How to Jump into Joy [Episode 132]

The Gate of Joy is opening from now through mid-July. And as this gate opens, we will enter into a new season! In this episode of Spirit Connection, I’m going to show you how to open that gate any time you want.

Even though we’re in a time of trouble, God is preparing us over the next 7 months for a whole new season. I want to show you some steps you can take to start moving into your new season right now!

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Find Out

  • Bible verses you can pray and decree to end violence and injustice
  • How to open the Gate of Joy in your life and in the world
  • How to step into the place of joy any time you want
  • A positive way to look at suffering or going through hard times
  • Two important things God is restoring right now


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Lizelle
    • June 22, 2020

    Good evening Nikki and Doug
    I struggle to charge my phone and write just the absolute necassary. I went to the Wimoy today here and used my Wimpy voucher that I received. I felt this warm and tearful feeling when I saw the doors locked where the tables were. I prayed in the bathroom for all the Wimpy’s and prayed for the other restaurants to open as well. I took a photo of me with my Wimpy take away. I know I have to go there as often as I can breath can be breathed into Wimpy again and breaking the chains on the doors. I had three dreams of babies since I have been in the shelter. The last baby didn’t have any clothes or nappies and I struggled to find.
    I have an appointment tomorrow at the office of the shelter and I dont know what it will be about.

    Thank you for your helping me everyday and to stay focussed between all this other voices around me.

    Take Care


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 22, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Lizelle! God bless you!

    • Roy and Sasha
    • June 11, 2020

    Your hair looks great! Don’t cut it!!! 🙂 <3
    great teaching too!!!
    Thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 11, 2020

      Haha bless you!

    • Justin McIntyre
    • June 11, 2020

    Tonight the night sky is pure and clear , the stars are innumerable like grains of sand on a white wind swept beach . From far away the fine detail of the heavens is unknown . The lord, s invitation to choose JOY is to look deep into the lens and see the Wonder of the heavens . We ALL need to agree with the holy spirit and take a faith step into this new God thing – Joy ! Jesus will give us new vision for the new wine season that we can not have with our natural senses . The Joy of the lord will take us from everlasting to everlasting , we will transcend the world and fulfill the word .
    The Joy of the lord is my strength .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 11, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Justin!

    • Dr Belinda Campbell
    • June 11, 2020

    I’m so grateful to be connected with Prophet Doug. First time following him this closely. It’s the timing of God for me right now. My spirit leaps continuing as I listen to the teachings and Prophetic words. I’m being fed with satisfaction.

    How can I schedule a brief consultation with Proget Doug?

    Advise. Thanks!

    Dr Belinda Campbell

    • Terri Gomez
    • June 11, 2020

    I would like to receive a prophetic word.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 11, 2020

      Hey Terri! We do not give out personal prophetic words. Blessings!

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