020


    • Donnetta Griffin
    • March 19, 2020

    How do I pressed in to receive breakthrough?

    • wanda Dulanto
    • March 19, 2020

    I love #5, i love and agree with all of them, but #5 is especially encouraging to me. He doesn’t cause bad things but He will use ALL things for His glory and your good. I am registered for the master class on fear. Fear has held me back all my life. I am 69, it’s just time to move on. 🙂
    Wanda Dulanto

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2020

      Awesome Wanda! Thanks for sharing!

    • Faith Ann Lubitz
    • March 19, 2020

    Grrreat post! Thank you! Love the procrastination notes especially, hit home..



      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2020

      I’m glad you enjoyed it Faith. Bless you!

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