Share Your Story With Us!

Thank you for your willingness to share your story (or testimonials) with Doug Addison and the InLight Team.

We so enjoy hearing how your life has been touched or transformed by the prophetic words, teachings, online courses, podcasts, and blogs of Doug Addison.

Please use the simple form below to share your testimonial with us. Please be aware that by submitting a written or video testimonial, you are agreeing to the acknowledgements below.


  • By clicking “Submit” (or by emailing your video) you agree that InLight Connection and Doug Addison can use your testimonial on our websites and/or in our promotional content.
  • We will only use your first name and City, State, or Country.
  • We reserve the right to edit your written testimonial for clarity, brevity or grammar.
  • You can request your testimonial be removed from our database at any time by sending an email to our support team at:

Want to submit a video testimonial?

To submit a Video Testimonial, download and read these Video Testimonial Guidelines which will give you tips and steps to record a testimony.

Once your video testimony is ready, you can email it to: with the subject line “Video Testimonial.”

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