Prophetic Word: Ancient Paths Opening and Special Assignments [Episode 201]

I have a prophetic word not only for the month of October—it spans the next three months and even into January!

In this episode of Spirit Connection, I tell you what the Lord shared with me about His plan to reveal deeper understanding and give special assignments to His people.


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Find Out

  • Why October is such a strategic month
  • How looking for the “ancient paths” will result in blessings
  • What Heaven is releasing that will bring new strength to you
  • About God’s strategy to raise up a new breed of watchmen and intercessors

Links Mentioned in this Episode

Mentoring Experience—Kingdom Financial Solutions

Giving and Partnership—

Encouragement—Daily Prophetic Words

    • Kerry-Lee Angel
    • October 8, 2021

    Hi Doug
    Thank you for the special message for October
    I’m having a problem listening to it. There are two streams of your voice coming through. I can stop one, it’s like it is over riding the other steam behind it.

    However apart from that I’m so grateful for this very encouraging word for this month going into January. It’s like I’m already feeling supernatural strength and refreshment. I am coming out of a time – since the beginning of this year, of such oppression in my health. It has been like hell! I really struggled but GIF is strengthening me now. Bless the Lord for this. It is such a relief. Thank you for being there.
    Thank you again for this word from the Lord. I love the scriptures you have given. I want to grab hold of it with both hands!
    Love and blessings
    Kerry Lee Angel. 🇦🇺

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 11, 2021

      I am sorry you had trouble listening. On my end, I hear Doug clearly. Was something else running in the background?

    • Catherine
    • October 7, 2021

    Hey, I love this!
    Can you tell me how to download the PDF? Nothing happens when I press on the box.

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