Prophetic Word: New Hope and Deeper Understanding [Episode 188]

There is something shifting starting in July as the Lord is bringing new angelic assignments and the release of warring angels over your situation. This is a time of major change!

Starting this month, God is releasing the ability to flow and operate in the seven Spirits of the Lord. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I will unpack what that means for you! Expect greater clarity, higher revelation and deeper understanding.


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Find Out

  • How the release of new angelic assignments can help you
  • Why it’s time to exit the Valley of Trouble and enter the Door of Hope
  • How each of the seven Spirits of God can manifest in your life
  • Mysteries that have previously been hidden are now being revealed

Links Mentioned in this Episode

Workshop—Growing in Prophetic Wisdom, Discernment & Understanding
Giving & Partnership—

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. What a wonderful God we serve. I was very much demoralised by many situations I encounter. The word for July has just come at the right time to uplift my spirit.
    I feel very much motivated and the shift is visible . I used to struggle in getting people to work for me but now they are so many I dont know whom to Hire. I have been struggling to pray and read the Byble but now I find it easy to spend more time with my savior. I getting clear understanding of Gods principles. Thank you Prophert for all you have invested me and the impartation that is taking place. May the Almighty extend your Coast.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 21, 2021

      Amen! The Lord is so good. Blessing you.

    • Paul
    • July 8, 2021

    I live in a small town in Outback Queensland Australia called Crows Nest. My friend tripped over your site when she picked up on the word.. Wisdom. Because of world issues I was knew I had to read the book of Revelation from start to finish so I could determine where we are in end-time events.

    I saw there that the seven spirits surround the throne of God. Two weeks before I woke meditating on the story of the 10 Virgins…5 wise ,5 foolish….And I asked the question what made 5 Wise??? What is wisdom? So I asked my friend and she sent me the verse that describes what or who the 7 spirits are…..
    And the Holy Spirit said… if you can see this, you have seen me..WoW! If you can embrace these 7 characteristics, you have embraced me….Didn’t Jesus say…. if you have seen me…you have seen the Father. Now I am getting excited…I’m on the road… I have seen the light or revelation….By the way my mother called me Paul!…. Hello.

    Last week I went to the healing room as I had many issues I was working through. The guy who is going to teach me deliverance asked me what I was feeling…and I said..”.Uncertainty” ..I don’t know what to do!!! So he spoke against that spirit and released.

    I have just finished watching and downloading Doug”s Prophetic message for July and I am astounded that I am getting the same message. What a blessing and light this Word has been to me. I will be joining your prophetic school this month because I know Doug is on the right page and has the Word for the Season.

    Love You Guys…God is Great and is Awesome in Wonders.

    Paul Lewis

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 9, 2021

      Thanks for sharing Paul!! Bless you!

    • Leonie Barnes
    • July 8, 2021

    thank you Sir for this word.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 9, 2021

      Bless you Leonie!

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